
Author Topic: Aaliyah  (Read 2659 times)

« on: August 27, 2001, 02:32:57 AM »
There has been every possible general chat on this board, lemme give u more to chat about.

As u might all know, is that Aaliyah, R&B singer/actress, died sometime yesterday in a plane crash (which adds another reason to my list of "Why I Won't Fly In A Plane") at the age of 22.  I first heard the news after watching the Red Sox get beat in 18 innings.  What are your thoughts on her death?  Below is what i posted at  It applies everywhere.

Aaliyah will be remembered whether or not u were a fan, heard a song by her, or watched her movies.  :'(

I couldn't believe it.  There I was just finishing off the scorecard to another long 18 inning game, red sox vs. rangers.  The game ended and there I was sitting putting the final touchs on my scorecard, back and forth, when the TV switched over to the local news.  First, Powerball results, then the shocking news.  "R&B singer and actress, Aaliyah, has died tonight in a plane crash." My jaw dropped after hearing this news, and I was stunned.  This world is short for some of us, and some has the benefit of living our lifes to the fullest.  Aaliyah wasn't that lucky to continue on her career, which was going so well.  I was not really a "fan" of her work, but did appreciate listening to it.  I am one of people who will listen to anything on the radio, Aaliyah included.  It is hard to lose someone so young, but life goes on, and you live everyday as if it were your last.  I am also not the one to write so "openly" or "emotionly", but as I write this, I feel both.  Even though I did not know her, nor knew how good her career was going, I feel for her family, and all of those who loved her so much.  I do know, however, what it feels like to lose a family member, as my Grandfather died 2 years ago, on my sister's birthday.  To all who loved her, i'm sorry for your loss.

I wish I had a life, or else I wouldn''t be sitting in front of this computer posting on this message board for others like me.  **Looks at Camera** Hello there, how are yo.. I Lost you anyway...

SMS, SSBM, and MP4... Three games for the gamecube starring Mario/Mario Characters


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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2001, 07:42:52 AM »
Who? Never heard of her. Then agian, i've never heard of most of those bands.

The Game Master.

« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2001, 08:09:00 AM »
I was never a fan of hers, but I'm still sorry that she and the other people on the plane died.

« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2001, 09:22:02 PM »
she was gonna be in the next matrix movie
Small Console = Big Ballz

« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2001, 12:01:46 PM »
I liked her music, and I had seen her in a show that MTV did called "Diary", and I saw that she is a nice person, and it was really sad to see that just a week after I had seen the show, she had to die. And I was just beginning to like her even more...

Exit, stage right! ;)
Exit, stage right! ;)

« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2001, 11:10:17 PM »
Well, I listened to her music on MTV and she had a remarkable voice.  After her death, i downloaded 2 mp3's of hers.  I do sincerely hope that they use the footage of the 2 videos she shot before her death. "Rock the Boat" and "More than a Women".
According to MTV, she was slated for Matrix 2 and 3, and a movie for a remake of "Queen of the ****ed" where she plays the evil queen.
I will say 2 things that disgust me in my opinion, TV showing multiple "Death Specials" for a recent death.  And people online or in real life who dont care.  Other than that, eh!

I wish I had a life, or else I wouldn''t be sitting in front of this computer posting on this message board for others like me.  **Looks at Camera** Hello there, how are yo.. I Lost you anyway...

SMS, SSBM, and MP4... Three games for the gamecube starring Mario/Mario Characters

« Reply #6 on: September 05, 2001, 05:12:18 PM »
It's always sad when someone good dies..

One by one the penguins steal my sanity.

Edited by - KinopioToad on 9/5/2001 4:12:36 PM

« Reply #7 on: September 05, 2001, 07:15:23 PM »
I think all those specials are just because of hype, and all those channels wanting good reviews. It's sad how TV will manipulate a person's name just because they're dead and they were famous.

Exit, stage right! ;)
Exit, stage right! ;)

« Reply #8 on: September 05, 2001, 07:17:52 PM »
I think all those specials are just because of hype, and all those channels wanting good reviews. It's sad how TV will manipulate a person's name just because they're dead and they were famous.

Exit, stage right! ;)
Exit, stage right! ;)
