General Chat / Re: Confess!
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:06:11 PM »See, this is good, because it makes me ask "Would I wait two years to date either of them?" And if the answer is no, then are these really prospects for serious relationships, or are they just kneejerk rebounds after breaking up with my girlfriend two months ago?
Look, I don't know either of these girls, but are you suggesting that you're mentally attracted to both of these seventeen year olds and that it's not merely some physical attraction? We've been down this path before, but I find it hard to believe someone of your intelligence really could relate to either of these young girls in any sort of meaningful way.
This is about 10% of everything that's wrong with modern North America.
That's a weird percentage to just throw out there, but what do you mean? Are you suggesting the problem lies with the job seeker (in the general sense) or that it's the economic state of the, uh, continent?
I think there's a case to be made on either side.