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Messages - CoconutMikeNIke

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Mario Chat / Re: New Mario Power-Ups
« on: June 06, 2011, 06:05:37 PM »
Rocket Mario - point in a direction, and take off! Fly in a mostly straight direction till you hit a wall or ceiling. Invincible, but only destroy enemies that hit the cone point on your head. When you smash into a wall, fall straight down, so be careful with any foes you miss!

Video Game Chat / Re: E3 2011 Predictions / Wishlists
« on: June 06, 2011, 05:58:01 PM »
The d-pad has been around for 30 years. Joysticks have been around since people needed to move in 3 dimensions (in a vehicle). While they took a shot with the N64 and he joystick, it wasn't really a gimmick. The Wii and DS line have been the only clear Gimmick driven devices. That said, if they decided to just make a new GCN, and let the software speak for itself, I'm totally cool with it.

Also, I'm working on a time machine so I can go back and remove the word gimmick from history.  

General Chat / Re: Comic Books
« on: June 04, 2011, 01:44:25 AM »

DC is restarting all titles at #1, there's a continuity reboot coming with it, some of the major heroes are going to be younger, digital are going to be released day and date and at the same price for a few weeks, and there will be creative team changes almost all around.

What do you think of it? How's any of this going to affect your comic reading habits/preferences? Any thoughts on their digital plans?

Personally, I don't think much either way for most of it. Reboots and Crisis events happen in comics. They aren't new, and shouldn't be scary or fought just for being. I do think it's kind of a half hearted digital front, though. There is no need to have the digital copies cost the same as floppies. It's too bad that DC is clearly trying to appease retailers with this, and not even in a great way.

Just off the top of my head, and borrowing from recent trends in gaming, if someone buys a physical copy, provide a digital copy, or offer the digital copy at a discount of $.99, and drop the price of nondiscount digital to $1.50 - $2.00. There would be the issue of people stealing the code (or whatever method to claim the digital copy).

But a few options could be: 2 releases of the comic, one without the discount digital, and one with. The ver. with the code could be polybagged. This will let people check out the book without potential loss. Downside is polybagged issues come off kinda badly after the 90s.

Alternatively, with the purchase of the comic, have the retailers hand out a code that will offer the discount.

Retailers don't lose as many sales, and consumers get a bonus for shop loyalty. Plus, it will help with the issues of "who owns digital comics"

Forum Games / Re: Turtlekid is fake.
« on: June 03, 2011, 11:48:07 PM »

Video Game Chat / Re: E3 2011 Predictions / Wishlists
« on: June 03, 2011, 11:42:54 PM »
Ah, my mistake. I did mix them up. However, it's still not different from, say, day one DLC. It's just already on the disk. And there's nothing wrong with that. It's shady if they release a game not worth the full price and then sell you the end of the game. But can you honestly say that MvC3, if there was nothing more but what is initially available, would not be worth it?

Video Game Chat / Re: E3 2011 Predictions / Wishlists
« on: June 03, 2011, 06:03:37 PM »
You know what I want, some news about Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC

And no more of that dummied-out-stuff-that-you-pay-for-to-use, either (seriously how is that even legal)

It's all about getting money from used game buyers. It's a fine idea except that it is shafting even people who bought it new.

Video Game Chat / Re: E3 2011 Predictions / Wishlists
« on: June 02, 2011, 06:28:56 PM »
I was going to mention Ep 3, but I thought I heard that Valve was pretty much not going to be at the show.

I'd like something big for the 3DS, because while I have no plans to get it in the forseeable future, eventually I will and I want it to have a solid lineup. Though not necessarily Mario or Zelda.

I hope that there will be some good looking tech demos for Café, because outside the touch screen controller, I'm not sure where Nintendo is going with this.

I want DICE to give some more info on Mirrors Edge while touting Battlefield 3.

I'm curious what and if Rare, Raven, and Uber hope to show off.

Video Game Chat / Re: Enhanced Remakes
« on: May 31, 2011, 02:58:24 PM »
I heard FF7 would only be done if they got the whole original team back together.  I don't know. 

I didn't know about the burned games for Dreamcast, but I don't have much that would need it.  The imports I do have aren't played very often, even by how often I play Dreamcast at all.  I will look into it though for any future prospects.  Thanks.

On the whole, though, I could pass on most FF remakes at this point.  4, 8, and 6 are my favorites, but I'm all set on the versions I do have.  7, 8, and 9 seem like tougher ones to get nowadays, though, now that I think about it, aren't they already on PSN?  All the others are either remade every other year, or new enough that copies aren't tough to find.

Video Game Chat / Re: Enhanced Remakes
« on: May 31, 2011, 01:55:23 PM »
Yeah, I use disk swap methods for my Dreamcast, which needs more than a switch and some solder experience, but I modded mine, so that's what came to mind.

And while I agree that some companies could just bank on the fanboys with constant remakes, I can't say that I would turn down Final Fantasy 7 or 8 done with graphical fidelity near Advent Children levels.  Those are games that I still enjoy, old and broken as they are, and to make them really pretty would be worth the (I'm guessing) $15.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: What's Your Worldview?
« on: May 31, 2011, 01:45:52 PM »
Okay, this is going to sound like I'm making light of religion, but I'm not.  Not Really.

I believe and practice all and no religions at any particular moment, because I feel that there is no one religion that is necessarily any less right or more wrong.  I have experienced Catholic and Christian practices through my school days, I have also examined the teachings and mythology of a number of other religions/beliefs, including but not restricted to Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Greco-Roman, Norse, Maori culture and Vodun.  I am far, far from being an expert at any, but I take from each ideals or practices, and turn them to what I look for.  I do believe in God and gods.  It just depends on the circumstances.  If I need to forgive, I look to Christianity, for example, but if I happen to be drinking I'll look to Bacchus.  If I plan on playing baseball with some friends, I'll make a reasonable facsimile of the rituals used by natives of Papua (Whos name I am currently blanking on) to bless the ball to be thrown better.  Enough religions boil down to Don't be a Dick that it doesn't make enough of a difference to worship the Allfather Wodan and not also worship Zues, Jehova, Shiva, and strive to be at peace like the buddha.  Or I can just as easily ignore religion and be all for the extension of the Human experience, if the situation calls for it.  Transhumanism is no less worthy a goal as eternal bliss in Heaven or joining with fallen allies in Valhalla for Ragnarok or knowing nothing awaits us after death but a void.

Edit: and I feel incredibly limIted looking through the list of gods listed in the original post, so I always have more to learn.

Video Game Chat / Enhanced Remakes
« on: May 31, 2011, 01:10:54 PM »
Media heads, and for the purposes of this thread, Game Developers and Publishers have realized that people will buy the same thing multiple times.  Re-releases and ports are an effective means to safely test the waters of interest in a brand or franchise.  After all, development time is minimal, distribution is as simple as making it available to any of the online channels, be it XBLA, PSN, Steam, WiiShop, what have you, and, if successful, may invite a relaunch of the property with a new AAA sized title.

On the...well, it's kind of the same hand.  I guess on a different finger of the hand?  The thumb? Whatever.  Is the Enhanced remake.  You know, those old titles that now have HD on the tail end, if not outright then heavily implied.  These tend to mix the nostalgia of these old games with newer features like online multiplayer, redone graphics, new modes or levels, and the occasional control and balance tweak.  They are a mid-step between the dated of the original game and the expense of a new, massive title.

And then there's the consumer.  We gain the ease of having many of our favorite titles being easily accessible on one device.  While I personally still have every system I own ready to go at any point, I completely understand how that is unreasonable or impossible for most.  Getting those classic games is difficult to find, prohibitively expensive when you do find it, or, while good, not quite worth the hassle. Oh, sure, I very much enjoy Radiant Silvergun, but I'm not shelling out the cash for a Japanese Sega Saturn, plus the $100+ for the incredibly rare game when I can just wait and get it for $10 in a little while.  $10 that, to some extent, will go to the developer, not some dude in California. (And Yes, I know a Japanese Sega Saturn is not necessary and modding a US model is incredibly easy, but it's the only example I could come up with)

What are your thoughts on rereleases and remakes?  Awesome?  Not necessary? Evil money grab? Bitter that you have neither the original nor the means to get the remakes?

And also, what have you bought on more than one console/form?
I have multiple copies of Super Mario Bros. 1 (x3), 2US (x2), 3 (x2), Legend of Zelda (x2), Metroid (x3), Super Mario World (x2), Final Fantasy IV (x3), Gunstar Heroes (x3), Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (x2), 3 (x2), 'And Knuckles (x2), Perfect Dark (x2), I sort of count the Street FIghter II games, but that's a weird case, Chu Chu Rocket (x2), Metroid Prime (x2), and more, I'm sure I'm forgetting.

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: What's Your Worldview?
« on: May 31, 2011, 09:46:44 AM »
I've credited myself as a Pantheist, but not as the chart defines it. 

Not at the Dinner Table / Re: Obama doesn't know what year it is
« on: May 24, 2011, 06:12:33 PM »
That's what they WANT you to think!

General Chat / Re: Catharsis
« on: May 24, 2011, 01:51:12 AM »
Now don't go knocking a good cry for it's cleansing ability. Sadness needs just as much of a release as anger or any other stresses.

General Chat / Catharsis
« on: May 24, 2011, 12:54:19 AM »
How do you decompress? Blow off steam? Whatever the term, dealing with and releasing feelings.

I tend to draw. Rarely complete items, sometimes I paint, more towards the abstract, or doodle, nothing that I need to be good, because in that state it won't look how I want and whatever I'm dealing with instead turns to aggravation.

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