
Author Topic: The story behind...Super Mario Bros-Chapter 1  (Read 2055 times)

« on: January 26, 2002, 10:53:24 PM »
The story behind...Super Mario Bros-Chapter 1

It was a beautiful day at Batrick, Italy. The bird's we're chirping gleefully, the sun iluminated the vast green fields. Mario Mario and Luigi Mario had just bought a house there.

Mario: Wow! Luigi, look at that! It's mother nature trying to reach with us!

Luigi: Yeah, and we will, especially with those 'shrooms we just bought from that dealer. What was his name? I swear, it's too weird to remember.

Mario: People call him "Bowser". He personally told me that those 'shrooms we bought we're of good quality. If they aren't, I'll personally kill him.

Luigi: Heh, calm down. I'm sure he sold us some good stuff. After all, he has a reputation to mantain. If we spread out the word that his **** is bad quality, people will sure stop buying from him.

Mario: Ok. Go upstairs and bring down the 'shrooms. I'll take out the orange juice.

The fat little plumber was taking out the orange juice that was going to be used to mix with the 'shrooms. Meanwhile, his slim, taller brother was searching for the magic mushrooms.

Luigi: Got them.

Mario: Put them in the blender.

Mario poured the orange juice over the foul-tasting mushrooms and with the push of a button liquified them and made them mix with the orange juice resulting in a "magic" drink. The brothers drank the juice without hesitation.

Like around two or three hours later, the effects started kicking in. Suddenly the beautiful green italian backyard morphed and twisted into another world, a world with giant mushrooms and smiling clouds. A world with magical castles, and giant pipes that stretched forever into the heavens. A world that did not exist.
The brothers we're running around the backyard, exploring the new beautiful world like they we're little children. Suddennly, a brown mushroom-shaped evil-looking thing came toward them. The only word the came out of Luigi's tripped-out head was "goomba".

Luigi: Look Mario! A goomba!

Mario: What the heck is that? It looks fierce..

Luigi: It's a goomba Mario! A goomba! And it's coming right at us!

The "goomba" got very close to Mario until Mario had the idea of stomping it. He jumped very high (or so he thought) and crashed down into the poor evil mushroom, flattening it a cartoonish way. After all, this was the brother's world, and they could create or kill anything they wanted with any way they wanted.

Luigi bursted in laughs as he too witnessed the splatting of the creature. Mario also laughed. These mushrooms we're definitely of good quality after all. Bowser did not cheated them.
The brother's continued to explore their world, in search of adventures...


« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2002, 10:55:33 PM »
The brothers continued to explore the new world that came upon them. Effects of the mushroom we're starting to rise and soon the brothers we're starting to see flying platforms and brick blocks. Also, bad vibes we're consuming them and far away were starting to appear more goombas.

Mario: Mama mia! Luigi, watch out! They're coming in huge numbers!

Luigi: Mario, calm down! Its just the hallucinogenic effects of the mushroom!

Mario: No no no! It can't be true! I need to calm down! Luigi, did you bring the opium?

Luigi: Sure did. I also brought some "papers" so that we can make a joint. Here.

Mario: Thanks!

Opium was smoked by the red little plumber. Inmeadiate effects followed, such as the "power" to shoot fireballs!

Mario: Luigi, look! I'm shooting fireballs out of my hand! Flower Power!

Extremely hot nuclear fireballs were being shot out of the plumber's hand. The fireballs, upon touching the goomba's, burned them to crisp.

Luigi: Wow, I'm going to smoke some of that stuff too!

Another curious effect of the opium was that the overall's the plumbers were wearing changed to a white tone. The brothers continued to explore their backyard and soon got very far away from their house up in the hills.

Mario: I'm getting kind of scared here. Don't you think we're kind of far away from home?

Luigi: Haey i od.

Mario: What?

Luigi: Haey i od.

Mario: Luigi, I don't understand what you're saying!

Luigi: HAEY I OD.

Mario: Ok.

The combined effects of opium and 'shrooms affected Luigi's vocabulary. Mario was aware of that, and soon, he too, got caught by it.

Mario: Amam aim, si taht a-neerg turtel?

Luigi: Sey! Sey ti si!

A green turtle, moving faster than any turtle recognized by man, started to follow the brothers where ever they went. The brothers were getting afraid. The turtle touched Luigi and the flower power effect magically desintegrated. Luigi shrunk to a very small size. Mario jumped on top of the green fiend to protect his little brother of getting hurt.
The green fiend hid itself inside its shell and Mario kicked it like it was a soccer ball to the hills down below. A whimsical word came through Mario's head...

Mario: Koopa!

The brothers saw a castle not farther than a kilometer away, and inmeadiatly they ran to it (the castle was actually a house).

Upon entering the castle, the brothers were amazed by the weird fireball thingies that seemed to inhabit it. They simply dodged every single one with great vigor and stamina.

Mario: Watcha outt, Lwigi!

Luigi: Datz not gona hitt me! Ima smal!

When they reached the end of the house, it seemed like someone woke up. It was actually the owner of the hous- err castle.

Owner: What the hell are you two punks doing in here?

Mario: Bigg koopa! Big koopa!

The brothers mind had mentally twisted the old man into a monster, which they called "big koopa". They got a nearby axe and made the "monster" fall into the "lava". What really happened though, was that they killed the man, chopped him in pieces. They got out of the back door of the house...errr castle and were greeted by a talking little mushroom.

Little Mushroom: Sorry, but the princess is in another castle.

Mario (his speech fully recovered): What princess are you talking about?

Little Mushroom: Princess Toadstool, dude! Where have you been?

Mario: Wha?

Luigi(speech also recovered): This is amazing. This world has a princess and all. I wonder who she is?

Little Mushroom: People call her "Peach". She is kidnapped by an evil koopa king named Bowser.

Mario: Bowser? I knew he was evil! We must rescue that princess at all costs!

Luigi: Yeah, lets go Mario! Oh by the way, can I eat you little mushroom?

Little Mushroom: My name is Toad, for your information.

Luigi: I don't give a ****!

Toad: Noooooo!

Luigi chopped the little mushroom into little piece which were small enough to fit in his throat. Upon eating the mushroom he magically grew to a bigger size.

Luigi: That's better.

What was once day, now was night in the magical land of "Mushroom Kingdom".
The brothers tried to sleep but couldn't due to the insomniac effect found in most magic mushrooms. They continued on to their adventure...

« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2002, 10:57:51 PM »
After the conquest of the first castle, the brothers continued on to their quest. The brothers mission was to rescue Princess Toadstool from the grasps of the King of Koopas, Bowser.
A lake slept in front of them. The brothers ran to the lake with all they could.

Mario: This water feels soooo good! I think we must cross this "sea" to reach the other way so that we can defeat that tyrant.

Luigi: Watch out Mario! Its a giant jellyfish with evil looking eyes! And it seems to get closer to you!

The creature approached the older brother and with its tentacle, whipped him, turning the Flower Power brother into a small midget.

Luigi: We better swim as fast as we can.

Mario: **** you, blooper!

Luigi: Blooper? What the..

Mario: Yeah, thats what I call him, ok?

Luigi: Ok..

The brothers evaded other marine lifeforms that seem to inhabit the deep waters. More bloopers came into their path, but the brothers evaded them which as much energy as they could.

Luigi: Phew! We made it!

Mario:'re righ- Luigi, watch out!!

Luigi: Oh no! Those fish are leaping out of the water and attacking us! Lets get the hell out of here!

Mario: Hold on, I have an idea. You keep evading them, while I take out my X pills...

Luigi: Thats an excellent idea, brother!

Luigi was zig-zagging every fish that tried to get close to him. Mario was taking out his magic "X" pills.

Luigi: Mario, hurry! Its the attack of the Cheep-cheeps!

Mario: You too, brother, create whimsical names...


The older, shorter brother took out a star-shaped pill in which he threw at Luigi as fast as he could.

Mario: Catch! Its a star!

Luigi: Thanks Mario!

When Luigi swallowed the magical star-shaped ecstacy pill, he started to flash with beautiful colors and recieved this abnormal magical strength that made him invincible!

Luigi: Come here motha****as!

Luigi plowed through every cheep-cheep hey came by. The hopping fishes started to fall down like flies to the magical power of the star!
But that magical power did not last forever and soon Luigi started to get thirsty...

Luigi: Phew! That was quite a show! I

Mario: Of course I brought water! Here, take a sip..

Luigi: Thanks (gulp gulp)...ahhhhh thats so much better...

Mario: No problem. Lets get outta here, before fish city kills us!

Effects of the mushroom made the brothers lose perception of reality, and soon they thought it was all real..

Mario: Look at all those pipes! They're huge! Lets jump into them!

Luigi: You're so slow! I got here first haha!

Beneath the dark hole came out a plant with sharp teeth that bit Luigi's rib.

Luigi: Oww...I think..I'm..

Luigi fell down the pipe and died. Mario was crying, believing this actually happened.

Mario: This can't be...NOOOOOO!

Luigi: Need...more...'shrooms..

Mario: Wha? Errr, here, take this green one..

Luigi: (munch munch) Mmmmmm thats better...

Mario: I revived you dude! Wooooo...this is amazing!

Luigi: Yep. Remember, save those green ones just in case.

Mario: Ok. But next time, you should watch out for those pipes. They could have nasty critters down there...

Luigi: Yeah I know. Lets go to the other one...

Mario: This seems like a safe one. Luigi, over here!

Luigi: Is that a crack pipe, Mario?

Mario: Yep! You know I always bring the drug supplies. C'mon, smoke it with me!

And smoked it they did. The brothers inhaled that brain-frying crack pipe that left them unconcious and sent them warping to another world..

« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2002, 10:59:06 PM »
It was already midnight. The brothers had awoken from their "crack coma". They lifted their heavy heads and inspected this new place they awoke in.

Mario: What the- we like warped in here. Where are we?

Luigi: The only true thing I can say is that we're very far away from home.

Mario: That is true.

Luigi: I say we beat Bowser and restore peace to Mushroom Kingdom!

Mario: We will be heroes! I like the thought of that..

Luigi: I think we should head north..

The moon light iluminated the unknown place the brothers got into. The field was filled with cannons. What sort of cannons though, was the question.

Luigi: These cannons are weird. I wonder from what place they come from?

Mario: How should I know?

The closest cannon to the brothers shot a weird big bullet with eyes, hands and mouth. The brothers got out of its way.

Mario: Mama mia! What do you suppose that was, Luigi?

Luigi: I dunno. But they are dangerous. Let's get the hell out of here.

The cannons started shooting bullets like it was World War II. The brothers jumped and jumped, hoping they would evade the multitude of bullets that seemed to swarm the field.

Mario: This is crazy! Luigi, how are (huff puff) you back there?

Luigi: Trying (huff puff) to (huff puff) survive!

The brothers finally made it to the other side of the field. Tired as hell, they fell down like rocks.

Luigi: Man, this is (huff puff huff puff) crazy.

Mario: I (huff puff) know.

A army of koopa's and goomba's came toward the tired brothers.

Luigi: Oh (huff puff huff puff huff) no....

Mario: We better get (huff puff huff puff) out of here.

Luigi: What about that (huff puff) castle over there? Do you think we could find Bowser there?

Mario: I dunno, lets just find some shelter.

The sleeping castle remained still while the desperate italian brothers came toward it with all the little force they had left...
