
Author Topic: Super TMK World  (Read 20730 times)

« Reply #75 on: June 05, 2004, 06:59:34 PM »
Here's something to add to the level guidelines:

Color Pallette: Sky

What color do you want the sky [background] to be? The editor comes with 8 different pre-set palletes: Peach, Pale Green, Blue, Black, Olive Green, Blue Gray, Pale Blue, and White. The editor also allows the user to select from an infinate number of colors for the sky. You can select any color you want to.
Better yet, to get the exact color you want, go into a paint program where you can create custom colors. Use the color field, and select the color, and write down the "ingredients" of Red, Blue, and Green that make up the color (i.e Red "37" + Green "267" + Blue "10"). Note: Does not apply to underground levels.

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.

Edited by - nintendoexpert89 on 6/5/2004 6:04:39 PM

« Reply #76 on: June 05, 2004, 08:23:44 PM »
I got an idea, nintendoexpert89. Since I am a reflection of your personality, I think you should make a level that connects our worlds together. It can be called "NE89 Ghost Realm".

Know why the elderly contribute so much to the church? To buy their way into Heaven from a lifetime of sin.
Know why the elderly contribute so much to the church? To buy their way into Heaven from a lifetime of sin.


  • Party Star
« Reply #77 on: June 05, 2004, 09:59:25 PM »
I'll be Larry Koopa if thats OK. He's always been one of my favorite Koopa Kids. And I guess I'll be a Boo Buddy a couple times.

Edited by - MarlieMoo14 on 6/5/2004 9:00:33 PM
It's Mario's world, I just live in it. :)

« Reply #78 on: June 06, 2004, 05:00:17 AM »
i had this dream when i first played SMW... there would be just 2 worlds,sky land,(yoshi's island) and boo's forest.(forest of illusion) i edited some graphics like the intro and i placed some stuff of smb3 to it,and with a little help of my friends it was done. and when i saw this topic i imagined:
holy cow what a great idea! i don't want to copy your ideas but i decided to make my project bigger,so, i ask what would the third world be named? sorry if i innerupted.

(insert signature here)

« Reply #79 on: June 06, 2004, 07:00:19 AM »
Mario - Lizard Dude
Luigi - Chupperson
Peach - Sapphira
Daisy's not in SMW.
Bowser - TEM
Yoshi - Fifth
Iggy Koopa - ¥tterbiJúm
Morton Koopa Jr. - VACANT
Lemmy Koopa - VACANT
Ludwig Von Koopa - Itatian-SK83r
Roy Koopa - Mage
Wendy Koopa - GiftedGirl
Larry Koopa - MarlieMoo14

Fifth (Yoshi)'s Friends

Egg #1 - VACANT
Egg #2 - VACANT
Egg #3 - VACANT
Egg #4 - Vidgmchtr
Egg #5 - VACANT
Egg #6 - VACANT
Egg #7 - luigi~lover

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.

Edited by - nintendoexpert89 on 6/6/2004 7:50:04 AM


  • Mr. Manure
« Reply #80 on: June 06, 2004, 07:07:54 AM »
You guys better cancel this game, or I'm going to tell Nintendo on you for it.
Professional Paisano here

« Reply #81 on: June 06, 2004, 07:08:22 AM »
The sky for NI64 Island can be regular blue. Hey, I know it would be hard, but you know what would be cool? A level where you "travel back in time" through Mario games as you progress. For example, you start in a Super Mario World type level, then as you move along the graphics get less and less detailed and you soon realize that this section of the level looks just like SMB3! Then later, the hills and background begin to look different, and you're in SMB2. Then, as you near the end of the level, everything becomes very simple and you appear in SMB! Wouldn't that be cool?

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.
Your sig is annoying. -Deezer

« Reply #82 on: June 06, 2004, 07:14:25 AM »
Bad news, Popple. Banzai Bill and Lakitu cannot be in the same level at the same. If so, one has his graphics glitched.

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.

« Reply #83 on: June 06, 2004, 07:19:42 AM »
Why? It's not giving away ROMs, which is the illegal thing, it's a hack. It's an add-on to the ROM, which you have to have first (and actually own the original cartridge). I own the original cartridge. The hack will be an .IPS file, which you have to patch on to the SMW ROM. Ever notice the site has a level editor page with at least 7 hacks? It has been there for years. Nothing bad happened.

Besides, Lonic, I thought you left months ago.

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.

Edited by - nintendoexpert89 on 6/6/2004 6:23:51 AM

« Reply #84 on: June 06, 2004, 03:49:58 PM »
*Frowns* no me? How aobout naming the 79th level after me? PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've always wanted to make a game or at least a remake. You should try to name every little bad guy person after someone from Fungi Forum. You could also try to name the levels after places on TMK (i.e. Level 30 - Chatroom). Also, the items could have remakes in names, like renaming the fire flower something and the super mushroom. Maybe you could even add Daisy somehow.

Has anyone her ever wondered why we kill each other over arguments about games? Well, I geuss it is Mario, so it''s OK!

Edited by - gamemaster79 on 6/6/2004 2:52:04 PM

« Reply #85 on: June 06, 2004, 06:37:11 PM »
For the last time, NO. There is no Daisy. Daisy will NOT be added.

Friends? Heh, these are my only friends- grown-up nerds like Gore Vidal; and even he''s kissed more boys than I ever will.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #86 on: June 06, 2004, 07:26:09 PM »
As I have said, I'd like an ENTIRE WORLD and not just a level, mainly because I'm like that.

World name: Forest of Insanity (Again, Just use "F.O.I. [number] for the numbered levels)

Number of levels: 4-5 numbered levels, ghost house (maybe 2 if you have time?), fortress, castle.

World type: See Forest of Illusion, but with more confusing paths.

Level descriptions:

F.O.I. 1: Similar to F.O. Illusion 1, only harder? In this level, I'd like a message box introducing "my evil forest" signed with

~Insane Steve

F.O.I. 2: Underground maze-type level. Perhaps make a VERY well hidden path here lead to a switch palace?

F.O.I. 3: Psychotic aerial level.

F.O.I. 4: Ok, THIS one will be hard to describe. Underground level, using many rooms with pipes that lead to each. You must find the correct path through the pipes to reach the exit; otherwise you go backwards. Throughout the level there should be several message boxes which give hints to the correct path.

F.O.I. 5 if applicable: I'll come up with this if it is required.

Ghost house: ENDLESS MAZE OF DOORS. Need I say more?

Fortress: Make this one a single vertical room that scrolls upwards rather quickly. Think the last room of Morton's Castle, but more confusing, demanding more precision, and self-scrolling.

Castle: Like in the Forest of Illusion, the path to the castle should be the most stupid and difficult to find Idea EVER. I'll send my path idea to you in private. The castle level design is up to you.

THank you a lot if you can do all this.



  • In flames
« Reply #87 on: June 06, 2004, 09:13:37 PM »
Change the SPECIAL in Special World to MEGAߥTE.  More to come later.

« Reply #88 on: June 07, 2004, 06:27:44 AM »
Yeah, and the levels, instead of being named Awesome and Radical, could be named M,E,G,A,B,Y,T,& E. Sorry, my keyboard's old and I don't know if it can make the German double S symbol or the funky Y.

There is no ''I'' in team...Nor is there an ''I'' in group, gang, crew, squad, club, band, party, crowd, cluster, troop, or set.
Your sig is annoying. -Deezer

« Reply #89 on: June 07, 2004, 08:21:32 PM »
Okay, although I like glitchy enemies, take out the Banzai Bill and replace it with a Paragoomba, same difference.

Let me away from this boulder!
Let me away from this boulder!
