
Author Topic: Mario's Murder Mystery on the Excess Express  (Read 21238 times)

« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2005, 02:17:43 PM »
Bow, Bootler, Bom-Bers, Beldam. I guess I never realized!

 Chapter 16: Questioning Part 2 ~ Pennington waddled up to the door to room #2.  He raised his flipper and knocked three times.  Mr. Yoshers came to answer the door.  Mrs. Yoshers could be seen inside, sitting on the bed looking nervous.
“Hello Mr. Yoshers,” Pennington said, flipping to a new page in his notepad and taking out his pen.  â€œAre you ready to be questioned?”  Mr. Yoshers opened his mouth, and was about to say something when he noticed Mario was standing next to Pennington.
“Please…Please come in,” Mr. Yoshers said quietly, opening the door and stepping aside.  Pennington nodded towards the Yoshi and his wife as he entered their room.  It was decorated in green, just the same as Bows’.  Mr. Yoshers sat down on the bed, joining his wife.  Pennington and Mario sat down on the green couch across from them.
“Alright, Yoshers.  I’m going to ask you a few questions about the murder.  I want you to answer truthfully and not leave anything out, understood?”  The Yoshers nodded nervously.  â€œAlright…I thought I heard you say that you were going to the Grand Theatre House in Poshley Heights, is this correct?”
“Yes,” said Mrs. Yoshers.  Her voice was shy and soft.  She appeared quite sensitive and regretful.  â€œWe were going to see the play and stay for a week…you know…just get away for a while…”
“…uh-huh…” said Pennington as he began writing something down on his notepad. “Now…the murder of Professor Frankly took place on April 18th around 8:30 p.m. is that correct?”  Mrs. Yoshers looked to her husband.
“I…believe so,” said Mr. Yoshers.
“What were you and your wife doing at that time?” Pennington prepared to write as Mr. Yoshers said;
“Well…my wife and I were eating dinner in the Dining hall when we heard it…”
“…The scream?”
“Yeah,” said Mr. Yoshers, “we were just eating dinner peacefully, we heard a scream, and that was it.”
“Did you know Professor Frankly?” Pennington asked quickly.
“Why, no, we didn’t…” said Mr. Yoshers.  Mrs. Yoshers looked out the window, looking scared.  There was a silence as Pennington wrote something down in his notepad.
“Well you seem innocent enough……” Pennington said.  Just then, Mario thought of something.
“Did you see anyone get ice at the ice machine while you two were dining?” Mario asked.  Pennington got his pen ready.  Mr. Yoshers looked to Mrs. Yoshers.  They exchanged glances and said,
“No, we did not see anyone go to the ice machine…” said Mr. Yoshers.
“Uh-huh…” said Pennington, writing something down, “Are you positive you were at the Dining Hall at the time of the murder?”  Mr. Yoshers nodded.  Mario thought of Bootler.  He lied to them.  â€œAlright, thank you.  That’s all we need,” said Pennington as he got up from the couch, Mario following.  â€œStay safe, you two.”  Pennington and Mario left their room and headed into the next boxcar to rooms 3, 4, and 5.  Those rooms had Pennington, Frankly’s body, and Mario and his friends, so they skipped that boxcar and headed into the Dinging Hall.  But before they did, Mario had noticed something.  On the side next to room #3, was a small desk just like every boxcar had.  But this desk did not have a vase of flowers.  Normally, in every boxcar there are two desks at both ends, and both of those desks would hold a vase of flowers.  This desk next to room 3, however had a desk, but no flowers.  This could be a clue…but what could it possibly mean…
“Excellent sleuthing Mario!” Pennington said happily as they crossed the Dining Hall, “The Yoshers seem innocent.  I don’t think we have to worry about them too much.”  Mario nodded his agreement as the headed into the third boxcar, holding rooms 6, 7, and 8.  â€œRoom #6…The Shadow Sirens…”  Pennington knocked three times at the door.
“Who is it?” said the old, witch-like voice of Beldam.
“Detective Pennington.  Here for your questioning…”  There was the sound of frantic mumbling.  Pennington took out his notepad and pen once more.  The door opened revealing Beldam, the old, short Shadow Siren.  â€œMay I come in?” asked Pennington.
“What?  Oh!  Yes, of course, of course, come in,” said Beldam, allowing Pennington and Mario to enter their blue covered room.  Vivian and Marilyn floated from their shadows next to the window.
“Please, sit down,” Vivian said, motioning to the blue couch.  Pennington nodded as he sat down on the comfortable blue couch.  Mario took a seat next to him.
“…The Shadow Sirens……hmm…I hear that you three once tried to take over the World.  Is this true?”  Vivian looked ashamed.
“Well…Yes, but that was quite a long time ago…We learned the error of our ways,” Vivian said.
“Yes, we figured it was practically impossible anyways,” Beldam said.
“Guh,” said Marilyn.
“Right…” Pennington said writing something down.  â€œDid you three know Professor Frankly at all?”
“Yes,” said Vivian, “Such a kind Goomba…or, that is…He was when I switched sides.”  Vivian gave a small giggle.
“So, you used to be enemies, Frankly and you three?” Pennington asked.  The Shadow Sirens seemed to hesitate a bit.  Vivian looked at her sisters, wondering what they should say.
“Uh…Yeah, we were.  But we’ve ended that evil stuff now, we don’t kill people…anymore,” Beldam said, snickering.
“Uh-huh…” Pennington wrote another thing down in his notepad.  â€œThe murder of Professor Frankly took place on April 18th around 8:30 p.m.  Where were you?”
“Asleep,” Beldam replied rather quickly.  â€œWe were all sleeping…”
“Right…” said Pennington, “So, how do you people sleep?”  Beldam looked at her sisters and shrugged.  All three of them disappeared under the floor in shadow.  Pennington looked down at them and wrote something in his notepad.  They all sprang back up.
“That’s how,” Beldam replied.
“Alright…Did any of you hear a scream?” asked Pennington.
“A scream?  No…we didn’t hear a scream, did we girls?” asked Beldam.
“Guh-guh,” Marilyn replied, shaking her head.
“Well…Actually Beldam…I forgot to say…During the time of the murder I went out to get some water…”  said Vivian.  Beldam turned to looked at Vivian.  â€œI was very thirsty…and…I…”
“Vivian!  That’s enough!  Er-remember, who decided to come back inside after you heard the scream???” Beldam shot Vivian an angry look.
“Uh…right, right…” Vivian said quickly.  Pennington quickly wrote something down in his notepad.
“…Okay…Oh yes, I’ve been meaning to ask…When you three go into the shadows like that, can you move around?”  Beldam provided an example.  She went down into the floor once more, and Pennington watched as her shadow moved about the floor.  Beldam popped back up next to the door.
“Yes we can Pennington, now shouldn’t you be leaving now?”  She opened the door for Pennington to leave.  He wrote one last thing in his notepad and left.  Pennington got up from the couch, and headed towards the door.  Mario was about to follow him, when he suddenly spotted something.  An extra vase of flowers was sitting on the floor next to the door!
“Excuse me,” Mario said, “but where did you get those flowers?”  Beldam turned to the flowers.
“Those?….oh…I think those were just here when we got here…”  Pennington walked back in the room examining the vase.
“Actually, Beldam, I don’t remember that vase being here until after the…” Vivian said, Beldam cutting her off with a cruel look.
“I see…” Pennington said, writing another thing down.  â€œThank you, good bye.”  Pennington continued writing as they walked to room #7.  â€œWhat a tricky case…but, my dear Mario, I think I may already have it solved…”

Edited by - The Blue Toad  on 7/14/2005 1:18:12 PM
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #31 on: July 17, 2005, 05:38:23 PM »
Bravo The Blue Toad! I'm already teeming with excitement for the next chapter!

Mario Mario he''s our man, If he can''t triple-jump and ground-pound, no one can!


  • Banned
« Reply #32 on: July 20, 2005, 12:25:51 PM »
The Last Chapter:

Suddenly, Mario realized that he was the killer, and killed everyone in the world before exploding.


Well, this is where the signature goes...

« Reply #33 on: July 20, 2005, 03:16:57 PM »
Thank you all!  And no, that will not happen Glorb.

Chapter 17:  Questioning Part 3 ~ Mario scratched his head in thought as he stopped in front of room #7.  He thought for sure the Shadow Sirens had turned over a new leaf.  He couldn’t possibly see them killing anyone now.  Began looking over his notes a little, and turned to a new page in his notepad.  He raised his magnified glass and tapped it on the door several times.  It slowly cracked open, revealing a dark room.  Professor Bom-Bers stepped out into the hall, closing the door behind him.
“You are here for the questioning I presume,” he said, looking nervously from Pennington to Mario.  His wick was slightly bent and his bowtie was crooked.  Dark circles under his eyes showed that he had not slept in quite a while.  Pennington looked over him a bit before saying,
“Yes, Professor.  Why don’t we step back into your room here…” Pennington motioned towards the door Bom-Bers seemed to be guarding at the moment.  His lip slightly quivered.
“Can’t we just do this in the Dining Hall?” he asked.  Pennington looked him in the eye.
“I’m sorry, Professor, but we are entering everyone’s room.  You know, maybe find a little evidence...” Bom-Bers suddenly became very sickly looking.
“Well…Alright, fine.”  Bom-Bers opened up the door for them to enter.  The shades were drawn, and books were scattered around on the ground.  The bottom bunk of the bed was messy, and the lights were out.  It appeared as though he had been taking a nap.  Pennington gazed around the room, eyes darting from book cover to book cover, looking for any trace of what might be valuable evidence.  Bom-Bers politely offered them a seat on the couch (after shoving off all the books and papers).  Pennington took a seat with Mario and looked up at the sickly looking Bom-Omb.  Pennington licked the end of his pen as he began.
“Alright Professor, we’ll skip right to the questions…Where were you on the 18th of April, around 8:30 p.m.?”  Bom-Bers looked around the room.
“Well….that was the time of the murder, so…I was coming back from having…From having a discussion with an engineer…I was walking down through the Dining Hall, peering through the shop window thinking I might buy something, and I heard…I heard that scream…Bow and the conductor came flying through the door…”  Bom-Bers stopped to wipe his brow.  â€œI rushed back to my room, and heard about the terrible news the next morning…” Pennington jotted something down in his notepad.
“Now, you had crossed the path where the murder would take place…did you see anyone in the second boxcar?” the penguin asked.  Bom-Bers appeared to be thinking it over.
“No…I didn’t see anyone.  I had simply walked through, and entered the Dining Hall.  It was deserted…Of course…I was examining the items on display in the store…They could have simply snuck past me…Those Yoshers were sitting there.  They could have easily gone in and…and killed Frankly…” This appeared hard for Bom-Bers to say.  Pennington grew a suspicious look upon his face.
“You appear to be taking Professor Frankly’s death rather badly…why is this?  Did you know him?” he asked, getting his pen ready.
“Well…Yes, I did.  As I said before, I went to the same college as you, and I had worked with Professor Frankly all the time in Science.”  Pennington glared at him.
“Strange…I do not remember you being in any of my classes, Professor…” Pennington said.
“Well…Yes, I know.  I did not have any classes with you, but-“
“But when you heard Professor Frankly was going to be working on a new discovery with me, in Poshley Heights, you became jealous and decided to take all the glory!  You killed Frankly…and perhaps you plan to kill me next.”  Bom-Bers looked as though his best friend had struck him across the face with a shovel.
“What?!?!  No!  I would never!  I fully respect the fact that Frankly was going to work this out with you, I didn’t care!” Bom-Bers was sputtering for words at such a rude and sudden analysis.  Even Mario was a little puzzled.  What was Frankly studying that he needed Pennington’s help for anyways?
“For all I know, Bom-Bers, one of these books could be Frankly’s stolen discovery,” Pennington said, still glaring at the Bom-omb.
“Listen!  I know his work was stolen, but it wasn’t me!”  Mario was suddenly shocked.
“Wait,” said Mario, “Frankly’s discovery was stolen?”  Pennington looked down at Mario.
“Yes, it was…didn’t I already tell you that, my boy?”  Mario shook his head.  â€œOh…well…yes.  When we went through Frankly’s bag we found nothing but pieces of parchment.  Frankly had told me that he was bringing with his a book and his theory of something that would interest me.  I was very excited to find out what this theory was, but…the murderer had apparently stolen his theory as well……And who would want that theory more than you, Professor?”  Pennington’s gaze suddenly turned to Professor Bom-Bers once more.  After quite a while of arguments, learning nothing for the mystery, Pennington stormed out of the room Bom-Bers shoving out Mario and slamming the door behind him.  Pennington fiercely wrote something in his notepad with his pen, squirting black ink across the page.  Mario knew that Pennington was not going to let Bom-Bers off the hook so easily now, especially after that little scene.  But Pennington was right.  Bom-Bers seems like the most likely person on this train to want that theory.  He was, after all, a professor himself.  Pennington said nothing to Mario as he stormed off to room #8, the room of Lord Crump.
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2005, 09:03:50 PM »
Glorb, stay outta here if you're going to act annoying and violence-crazed.
GEIANDGIRLCO DIRECT - The Sensitive Alternative


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« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2005, 08:56:52 AM »
Look who's talking!! A MARIO MURDER MYSTERY?! Really now, murder? You should all be ashamed.

Well, this is where the signature goes...

« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2005, 02:21:07 PM »
Huh.  I thought you loved gore and blood and that kind of crap.  Glorb, please don't add anything more to this topic.  If you don't like the story, please, stop reading it.

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2005, 03:31:45 PM »
Chapter 18:  Questioning Part 4 ~ Pennington knocked roughly on door #8, his patience failing on him.  Mario watched in silence as the door flung wide-open revealing Lord Crump.  He was very round, and continued to wear his X-Naut uniform, even though the league of X-Nauts were long gone.  His large, red mustache covered his face, and a small pair of spectacles stuck out from between his massive facial hair and purple Vikings helmet.
“Yes?” he said as the X-Naut looked from Mario to Pennington.
“Good evening Lord Crump,” Pennington said, as if the fight with Bom-Bers had been hours ago, “I believe it is your turn to be questioned…” Lord Crump looked Pennington in the eye and said,
“What?  Oh, oh yes…step right in,” Lord Crump stepped aside allowing Mario and Pennington to pass him by, into his blue and brown colored room.  A few extra clothes were scattered around the room, most under the bed, and in the corner of the room was a rather large, black suitcase.  Lord Crump quickly picked up a couple of socks, throwing them under the bed for his guests to move about more easily.  Pennington helped himself to the blue couch and took out his notepad, clicking his black pen impatiently as Lord Crump sat down on the bed opposite from him.
“Alright, Lord Crump, I hear that you used to be in some sort of organization, correct?” Pennington asked.
“Yes, that’s correct,” said Lord Crump, fiddling with his thumbs.  Pennington quickly jotted something down.
“Tell me about it.”  Lord Crump looked out the window and rested his chin on his fist.
“The organization…” he slowly began, “Was called the X-Nauts.  I was one of the leaders in this organization, I was like a general of the X-Nauts army.”
“Did you work for anyone?” asked Pennington quickly.
“Yes,” replied Crump.  â€œI served Sir Grodus, the X-Naut leader…” Pennington wrote something else down.
“Now, Mr. Crump, were these ‘X-Nauts’ evil?…” asked Pennington.
“Oh yes,” said Lord Crump, the corners of his mustache rising.  â€œVery evil…We tried to take over the World, you know!  But this lad here,” Lord Crump looked over to Mario sitting to the left of Pennington, “…yes…HE was the one who stopped us…He saved the world you know.”  Lord Crump returned his gaze to Pennington.
“Yes, I know,” Pennington replied looking over his notes.  â€œSo, how long have the X-Nauts been…you know…laying low?”  Lord Crump looked up at the ceiling, thinking it over.
“Uhh…About a year, now…almost that,” Lord Crump replied, not so sure of himself.  Pennington wrote something down again.
“Alright…Lord Crump, the murder took place around 8:30 p.m. on April the 18th, where were you at this time?”  Lord Crump looked blank for a moment, but then said with a stutter,
“I-I was in my room.  Asleep.”  Pennington wrote that down in his notepad, nodding.  Suddenly, Mario noticed something on the floor.  It was Lord Crump’s train ticket.  It appeared to be from Poshley Heights.
“Excuse me,” Mario said to Lord Crump, “but this ticket you have appears to be purchased at Poshley Heights…” Lord Crump nodded as if this was something very simple to determine.  â€œBut the murder took place after the train stopped at Rougeport, allowing Professor Frankly to get on…didn’t you get off?”  Lord Crump struggled for words.
“Well-I-um-no.  It is true, I got on the train in Poshley Heights, but my destination was not Rougeport.  I just wanted to get away for a while, you know.  Enjoy the train ride from Poshley Heights, and back…” Mario nodded.  His attention turned to the large suitcase in the corner of the room.
“Normally, the conductor will allow you to unpack, but then take your suitcase to the storage room.  Why did he let you keep your suitcase in your own room?”  Lord Crump and Pennington turned to look at the suitcase.
“Well…Mario…I told the conductor that I was just going to Rougeport and back, not getting off the train until Poshley Heights, and that it would be better for me to just keep my suitcase in here since I would not be getting off the train in quite a long while…” He appeared to be telling the truth.  Mario decided that Lord Crump was not lying, and nodded again.  Pennington appeared to be surprised by Mario for saying this, for even he had not seemed to notice this.  He quickly wrote something down in his notepad, and stood up from the couch, Mario following.
“Well, Mr. Crump that will do.  Thank you for your time,” Pennington nodded to him as he turned and left the room.  Lord Crump nodded back to him and turned his gaze to the window.  Mario and Pennington headed back into the Dining Hall.  Mario did not realize that it was already getting very dark.  They still had the staff to interview, but by the looks of it, Pennington was too tired to do any more sleuthing.
“Mario, my boy, you are a fine detective!  A wonderful detective in fact!” Pennington said as the crossed into the second boxcar.  â€œIt has been a fine day, indeed!  Clues everywhere, I tell you!  This mystery just gets juicer and juicer!”  Mario nodded.  It was true.  There were quite a few suspects that seemed to have terrible alibis.  Pennington yawn as he headed past room #4.  â€œWe will continue our sleuthing in the morning, Mario.  Until then, me boy…good night.”  Pennington entered his room, apparently checking over his notes.  Mario was also very tried.  He opened the door to see Peach and Toadsworth were already in their beds.  Goombella was on the floor reading Franklys’ scrolls again.  When Mario entered, she quickly looked up.
“Oh!  Welcome back, Mario!” she said quietly, trying to disturb neither Peach nor Toadsworth.  â€œHow was your detective work?”  Mario shrugged as he walked farther into the room, his eye on the stars that quickly shot by out the window.
“There are too many suspects…a lot of evidence as well…” Mario said.  Goombella looked back to her scrolls.
“Hm…you’ll get them in the end, Mario,” she said.  â€œYou always do…”

That night, Mario could not sleep.  His mind was buzzing with the thought of who could have killed Frankly.  There were so many options, and all of them seemed pretty likely.  He couldn’t seem to narrow it down.  Finally, after counting the stars and struggling with the suspects, Mario closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep…

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2005, 06:07:16 PM »
Chapter 19: The Chef, the Waitress, and the Conductor ~ BING!  BONG!  BING!  BING!  Mario opened his eyes at the ringing tune filling his ears.  The ceiling was lit with sunlit pouring in from the window to his left, and a voice rang through the train.
“Good morning passengers!  It’s a wonderful morning here on the Excess Express.  The time is 11:00; breakfast will be over in an hour.  This morning our special is the Shroom Cakes, made by Chef Shimi.  Thank you for choosing the Excess Express.”  There was a clicking sound as the voice echoed away.  Mario peered down over the side of his bed to find everyone had already gotten up.  Mario sat up and climbed down to the soft, cushiony floor, grabbing his cap and placing it on his head.  Mario opened the door and made his way to the Dining Hall where he found Goombella, Peach, and Toadsworth sitting at a table next to a large window enjoying their breakfast.  Peach glanced over at Mario as he entered the room, and she motioned with her gloved hand for him to come over and sit down.  Mario sat down next to Goombella, opposite of Peach and Toadsworth.  Goombella appeared to be picking at her Mushroom Toast, hardly even noticing Mario had sat down.
“Good morning, Master Mario,” Toadsworth said as he took a bite from a large muffin.
“Good morning,” Mario replied politely.  When the waitress came to Mario, Mario decided he would try the Shroom Cakes this morning.  She nodded and pocketed her notepad and pen, moving along to the next table.  â€œAny sign of Pennington?” Mario asked.  Peach took a sip from her apple juice and said,
“No, Mario, I haven’t,” she said.  Mario stared at the door next to the gift shop, thinking that Pennington could arrive any moment to drag Mario away from breakfast, and ask him to sit next to him while he asked the train staff some questions.  Mario received his Shroom Cakes from the purple toad waitress.  They were basically like pancakes with a hint of mushroom to them.  They were smothered with Fungi Syrup, a bit too sticky for Mario’s taste.  Peach and Toadsworth both looked up.  Mario turned around to see Pennington heading towards him.
“Mario!  There you are!” Pennington said as he waddled up.  â€œTerribly sorry to keep you waiting.  I just decided to try and question the engineer while you were sleeping…you know…you can never be too careful…though I think it was a right bad idea…” Pennington rubbed his temples as if he had a headache.  â€œAny ways.  I’m terribly sorry to pull you away from your breakfast, Mario, but we must get going!  Crime never rests!”  Mario bid his farewell to Peach, Toadsworth, and Goombella, and got up from his seat to follow Pennington.  They didn’t go very far, actually.  Pennington stopped right in front of the kitchen and turned to Mario.
“Alright Mario, as you know it is time to question the staff…You wait here while I go and fetch the conductor at the other end of the train.  I’ll be back in a flash!”  Pennington was gone through the door by the gift shop, and could be seen hurrying along to the toad Conductor.  Mario looked around the Dining Hall.  He suddenly saw Bow and Bootler at one of the tables.  Bow was motioning for Mario to come over.  He looked back at the door Pennington had just exited, and decided it was safe to just see what she wanted.  Mario walked over to Bow and Bootler.  Bow cleared her throat and suddenly looked seductive as Mario walked over.
“Hello, Mario,” she said, holding up her pink fan over her face, “Would you like some Shroom Cakes?”  Mario looked down at Bows’ plate to see that she had taken one bite and decided she did not like it.
“Oh, um, no thank you,” Mario replied truthfully.  Bow shrugged.  Bootler kept his droopy eyes on his mistress.
“Suit yourself…Listen Mario,” Bow suddenly said, “you have to believe me!  I did not kill anyone!  Why would I in the first place, right?”  Mario looked over his shoulder to see if Pennington had gotten back yet.  â€œI mean, honestly Mario,” Bow bashed her eyelashes and fanned herself, “you don’t actually think it was me…do you…Mario?”  Mario cleared his throat.
“Um…Well…” Bootler suddenly eyed Mario harshly.  Mario tugged on the collar of his shirt.  She was trying to seduce him.
“Mario, come over here please,” said Pennington from behind Mario.  He had just entered the Dining Hall with the black and red toad conductor behind him.  Mario felt extremely relieved as he said,
“Sorry, Bow, I have to go,” and turned on his heel to head toward Pennington.  The penguin was able to gather up the conductor, the waitress Toadina, and Chef Shimi, the cooking Cheep Cheep.  They were all gathered around in a circle as they watched Mario approach.  He filled a gap in the circle and Pennington took out his notes once more.  Toadina rolled her eyes as if this was a huge waste of time.
“Alright everyone,” Pennington said, “I’m going to get right to the questioning…”  Pennington asked where they were at the time of the crime.  They had all answered at their posts.  None of them had ever known Professor Frankly in their lives, and would never commit murder.  It seemed as if they were all innocent.
“I love my job,” said Toadina, “I wouldn’t dream of throwing away my career with such a thing as murder, and not to mention my entire life!”
“Yes, yes…” Pennington said, “Alright then...” Pennington seemed to be struggling with questions.  â€œWhat about you Chef,” Pennington said.  â€œYou have a lot of hard work to do.  Do you ever feel…you know…stressed?”
“Oh, no!” Chef Shimi said quickly, “I love working on the Excess Express!  Cooking is my passion!  Besides, I was the one who suggested Mario in the first place!  I remembered how he found my missing bowl of soup for me, and I knew if anyone could solve this mystery, Mario could!”  Pennington seemed very taken aback.  He cleared his throat loudly.  â€œAnd you, of course,” said chef Shimi.
“Yes…” Pennington said as he wrote something down.  Mario was almost positive none of the staff did it…but you could never be too sure.  The conductor said he had seen no one in the second boxcar when he went to check the murder scene.  All there was was an open door, and a deceased Goomba.
“Um…Conductor,” Mario said, thinking over what he had said.
“Yes, Mario?” asked the bored Conductor.
“When you went to check on the murder scene, you said you saw nobody there, right?”
“Yes,” The Conductor replied.
“Were both the flower vases there?” Mario asked, hoping that the conductor would remember.
“Funny you should mention that…” the conductor said, “I believe both vases were there the night of the murder, but the next morning, the vase of flowers next to room three was gone…” Mario thought this over.  The next morning they were gone, and in the Shadow Sirens’ room…it could be a possibility that someone could murder Frankly with the vase, and the take it to their room that night realizing it would show finger prints…but the Shadow Sirens?…It was all very confusing.  Mario wasn’t sure what to think.

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #39 on: August 04, 2005, 11:17:06 AM »
Chapter 20:  Notes ~ Mario followed Detective Pennington as he waddled back to his room.  Pennington was rubbing his head and looking over his notes.  It was a bit obvious that he was suffering from a terrible headache.  Pennington suddenly made a groaning noise as he forced his notes into Mario’s hands.
“Mario, why don’t you look over these notes I took,” he said.  Mario looked down at the notepad, which had been scribbled upon messily and looked back up at Pennington.  â€œI think I’m going to go take a nap.  Yes, I didn’t get very much sleep last night.”  Pennington yawned and stretched as he began to open the door to cabin number three.
“Sleep well, detective,” Mario said as Pennington disappeared behind the door.  Mario seated himself at a table in the Dining Hall and began to look over Pennington’s notes:

Lady Bow Room #1 – Spoiled and bossy.  Claims to be asking the conductor for a blanket at time of murder.  Has complete faith in her butler.  Seems to be distracted easily.  Not very cooperative.

Bootler Room #1 – Claims to be out getting ice for Bow at the time of murder.  Had to walk past the murder scene to get to the ice machine next to the kitchen.  Claims to have gotten back to the room before the murder “fast”.  Was more worried about himself than Bow.

Mr. Yoshers Room #2 – On the train with his wife to see the opening play at the new Grand Theatre House in Poshley Heights.  Says that he and his wife were eating dinner in Dining Hall at time of murder.  Did not have any connection with Frankly.  Claims that no one went to get ice at the time of the murder (Bootler is a liar).

Mrs. Yoshers Room #2 – Lets her husband do most of the talking.  Very quiet and cautious.  Says that she only wanted to get away for a little while and –see the opening play.  Get some relaxation.  Does not seem very guilty.

The Shadow Sirens Room #6– Have tried to take over the World once, but seem to be ashamed of it.  Beldam seems a tad reluctant to give up evilness.  The beautiful one called Vivian knew Frankly and was the first sister to turn good.  Used to be enemies with Frankly.  The scrawny one (Beldam) claims that her and her sisters were sleeping at the time.  They are all able to hide in the shadows and have unusual powers.  Claim not to have heard a scream.  Vivian (being most innocent) says that she actually did hear a scream went she got up to get a glass of water.  Beldam seemed angry at her saying this.  Are able to move around in shadow, completely unnoticed.  The stupid fat one seems to be easily persuaded.  They have a stolen vase of flowers in their room.  The vase from the same boxcar as Professor Frankly, and Vivian says they suddenly appeared in their room after the murder.  Suspicious.

Professor Bom-Bers Room #7 – Seems reluctant to reveal his room to people.  Claims to be coming back from having a discussion with the engineer, looking through the shop window and wondering if he should buy something when he heard a scream.  Ran to his room afterwards.  Says the second boxcar where murder took place was empty as he walked through.  Claims to have worked with Professor Frankly in college.  Claims to have been his friend.  Could have been jealous of me working with Frankly and wanted revenge!  Wanted the whole discovery for himself!  Seems most likely.

Lord Crump Room #8 – Used to be in an evil organization that died down.  â€œX-Nauts” have been inactive for a year now.  Used to be a sort of General for the “X-Nauts”.  Claims to be asleep in his room at time of murder.  Says that he did not want to get off the train at Rougeport, but simply wanted to ride the train from and to Poshley Heights to get out a bit.

This was where the notes ended.  Mario took a sip from the Mushroom Juice he had ordered.  Who could have committed the crime?  And why was Bootler lying to them?  Mario suddenly looked over at the ice machine.  It read “Out-Of-Order”.  Mario stared at it for a while.  Then he pocketed the notepad and walked over to the kitchen where Chef Shimi was whistling a tune and cooking something in a pot.
“Excuse me,” Mario said to the Cheep Cheep.  Chef Shimi suddenly looked around at Mario.
“I thought the questioning was over!” he said suddenly.
“What?  Oh!  Yes, it is…I was just wondering…How long has that ice machine been out of order?”  Chef Shimi looked over at the broken ice machine and replied;
“Oh…I’d say…This entire trip.  Not many people get any ice, but yesterday that Boo butler told me that the ice machine was out of order, so I put up a nice sign there…” Mario rubbed his chin.
“Did you see anyone get any ice around the time of the murder?”  Chef Shimi quickly looked at Mario and the up to the ceiling, squinting as if trying to remember…
“Nope,” Chef Shimi said, “No one.  In fact, I don’t think anyone has taken any ice…” Mario thanked the chef for his time and then walked over to the ice machine.  Mario pressed down the button, which was supposed to allow cubed ice to fall.  Nothing happened.  Mario had to think of this for a while.  There were still a lot of clues to be found…

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2005, 11:14:21 AM »
Chapter 21:  The Ghost ~ The next day went by a lot more slowly then the others, partly because Mario had to spend most of his time simply watching the other suspects and see what they were doing.  Pennington had addressed him privately very early in the morning.  He had said he was feeling suspicious about the boos, and that he would keep an eye on them, and Mario should just try to casually examine anyone in finds in his path.  Mario was now eating lunch in the Dining Hall with Peach and Toadsworth.  Goombella had said she needed more time to work on Frankly’s writings.  She claimed it was getting extremely hard all of a sudden, and that Frankly stopped writing in side-notes.  For some reason this filled Mario with sadness.  Knowing that his old friend was really gone shook him terribly.  Mario sipped his Koopa Leaf Tea as he looked out the window.  Peach was having a talk with Toadsworth about her freedom and reminding him of her days when she was trapped inside her own castle with the tiny star kid Twink.  Apparently it was still a bad memory for Toadsworth.  The pretty, young waitress walked past their table and over to the Yoshers who appeared to be in another serious conversation.  Professor Bom-Bers was sitting over by the window, apparently feeling sorry for him self, and the Shadow Sirens were busily talking and laughing (mainly at Vivian).  Mario was sure that Beldam really missed her evil days.  It was very obvious.
“Mario, you remember, right?” Peach suddenly asked him.  Mario pulled his gaze from the window.
“What?” Mario asked.
“Don’t you remember how I took complete care of myself during Bowser’s triumph with the Star Rod?”  Even though it was a lot of Twink’s doing, Mario nodded his head and Peach turned on Toadsworth again.  The hours passed as Mario tried his hardest to spy on the suspects.  He got nothing.  All he found was Mrs. Yoshers drop her necklace and pink it up as if it would be horrid for anyone to see (yet it seemed like a normal reaction for her).  Chef Shimi tried to fix the ice machine; it ended in swearing and frustration leaving the Mushroom Casserole slightly burnt.  And then there was Bow getting angry with Bootler for following her so closely.  Nothing entirely unusual.  Mario was getting no luck.  He stopped in to see Goombella who appeared very frustrated, her hat lying across the floor and her hair in an extremely tight ponytail (as if any hair got in her face she would blow up).  The sky grew crimson as the day roared on.  Today they were supposed to take a brief stop at Riverside Station, but they found it too risky (much to the frustration of the Riverside residents).  Suddenly, as Mario was walking from the Dinging Hall, Pennington pulled him towards his room.
“Mario!  Hello there!”  Pennington said.  â€œLets have a chat with you I my room.  You know, discuss what we’ve seen.”  Mario agreed as he followed Pennington to room #3.  Pennington’s room had a warm feeling to it.  There was a hot pot of tea on the coffee table along with a few cups.  Pennington went to the couch nearby and quickly shoved an odd pair of reading spectacles, two books, and a pipe into his dresser, then offered the seat to Mario.  Mario sat down gratefully, not realizing how tired he really was.  Pennington waddled around the coffee table and poured two cups of steaming hot tea.  He offered Mario a cup.  Mario took the cup with gratitude and took a sip.  It burned his tongue terribly, but provided a very nice warm sensation in his stomach.
“So tell me, Mario,” Pennington said as he stood by the window, watching the dark trees and pink clouds go by, “did you see anything suspicious?…You know, anything out of the ordinary?”  Mario was tempted to say something, but what?  Make a lie?  No, Mario saw nothing out of the ordinary today so he simply told the truth.
“I’m sorry, Pennington, I saw nothing…” Mario said, taking a sip of tea once more despite the burning, “What about you?”
“Nothing.”  Pennington said suddenly, rubbing his forehead with his flipping and taking a rather large sip from his tea.  Mario could have sworn he saw steam rise from his beak.  â€œNot a single bad-doer…everything seems to be normal…I took another look on Frankly’s body, and sadly found no more clues…did you?”  Mario gulped his tea loudly.
“What?  Find more clues?” Mario asked.
“Yes, on Frankly…” Pennington replied.  Mario was not aware that he was suppose to check on the victim…perhaps Pennington had told him to do so after Mario accidentally zoned out.
“Well, actually, I haven’t checked on the body yet,” Mario said.
“Oh…well…alright, you can do that tomorrow I suppose.  That night Mario and Pennington had a chat about the Prime Suspect.  Pennington thought that it could be Bom-Bers or the Shadow Sirens.  Mario was not sure.  They talked until the sun went down and the stars twinkled brightly in the sky.  The sound of crickets and the click-clack of the tracks could be heard through the open window, a cool night breeze blowing through.  After three cups of tea Mario felt very warm, and tired.  He was finally able to say farewell to Pennington as he got up from the couch.  Pennington bided adieu as he waddled back over to his dresser, pulling back out the books and pipe.  After that chat with Pennington Mario felt more into the mystery then he had been in the beginning.  Mario slowly crossed the silent hall, passed room #4…..Mario felt like a true detective now, and decided that he would check on the body of Frankly like he was supposed to in the first place.  Mario slowly opened Professor Frankly’s freezing room.  Mario shuddered as he looked down at Frankly’s covered up body.  Mario closed the door behind him and walked towards him.  Mario had goosebumps everywhere; he could bring himself to pull back that sheet.  Mario decided to sit down for a while, get used to the atmosphere.  Maybe then he could bring himself to pull back that sheet.  Mario slowly walked over to the red couch, keeping his eye on the body as if he was expecting Frankly to rise up at any minute!  Mario sat down in the comfortable couch, his head finally resting.  Mario pulled his gaze away from Frankly for a moment, looking out at the stars.  So many of them, all so far away…Mario yawned and stretched, tiredness overwhelming him.  He slowly began closing his eyes.  Mario quickly opened them again, convincing himself to stay awake, but his eyes still began to close.  His eye-lids were an unbeatable sort of heavy, and he had to give into them…Mario slowly began drifting off to sleep……..Suddenly, the room began turning a strange tint of blue without Mario realizing it.  The ghost of a Toad suddenly appeared.  Mario felt a strange chill run over him, and woke up.  He suddenly opened his eyes to see the ghost.  Mario gasped.
“Shhhhhhh,” said the strange Toad ghost.
“You’re a…you’re a-“
“Ghost?  Yes, I am,” he said. “Greetings Mario.”  Mario rubbed his eyes with his cold hands.  He was now fully awake.
“But…. wait.  I remember you!” Mario said.  â€œDidn’t I meet you last time I was on this express?”
“Yes, you did…you were the fellow kind enough to return my diary,” the ghost said.
“Yeah…but…what are you still doing haunting this train?” Mario asked quickly.
“I like this train,” replied the ghost, “I don’t wish to leave.”  Mario looked from the glowing ghost to the body of Professor Frankly.
“Wait a minute…you didn’t…” Mario was gaping for words.
“No, no, I did not kill Professor Frankly,” the ghost said.  â€œOn the contrary.  I was trying to warn him that someone was coming…” Mario stared at the ghost.  He was proud of himself for handling such a paranormal event such as this so calmly.
“Trying to warn him…” said Mario, “So you know who the murderer is???” Mario asked excitedly.
“Yes, I do.” He replied calmly.
“Who?” Mario sputtered.
“I am sorry Mario, but I cannot tell you that…you have to solve this mystery on your own…” Mario grew a little frustrated.  Just then, another ghost appeared.  This next ghost was an old Goomba with a large, round pair of glasses.  It was Professor Frankly.  Mario gasped.
“…Professor!” Mario said.
“Hello Mario,” Professor Frankly said, “it is great to see you again!”  Mario was lost for words.  His old friend was now a ghost in front of him.
“…But…what are you doing here?” Mario asked quickly.
“Mario,” the ghost of Professor Frankly said, “I cannot leave this train and go into Heaven until you solve this mystery…” Mario felt his stomach go into knots
“…But…” said Mario.
“I know this is all quite hard to understand, Mario my boy,” Frankly said as he floated closer to Mario, but you need to trust me on this…I know that you can solve this mystery…you just have to try your hardest, and think outside the box!”  Mario stared at the glowing professor in awe.  â€œMario, I’ve known you never to give up…I know you can do this…” Mario’s mouth was open slightly as he squinted to see the two ghosts.
“…Thank you Professor…” said Mario, still shocked.  Frankly nodded.
“Well, Mario, that is all I can do for now…take good care of my dear Goombella for me…and good luck…” Frankly suddenly grew brighter and brighter until he finally disappeared.  The Toad ghost smiled at Mario.
“Oh and Mario,” the ghost said as he was about to disappear, “remember…. nothing is as it seems…” and with a flash of light, the toad ghost was gone as well…Mario sat on the couch of room #4, shocked, and completely in awe.

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #41 on: August 10, 2005, 03:35:26 PM »
...Wow....Glorb, although I disagree with your comment earlier, I must say that you might have apparently been right.  No one is reading this anymore...huh...Well, even if a Mario Murder Mystery is being frowned upon, I'm still going to finish it for anyone who might be reading this, just not commenting anymore.

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...


« Reply #42 on: August 11, 2005, 01:39:25 PM »
You must WRITE ON!!
We must see the end...
and We must get Mario PASTA!!
One line signatures, please.

« Reply #43 on: August 12, 2005, 10:01:54 PM »
Then the show must go on!

Chapter 22:  Gone With the Lady  ~ Mario could hardly sleep last night.  All he could think about was the ghost of Frankly and what he had told Mario.  In the morning, Mario was more excited than ever to get back on the case!  He was thrilled with the overwhelming suspense of it.  The Excess Express was taking a very long route to Poshley Heights, as to give them more time to figure out who the mystery.  Mario wanted answers.  First thing in the morning, Mario rushed to room number three.  He knocked on the door three solid times.  No one came to answer the door.  Mario knocked threes times more.  Still, no one came to answer the door.
“Mario, we’ll be in the Dining Hall,” Goombella said to Mario as she entered the hallway from room number five.  Peach and Toadsworth followed her outside.  Mario nodded and waved to them as he watched them disappear behind the sliding door and into the Dining Hall.  Mario knocked again at Pennington’s door, and when no body answered, Mario allowed himself inside.  Mario creaked open the door to find that the windows were shades were drawn and Pennington was still asleep on his bed, a book in his hands.  Mario walked over to Pennington, thinking about if he should wake him up or not.  Mario looked at the bags under his eyes and then to his book.  He was reading through a roughly put together book called: “The History of Penguins”.  Pennington looked as though he had been up quite late last night reading.  Apparently he just wanted to get Mario out of the room to read his book last night when he had told Mario that he wanted to go to bed.  Mario snuck out of the room silently.  It was strange seeing Pennington like this, considering he was always an early bird.  Mario simply couldn’t wait to tell Pennington about the ghosts!  Until then, Mario decided to go get something to eat with his friends.  Mario walked through the sliding door and into the Dining Hall where he could see Peach, Toadsworth, and Goombella at a table next to Mrs. and Mr. Yoshers.  Mario walked over to them and sat down.  They greeted each other as the train roared on.  White, puffy clouds quickly dashed by high above the towering mountains.  Mario talked with his friends for a while until Toadina; the waitress came to their table.
“Good morning everyone!  What will you have?” she asked them politely.
“Princess, you first,” Toadsworth insisted.  Peach looked down at the menu she held in her hands, her eyes darting across it.
“Ummmm….” She said as she looked through the menu.  â€œI think I’ll just have a Marvelous Muffin, please.”  Toadina jotted something down.
“And for you?” she asked Goombella.
“I’ll have the pancakes,” Goombella replied.  Toadsworth then ordered the bran waffle, and Mario ordered the special; the Morning Pasta.  It sounded delicious.  Toadina walked to the kitchen, giving Chef Shimi a note that held all the orders.  Just then, Lord Crump walked in.  He looked very tired.  Apparently, the smell of Chef Shimi’s food got the best of him.  Lord Crump talked with Chef Shimi for a moment, asking what the special of the day was, and then sat down at a table ordering the same thing as Mario.  At this, Toadina quickly came back to their table with Peach’s muffin and Toadsworth’s tea, telling them that the rest of the food would be there shortly.  Mario and the others nodded as Toadina got back to work and Toadsworth sipped his tea.  After a short while, mister and missus Yoshers decided to go back to their rooms.  They both got up and headed towards the door.  As they walked by, Mario saw something drop from Mrs. Yoshers’ purse.  It appeared to be some sort of bulletin.  Mario picked it up.  He couldn’t help himself but read what it said.  It read:  â€œGone With the Wind.  The opening performance of the Grand Theatre House.  See the famous Madam Flurrie play the starring role of Ms. Scarlet, along with her supporting roles played by Zip Toad, Bombette, and Doopliss.  Technical support by Watt, Gourmet Guy and Grodus.  Please come to out famed opening event!  It will go down in history!!!”  Mario quickly pulled his eyes away from the bulletin, feeling rather guilty for reading it.
“Excuse me, Mrs. Yoshers!” Mario called after the pink yoshi who was just heading through the door now.  Unfortunately, she didn’t hear him.
“I’ll be right back, everyone,” Mario said to his friends as he dashed from his seat.  He opened the door following the Yoshers.  â€œExcuse me, ma’am.”  Mario said politely.  Mrs. Yoshers quickly turned around.  â€œYou dropped this.”  Mrs. Yoshers quickly looked down at the bulletin and took it from Mario’s grasp.
“Yes…Thank you…” Mrs. Yoshers said awkwardly.  â€œâ€¦Bye.”  She followed her husband through the next door.  Mario watched as they swiftly walked away, only to see heading through the door next, was Pennington.  Pennington saw Mario and quickened his pace.
“Ah!  Mario!  Good morning to you!” Pennington said.
“Good morning, Pennington,” Mario replied happily.
“I have been doing some research last…er…this morning, and I think I may be getting closer to who the culprit is!” he said.  Pennington seemed to be getting rather excited.
“Yeah, and, Pennington, there is something I want to tell you…”  and so Mario told Pennington the story of his meeting with the ghosts last now, and how he saw the ghost of Frankly.  Mario told him all of what they said, and everything.  At the end, Pennington was too shocked to speak.
“…..Mario……” he said, “…..This is amazing!”
“I know!” Mario said happily, “That ghost is our only witness!”
“Yes…That ghost,” Pennington said, a suspicious look in his eye.  â€œMario, are you sure you weren’t just dreaming, or something?….I mean, you were very tired, and it was late at night, you know.”  Mario knew he was going to ask this.
“I know, but Pennington, I could feel the ghost’s presence!  I know it was real!  It just has to be!” Mario replied to the rather puzzled penguin.
“Hmm…Well, Mario, I suppose who have the head on this mystery.  You’re going have to be very, VERY watchful for the next few days if we plan on solving this case.”  Mario nodded in agreement and followed Pennington and followed him into the Dining Hall.  Goombella and Toadsworth were eating their breakfast.  Peach had finished half of her muffin and was looking tired.  As the crossed over to the table, Lord Crump whispered to Mario;
“Peach isn’t lookin’ too good, Mario…I saw her almost fall asleep a little while a go…” Lord Crump cast a worried glance over at the princess.  Mario agreed.  Princess Peach really did look rather tired.  Mario sat down at his spot at the table, his Morning Pasta resting in front of him.
“Well, I suppose I’ll find another table then, Mario.  I’ll talk to you later,” Pennington said, seeing that the table was full.
“No, wait,” Peach said, “here.  You can take my seat…I’m not feeling too well anyways…I think it was that muffin…I’m going to go lay down…” Peach got up from her seat and made her way slowly to the door.
“Princess?” Toadsworth said, “Are you all right?  Do you need assistance?”
“No, thank you Toadsworth.  I can get there on my own just fine,” Peach replied with a little annoyance in her voice.
“Well…alright Princess…I hope you feel better soon.”  Pennington hoped in the spot of Princess Peach, sliding over the plate with the muffin on it.
“Good to see you all this morning!” Pennington said to Toadsworth and Goombella.
“Good morning Pennington,” Goombella replied.
“Good morning dear boy,” Toadsworth said.  â€œYou know…I think I’m going to have talk with that chef after I’m finished with this bran waffle…” The four of them talked away, chatting about the weather and simple topics like that.  Pennington checked his pocket watch and claimed that he should be going back to his room now to do a bit more research.  Lord Crump went back to his room as well.  A little while later, when the three of them had finished there food, they decided to go back to their room for a while as well.  Mario paid for the food and followed after Toadsworth and Goombella.  Mario did hope Peach was feeling all right now.  What did Chef Shimi put in that muffin?  Toadsworth opened the door slowly as not to awake the princess.  As they entered the room, they found Princess Peach huddled completely under the blanket, apparently already asleep.  Toadsworth made a “be quiet” signal to them as the walked in.  Toadsworth began reading his book as Goombella worked on her scrolls from Professor Frankly.  Apparently she was really getting into them.  Mario could swear she was about to cry sometimes as she read them, too.  Probably reading something that reminded her so of her old Professor.  Mario tried thinking of the case, but for some odd reason, Princess Peach was distracting him.  He kept looking over to where he lay hidden, completely still.  After a while, Mario couldn’t take it anymore.  Mario got up from the couch and slowly walked over to the bunk bed.  He very carefully pulled back the covers (Toadsworth luckily not noticing this) to see if Peach was really okay.  As he pulled them back, all he found was pillows.  Mario swiftly pulled off all the covers, revealing a pile of pillow on the bed.  This drew everyone’s attention as they just stared at the huddle of pillows, the place where Princess Peach was supposed to be resting.  On the pillows was a single sheet of paper.  On it, it read this:

sHe iS GoNe mR.DeTecTiVe.

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...

« Reply #44 on: August 13, 2005, 05:32:01 PM »
Chapter 23:  The Threatening Note ~ Toadsworth stood by the bedside, staring at the note, his mouth hanging open.
“Princess…” The princess had been kidnapped again.  Mario picked up the note and looked it over.  The handwriting was scrambled up as to note let Mario know who’s handwriting it was.  It was that muffin.  Someone put something in it.  But, why would Chef Shimi do such a thing?  He was the only one who could have done anything to Peach’s muffin while baking it.  Unless the ingredients were mixed around…hmm…
“Who could’ve kidnapped her like this?” Goombella said, shaking her head at the pillows.  â€œIt just sends shivers up your spine knowing someone was in here…someone who could even be…the murderer…” Mario didn’t waste any time.  He grabbed the note and took it off to Pennington’s room without another word.  Mario knocked at the door of room number three.  Pennington answered the door, sipping tea.
“Greetings Mario, old chap.  Did you discover anything?” Pennington asked.
“As a matter of fact, I have,” said Mario showing Pennington the note.  Pennington looked it over several times.  Even though this was a tragic accident, Mario could tell that Pennington was getting excited about how the mystery was beginning to really heat up now!  Pennington offered Mario tea.  He politely declined.  Pennington could not get over the note.  It was as if he thought if his eyes lost sight of that piece of paper, the mystery would go down the drain.
“This is truly unthinkable…Mario you must find her!  She could be harmed at any moment!”  Mario leapt at this.  Pennington was right.  Mario blood ran cold, and his heart pounded as he thought the murderer could have claimed yet another victim.  Mario apologized for his rudeness as he simply dashed from Pennington’s room and out into the hall.  The hall shook a little as the train road over a bump in the tracks.  Mario looked from left to right, his mind working fast.  She couldn’t have been anywhere to the back of the train, Mario would have seen the murderer run by.  She had to be somewhere in the front of the train.  Mario didn’t want to start charging into rooms yet.  He decided to take a visit to the front of the train.  Mario ran up to the engine.  He quickly slid open the door and walked through.  The engineer didn’t seem to notice Mario enter.  He was simply watching out the window of the train, keeping his eyes on the tracks of the train.  No sign of Peach anywhere.
“You,” Mario said.  The engineer quickly turned around, a panicked look on his face.
“Oh…Mario…It’s only you,” he said, catching his breath.  Everyone on the train was a little jumpy since the murder took place.
“Have you seen anyone come in here earlier?” Mario asked him.  The engineer looked a little confused.
“Why…No I haven’t…but then again, I didn’t hear you come in here either, now did I?” the engineer said.  Mario asked permission to search for something, which the engineer granted.
“Exactly, what are you looking for anyways?” asked the engineer.
“Oh, just something…someone, actually,” Mario said quickly as he looked around a piece of heavy equipment by the door.  The engineer grew pale.
“…Someone?” he said wearily, swallowing loudly.
“Yeah.  There’s been a kidnapping,” said Mario.  The conductor grew pale as Mario continued his search.  After a while, Mario found no sign of Peach.  He left the engine room, and decided to give each cabin a look down.  As Mario was about to knock on room number one, something struck him.  The room that held Frankly’s body.  Room number four.  Mario quickly dashed into the next boxcar, past Pennington’s room and stopped in front of room number four.  Mario took a deep breath, hoping to God that he wouldn’t find another lump under a sheet lying on the floor.  He slid open the door.  Mario saw the Toad ghost, floating near the beds.  He was looking down at the ground.  Mario quickly looked where the ghost was.  From underneath the bottom bunk Mario could see a slender, gentle hand covered with a long white glove.  Mario quickly rushed over to the bed, past Frankly’s body and slowly looked under the bed where Peach’s body lay.  Mario was afraid to see what he would find.  There was Peach, her eyes gently closed and her chest slowly going up and down.  She was still alive, only in a very deep sleep.  Mario gently pulled her out from under the bed.  She was out like a light.
“Mario,” said the ghost, “check her hand…” Mario looked up at the Toad ghost.  Mario looked down at Peach’s gloved hand to find her clutching something.  He gently pulled it out.  It was another sheet of paper.  Mario unfolded it and read:

KeEp YoUr NoSE oUt oF ThIs MyStErY iF yOu KnOw WhaTs GoOd FoR yOu.

Mario gasped.  Someone was threatening Mario.  And whoever it was is on this very train.  Mario picked up the sleeping Peach and headed to the door of room number four.
“Mario,” said the ghost.  Mario turned to hear what he had to say.  â€œKeep your eyes open, Mario.  Remember.  Don’t believe everything you hear…” The ghost slowly disappeared.  Mario looked down at Professor Frankly’s body, and then back at Princess Peach.  Mario walked back out in the hallway to bring her back to her peaceful sleep.

“A wagon full of pamcakes?  In the Champeen ship?!  I’d like to see ya try!” ~ Homestar Runner        
Maybe there is more to me than there is to me...
