
Author Topic: Lockjaw's Saga: a Pikmin Story  (Read 26815 times)

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2007, 03:59:42 PM »
Heh, I chuckled when I read that.

   Lockjaw and his friends were fast asleep on top on the comfortable Giant Breadbug. The Breadbug had continued to carry them throughout the night. All along the way, he rocked gently, and was very silent. He found it very easy to carry all three of them on his back.
   The Breadbug had reached the end of the meadow, where in front of him was a huge wall of grass half his size. Yup, this is it, he thought to himself as he prepared to wake his passengers.
   “Psst,” he whispered. “Hey, guys... isn’t this the place you wanted to go?”
   Lockjaw groggily woke up. “Huh? It’s still night time? Where are the Wetlands?”
   “These are the Wetlands,” said the Breadbug.
   “It doesn’t look like a Glowcap would grow anywhere around here,” said Lockjaw. “All there is is grass...”
   “Well, you could look, if you want,” said the Breadbug, “but I gotta get some sleep. I’ve been carrying you guys through half of the night.”
   “Alright...” said Lockjaw, yawning. He then woke up Gallon and Amp, who slid off the Breadbug’s nose and landed safely on the ground.
   “All right, you three,” said the Breadbug. “I’m just gonna lie down here and rest while you look for that thing you need to find. I’ll be ready to take you back in the morning.” The Breadbug then plopped down on his side and went to sleep.
   “Alright then,” said Gallon. “Let’s find this Glowcap. Where could it possibly be growing in a place like this?”
   “There’s only one way to find out,” said Lockjaw as the walked toward the engulfing wall of tall grass.

   “Hey, why do they call this place, ‘the Wetlands?’” asked Gallon, staring into the wall of grass. Lockjaw then walked into the grass and immediately sunk to chin-level.
   “I guess that’s why,” he replied.  “There’s water under all this grass.” Gallon and Amp then trudged in behind Lockjaw. The water had completely covered both of them, but Gallon, being naturally aquatic, had no problem seeing or breathing. Amp’s case was different, however.
   “Help!” cried Amp as she sunk under the grass. “I... can’t swim!” she struggled to say as she constantly spat out water.
   “Amp! Quick!” shouted an alarmed Gallon. “Get on my back!” Amp then quickly fumbled onto Gallon’s back.
   “Yay! Piggyback!” she giggled as she got a ride from Gallon while he and Lockjaw trudged through the water.
   Lockjaw and Gallon, with Amp riding along, had been walking aimlessly through the grass for 30 minutes. The darkness of night, combined with the tall grass, made it very difficult to see.
   “Lockjaw, where are we going?” Gallon’s voice gurgled from underwater.
   “I have no idea,” said Lockjaw. “I just figured that this grass would clear out after a while...”
   “We’ll be walking through here forever...” Gallon moaned.
   “Hey what’s that supposed to mean? It could happen...” Lockjaw said. After only two more minutes of walking, Lockjaw and Gallon emerged from the grass and came across a large pond. Its dark blue water sparkled in the moonlight.
   “See?” said Lockjaw, smugly. “I told you so!”
   “There’s nothing here but a big pond! How does that prove anything?” questioned Gallon.
   “There’s a small patch of land over there...” Lockjaw said, motioning to the land on the other side of the pond. “Let’s go see what’s over there...” he said as Gallon followed him as he waded across the pond.

« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2007, 04:14:06 PM »
Amp sounds so cute... XD

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2007, 07:48:31 PM »
Whew! this is by far the longest installment I've typed up! I had a lot to get across in this part, including a suspenseful ending...

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp had reached the other side of the pond. Amp had disembarked from the ride on Gallon’s back. Lockjaw then quickly scanned the surrounding area. He had noticed what looked like a cut-down path in the grass.
   “Hey, look at this,” said Lockjaw. “This grass was completely flattened. It’s like someone’s been here before.”
   “Lockjaw, come on,” reasoned Gallon. “Who’s gonna come all the way out here?”
   “You’re right,” agreed Lockjaw. “Let’s just follow this path and see where it leads...” Lockjaw and the others then walked down the eerily conspicuous path. While walking, Amp tripped in a shallow hole and tipped on her back.
   “Help me! I’m stuck!” cried Amp, trying to wiggle off her back. Lockjaw came and tipped her back over. He then looked at the ground and saw something that almost made his eye stalks fall right off.
   “Gallon, look at what Amp tripped over!” he hastily said. Gallon crawled over to what Lockjaw was looking at.
   “It’s just a hole,” said Gallon.
   “That’s no hole!” said Lockjaw. “It’s a footprint! My feet don’t look like that, Amp’s are too small, and you don’t even have feet! Someone WAS here!”
   “Let’s just keep going, Lockjaw,” said Gallon. “I’m sure whatever it was is gone now...” He turned around and started crawling away, with Amp following behind.
   “Wait for me!” Lockjaw said nervously.
   The three kept walking until the path was impeded by a very large tree with a large opening in it.
   “Let’s check in here,” Lockjaw suggested. “The sooner we can get out of this spooky place and back to the village, the better!” Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp then walked inside the hollow tree. The interior of the tree was very dark, except for a small glowing light at the far end.
   Amp had begun to feel something weird build up in her antennae. “Ahhh...” she gasped.
   “You okay, Amp?” asked gallon.
   “Ahhh... ahhhhhh... ahhhhhhhh... CHOO!” Amp let out a mighty sneeze. Lockjaw and Gallon had noticed that when she sneezed, she partially lit up the tree with a spark of electricity.
   “Hey, Amp, could you do that again?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Sneeze?” asked Amp, confusedly.
   “No, charge up electricity!” replied Lockjaw.
   “But... I... I don’t know how...” said Amp. “I see the grown-ups do it all the time, but--”
   “Just focus all your energy on the electricity inside of you,” said Lockjaw.
   “I have WHAT inside me?!” Amp said, now even more confused. “O-okay, I’ll try...” Amp then concentrated carefully, took a deep breath, and emitted an aura of static electricity, which illuminated the area around her.
   “Great, now just keep doing that!” said Lockjaw.
   “I... I did it?” questioned Amp, amazed at her own abilities. “Yay! I did it!”
   “Lockjaw, look at this!” Gallon said excitedly from the other end of the tree. Lockjaw came over and saw what Gallon had been staring at: a glowing, very rare Golden Glowcap!
   “Finally, now we can get this whole mess straightened out,” said Lockjaw as he uprooted the Glowcap and carried it in his teeth. He and Gallon then walked over to Amp, who was staring longingly at a single yellow flower.
   “Ooh... Preeeeety...” she said, fixated on the flower.
   “Amp, come on, we’re going back home!” called out Gallon.
   “Coming, Mr. Gallon!” Amp yelled as Lockjaw and Gallon were already out of the tree. Amp had grabbed onto the flower and pulled it out of the ground. Out from the ground popped a creature which Amp had never seen before: it was skinny and yellow, with small arms, legs, ears and a flower on its head. The creature then looked around, and chased after Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “Hey, wait for meeeee!” Amp called to the creature. It had led her back to behind Lockjaw and Gallon, then quickly and stealthfully leapt onto the back of Lockjaw’s right eye stalk. The only one who seemed to notice was Amp.
   “Mr. Lockjaw, can I get a piggyback ride?” asked Amp.
   “I’m too tired, Amp,” he replied. “Let’s just get back to the village...”
   “That’s not fair!” protested Amp. “How come he gets one?”
   “Huh? Who?” asked Lockjaw. The creature on the back of Lockjaw’s eye had then nodded its head, “no,” to Amp, and put its finger over its face in a “be quiet” gesture.   
   “Never mind...” said Amp, playing along with the creature.

« Reply #33 on: May 17, 2007, 06:36:48 AM »
DUN DUN DUN!!! Attack of the Pikmin!! *GASP!*

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #34 on: May 17, 2007, 08:56:09 AM »

   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp had made it to the other end of the path. Lockjaw and Gallon then plunged into the pond, and Amp resumed her position as Gallon’s passenger. Everyone was glad that they were leaving the Wetlands.
   “Well,” said Gallon. “That was fun, wasn’t it?”
   “Fun? ... Maybe...” replied Lockjaw. “I’m just glad nothing attacked us...”
   “It was fun for me!” Amp spoke. “I made a new friend!”
   “Who is she talking about?” Gallon asked Lockjaw.
   “I don’t know... maybe one of those imaginary friends...” Lockjaw said as they continued through to the wall of grass.
   Lockjaw and Gallon had walked through the wall of grass and back out into the meadow. By the time they had emerged, the sun was back up again, and the Breadbug had just wakened up.
   “Ah, I see you guys found what you’re looking for...” said the Breadbug. “You ready to hop on?”
   “Yeah, we’ve been out here long enough,” said Gallon. They each hopped back onto the Breadbug’s nose and onto his square back. They decided to go back to sleep, since not only did they not get much sleep, but it would also make the time go by. Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp went to sleep, but their stealthy stowaway kept a menacing watch on them as they slept.
   The Breadbug once again carried the group to where he first met them, right near the tunnel entrance. He woke them back up and they slid back off of the Breadbug’s nose and walked over to the tunnel.
   “I am NOT looking forward to this...” said Gallon as he, Amp, and Lockjaw (with the stowaway) went back down into the tunnel and began their hour-long walk back to the village.

   Ion had stayed at the entrance to the tunnel leading out of the city for days, waiting for them to return with Amp and the Glowcap safe. Sometimes he would worry about Amp’s safety, but then comforted himself with the thought that the two taking care of her were credible enough. After days of waiting, Ion began to hear voices echoing from the tunnel.
   “No, you idiot! You’re supposed to hit me when you see a Flint or Glint Beetle! Doodlebugs don’t count!”
   “I told to, I thought it was a Flint Beetle! That was an hour ago, and you still remember that?!
   “I oughta get my revenge hit right now! Don’t your eyes work?!... If you have any eyes?!”
   “I recognize those voices!” said Ion, excitedly. Ion ran to the entrance of the tunnel.
   “Y’know what? I think I saw a Flint beetle back there!” shouted Lockjaw. “I never got my hit!”
   “Wait...” interrupted Gallon. “Do you hear that? It sounds like a voice...” he said as he and Lockjaw listened carefully.
   “Amp! Amp!” The voice echoed off the walls of the tunnel.
   “Daddy?” called out Amp, confused.
   “Amp! There you are!” The voice came from Ion, running down the tunnel toward the group.
   “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” cried Amp as she hugged her father’s leg and ran back to the village beside him.
   “Let’s drop this stupid argument, Lockjaw! The village!” said Gallon, practically galloping to the village.
   “Hey! Wait up!” Lockjaw called out excitedly. He ran after Gallon back to the village, with the stowaway rubbing its tiny hands in anticipation.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #35 on: May 17, 2007, 11:47:29 AM »

   Lockjaw and Gallon had met back up with Amp and her father back at the lab. Ion was ecstatic about the discovery of the Golden Glowcap, which was placed on a table along with some records.
   “Wow!” exclaimed Ion. “Amazing! Absolutely amazing! I knew you guys could do it!”
   “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!” squealed Amp. “I got to ride on a Breadbug!”
   “Wow, you guys must’ve gone through a lot to get this, huh?” said Ion. “Rest assured, this feat will not go unrewarded,” he said as he stepped out of the lab.
   “Let’s go tell Mommy!” Amp suggested as she ran out of the lab and back home.
   Lockjaw and Gallon raced after Amp back to her hut. They ran into Volt on the way over.
   “There you two are!” said Volt. “Ion had told me that you did an errand for him, and took our precious Amp with you! She’d better be okay! If any of her spots are misshapen, I’ll--”
   “Don’t worry, she’s perfectly fine,” interrupted Gallon. The three of them walked back to the hut, where an excited Amp was waiting for the others to arrive.
   As Volt walked inside the hut, Amp got a firm grip of her leg.
   “Mommy, Mommy!” said Amp. “I was with Mr. Lockjaw and Mr. Gallon, and we went on an adventure!”
   “That’s very good, Amp. Now, are you hurt in any way?” asked Volt.
   “Nope! I feel A-okay!” replied Amp. “I even made a new friend!”
   “Hmmm...” hummed Volt. “Where has your father dashed off to now?”

   Meanwhile, Ion was explaining Lockjaw’s case to the Anode Beetle Committee
   “He helped me and my wife out, and looked after our young daughter,” he said. “He took excellent care of her while he retrieved the Glowcap I needed... He’s not such a bad guy... I mean, he is sorry about the flowers...”
   “Ion, enough,” said a member of the committee. “He still broke our law, and it’s only been a week. He has to stay until he’s served his full time.” The beetle then turned to the other members of the committee.
   “All in favor of the two lawbreakers remaining here until their full punishment is served?” he asked the rest of the beetles in the stone ring.
   “Aye,” they all said in unison.
   “Motion denied,” the beetle told Ion. “Meeting adjourned,” he said as he and the other beetles left their stones. Ion climbed out of the ring of stones with a defeated look on his face. He then saw Lockjaw, Gallon, Volt, and Amp walking up to him.
   “How did it go?” asked Lockjaw. “Did they agree to let us go?”
   “Sorry, no...” Ion sighed. “Thanks anyway for all your help. I’m gonna go back to the lab...”
   “Alright... I guess this place isn’t so bad...” Lockjaw said, disappointed. He and Gallon turned around and started walking away with Volt and Amp. Ion then noticed something strange about Lockjaw.
   “Hey, Lockjaw!” he called out. “What’s that on your eye?”

« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2007, 03:30:23 PM »
Pikmin: Oh crap! I've been spotted! *jumps off and goes into the bushes*

Heh heh, the poor Pikmin's going to get destroyed.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2007, 05:33:43 PM »

   “Huh?” Lockjaw turned back. “Is that a joke? ...I don’t get it...”
   “Let me take a closer look,” said Ion. Lockjaw then walked back to Ion and turned his eye stalks to the side. Ion then got an expression on his face as if he were about to faint.
   “What? What is it?” asked Lockjaw.
   “Lockjaw, it’s important that you NOT PANIC,” started Ion, “but there is... a Pikmin... on your eye stalk. Now, if you just hold still--”
   “PIKMIN!!” Lockjaw screamed. “GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!”
   “Pikmin? ...Where?!” asked an alarmed Gallon, crawling hastily over to Lockjaw.
   “Get it off of me! Please!” Lockjaw said. Gallon then bit at the Pikmin, but was too slow. The Pikmin jumped off of Lockjaw’s eye stalk and went off to terrorize the village people.
   “Oh, dear...” said Volt. “This can only end badly... let’s get back inside Amp! Quickly!” she said, running back to the hut with Amp scurrying beside her.
   “Quick! Let’s go after it!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw and Gallon then gave chase after the Pikmin.
   The Anode Beetle committee had turned around and had run back to Ion.
   “You’re the genius! What’s going on here?!” one of them demanded.
   “There’s a Yellow Pikmin loose in the village!” replied Ion. “Even if we electrocute it, it won’t have any effect!”
   “We’re all doomed,” said the beetle in a foreboding manner.

   The Pikmin had made off to the central area of the village where all the huts were. Anode Beetles ran in fear of it as it ran through the village aimlessly, followed by Lockjaw and Gallon. “Don’t worry... we’re on it...” they would say as they ran past the villagers.
   The Pikmin made a quick U-turn and dashed under Lockjaw and was barely missed by Gallon. It ran toward the ring of stones. Seeing Lockjaw and Gallon in hot pursuit, it nervously dived in. Lockjaw and Gallon jumped in after it, and were able to corner it against a stone. Both were growling at it, until they heard a familiar voice.
   “Don’t hurt him! He’s my friend!” Amp called out from the entranceway of the hut. Lockjaw and Gallon got distracted and looked away from the Pikmin, giving it a chance to escape. It quickly jumped out of the ring of stones, and dashed for the tunnel that led out of the village.
   “Oh, man! It got away!” stated Lockjaw.
   “Yeah! I was hungry!” Gallon said.
   All of the Anode Beetles were rejoicing as the saw the terrifying single Yellow Pikmin run scared out of the village. They all shouted and rejoiced, then ran over to thank Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “You saved us!” said one beetle.
   “You guys are heroes!” said another.
   Volt and Amp then ran over to Ion, concerned.
   “Ion, you’re okay!” said Volt. “Thank goodness!”
   “Yeah, I’m okay, but I hope Lockjaw and Gallon are,” said Ion. “Let’s go over to see them,” he said as he joined the crowd of beetles gathered in front of Lockjaw and Gallon.
   “You two saved our entire village!” praised Volt. “I’m... sorry about the way I treated you...”
   “No problem,” said Lockjaw. “Glad to help. I mean, it was only one Pikmin...”
   “Heroic and modest,” spoke up a member of the committee. “As a reward for your heroic deeds, you are free to go!”
   “Thanks a lot!” said Lockjaw. “I’ll never forget this place!”

   The Pikmin was running down the tunnel when it started seeing two pulsating lights in the distance. It froze in place as the lights came closer. It saw that the lights were it’s leaders; the ones who left it in the giant tree. The two creatures were followed by an army of 49 other Yellow Pikmin. After the Yellow Pikmin flagged down the leaders, it pointed frantically in the direction in which it came. The leaders then called it back and ran in the direction it was showing them: straight for the Anode Beetle village!

« Reply #38 on: May 17, 2007, 05:36:58 PM »
Uh-Oh... one might be a problem... but fifty?! That might be a problem.

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #39 on: May 17, 2007, 09:44:04 PM »
To get the full effect of the installment, scroll down to Donkey Kong Country 2 on this website and play "Run, Rambi! Run!"(the first one) when Lockjaw says, "Red-Light and Blue-Light!". (Put it on repeat.)

   Lockjaw and Gallon were at the tunnel entrance, about to head back to the Valley of Repose. All the Anode Beetles congregated at the entrance behind them to see them off.
   “Lockjaw, Gallon... thank you for all you’ve done for us,” said Volt.
   “Definitely seconded,” said Ion. “You guys really helped my research along. You guys are true pioneers!”
   “Feel free to visit our fair village anytime!” said a committee beetle.
   “Bye, Mr. Lockjaw! Bye, Mr. Gallon! I’ll miss you!” said Amp, waving at the two.
   “Don’t worry; we’ll be sure to visit!” Lockjaw announced. He then turned to Gallon.
   “Well, we’d better get going,” said Lockjaw as he and Gallon started walking into the tunnel. Lockjaw stopped walking when he heard a strange noise. He turned to the crowd of Anode Beetles.
   “Did anyone else hear that?” he asked. The crowd just murmured amongst themselves.
   “What did you hear, Lockjaw?” asked Ion.
   “It was really high-pitch,” answered Lockjaw. “Like a whi--” Lockjaw then got a grave flashback. That was the same thing the Emperor told him before a brutal Pikmin attack!
   Red-Light and Blue-Light, Lockjaw thought. He then turned back to the Anode Beetles.
   “You guys HAVE to get out of here!” Lockjaw warned. “Pikmin are coming!”
   “Lockjaw... what do you mean...?” asked Volt, worrying.
   “I just heard the whistle of the Red-Light,” said Lockjaw. “Red-Light and Blue-Light are two creatures who always have a large quantity of Pikmin with them!” The crowd started to worriedly murmur, then the committee beetle spoke up.
   “We have it under control,” said the beetle. “If there’s a Pikmin attack, we’ll just zap them!” the crowd then gave sighs of relief.
   Lockjaw looked even more concerned. “But, what if--”
   “Everything’s going to be juuuust fine,” assured the beetle. He and the other beetles started walking away.
   “But wait!” said Lockjaw. “You’re making a horrible--”
   It was too late. The death whistle had blown again, and this time, it was right behind Lockjaw and Gallon. Lockjaw, Gallon, and all the Anode Beetles turned around to see the Red-Light and Blue-Light creatures, both commanding an army of 50 Yellow Pikmin.
   “Red-Light and Blue-Light! RUN!” shouted Lockjaw as he and Gallon ran for their lives. The crowd of Anode Beetles screamed as they dispersed in all directions. The Red-Light creature whistled at the Blue-Light creature, and both gave chase after random Anode Beetles.
   Lockjaw and Gallon were running frenziedly amongst the crowd, when they bumped into Amp and her family.
   “Mr. Lockjaw, I’m scared!” Amp said, crying.
   “Lockjaw! Gallon! Please hide our baby!” Volt pleaded.
   “What about you guys?” asked Gallon.
   “Don’t worry about us!” spoke Ion. “We can’t let them harm our precious little girl!”
   “We’re on it!” said Lockjaw. He then faced a crying Amp. “Amp, want a piggyback?” he asked calmly.
   Amp sniffled a bit. “O...okay...” she said as she jumped onto Lockjaw’s back. She, Lockjaw, and Gallon then ran looking for somewhere to hide Amp, leaving her parents behind to fend for themselves.
   Lockjaw scanned frantically for a safe spot for Amp. It then hit him. He ran over to a nearby committee beetle.
   “I need your help!” Lockjaw said, panting. “Could you lower the lawbreaker net?”
   “I don’t know why, but I’ll do it right away!” said the beetle. “Follow me!” The beetle then ran off to the lawbreaker net, with Lockjaw and Gallon following. The beetle removed a stick wedged in the wall, and the net fell down to the ground.
   “Everything’s gonna be fine, Amp,” said Gallon. “But right now, we need you to get in the net!”
   “Okay...” timidly spoke Amp, reluctant of leaving the safety of Lockjaw’s back. She promptly jumped into the net.
   “Now hoist it!” Gallon called out to the beetle near the rope that lowered the net. The beetle wrapped up the rope and replaced the stick, trapping Amp safely against the high ceiling.
   Lockjaw and Gallon had turned around to see the two creatures charging at them, all Yellow Pikmin in tow.
   “Well, Gallon,” Lockjaw gulped. “We can’t run forever, or live forever, so we gotta fight back!”
   “Right with you, Lockjaw!” Gallon shouted as they prepared to fight the horde of Pikmin.

« Reply #40 on: May 18, 2007, 06:31:46 AM »
Hahaha, that music makes it all the better. Well, what will they do now?! O.o

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2007, 09:42:52 AM »

   Lockjaw and Gallon charged straight on into the Pikmin horde. Thinking quickly, Red-Light rapidly threw Pikmin on top on Gallon. Gallon then writhed in pain as the Pikmin latched onto his skin and tried to kill him slowly.
   “Lockjaw... help!” shouted Gallon. Lockjaw ran over to Gallon and managed to eat two Pikmin off of him. Gallon was able to shake the rest off.
   The Blue-Light Creature ran up to Lockjaw and attempted punching him. Lockjaw quickly bit his arms, disabling him from throwing Pikmin! The Blue-Light Creature then ran away, scared.
   This is easier than I thought, thought Lockjaw. Just then, Red-Light gave a rallying whistle and commanded all his Pikmin to swarm Lockjaw and Gallon.
   Uh-oh... spoke to soon, Lockjaw thought as he braced himself for the attack. The Pikmin completely surrounded Lockjaw and Gallon, hitting and clawing at them frantically.
   “Lockjaw, what’re we gonna do?” panicked Gallon. “We can’t possibly eat them all at once!”
   “Follow my lead!” shouted Lockjaw. Lockjaw then crouched down, then leapt out of the enveloping mass of Pikmin. Gallon quickly did the same.
   After they were out of the crowd of Pikmin, they started eating them frantically! Gallon was able to eat four Pikmin, while Lockjaw successfully ate six. Red-Light was pounding his foot on the ground furiously. Just as he was about to launch a full-frontal Pikmin assault, his yellow skin had made a beeping noise. He seemed to have been communicating with Blue-Light. While the creature was distracted, Lockjaw and Gallon managed to eat five more Pikmin.
   After discovering that Lockjaw and Gallon were secretly eating his army, he quickly retreated, then prepared 25 Pikmin for the Blue-Light Creature. The Blue-Light Creature then took the Pikmin and ran off in another direction. Red-Light was now left with only eight Pikmin left! This battle was about to get a whole lot easier!
   Red-Light ran back to Lockjaw and Gallon. He then released a red cloud which made all his Pikmin furious and anxious!
   “Ohhhhhhhh, no,” mumbled Lockjaw. “RUN AWAY!” he shouted as he and Gallon ran to a nearby empty hut. Red-Light and his eight Super-Pikmin quickly followed.
   Lockjaw and Gallon were hiding in the hut, both extremely weak from the fight. If Red-Light found them, they would be done for. Gallon then noticed something in the next room of the hut.
   “Lockjaw, look!” called out Gallon. “Nectar eggs!” He and Lockjaw then quickly broke them open and drank from them. The nectar had restored their health a little.
   Red-Light had charged into the hut, trapping Lockjaw and Gallon against the wall of the room. He then threw all eight Yellow Super-Pikmin right on Lockjaw’s nose. The Pikmin were covering his nostrils, stopping him from breathing.
   “Gallon!” he wheezed. “This is... it for me...”
   “I saved your life once, and I’ll do it again!” stated Gallon defiantly. Gallon then headbutted hard into Lockjaw’s nose, throwing the Pikmin off. Lockjaw’s nose was a little sore, but at least he was alive.
   Lockjaw was enraged now. He opened his mouth as wide as he could, and ate four Pikmin with one bite! Gallon then ate another two, following Lockjaw’s lead.
   In a desperate attempt to win, Red-Light released a cloud of black gas from his skin.
   “Don’t let it touch you!” shouted Lockjaw. Lockjaw dashed out of the way, but Gallon was petrified solid. Red-Light and his two Super-Pikmin moved in for the kill.
   I won’t let them drink my friend! Thought Lockjaw. He quickly intercepted the swarm and the two Pikmin swarmed on him. They were beating him harshly, when Gallon finally unfroze. He promptly leapt over to Lockjaw and ate the two Pikmin off.
   Red-Light was now all out of Pikmin! He was huffing mad! He charged straight at Lockjaw and Gallon, fists flying! Lockjaw and Gallon each got hold of one arm.
   “Hey, Lockjaw!” called out Gallon through clenched teeth. “I think this guy wants to play ‘twirl-around!’” Lockjaw nodded as the two started spinning The Red-Light Creature around rapidly. After letting go of him and leaving him disoriented, Lockjaw and Gallon both gave him a mighty headbutt, which sent him careening out of the hut.
   Lockjaw and Gallon ran out of the hut, and saw Red-Light running away for good. Red-Light ran to Blue-Light, they communicated briefly, and then Blue-Light called ten Pikmin over to him, who were carrying two indeterminable black objects. Instead of using the remaining Pikmin to fight, both of them ran out of the village, with the ten Pikmin following.
   “Whew!” gasped Lockjaw. “Glad that’s over... now let’s go get Amp.”
« Last Edit: June 06, 2007, 01:36:02 PM by Area 64 »

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #42 on: May 18, 2007, 11:32:06 AM »
Get the full effect by going here, scrolling down to Partners in Time, and playing "Toad Town" at the line, "Gallon, Lockjaw, and Amp then walked back around to the central area of the village". (Warning: this installment is bit of a tear-jerker.)

   Lockjaw and Gallon ran to the stick in the wall that held up the lawbreaker net. Lockjaw removed the stick and slowly lowered the net to the ground. Inside, they saw Amp, whimpering.
   “Thank goodness you’re okay,” Gallon sighed.
   “He was supposed to be my friend...” said Amp, softly. “Why would he...” Amp couldn’t find the strength to finish her sentence.
   “Amp, let me tell you something about Pikmin,” began Lockjaw. “They’re evil, spiteful creatures who cherish nothing; not even their own well-being. They’d sacrifice their own lives just to take someone else’s. They have no intention of making friends.”
   “Okay... I get it...” Amp said, still weeping slightly. “Pikkins are... evil?”
   “Yes, Amp,” answered Gallon. “And they are not our friends.”
   “I’m sorry I let the Pikkin get away...” said Amp
   “It’s okay,” said Gallon. “Everything’s fine now. All the Pikmin are gone. Let’s just get you back to your parents. Would you like a piggyback?”
   Amp wiped her eyes. “No, thank you,” she answered. “I’ll walk...”
   “All right, if you’re sure...” said Gallon. “Now let’s get you to your parents.” Gallon, Lockjaw, and Amp then walked back around to the central area of the village, only to find that it was completely devoid of life. All the Anode Beetles were gone.
   “M-Mommy? Daddy?” Amp called out, worriedly.
   “Where is everyone?” Lockjaw asked to himself. “Let’s check all the huts,” he suggested. Lockjaw, Gallon and Amp checked all of the huts, only to find all of them empty.
   Lockjaw and Gallon left the central area and started heading for the area near the ring of stones.
   “Mommy! Daddy!” Amp kept calling out.
   “VoooooltIooooon?” Lockjaw called out. “Anybody?”
   “Lockjaw, what are those?” Gallon stopped the group. He motioned to the two things the Pikmin had dropped before retreating.
   “I'll go check... you guys stay here...” Lockjaw said as he crept closer to the two black things. Lockjaw saw that the two things were Anode Beetle corpses.
   “Mr. Gallon... what are those?” asked Amp, scared.
   “Look away, Amp,” said Gallon, shielding Amp’s eyes.
   Lockjaw examined the two corpses. He then got a deadly serious look on his face. He knew whose corpses these were. He slowly walked over to Gallon.
   “That’s them,” he said, solemnly. “That’s... Volt... and Ion...”
   “Oh, no... this is terrible...” said Gallon.
   “Mr. Gallon, are Mommy and Daddy gonna be okay?” asked Amp, tears swelling up in her eyes.
   Gallon sighed. “Amp, Mommy and Daddy... well... they’re... they’re gone... they’re never coming back...”
   “You mean... they went to get food...?” asked Amp, trying to stay optimistic.
   “I’m sorry, Amp... they’re... dead,” said Gallon.
   “What’s ‘dead?’” asked Amp.
   “Dead is...” began Gallon, trying to find a way to put it. “Dead is when your parents can no longer hold you or play with you or love you... they’re gone forever...”
   “But... I don’t want them to be dead!” Amp shouted, crying.
   “C’mon, Amp... you can stay with me and Mr. Gallon,” said Lockjaw. “Get on my back.” Amp then climbed up onto Lockjaw’s back as they began to leave through the Crawmad Railroad.
   “Wait!” Amp said as they were about to leave. “I wanna visit Daddy’s lab.”
   “Sure thing, Amp,” Lockjaw said as he, Gallon and Amp left the Figwort patch and went to Ion’s old lab. Once inside, Amp got a random record off the table, rolled it up and carried it between her antennae.
   “I needed something to remember them by...” quietly said Amp. “We can go now.” Amp then climbed onto Lockjaw’s back as they went back to the Figwort patch and down the Crawmad Railroad.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 01:10:27 PM by Area 64 »

« Reply #43 on: May 18, 2007, 03:50:16 PM »
*Sniff...* *Sniff...* Poor Amp... I WILL AVENGE THEE!! *Stabs a random guy dressed as a Pikmin*

Area 64

  • Cholesterol
« Reply #44 on: May 18, 2007, 09:02:36 PM »
   Lockjaw, Gallon, and Amp had arrived back to the Valley of Repose. It was night when they got there. They saw that Bubba had just woke up.
   “Hey there!” Bubba greeted them. “Long time, no see! Who’s your friend, there?”
   “Mr. Lockjaw, it’s cold here,” complained Amp. “Do we have to stay here?”
   “Don’t worry,” assured Gallon. “It gets warmer during the day.”
   Amp looked at Bubba and whimpered. “Make him go away! He’s scary!” she protested.
   “Me? Scary? I’m not scary at all!” laughed Bubba. “My name’s Bubba! What’s yours?”
   “I’m... Amp...” Amp introduced herself.
   “Wow, Amp,” Bubba started. “Don’t see many of your type around here. You must’ve wandered a long way! I bet your parents are worried sick about ya!” Amp then started crying hysterically.
   Gallon crawled over to Bubba. “Her parents... were recently victim of Pikmin attack,” he whispered. “Amp’s still very sensitive about it.”
   “Oh, jeez... sssorry, kid” Bubba told Amp.
   “It’s o... okay,” said Amp, calming down. “You didn’t make them dead... it was the Pikkin...”
   “Those darn Pikmin!” shouted Bubba, dramatically. “When will they just... shoo?!” Bubba’s proclamation made Amp giggle a bit.
   “Hey... I got an idea...” said Lockjaw. “Hey, Bubba, cheer up Amp some more!” he whispered to Bubba. Bubba then played along
   “Why, if they were here, I’d squish them like a Jellyfloat!” Bubba proclaimed, humorously. He then made a small hop, and pretended to make a “squish” sound when he landed. Amp had giggled some more.
   “I’d use my super breathalyzing attack on ‘em, too!” said Bubba. “Watch!” Bubba then inhaled a lot of air, then belched loudly.
   “Hee hee! You’re funny!” squealed Amp.
   “See? I told ya I wasn’t scary!” said Bubba. Bubba then noticed the rolled-up leaf record Amp was carrying.
   “What’cha got there, kid?” asked Bubba.
   “My Daddy kept a lot of pictures with writing on back of them,” answered Amp.
   “Really, now?” asked Bubba “Well what’s it say?”
   “I can’t read yet...” replied Amp. She then handed the record to Lockjaw.
   “Could you read it for me, Mr. Lockjaw?” asked Amp.
   “Sure, I’ll read it for you!” said Lockjaw. Lockjaw placed the record on the ground and unrolled it. It showed a picture of a mushroom-like creature. He then turned to the back and began to read.
   “Puffstool... Aspergilla podronis...” he began. “Prefers dark atmosphere... very solitary... very valuable spores?”
   “Spores?” Gallon asked curiously.
   “It says that... these spores can control Pikmin!” Lockjaw then got an idea. “Hey... those spores may be just what we need to stop the Pikmin!”
   “Wait, are you suggesting--” started Gallon.
   “Amp couldn’t have just picked this record out by coincidence,” said Lockjaw. “We have to go see the Puffstool!” Lockjaw then looked at the record. “It says that the only specimen was found in the Forest Navel. Well, let’s get going!”
   “Lockjaw, we don’t even know where that is...” reminded Gallon.
   “Forest Navel, eh?” Bubba spoke up. “It’s far west of here, but you’ll never reach it on land. You’d have to go through those weird tunnels.”
   “Mr. Lockjaw... I’m tired...” said Amp. “Could we go tomorrow? Please?”
   “Alright, I guess we can stay put for the night,” answered Lockjaw.
   “As long as you guys are stayin’, I could have breakfast prepared for you when you wake up!” Bubba offered.
   “Thanks, Bubba,” said Gallon. “You’re a credit to big, scary-looking, flaming guys everywhere...”
   “Well, goodnight everyone,” said Lockjaw as he, Gallon and Amp slept on the ground next to the lake.

   “Did’ja hear THAT, Barney?” said Sneed, hovering in the night sky. He and Barney had eavesdropped on the conversation. “VALUEABLE spores! We gotta get ‘em first!”
   “But, boss...” began Barney. “It’s night time! I mean, they get to sleep!”
   “Quiet down, Barney!” snapped Sneed. “While they’re floatin’ off ta dreamland, we’ll get the jump on ‘em and get there FIRST! Besides, crime never sleeps!”
   “Okay, boss...” said a dejected Barney as he and Sneed headed off for the Forest Navel.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 09:11:31 PM by Area 64 »
