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Messages - BoltMan

Pages: [1] 2
Video Game Chat / Re: Nintendo memories...
« on: March 17, 2004, 10:22:22 PM »
Ahhh... StarTropics... always and forever my friend... best.. game... ever... (and so that nobody kills me, I love Mario3 as well).

Buy all of them. That's the only way to get the full world of gaming...

Video Game Chat / Re: Sony is trying to be the "next" Nintendo...
« on: August 19, 2002, 10:42:57 AM »
Nintedo is not as popular as it once was, thanks to these other successful platforms. Most of you people won't even give the PS2 or the Xbox a chance. I agre that Xbox is not doing all that well at all, but the machine is incredable! And if you don't play PS(2), than you're missing out on a world or amazing games. Sony is not copying Nintendo at all, they're just marketing. It's called business folks. Besides, other companies actually make the majority of the games for the PS2, and PSone. If any of you people that are so stuck on "just Nintendd" consider yourselves to be true gammers, than you should play on multiple platforms.

General Chat / Re: What is your name, age, etc.?
« on: August 19, 2002, 10:16:28 AM »
Name: Mitch Kennedy
Age: 16
Gender: a dude, dude

Mario Chat / Re: Where is Mario From?
« on: August 11, 2002, 03:31:58 PM »
Perhaps Yoshi's Island has nothing to do with the traditional story at all. Maybe they just wanted to make a brand new adventure with the same characters.

But if anything I'd have to agree with frostbite.

And Purple Yoshi, do you remember the old Mario cartoons? (who couldn't!?) The live part of The Super Mario Super Show featured Mario and Luigi in Brooklyn! Not only that, but on the intro to one of their cartoon series, it showed Mario and Luigi in Brooklyn plundering a tub drain when all of a sudden they get washed down it and end up in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Mario Chat / Re: Well, I know where Frostbite gets his stupidity!
« on: June 20, 2002, 06:39:08 PM »
Frostbite is not stupid... perhaps he just made a mistake. =)

Mario Chat / Re: mario may be best but vote to proove 2nd
« on: March 01, 2002, 03:00:53 PM »
1) Luigi/Link/MegaMan/Mike Jones/Kirby
2) Hammer Bro/Dark Link/Rush Marine/Mike's yo-yo/King DeeDee
(just in the Nintendo world)

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

General Chat / Re: oldest member
« on: March 01, 2002, 02:54:16 PM »
I've been here since the boards opened... but then I stopped posting and lost my username and password and such so I just recently got a new one. ^_^

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Mario Chat / Re: ????Have you ever thought????
« on: March 01, 2002, 02:50:22 PM »
Only 30 min!? I spend a lot more time than that... maybe it's because I don't have a life.. lol

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Mario Chat / Re: Stupid PlayStation...
« on: March 01, 2002, 02:29:31 PM »
Hey, no need for rude comments towards me. I like all the systems. I have a Game Cube, NES, SNES, N64, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and a GBA to my PlayStation and PlayStation2. I never said that these other systems are better, I just said give 'em a chance since there ARE great games for the others. Besides, did you see my sig? It's from my favorite videogame ever... this game was created by Nintendo for the NES. And my second favorite game would be Mario3. All my favorite games are Mario based. ^_^

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Mario Chat / Re: Super mario rgp:What is it like?
« on: February 21, 2002, 06:14:58 PM »
OMG! I can't believe you guys never played one of the best Mario games ever! And you claim to be Mario fans... jk jk Well.. the battle system is is turn based. Either you or the enemies select your/their moves/items and use them.. then the opposing side takes a turn. As for the game outside of battle, you just walk around, and if you touch a baddie, then you fight them. =)

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Mario Chat / Re: Stupid PlayStation...
« on: February 21, 2002, 05:49:42 PM »
Anybody that's not open minded has serious problems. ;)

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Mario Chat / Re: Stupid PlayStation...
« on: February 21, 2002, 12:44:04 PM »
By the way... don't you die hard Nintendo fans miss good ol' Final Fantasy? ;)

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Video Game Chat / Re: Nintendo GameCube or PS2?
« on: February 21, 2002, 12:42:58 PM »
I own both because they are both EXCELLENT systems. Mario and Samus on this side, and Solid Snake and Final Fantasy X on the other...  Hooooooyea!

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

Mario Chat / Re: Stupid PlayStation...
« on: February 21, 2002, 12:36:09 PM »
OMG. Why are you people so stuck on Nintendo? And why are you always bad mouthing other systems? Remember all the companies that used to devellope for the SNES?? Well almost all of them either died, or went with the PlayStation under different names, or even the same ones. Why you ask? Because Nintendo64 was hard to devellope for. I have nothing against Nintendo except for the fact that Mario64, Banjo Kazooie(1 & 2), and Donky Kong64 were all the same thing. So really, you cannot call Sony repetative, because Nintendo is too. -sigh- I'm kinda off track. My point is that if you don't play "ouside the cube", then you are really missing some great games for PSone/PS2, and even the XBox. Give ol' 'Xie' a chance! It's new to this world of gaming. So don't be so bias.

*You quickly shove bananas in your ears.

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