I've been falling behind here.

Here's a kiwi I drew last summer. I really like how it looks in person; it's mixed media chalk and highlighter, and the chalk gives the kiwi's fur a really nice texture.

I always like drawing Yoshis. The purple one was kind of based on
Fifth's Sad Little Yoshi (which hopefully Fifth saved somewhere because Geocities is dead now)

Still from last summer; a quick watercolor of the opening shot of Beauty and the Beast.

Did this one about a year ago. Multiple cut-out collaged layers, mixture of chalk, highlighter, and crayon.
First real big project last year (that I didn't draw at work when I was supposed to be organizing the stockroom) was when I did a set of paintings last Christmas to go with amiibos for my little sibs.

My one brother likes playing as Dedede, so this one went with a Kirby amiibo. I actually don't have a picture of the final version right now because I'm lazy; I just added ropes around the boxing ring and added some snow out the windows and it looks a bit nicer all around. I really like how the texture of Dedede's fur trim came out.

My sister likes playing as Lucina, so I was going to get a Marth, but I didn't get on in time, so I got a Pikachu because she also likes playing as Charizard.

And my other brother likes Little Mac, so he got a Wii Fit Trainer.

Back at work, I did this in January with highlighters, doing a little more experimenting with lighting effects.

Did this in February for a friend; I think he has it up on his wall somewhere (I don't know because I've never actually been too his house because he thinks I'll get shot by rednecks if I get too close). Ever since the Zelda U trailer, I've been drawing Link with more and more hair.

In March, another friend got me a book of drawing prompts to use at work. These are my favorites so far.

Another, slightly sexier Wario (the one I sent when I got my 3DS repaired never got noticed by Nintendo 😢)