
Author Topic: Which of these Nintendo films would you...  (Read 6336 times)

« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2002, 10:22:51 PM »
I have never seen SMB:The Movie!
Someone give me a summary of what the movies about!

Destiny is like the flow of a vast river, it never ends.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2002, 12:45:09 AM »
They somehow get from Brooklyn to The MK, which is supposedly some sort of alternate dimension (I say the MK in the real games is an alternate dimension, but that's different.) So anyway, they get there and they have to save Daisy from Koopa (why didn't they call him Bowser?) who is like running for President or something, and anyway, it's stupid, because he's a guy, and not a Koopa, and the Goombas are like full grown guys with little teeny heads, and Yoshi looks like some kind of real dinosaur, and they wear the wrong clothes, and oh yeah, Daisy's father has been transformed into some kind'a mucous fungus blob thing and then Luigi tries to shake hands with him and it's like real stupid, and anyway, they finally get everything back to the way it's supposed to be, I guess, and the King turns back to a guy and hacks up a whole huge blob of the gunk he was, and (can you tell I've only seen like the last 20 min. or so of it?) then they go back to the "real world" and it's pretty much the end...

Hmm, frostbite, that's cool/weird/interesting stuff you were saying...
That was a joke.

« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2002, 09:54:39 AM »
I get that all the time.

Maxima: Amazons had no men around for centuries. How did you handle that?
Wonder Woman: All I''ll say is... we don''t call it "Paradise Island" for nothing.

« Reply #18 on: October 13, 2002, 04:20:59 PM »
Definetly a Super Mario Movie.  I would go for a complete computerized movie (like Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Antz, etc.

Then, a Zelda movie or a Star Fox one.


« Reply #19 on: October 13, 2002, 04:52:32 PM »
Starfox would be another good movie, but the lack of plot would probably make it suck. i know the games are all andross takes over this place and SF hasta go and kill him, but if they could make a really good plot, that movie would be a box office smash! a great Arwing dog fight scene would be a definite plus!! kinda like starwars!
"Tetris: the movie"
Yeah, I can see that. A guy throwing bricks out of a window for 2 hours.

« Reply #20 on: October 13, 2002, 07:59:12 PM »
Hmm, a Starfox movie sounds pretty kewl. It's got a pretty usable plotline, and they could use makeup techniques like in Planet Of The Apes to make the actors look right. A Zelda movie could work, as long as it didn't try to steal LOTR territory. Whoever plays Link would be Hollywood's latest stud. :D And I think a Mario movie should get another shot. SMB: The Movie sucked because they changed too much and made it too much live-action, ideally it could be like the Final Fantasy movie, all computer-animated. SMRPG could work for a movie, it's got enough plot and the team of characters would be more interesting than just Mario doing stuff.

Oh yeah, and I wrote up an account of the Mario movie. It's pretty sarcastic and cracks some dodgey jokes, but it's detailed. It's at the website I co-webmaster, .

"Like the moon over
 the day, my genius and brawn
 are lost on these fools."
       -Bowser, SMRPG

Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel...Does that make me a nut?

Edited by - Pyrasaur on 10/13/2002 7:04:27 PM
Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel...Does that make me a nut?

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #21 on: October 13, 2002, 08:40:07 PM »
I want a Starfox movie!
I've gone insane over Starfox! Starfox Adventures would actually make a pretty good movie, don'cha think?
And when it comes down to it, pretty much every Nintendo film would have to be computer generated.
'Cause we need Krystal! Krystal! Say it with me now! Kry-stal! Kr....
*drops unconscious on floor for the 3rd time*

Hmm... well... actually, Starfox Adventures is so much like a movie already, what do we need a real movie for? They all talk and the cinematics are da bomb and...

Dexter, boy genius...Dexter, the cookie

Edited by - Chupperson Weird on 10/13/2002 7:42:49 PM
That was a joke.

« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2002, 08:57:57 PM »
Well, they'd need to edit SFA a little to make it suitable for use as a movie. For instance, if it were a movie of me playing SFA, 3/4 of the movie would be me hitting Tricky with the staff and laughing hysterically. Most people would get tired of watching Tricky get clobbered after, oh, say, 20 minutes. And lots of the puzzles and stuff would have to be taken out for the sake of time constraints.

Although Krystal is pretty kewl...I haven't played much of the game, can she do anything other than throw barrels?

"Like the moon over
 the day, my genius and brawn
 are lost on these fools."
       -Bowser, SMRPG

Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel...Does that make me a nut?
Sometimes I dream about being carried off by a giant squirrel...Does that make me a nut?

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #23 on: October 14, 2002, 09:09:21 PM »
You could make a movie about my attempts to get 100 on Secret 5 of SMA3... Seriously, It took almost 2 hours from when I started to my 100... enough for a full-length movie!

Secret 5: The Movie!

Feel the excitment when I figure out a new trick!

Feel the horror as I slam the GBA to the ground in anger!

Feel the disappointment when I resign with a 73 on the first futile attempt!

Feel the joy as I run to the goal ring with the 100!

Errrrrrr... Never Mind. You get the point.

Actually, Star Fox probably WOULD make a great movie... It should have an original plot, but with the same characters.

I am not a people person. In fact, I`m more of an anti-people person.
I respect your post. As long as you don''t insult my intelligence in it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #24 on: October 14, 2002, 10:05:58 PM »
I agree.
Some people might actually like a You Trying to get a 100 in Secret 5 movie, believe it or not.
Well, theoretically, she can do all kinds of cool stuff with her staff, but since she's trapped in that crystal for the duration of the game, no. Way, way back when, when the game was Dinosaur Planet, she had her staff all the time, and it was kinda cool... but it's not as cool as Fox having to save her, even though I wish she had a more substantial part. That's why I want her in another game, with a bigger chunk of the game featuring her.
Why would you hit Tricky? He's really quite useful... although, I agree, when you first meet him, he seems annoying.
But really, the last 10% of the game is the best. It's just about the same as a movie... the plot stuff... but it's better because you're actually doing it.
But man, Krystal's theme (or the love theme, or whatever)... that music just about breaks my heart. Finish the game and you might see why.
I want to see what happens next!
(Also, you know she's only 19? Kinda young for such a deep, mysterious character, don't ya think?)

None shall dispute my word!
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #25 on: October 15, 2002, 05:52:18 PM »
heh, I could do a commentary: (Don't worry, no spoilers here)

All right, this is that part where I jumped off the edge of the ice block in a desparate attempt to find something. It was kind of funny, but I was really mad when I discovered it was a real pit. I must have been delirious when I did that.

Man, that room was annoying. I must have passed through it about 50 times. Ever get that feeling when you're lost when you think you passed the same spot about 50 times?

Ok, this I hated. There is that almost unreachable chamber near the beginning, and when I wasted 10 minutes and finally figured out how to get there... only a Star cloud! Not a single freaking point there! Grrrrrr...

And so on...

I would comment on the SFA moive, but...


******* High School class of '05 = bunch of idiots.

I am not a people person. In fact, I`m more of an anti-people person.
I respect your post. As long as you don''t insult my intelligence in it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #26 on: October 15, 2002, 06:33:13 PM »
Were the asterisks the name of your school? And you wanted to hide the name so you wouldn't get punched?

None shall dispute my word!
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #27 on: October 15, 2002, 07:26:23 PM »
Anyway, no, it is to, in the absurdly rare chance that comeone from that school actually comes here, assure that they don't know I think they are an idiot. I have this really fake identity at school, not to avoid getting beat up, but moreso to avoid going crazy. (Insane and crazy are VERY different things.)

I am not a people person. In fact, I`m more of an anti-people person.
I respect your post. As long as you don''t insult my intelligence in it.
