
Author Topic: GameCube Owners Play More  (Read 3728 times)

« on: February 28, 2005, 08:48:06 PM »

« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 10:24:53 PM »
*pauses SSBM and walks to his computer to type this* Eh heh heh!  Yay!  Gimme a G!  Gimme an A!  Gimme an M!  Gimme a whole buncha other letters that I don't feel like saying!  What does that spell?!  You figure it out, stupid!

Although this seems like good news, I'm curious as how you can do a decent study of something like game play time.  It just seems a little imperfect.  Unless the Patriot Act has something to do with this.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts.  But I think we can all agree that Mario rules and that''s a fact!
(E I): o{D___(--I I): o(D___(o 8(= P)___(=(:  )@)___(3 I)}:O})+)___<( )=(: )) )
The cake is a lie, your base belongs to us, keyboard cat will play you off as you fall out of the bus.
