
Author Topic: Religion  (Read 72498 times)

« Reply #60 on: June 28, 2001, 04:44:01 PM »
Hinopio-Your scenerio sounds essentially the same as the Big Bang Theory except for the timeframe.

David Dayton-In science if something is a theory that doesn't mean it's any less proven than a law.  A law is a formula that describes a physical constant, a theory is an explanation of a natural phenomenon.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #61 on: June 29, 2001, 10:55:09 PM »
Mega2- My theory sounds like the Big Bang?  Well, yeah.  I guess it does. <Hinopio thinks for a moment>  That is because both theories are based on the same observable facts, that the universe is expanding and time is variable and what not.  There are a few differences, though.  Gravitational Time Dilation theorizes that while the universe expanded at rates that caused distant stars to appear billions of years old, the earth (within the white hole) aged less than a week.  The other difference is that the Creationist theory relies on the existence of a creator-God.

I think that's what the argument of beginnings really boils down to- whether or not one is willing to accept the existence of a supreme being.
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #62 on: July 01, 2001, 08:08:19 AM »
I think GOD made the BIG BANG, weird but who knows?O and my face hurts.

 All hail the almighty Oreo cookie master.

« Reply #63 on: July 01, 2001, 03:15:38 PM »
David you confuse me. I believe that science and religion kind of contradict one another......

« Reply #64 on: July 01, 2001, 06:52:10 PM »
I agree with Kipnotoad and what hipno said that was real long.  
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #65 on: July 02, 2001, 10:57:26 PM »
Ness_Shady- Could you explain to me why you think religion and science do not agree?  You confuse me ;)
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #66 on: July 05, 2001, 01:05:53 AM »
Science and religion do not need to contradict each other. All science really is is humanity's attempt to understand the world around us, the world that God created. Religion tells us *what* happened and *who* made it happen, science tries to explain the details of *how* it happened. Of course, science is far from perfect. We're only human.
Back from the Dead!
RaiaGirl :P

« Reply #67 on: July 05, 2001, 04:21:57 PM »
Right on.
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #68 on: July 05, 2001, 05:53:40 PM »
It's like Charles Fort said, science and religion are both attempts to discover the nature of things, but they're both dogmatic.  Obviously, science is a lot less dogmatic than religion, but there is still that human factor that interferes with logical evaluation of hypotheses.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #69 on: July 19, 2001, 12:36:08 AM »
Before starting, I would like to say that I pretty much do believe that God or something exists, but I still don't have a religion. Besides, I actually don't like thinking that God exists and it's watching me all the time and yaddi yadda, but >embarrased< I do pray when I (or someone I love) am in real trouble. I promessed that I would believe in God and admit it and sometimes thank him, if... uh, let's say if he saved my butt :) (seriously, someone was about to die and didn't. Well not really ABOUT to die, but there were a possibility). OK, ok: I know that I can't believe that God hears me and not the people starving, OK, I also know that it's not real faith believing in God because of proofs. But I made a promess, OK?

------- This is my message, from the start:

Oh, COME ON... You are just messing up things. Hinopio, don't try so hard. You don't have to find a religion-compatible explanation for all those facts; after all, according to the Bible, Religion and so on, God is omnipotent: he can make EVERYTHING in ANY way in an infinitely short period of time. Of course, that doesn't have sense if you say that it took him SIX DAYS to make the Universe and even more, that he needed ANOTHER WHOLE NEW DAY to rest because he was TIRED. Not even saying that God CAN be tired has sense; of course, unless you say he WANTED to be tired. That way it would be possible. Of course, even saying that God is omnipotent is a paradox ("could he make an ice-cream mountain so big that even him can't eat it?"), but that's not my point. You are free to believe whatever you want to believe. Again, my point is: God can do everything. He can make light faster than three millions of kilometers in half a second. He can make an arm pop up in your head. And of course he can make those stars visible, without that meaning a change in the date of the Creation. I mean, we also have evidences of, I don't know, dinosaurs and even humans living millions of years ago. So what, he's God, he can make chimical processes go faster, wait what am I saying? He CREATED the chimichal processes. He can make the chimichal processes appear in any way. Fellas, grow up: this is God who are we dealing with. The guy created all. He is concient of every particle of every atom, and of the final object (for example, a chair or a cube). He created life. [expletive deleted], he created Time. He could make the whole Universe and destroy it, and make it and destroy and make it and destroy it infinite times, instanteanally. He also could do that with time. So stop saying 'oh, God doesn't exists, there are stars older than the Univers', because that's pure s**t. If God exists, then of course there is an explanation of that. If God doesn't, then everything is a lie and that's not the age of the Universe, but still you can't be sure about anything. Who cares. I'll find it out when I die. But there will be 70 years between the moment I'm writing this and the moment I die (let's hope so), and I want to spend them on living, not on caring about if God exists or doesn't, because any of those options can be proved. So, bring the chicks, the music and the beers, because it's PARTY TIME!

P.S.: Two things. Relativity is pretty much proved, either way the atomic bombs wouldn't explode (that would be nice), or at least that's what scientists say. Evolution is also pretty proved; it's a tendeance on living. Scientists have found little "evolutions" on a specie in a relative short period of time (some years, or maybe just a century). Of course, God can still exist. But I still don't believe in Bible, it doesn't have sense in many parts. Of course, if God really exists and 'told' (I can't find the real word on my dictionary, is it 'prescribe'?) the Bible for prople to copy it, one can assume that through the centuries the copyists may changed some things for their own benefit. For example, that part when Noé (I think you spell it Noeh) gets drunk and his black sons laughs of him, and his white sons help him, and then Noé says that black people will allways be cursed and be slaves because of that; don't you think that maybe Jews made that up as a justification for black slaves (Jews of that time had black people as slaves working for them)? I think it's possible, Hinopio please don't kill me. I think it's very possible for a guy to copy the Bible adding things of his own. Of course, If so, the guy is probably burning in hell now, but the damage is done :/ .

I really hope not to offend anyone with all the things above, it's not like I'm swearing it, they are just theories. As I said, I really would like to think on more important things for now on.
I mean it's normal to worry about these things, humans have been doing this for a long, long time, but there is a moment when you need to put your feet on the ground and say: 'I need some rest. It's 3:31 a.m. and I am awake and writing in a computer in a language wich isn't mine to some people I don't really know. I'm thirsty also'.

Edited by - DavidDayton on 7/19/2001 12:20:46 PM
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #70 on: July 19, 2001, 11:59:40 AM »
Hey look,I got the 70th post here as well as the age one!hehe:)

"If it''''s a joke, laugh at it"
All hail the almighty oreo master


  • Trusts the fungus
« Reply #71 on: July 19, 2001, 01:25:19 PM »
Must be a really corrupt version that gives Noah's sons distinctive features like skin color. The black/white thing I think you are thinking of is when people say the mark put on Cain is black skin. People used that to justify slavery and more. Sigh.

Not to be petty, but while the evolution of a species is proven (animal species do change over time), evolution of a species into a new species hasn't been proven, and won't be until fossil evidence is found linking the species. It's a promising theory, but we really have nothing to prove it with yet, as we are unable to find real links between species that may have evolved...

(Personally, I don't really care much either way if evolution did or didn't occur, but it irks me when people assume things to be true with no evidence of them being so.)
Let's do the Mario, all together now!

« Reply #72 on: July 19, 2001, 02:06:26 PM »
But there IS evidence for evolution.  There may be few fossil bridges between species, but there are many transitional fossils that link larger groups.  Dinosaurs to birds, ungulates to whales, fish to reptiles and amphibians, reptiles to mammals, apes to humans.  All of these have many in-between forms in the fossil record.  The fossil record is exactly how it should be if evolution were true.  There is too much evidence supporting the Theory of Evolution to consider it unconfirmed.

The story of Noah's sons is an etiological myth.  It was made to explain the origins of the three main human groups as the authors saw them: Hebrews (Shem), Greeks (Japheth), and Canaanites (Ham).  The curse on Ham was put in to justify the enslavement of the Canaanites, the person who wrote that part of Genesis didn't even know about blacks.

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #73 on: July 20, 2001, 12:56:08 AM »
<clapping hand with Mega Two's in Harlem way -Question: does that even exist?> Yeah, baby, you said it, you're da man.
I wonder where did it say that Noé had a black son... <thinking>
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.

« Reply #74 on: July 23, 2001, 01:16:20 AM »
Hey D.D. what did you edit on my message?
With enough soap, you can blow nearly everything up.
