
Author Topic: Super Mario Galaxy: The Big Cube  (Read 4430 times)


  • FitchPitch
« on: March 11, 2008, 07:28:20 PM »
Very much unilke me, I managed to get through the first two courses of Galaxy without a strategy book. However, the big cube level has me stumped. Namely, I'm having trouble with the guy on the top of the cube who sends out shock waves. I always seem to hit them! Is there any way to take this guy out? I've tried pounding him but that doesn't do any good. Or maybe he's supposed to be there to help you like that one snowman in Super Mario 64 I had to jump off years ago in order to get a star?

« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2008, 05:24:38 PM »
Jump on him to bounce, otherwise, he's invincible.
