
Author Topic: The Alphabet Story  (Read 7518 times)

« on: April 05, 2004, 05:31:25 PM »
In this story, each person posts only one sentence, and it must begin with the letter that comes next in the alphabet.

Albert went to the store to buy some peas.
Bobby followed him.
"Can't you see I want to be left alone?!" yelled Albert.

See? Fun! Let's start.

A few weeks ago in the Mushroom Kingdom, Mario was getting ready for Toad's birthday party.

"With every sunrise, there is a new chance, but with every sunset, you blew it."- Jack Handey
This is a secret coded message.

« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2004, 06:33:04 PM »
"But what on earth do you get a mushroom retainer?" asked mario to his brother.
"Could you get him teeshirt?"
"Do you think he would guess that we only had a little money to spend?"
"Even if he did, it's the thought that counts, right?"
"Forget it. Guy seems happy with that vest thing."
"Hold on! I have an idea! Just get him a hat! Kewl, huh?"
"Luigi, you know it's cheating to spell it 'kewl'."

I might be Sadib...
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2004, 06:38:02 PM »
"Mamma mia! No one told me that's how it was spelled!" exclaimed Luigi.

"With every sunrise, there is a new chance, but with every sunset, you blew it."- Jack Handey
This is a secret coded message.

« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2004, 11:14:06 AM »
"Nobody?" responded Mario.
"Old Mrs. Kraler, my English teacher failed to teach me how to spell cool," Luigi informed Mario.
"Perhaps you just weren't paying attention," Mario told his brother.
"Quite possible," remarked Luigi.

A Powerful Quote from Family Guy:

Peter: Brian, come quick! There s a message in my alphabets! It says "Oooooooooooooooo"
Brian: ...Peter... Those are Cherrios.

Edited by - Dr. Mario on 4/7/2004 10:16:17 AM

« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2004, 03:26:54 PM »
"Really, Luigi, you should at least know how to spell cool properly," said Peach who had just walked up.

"Sorry," said Luigi.

"That's ok," said Peach.  "Unless it's really bad, we'll let it slip by."

"Very well," said Mario, "but what about Toad's present?  Would there be a hat in the store big enough for his strangely-mushroom-shaped head?"

"Xactly the problem," said Luigi.

"You know that's not how you spell exactly, Luigi," said Peach.

"Zzzzzz..." said Luigi, fast asleep.


or is it?

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggy" until you can find a rock.

« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2004, 05:05:34 PM »
"Awaken!" shouted Mario.
"But I was sleepy," said a groggy Luigi.
"Can't you see we still need to get Toad a present?!"
"Don't shout at him like that," said Peach.

"With every sunrise, there is a new chance, but with every sunset, you blew it."- Jack Handey
This is a secret coded message.

« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2004, 06:39:15 PM »
"Every day the same thing..." said Mario.
"For cryin out loud, don't start that again," said Luigi.
"Get going guys!" said Peach.  "Half the day is gone and we still don't have a present for Toad."
"Incredible how time has flown," said Luigi.
"Just go!"
"Kalm down Peach."
"Look, there you go again with the mispellings."
"Mama mia!  No more fighting!  On we go to the store!" said Mario.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggy" until you can find a rock.

« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2004, 08:54:13 PM »
Petey Piranha suddenly burst through the wall.
"Quite a predicament were in," said Luigi.
Right then, Petey gave them a card for his local hatsmith.
"Smith of hats," exclaimed Mario,"where is he?"
"To the left," read Peach from the card.
Unless it's a trap, to capture Toad, with a trap hat.
"Vanvuis clazee," said Luigi, with his toung stuck in the fridge.
"What?"said Mario.
"Xanthic cheese, is what I meant," said Luigi, recently freed from the icy terrors.

Let me away from this boulder!
Let me away from this boulder!


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2004, 12:09:20 AM »
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Zeroing in on a perfect gift for Toad would be much easier if I wasn't so hungry," explained Luigi.
"Already, it's time for lunch, and I haven't had a thing to eat all day.
"Before we go out to buy anything for Toad, I need to eat some cheese."
"Can you hurry up then?" exclaimed Peach.
"Don't make us wait around forvever."

This is not a signature.

« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2004, 07:55:20 AM »
"Even I need to eat," said Luigi.
"Fast, then, because Toad's party is in 2 hours."
"Gee, where has the time gone."
Having eaten his cheese, Luigi and the others went to Petey Piranha's hat smith.
"Interesting place," said Mario.
"Just hope it has a hat for Toad," said Peach.
"...Kill...Toad..." mumbled Luigi.
"Luigi, you feeling alright?"
Next thing you know, Luigi's lying on the ground having a heart attack.
"Oh no! Page the doctor, Mario! Quickly!!!"
"Rolling ravioli!  Something is killing him!"
"The cheese!"
"Um, let's see, 9-1-1." said Mario as he dialed his cell phone.  "Very quickly!  We need an ambulance here now!" he shouted into the phone.
"...Xylophone..." muttered Luigi.
"You want a xylophone?" said Peach.
"Alright, I know he's having a heart attack, but this is weird."
Before too long, the ambulance had arrived.  Covering him with a sheet, the paramedics took him to the hospital.
"Don't you think we should've gone with him?" said Mario.

Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.
Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggy" until you can find a rock.

« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2004, 02:05:30 PM »
"Errr ummm well no," mumbled Peach.
"Fresh hats!" shouted the hat smith.
"Great!" Peach and Mario yelled together.
"Hello, we would like to buy a hat for our friend, Toad," Peach told the hat smith.
"I see..." said the smith in thought.
"Just hurry up!" Mario siad impatiently.

Exerpt from the Vatican Rag:

Get in line in that Prossesional
Step into that small canfessional
There''s a guy who know religion
He''ll tell you if your sin''s original
If it is try playing it safer
Drink the wine and chew the wafer
2-4-6-8 Time to transubstantiate!


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2004, 05:03:40 PM »
"Kind of stressed, are you?" asked the hatsmith with a smirk as he reached up to grab a hat from his display.
"Look, mister.  My brother just had a heart attack.  Now find me a hat and do it now!"
"Okay, okay, I apologize.  Please consider this model..."

This is not a signature.

« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2004, 06:10:46 PM »
"Quite exquisite, isn't it?" said Peach.
"Remember, Toad doesn't like fancy things," said Mario. "Something tells me he won't like it." Then, out of the corner of his eye, Mario saw the perfect hat. "Unbelievable," he said in awe.

"With every sunrise, there is a new chance, but with every sunset, you blew it."- Jack Handey
This is a secret coded message.


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #13 on: April 10, 2004, 12:13:19 AM »
Void of any good reason not to buy such any amazing hat, the three decided to purchase it.  When Peach and Mario left the hat shop, Bowser stepped out from behind the door labeled "employees only," with a gahstly grin on his face.

"Xenogamies between the venus fire traps and the Beanbeanian hat plants have been completely successful" said Bowser.

"You've done well.  Zealots such as yourself who work hard to further the Koopa cause are well rewarded," said Bowser, as he snaped his fingers.

A magikoopa materialized in the hat shop and handed the hatsmith a bag filled with gold coins.

"Before long, the grand high mushroom retainer will be trapped in an inescapable hat, and the Toadstool family will be forced to give in to my demands if they want him freed.  Campaigns to secretly poison the Mario brothers are already underway.  Deprived of their glorious heros, the people of the Mushroom Kingdom will be powerless to stop me.  Everything is going exactly as planned!"

Finally, it appeared that the evil koopa's plans were going to succeed.  Guilty pleasure flooded through the monstous mastermind, and he laughed triumphantly.


This is not a signature.

Edited by - Hirocon on 4/9/2004 11:30:24 PM

« Reply #14 on: April 10, 2004, 03:09:59 PM »
Inside the hat, however, luked a horror of unimaginable horrors.
Just how horiffic?
Kangaroos run in fear of this horror.
"Look," said Peach, "We don't care about the horror, it won't even come up as an issue in this story."
"Man. Nobody told me that."
On to the rest of the story:
Peach carried the perfect hat with pride to the giftwrap miser to be wrapped.

Edited by - Popple on 4/10/2004 9:37:37 PM

Let me away from this boulder!
