
Author Topic: Summer of Mario: GAME & WATCH GALLERY 4  (Read 3546 times)


  • Trusts the fungus
« on: July 15, 2020, 10:39:13 AM »
It's time to punch Waluigi in the face in...


Once again, the Mario characters star in recreations of classic Game & Watch titles.  Play faithful simulations of the original games, or try them with color, music, and Mario!  This collection features the largest number of Game & Watch games yet.  Boxing, Chef, Donkey Kong 3, Donkey Kong Jr., Donkey Kong, Fire Attack, Fire, Mario Bros., Mario's Cement Factory, Octopus, and Rainshower are the starting games.  Do well enough and you'll several additional classic titles: Manhole, Tropical Fish, Mario's Bombs Away, Parachute, Bomb Sweeper, Climber, Safebuster, Lifeboat, and The Legend of Zelda.

Some of these titles were present in the earlier Game & Watch Gallery games, but the Game Boy Advance versions are much more detailed, colorful, and feature even more Mario cameos.  The collection here also help demonstrate the wide variety of jobs Mario has had: bomb sweeper, factory worker, ape tormentor...

It's worth noting that the classic version of Donkey Kong 3 stars Stanly, whereas the modern version features Mario.

Developed by Tose and Nintendo, Game & Watch Gallery was released in 2002.  This was the last Gallery collection released.
Let's do the Mario, all together now!
