
Author Topic: YKYPMGTMW...  (Read 18465 times)

« on: June 01, 2001, 04:23:39 PM »
It's back!!!!  You Know You Play Mario Games Too Much When:

1. You add mushrooms to everything you eat.
2. You always dream of a Mario anime.
3. You insist that your girlfriend looks like Peach.
4. You are noticing too many Mario references in Pokemon, even though they are "invisible".
5. You sell your sister only to buy Super Smash Brothers Melee.
6. You make a lot of research only to find out if Zelda is somewhat related to Peach.
7. You buy Mario games, even if the Pokemania is still hitting.
8. You draw Mario comic strips...
9. ... and find out how to syndicate it!
10. You write at the Forums.
11. You notice 100% errors in the Mario movie...
12. ... and want something to replace that fiasco.
13. You don't buy Luigi's Mansion.  you'd rather wait for a real Mario title for Gamecube.
14. You tell Yoshi he's being sued by Panepon characters.
15. You always choose Mario characters in Smash Brothers.
16. You write this.
Agustín, The Sage Of Fungus.

''Nuff Said.

« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2001, 05:26:26 PM »
LOL, sell your sister just to buy Smash Bros. Melee. Man, I WISH I had a sister for that reason! But since I don't, I'll have to spend my hard-earned money :(

As for the Yoshi versus Panel de Pon thing, I've seen what the original Panel de Pon game looked like (Hint: It would get 0 sales if THAT was released in the USA), and I'd want Yoshi to sue Panel de Pon being the worst-looking game I've ever seen.

If you want to see something even more shocking than Hyakugojyuuichi, download Panel de Pon.

I can NOT imagine anyone even in Japan who would want to play that. But if you pray to God that you won't have a mental breakdown playing it, you'll notice just how much Tetris Attack ripped off Panel de Pon. Then again, it was NECESSARY or else it would have never come to the USA!

And if there wasn't Tetris Attack, there may have not been Pokemon Puzzle Challenge, which I would have bought if Pokemon wasn't the central theme of it.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2001, 12:31:22 PM »
Hey guys, you should also colaborate with this topic.  Don't you expect me to do it all by myself.

17.  You think the end of the world is when everyone ignores and hates Matio.
18.  You suggest Mario that, to gain more fame, he should capture the monsters he always battled... with Pokeballs!
19.  You think Blastoise is Bowser's opposite clone.
20.  You paint all the pipes in your house GREEN!
Agustín, The Sage Of Fungus.

''Nuff Said.

« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2001, 12:22:27 PM »
You insist that Pokemon is ripping off Mario.

« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2001, 06:18:16 AM »
Hey, Nobody, you forgot the number!

Everybody should know that a number is obligatory with every colaboration.  Thank you.
Agustín, The Sage Of Fungus.

''Nuff Said.

« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2001, 09:13:01 AM »
How about when you think the police are Koopatrols?
 ~Zootalo SSBM: 269 Trophies SMS: 120 Shines LM: 23 Gold Frames
Animal Crossing: AC Name:Jon AC Town:Jockero

« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2001, 09:30:40 PM »
23. you can wistle every Mario song by heart
24. you can ramble off every name of every level in all Mario games in 5 seconds.
25.You insist that you fix your neighbors plumbing problems
26. you try to flush your self down your toilet to "warp" to the septic tank.
27. your son is born wearing blue overalls and a red shirt with a red cap.
28. you HATE that thing called Zelda
29. you become excited whenever you read this list.
30. you burn yourself trying to make a fireball.
31. you scower every store, pawnshop and every place else for Mario stuff.

It''s a me Marionut#1

Edited by - marionut#1 on 6/9/2001 8:32:07 PM
It's-a me, Marionut#1!

« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2001, 09:42:12 PM »
32. Your convinst that snaping your fingers and making noises with your mouth makes the super mario bros theme song sound better.

doo (snap) doo (snap) doo (snap) doo doo da doo da doo da doo da doo da doo da doo dadadada da da da doopie da...
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #8 on: June 10, 2001, 12:23:34 PM »
33.  You suggest Peach that to gain hero status, she should turn into a ninja-like male (just look at Zelda, the Nintendo version of Ranma 1/2).
34.  You don't catch Pokemons; you stomp on them.
35.  You put a "Lost" sign regarding Pauline.
36.  You always eat your favorite fruit:  Peaches.
37.  You spray fertilizer on your dirty feet...
38.  ... and mushrooms grow out!
39.  You burn your own flowers.
40.  You suggest Jigglypuff to draw Mario faces on every sleepyhead.
Agustín, The Sage Of Fungus.

''Nuff Said.

« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2001, 07:05:14 AM »
41. You know that female Yoshis exist.
(reference to penguin wizards post)
42. you look every where for a gold cape but have to settle for a towel...
43.... but you break your neck when you try to "fly" off that building
44. you go to heaven and complain that they dont have and NES
45. you know that Cranky Kong is the original Donkey Kong
46. you think that you get an extra life when you eat a moldy green mushroom wonder why you never get any sleep because your always at the forums
48. You ream your parents out for not buying an Arcade version of Donkey Kong even though that was wayyy before you were born.
49. you insist that Donkey Kong jr. Math has helped you with your Algebra
50. You walk through the "pearly gates" wearing a red shirt,cap and blue overalls...
51....but St. Peter doesnt reconize you
52. you perchase Zelda, Pokemon and other Non-mario games just to destroy them
53. you buy non-mario games like Pilot Wings 64 just because it has a Mario reference
54. you hate that Nintendo neglects Luigi as much as it does
55. the only thing that you believe from Super Mario Bros. The Movie is that Lena is Bowsers wife cause hey the Koopa kids had to come from some where
56. you make your younger brother dress in a green shirt, blue overalls and a green cap so he can help you on your adventures
57. you know that Wart and King K. Rool are Bowsers cousins not Iggy and Spike from the smb movie
58.  you wonder if Captain Syrup is accually Pauline gone bad (reference to Billy chilly's post)
59. You sell your mother just so you can put a down payment on a gamecube
60. you think that when Yankee Doodle stuck a feather in his cap he gained fire power
(like in super mario land 2)

It''s a me Marionut#1

Edited by - marionut#1 on 6/15/2001 5:27:54 AM
It's-a me, Marionut#1!

« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2001, 07:05:50 AM »
sorry browser was acting up and i posted twice

It''s a me Marionut#1

Edited by - marionut#1 on 6/14/2001 4:25:06 PM
It's-a me, Marionut#1!


  • Banned
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2001, 04:04:26 PM »
61. You write your own Super Mario Bros. Stories and hope to meet Mario and Luigi for this greatest achevments.
62. Your AIM screen name is Mario or Luigi
(good thing mine isn't)

The Triforce Protector

« Reply #12 on: June 11, 2001, 11:02:49 PM »
''You know female Yoshies exist'' almost sounds like a reference to my post. Or not. But as for knowing that Lena is Bowser's wife, that's one thing I refuse to believe.

63. You insist that any unsuspecting baby with a red cap is the oracle of evil (just look at Baby Mario).

64. You make such a big deal of the number 64, like just now.

65. You keep a stash of vegetables nearby in case you get warts on your face.

66. You sue Doki Doki Panic for ripping off Super Mario Bros. 2

67. Then you sue Japan for making Super Mario USA, claiming it to be another ripoff.

68. You have a mental breakdown trying to figure out if that one character is named Birdo or Catherine (in reference to Wario's Woods, had you not noticed)

69. You actually congratulate Toad being in his first solo game, which was Wario's Woods.

70. Then we realize that Peach is the only other main character who doesn't have a solo game.

71. And we don't care. We pray that we never get to see Peach in a solo game.

72. And true to word, it never happens.

73. In non-related Mario games, you always pretend that the main characters are Mario characters (I know I used to do it).

74. You enjoy playing Mario Is Missing.

75. You plan to keep the Mario Bros. movie for years, in mint condition, only to sell it in 2010 and get no more than $2 for it.

76. You worship Yoshi (which wouldn't be a bad thing, in my opinion).

77. One time you breathe fire from your mouth as a warning to keep all little (and taller) brothers and sisters away.

78. You have a dream that Mario defeats Link, then you swear on your life that it was real and you were a witness.

79. You actually have a movie of Mario defeating Link.

80. You hired a drunk in a ultra bad looking costume to play the part of Link.

81. You hired Arnold Schwartzenegger to play the part of Mario.

82. And Mario says ''Hasta la vista, Linky.''

83. You realize you've submitted all these ideas in one post, you simply don't care, and continue to post more.

84. You can't decide whether to adapt an Italian accent or a Brooklyn accent (although both are probably the same).

85. You become president of DigiPen and transform it to LuigiPen.

86. You tell Shigeru Miyamoto to obliterate all the non-Mario-related franchises, and he actually does it.

87. You realize you don't have that power, and you're thrown out of the Nintendo building quicker than you can say ''Mama Mia.''

88. Whenever something bad happens, you say ''Mama Mia.''

89. Whenever you want to annoy someone, you say ''Hey! Hey! Hey!''

90. You'll blow a decade's worth of allowance to get your grubby hands on absolutely anything Mario related you may have missed, including merchandise.

91. You run a Mario merchandise store.

92. You make the big mistake of stocking up on Waluigi merchandise.

93. You've realized you made THIRTY posts to this thing and must stop now.

94. Then you make one more post for the heck of it.

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.

« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2001, 10:42:41 PM »
95. You wonder why penguinwizard stopped at 94.

96. You think that if you write the 100th one, you'll get an extra life.

97. You leave the ending scene of Paper Mario on all night long cuz you think the scene's cool (I can hear the music playing in the other room right now).

98. You realize you come on to this BBoard ten times a day.

99. You realize the number 99 has nothing to do with Mario and frown.

100. You think you heard a too-familiar jingle and come to the conclusion that you have two lives.

101. You stop posting to test out your new strength and jump off the roof of your house.

| /
|\ amek2K
| \   -"Who wants lottery tickets!?"
| /
|\ amek2K
| \   -"Who wants lottery tickets!?"

« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2001, 10:56:23 PM »
102. You think that a mushroom would cure all people that jump off of roofs.

103. You wonder why anybody decides to stop posting stuff on this topic.

104. You insist that everybody you meet looks like Mario.

105. You try to jump on the back of what you think is Yoshi, but is actually a bush of thorns.

106. You make a paper cutout of a Wing Cap, put it on your head, then try to "fly" and end up in the ER again.

107. Then you keep on doing it so that you could get past that "level"

108. You think that bumping into anything that moves will make you lose power (instead, it might damage you if you run into it at full speed)

109. You think you can go up any slope if you run and jump kick up it, then you make a fool of yourself by trying to use that technique to climb Mount Everest

110. You think that if you have something metal on your head, then something crushing you as flat as a pancake won't hurt.

111. You think you're the king of the road when you drive in a go-kart. Apparently, tires aren't enough to stop you from driving on the freeway.

112. You pretend that the roads of Seattle are Toad's Turnpike, but you think that you'll have no problem dodging them in a go-kart

113. You realize what would happen if you really tried that.

114. You actually managed to get through the streets of Seattle without getting hit.

115. You decide that since Mario never sleeps, you shouldn't either

To be a Koopa, you must become a Koopa.
You didn't say wot wot.
