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Messages - Uvaz

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General Chat / Re: What Is Up With These Ads?
« on: September 29, 2008, 03:50:01 PM »
Well what you think about this?

Forum Games / Re: The Pointless Topic!
« on: September 29, 2008, 03:46:36 PM »
Not completely. Where do you think all your favorite meme's are born?

Who says everyone likes memes? Some of them are funny once, but after you see a mudkips ripping someone's guts apart you know that... well I will not tell you what to think about that. Also, I think 4chan has little to do with creating memes, it just spreads them and then it claims them as theirs. And seriously like memes were difficult to make.
Memes being born is about as attractive to watch as babies being born.

And then once they're out, they never shut up.
This deserves to be a meme.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
« on: September 28, 2008, 12:26:31 PM »
Yeah I know what recessive genes are. And I though that the whole point of evolution was to kill off useless or harmful characteristics while generating good ones, well my bad. And we are indeed animals. But you meant that unlike animals every single human mates and that human babies survive more often than the babies of other species, therefore passing on harmful traits, which is something that doesn't occur with other animals? Well yeah you would be right.

They are still gay, but they have wives and children--those kids are very likely to be gay. duh.
Well that would be true if homosexuality is indeed genetic.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
« on: September 27, 2008, 11:37:16 PM »
I think it says a whole lot that no one's answered BP yet.

Let's try it.

I want to stay out of this board, but first I want my question to actually get answered. TurtleKid.

A government's job is to protect its people.
You with me so far? Okay.
So, if that's why we have a government, why is it their right to tell us who we can and can't marry?
Did you get all that?

Do not avoid the question. I will ask it again if you tell me "because it's disgusting," because that's just what you think, as much as I think eating chocolate cakes with mustard is, but it's not the government's job to stop the consumption of mustard chocolate cakes. Tell me why same-sex marriage is dangerous. Tell me how it is tyrannical. Tell me about any harm any given gay person has given you just out of their orientation. No, your disgust does not count. I mean anything that actually bars you from life, liberty, property/pursuit of happiness. That last one cannot be used to say that you're simply not happy with their feelings, as there are millions of things I'm not happy with, and it is not the government's job to make you happy, but to allow you to be happy, and you could certainly be if gay marriage were permitted--of that I am positive.

Do you have an answer?
Well that's like saying "Why the government wants us to wear clothes?" Going around naked isn't actually harming other people, but that cruel nazi government don't want us to!
I think we all agree that it is disgusting, but... is it dangerous or tyrannical? No right?  However, we can't be naked in public! What a travesty!
Conclusion: People have the right to be naked in public (huh).

(Note: I am not a troll :o)

My roommate and I had a brief discussion about homosexuality, and he thinks that if homosexuality is caused from the environment or is "Nurture" instead of "Nature", then homosexuality would probably increase with gay couples raising children, which is bad because it would inhibit procreation and encourage sexual deviancy and all that.  (With overpopulation, less people doesn't sound so bad...)  But what difference would it make if homosexuality is genetic?
We're both of the opinion that gay civil unions should stay, because people ought to live with whom they love.  However, we're both somewhat against gay marriage because it's a traditionally religious ceremony, and religion is the reason most people are against homosexuality in the first place.  I think gay couples ought to have some sort of ceremony with vows and flowers and cake and all that, just without the parson, I guess...
I chose "mixed views".  Orientation-wise, I have no idea what I am, so I just choose to avoid intimate relationships altogether.  But that's my choice, whereas I feel orientation isn't.

I am pretty sure homosexuality isn't genetic (It would be extinct, don't you think?).  But what causes homosexuality then? I think I saw in Discovery channel something about gay animals, that had some sort of problem in their brain(maybe an hormonal one I don't remember) that caused them to act like the opposite sex, or something like that. I can't remember if they said anything about genetics, though. Then is the interesting case of the bonobos, which are monkeys who have sex with ANYONE of their species when they have the chance.
( )

And I think that kids raised by homosexual couples would be homosexual when they grow up.
And I still think homosexuality is a choice, at least for some people. The "It is a bad choice therefore it must not be voluntary" doesn't satisfy me.

Video Game Chat / Re: Bayonetta: This is going to be the best!
« on: September 25, 2008, 08:59:30 PM »
A chick with guns. Sounds pretty original to me.

General Chat / Re: What's wrong with this picture?
« on: September 23, 2008, 08:07:01 PM »
Yep I noticed that, the color of the buttons are wrong, and maybe the form of them is also wrong. But I though that posting a real error about it would ruin it so I didn't until now.

Mario Chat / Re: BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 23: Storyline
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:33:27 PM »
Yeah Kimimaru...
I think the only problem with mario sunshine was nostalgia. It makes you feel "Da(r)n this isn't Mario 64 2", but when you get over that feeling (Well if you ever do) you will learn that it really is a great game.

It seems this nostalgia problem is affecting all other franchises, too

Bower Jr is just laziness on Nintendo's part: they just took Bowser's model, shrank it and added a stupid little mask/bib (with angry teeth on it) that he wears all the time now. Why couldn't they have made him into one of the real Koopa Kids instead? I would gladly have accepted Morton Koopa Jr over.. this.
I don't think that Bowser Junior is copy-paste of Bowser. I am.. it really is? However,the same could be said about the koopa kids. (Oh look lazy nintendo wendy is just a bowser with lipstick, etc.)

General Chat / Re: What's wrong with this picture?
« on: September 23, 2008, 04:01:32 PM »
Mario's grandfather?! Yeah I showed this pic to a friend and he said (after having some convulsions) "omg Mario's grandpa"
Well anyway considering the canonical authenticity (I wonder if I am saying what I want...) of the pic, any answer is as good as mine.
Maybe it is grandpa smurf cosplaying as Mario.
Maybe we should make a thread about him.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
« on: September 23, 2008, 03:53:14 PM »
No offense, but that post was the exact definition of ignorance.
:' (
Comparing video game fans and lame subcultures to broad groups of people who suffer discrimination and hate crimes on a daily basis doesn't work.
Don't work on what? What do you think I was trying to do with that? I said this because the guy in question acts like "Look at me I am homosexual therefore I am very mature and tolerant unlike you" and as I said he actually is very intolerant with stuff which is, like you implied, pretty unimportant in comparison. What does this has to do with anything? Well just a little something I wanted to share.

Neither does the insanely tired argument of "omh if gays marry than donkeys and robots will mary 2!!!".
Well maybe I said this in a pretty stupid way, but if you think about it, it wouldn't be surprising.

Finally, you seem to get the impression that I am against it, while actually I am neutral.

lol @ people who think it's a choice.

How can you be so sure that it isn't a choice? It's ok if you think it isn't, but but if you are going to lol at people who don't agree with you at least show some proof or reasons why you think what you think.

Personally I think it depends on the individual. Some times it is a choice and sometimes it isn't.

(PS This boards will tear TMK apart lawlz)

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
« on: September 22, 2008, 11:12:09 PM »
Hey I know a gay dude that is always like "Omg tolerate me" "Omg you are such an homophobic" for no reason at all, but he is also always "Emo sucks", "Pokemon sucks", "Pokemon is for keedees" "Nerds sucks" "Pokemon is for kiddy nerds" "Megaman sucks and so does anyone who likes it" etc. Troo fax.

But my opinion on the matter? I think I tolerate them (The guy I mentioned above is one of my friends), but don't really think it's ok. I also really don't want to see them making out there in the open (Except if they are two or more girls ) : )

I think if they let homosexuals marry, they should also let people marry their own sons or their parents, and their pets and the TV. Ok that was stupid exaggeration, but if gays can marry you may not want to think about what would be the next kind new marriage :o

PS:Sorry if this post isn't serious enough.

Mario Chat / Re: BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 23: Storyline
« on: September 22, 2008, 10:53:35 PM »
Mario Party 3 is also my favorite. The twist ending is a little too simple, and maybe very cliched, but it really got me back then. It was a strange but enjoyable surprise (Well I can't find the words of how it felt). It is something that no other Mario Party has given me. Not that I remember anyway...

Video Game Chat / Re: Things That Made You Poop A Little.
« on: September 22, 2008, 06:31:42 PM »
The sound the GameBoy Player makes when you remove a game while you are playing it.

Mario Chat / Re: BEST AND WORST IN SERIES? Week 23: Storyline
« on: September 21, 2008, 09:26:53 PM »
Best: Mario and Luigi Partners in Time. I think it had lots of potential, but It was extremely linear. Handled with care it would have been a mario Chrono Trigger! :o (Actually I haven't played much of Chrono Trigger, but I remember it had to do with time traveling and it is extremely hyped so yeah)

Worst: Not counting games that barely have a story, I would say Mario Party. I mean Toad just comes and says "Hey you should beat each other up lol" and they obey!

All you did was spam side B. You didn't wavedash even once!
Anyway good luck in improving you skills in future videos.

(Note: This is a joke. And a joke I stole by the way)

General Chat / Re: What's wrong with this picture?
« on: September 21, 2008, 12:03:46 AM »
So... what's wrong with THIS picture?

Luigi is running on the stairs.

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