
Author Topic: Here's are TIPS for SMRPG  (Read 5553 times)

« on: June 30, 2000, 03:42:52 PM »
If you've just started playing it, congrats. Okay, here is are some nice tips I had learned ealier this month with my little brother.

1) When fighting Johnny Calamari, there is a sequence where you fight him alone. There IS a way to avoid it, but you need to be at a high level to do so. When you fight with him with the whole party, keep attacking Johnny and NOT the fish. I repeat, ATTACK Johhny and NOT the fish.  After a while, maybe an hour of less, Johhny will dissolve and the fish will run off. There, you won with out getting into that single scenario.

2) When fighting Croco the first time with Mallow, get Mario to level 6 or so. 4 or 5 will do. Use Mario's JUMP (Or is you're that dedicated, Super Jump) attack with perfect timing. After 2 uses, use a Fire Ball. Croco's tail will be on fire and he'll be out for a turn. Use that time for Mallow to heal and Mario to use 1 MAYBE 2 Jumps. Croco will fall and you can progress.

3) When fighting Punchenello, Use Mallow's THUNDERBOLT attack, and use Geno and Mario's phycial attacks. Punchenello will fall.

I hope these tips work for you. Good Luck!

« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2000, 10:39:48 PM »
When fighting Johnny (tip #1), kill off all but one of the underlings.  Mario doesn't have to go it alone, and there is only one extra enemy to deal with.
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2000, 08:43:29 AM »
Cool! Thanks Hinopo!

« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2000, 06:45:53 PM »
To make it even easier to defeat Johnny faster, you can poison him with Bowser's poisoning spell, too.  It can actually take off quite a bit of life, as I recall.

« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2000, 01:54:03 AM »
We've got a lot of good SMRPG tips here, considering nobody asked for help! ; )
Someone set up us the bomb!

« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2000, 10:23:14 AM »
Heres something useful for fighting Smithy!  You should defeat the Smelter cause that thing will make more Sypthers which can do SERIOUS damage to you! Plus it's good to have Lazy Shell armor on Mario and Saftey Ring on Peach so some of Smity's attacks like Mega Drain and be ready for a no chance to run 2nd round with Smithy! He's very hard!! Good Luck on Smithy!

>^-^<  Meowth!   uh No! Im Bowser...*sinister laughing*
Happy? IMPOSTER...I Never Use H word!!!
"Welcome to a Game Guy Minigame! First i must take all you coins! (-X Coins) Ok We''re Off to the Game Guy Game Room! So hang on tight because it''s going to be a rough ride!"~ Sheesh! I gotta stop playing the Shyguy Games!!

« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2000, 10:33:32 AM »
I need to fix something and another TIP!  Okay! I meant by the safety Ring and Lazy Shell Armor you can PREVENT attacks like Mega Drain and other things but you still can't prevent Sword Rain!!  My other Tip is you should ALWAYS Have Peach on your team You can switch anyone else but always have Peach  but when fighting with Valinta and Do-Do never have her in the middle cause it'll be a one hit ko from Do-Do's multistrike! so have a good defense/offenseive person!!

>^-^<  Meowth!   uh No! Im Bowser...*sinister laughing*
Happy? IMPOSTER...I Never Use H word!!!
"Welcome to a Game Guy Minigame! First i must take all you coins! (-X Coins) Ok We''re Off to the Game Guy Game Room! So hang on tight because it''s going to be a rough ride!"~ Sheesh! I gotta stop playing the Shyguy Games!!

« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2000, 06:15:47 AM »
Don't use the Lazy Shell Armor. It decreases her Magic Attack by half, and that includes healing. And battling Smithy, if all your characters are at Level 30, just attack him, and forget about his cronies. The same thing goes for the final form. Just attack the head and ignore the body.

« Reply #8 on: August 02, 2000, 04:41:32 PM »
Here's one small tip for the beginning of the game.

When Toad shows up at the point of the game where he teaches you Items and Timed Attacks, skip the Item tutorial (don't need to skip Timed Attack tutorial) and heal by going to sleep. Now you can go to Mushroom Way with 4 Mushrooms instead of 3.

"No way! You beat me... again!! And I just spent my entire savings on these new Koopa Mach 1 Sprint shoes!" - Koopa the Quick (Mario 64)
"No way! You beat me... again!! And I just spent my entire savings on these new Koopa Mach 1 Sprint shoes!" - Koopa the Quick (Mario 64)

"That''s called cheating. Last I heard, it was against the rules." -Me

Leader of the CodeHunters

« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2000, 06:01:10 PM »
We are coming up with good stuff!  Here are some things that not everyone knows about.  Not even Nintendo posted up my Timed Healing techniques.

Anyhow, it is possible to defeat Dodo one-on-one with Peach, and it's really not that hard, but my character's stats are much different from everyone else's.  I make it so that I increase their Attack and magic levels are high, but try to make their HP levels over 200 in the process, and also make optimal use of the extra point bonuses.  (145 attack Peach!!!)  Back to Dodo.  If you always put Peach in the middle like me, then use a Timed Defense for Dodo's Multistrike.  Right after he goes back into position, I think.  Dodo's Multistrike should only take away 40 HP tops even if you miss.  Have a fuzzy dress and Safety Ring equipped on her, as you should always.  There are also Timed Specials for healing techniques.  All of them.  For Peach, press Y right before the aura diminishes, of right before the star comes in contact with your downed ally.  For Mallow, right before the cloud disappears.  This heals about 20+ more HP, which just might save you from a KO.

"Peachy" he he. :-)
"Peachy" he he. :-)
