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Topics - M3wThr33

Pages: [1]
Mario Chat / E3
« on: October 24, 2000, 11:18:14 PM »
Deezer, did you go to E3? I read somewhere about the Gamecube turning the 128 Marios 2D. I also played PMS at E3, is it the same effect, or more like Jet Grind Radio? Either is cool. BTW, this is my new name, I previously was known as JayGee1

I don''t think you understand the gravity of the situation. We''re in space. FOY!

Site Discussion / TMK Board
« on: May 30, 2000, 07:44:55 PM »
I love this site, I have for the longest time. Nothing else comes close to the Mario-Pedia...
I left those "..." there for a reason. You need to market your MarioPedia as a CD-Rom set "The Ultimate Guide to Mario" and sell it everywhere! Seriously.

I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.

Video Game Chat / To Be Miyamoto
« on: May 30, 2000, 07:36:08 PM »
You read right, all it takes to be Miyamoto is a lousy 60 smackers. Shell it out, buy Perfect Dark, go into Character Options, press up and left a bit. Ahhh, the Head of Miyamoto, I play as HIM with my name as Lord.

I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. We're in space.

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