
Author Topic: saving dinosaur land  (Read 31774 times)

« Reply #45 on: May 12, 2003, 05:55:46 PM »
Mario pressed on into the valley. the rocky terrain was not easy for the koopa, who when on his back found it difficult to get up again.
The castle was much easier to see now, and much bigger than it looked from so far away.
It was a white castle, with a huge drawbridge in front. They assumed that there would be a moat.
"A moat! Of course! Bowser never had a moat! Why does there have to be a moat!" grumbled mario. He was obviously in a bad mood.

Grrr! I'll never finish the story at this rate!

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #46 on: May 13, 2003, 07:40:23 PM »
Since i dont consider myself as good a writer as Screech, it probably wont be so good, but ill take this as serious as possible. You can use this if you want, but otherwise, continue from here.

When the group approached the moat, they noticed that it was made from lava.
Mario"Lava?! I didn't think we would run into lave!"
Luigi"Well at least there's no moat mons-"
Mario"What was  that noise?"
  They walked along the moat and saw several hundred Blaargs.
Luigi"Too bad we don't have Yoshi..."
  Mario went to see if there was a way to cross but the bridge was up. They inspected further and mario had an idea.
Mario"Why don't we get the koopa to lie on his back pull his legs and head in and float across on him?"
Koopa"Becaus we could get eaten!!!More on the lines of I!!"
Luigi"Well, what do we do?"
 They thought and pondered. Mario sat and thought.
 Mario"If only i had a feather..."
Koopa"You mean one of these?"
 The koopa reached into his shell and pulled out a feather. The exact kind he used to make his cape appear. He used it and found it worked.
Luigi"How are we going to get across?"
Mario"I'll fly in and open the gate"
Mario was gone for 5 minutes and flew back.
Mario" I cant open it, it's too hard im going to need some help. Oh and i have to warn you...i kind of made some noise that alerted the gaurds. so be ready for a fight."
Luigi" How am i going to get in? im too heavy to lift into the air...say koopa, you wouldn't happen to have another one would you?"
Koopa"nope, it was my only one."
 After backtracking, they found a block they missed.
Mario"here goes"
 He jumped and a....coin appeard
Mario"Darn it! Wait a second if i can lift Yoshi into a glide i can lift you!!"
 They went to the castle and they noticed it seems theyd been going in circles.
Mario" now i need you to get on you hands and knees"
 Luigi did so questioning whether mario was in his right mind. Mario sat on him and..
Mario"Uh Oh. theres a problem. i need to get a running start"
Koopa "I could take my shell off, however embarassing, and you and luigi sit on it and i kick it. would that work?"
Mario"I believe  it will!"
 The koopa did so and it worked. When they landed, they found themselves in a group of Charging Chucks and Goombas. They fought their way out with marios cape and luigi uhh...hmmm...whatever. and they soon found themselves at the lever. They both pulled as hard as they could and the lever gave to. There was no reaction from the gate, but soon after,a little panel opened and there was a button.
Mario "should we push it?"
Luigi"why not"
 they pushed it and the gate opened.
Mario"wow, whoever did that must be either one, a demented crazy psycho who hates life, two, determined not to let anyone in,or three, all of the above"
Luigi"I think we should investigate this castle."

To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.

Edited by - Gunblade88 on 5/13/2003 7:06:34 PM

« Reply #47 on: May 14, 2003, 05:10:12 PM »
Mario, equipped with a cape, entered the castle, he noticed that rather than being dark or ugly. It was actually well lit and very homely.
"Is anyone here?" called mario. normally he wouldn't have done so, but there was something about this place that was friendly. He felt like he was calling on a friend.
"shhhhhh." hushed luigi."what are you doing? do you want someone to know we're here?"
"oh, we know you're here. We have for some time."
Mario luigi and the koopa spun around.behind them were three people.
The axem rangers.
Or at least three of them. the yellow, green, and pink axems were right there.
"over here." said another voice.
They turned behind them. Axem red and black stood behind them.
"Oh great!" said mario. "we're surrounded."
Luigi and mario readied themselves for a fight. The koopa stood between them in hopes that his diminuitive stature(his short size) would keep him out of the Axems' veiw.
Mario and luigi took the defensive, the axem rangers had pointed weapons. Luigi didn't care much for pointed objects.
Axem red, in typical turn-based fashion, went up to mario and took a swing with his huge axe. Mario ducked.
Mario used a trick he learned from bowser(who did, in fact have a few good tricks up his sleeve)He ran over to luigi and picked him up.
"You can't be serious! Wait! Why don't  you throw the koopa? hold o-"
Mario tossed him at the axem rangers. a good hit but mario wasn't nearly as strong as bowser."


The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Inquiring
« Reply #48 on: May 16, 2003, 12:02:47 AM »
Still here, still reading, just to let you know. :)

If things don''t go your way, just keep complaining until your dreams come true.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2003, 09:11:54 PM »
im still readin, just tryin to keep this topic alive...your doing great

The penguins will take us all away!! So says Boss AKA: Tonfa

« Reply #50 on: May 18, 2003, 07:09:27 PM »
"How did you guys surround us?" asked Mario, jumping over a swing of Axem Red's axe.
"You made such a racket coming in! Besides, we knew you would be coming." said Axem red, taking another swing.
"Huh? How did you know?"
Axem Red stopped and scooted back.
"there's a story to that. Y'see, After the smithy invasion we went our separate ways and tried to get jobs as hair stylists, waiters, and even janitors, but without a colledge education it's impossible to get a job these days. anyway so we drifted for a while. But one day, this guy calls us and askes to defend his castle or something. Well I gotta tell ya, we had done the killing people thing, and frankly, our hearts just weren't in it. But when he mentioned a rematch, with you, we couldn't turn him down."
"He knew we would try to help?"
"Yeah, he had this long theory about you guys always vacationing in the place that needs help. It's kinda advanced for me. But anyway, we waited and, actually, we had expected you guys about a half hour ago... Why do I suddenly get the feeling I've said just a tiny bit too much? doesn't matter. You'll be dead before you can use anything that might've slipped out. Shall we?"

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #51 on: May 22, 2003, 07:19:21 PM »
hey screech..still readin and keeping the topic alive!! kepp it comin, its a good story. I also have a the story boards section ment only for mario stories?

The penguins will take us all away!! So says Boss AKA: Tonfa


  • Score
« Reply #52 on: May 22, 2003, 09:07:09 PM »
So, don't mean to go off topic, but where is that which Nintendo character are You? test.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2013, 10:31:26 PM by Jman »
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2003, 08:49:47 PM »
mario jumped as high into the air as he could and brought his foot down onto axem red and black's head. He then bounced onto the head of axem yellow, then pink, and finally green, landing in front of them with a satisfied smile on his face.
"Bravo!" said the koopa. "If you coulda done that while we were fighting bob, we wouldn't of had a problem!"
Luigi kicked axem green in the shin, and then the groin, and then with two fingers, poked him in the eyes.
He noticed that Pink and yellow were charging at him. He jumped(much higher than mario) and at the very highest he could go, performed a butt-stomp, on axems green, pink, and yellow.
Mario, grabbed red by his ankles, swung him around and threw him into black. The two tumbled onto the ground. red was the first on his feet. he quickly began to calculate a plan.
He ran to where the koopa was hiding and put his arm around the front of his neck.
"all right! nobody move!"
The axem's stopped stirring.
"Not you idiots! them!"
They scrambled to there feet and the brothers stood still.
"now! All of you-not you, them! Put your faces to the wall."
"There's only two of us if it helps avoid confusion." said luigi.
The koopa was being used as a hostage. He began to make a plan of his own.
The axem rangers began to beat on the mario brothers, except for axem red, who held the koopa.
"hey! what's that?!" said the koopa, attempting to roll his large eyes.
"what, I don't see anything!" said axem red, loosening his grip.
The koopa pulled his head into his shell and back out again, freeing himself from axem red. Then he pulled his fist back, and punched as hard as he could.
"False alarm." he said. Then, he turned to the mario brothers "guys, I'm all right!"
The mario brothers turned back around to face the four axem rangers.
"uhh ohhhh." the four of them said together.
Mario and luigi cracked their knuckles.
The axems, quickly formed a huddle.
"we need a new strategy!" said red.
The five of them faced mario and luigi.
"we need bowser zord power now!"

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #54 on: May 26, 2003, 07:49:37 PM »
The five  axem's ran as fast as they could further into the castle. and into a large door.
"Do we really want to follow?" asked luigi.
"better see what they think they're doing." said mario.
The mario bros. and the koopa opened the door. on the other side was something far sillier than anything they had faced before.
There were the axem rangers, inside humongous mechsuits designed to resemble dinosaurs(or possibly animals).
"Haha! You thought you could defeat us when we are working for who has to be the smartest guy in the mushroom world!"
"You guys are going to be in some SERIOUS legal trouble if you survive this!" called Luigi.
Mario knew that there was no way they could defeat the axem rangers without some sort of help.
The koopa's eyes darted around the rather large room. They stopped at a yellow, question-mark block with a sign above it. It read:
"In case of giant killer robots, break box."
The koopa jumped and broke the box with his fist. Two super mushrooms popped out. The koopa grabbed them andthrew them to the mmario brothers, who upon touching them, grew to be over three times their normal size.
"Awwwe maaaaaan." sad axem yellow. Who put that box there?

The fight was on. Mario lunged at axem pinks flying mechsuit, which climbed high into the air. Mario caught his balance and jumped, punching pink's mechsuit. This sent it sailing toward the ground. Mario was about to stomp on it when out of the blue, axem black's mechsuit(which may or may not have been a dog)stood up on it's hind legs and grabbed mario's foot, and pulled him down.
In an instant, luigi tried to tackle black, but green's giant reptile(aligator?) stood up on it's back legs, came behind luig's back and got him in a full nelson. Luigi let his entire body fall limp and simply slipped away. then he turned and punched the giant robot in it's supposed head.
Axem yellow's pig and axem red's stork rammed into luigi from either side. mario jumped onto his feet. He squatted and kicked, spinning 360 degees, tripping the long legged stork mech. luigi threw two punches and a kick at the stout tanklike pig, but it did no good.
The koopa was frantically running around beneath the fighting below. He was almost stepped on by mario's shoe,and again by a large stork foot.
He jumped out of the way again and jumped beneath the yellow pig. He looked up and saw a large red spot on it's belly. There was luigi punching and kicking to no avail.
"That may be a weakness!" the koopa thought.
"Hey!" Luigi! down here!"

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2003, 03:30:11 PM »
Luigi bent down and scooped up the koopa just in time to rescue him from being stepped on by axem yellow's giant pig.
"I saw something! The pig's belly is it's weakness!" he said.
Luigi nodded. The pig charged at him. He kicked it's underside as hard as he could. It toppled over on it's back.
Luigi went to help mario.
Mario ducked beneath a tail swipe of green's alligator, and above a low swoop of axem pink's bird.
axem black's dog jumped into the air and bit mario on the backside.
Mario whirled around and performed a spin jump. The dog, still attached slammed into axem red's stork, throwing it into the aligator.

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #56 on: June 01, 2003, 08:02:23 PM »
Azem pink turned the bird upward.
"Turn it on! Activate it!" cried axem red over his radio.
"right!" said pink. She punched a button on her dashboard.
The five axem robots assembled to create an incredibly expensive looking, extremely powerful, giant killer robot.
"hahahahahahahah!" cried axem red, speaking from the presumed head of the robot.
"we have joined together to create the super cool, totally awesome and really expensive white axem zord!!!!!!!"
mario and luigi knew they were in trouble now. quickly, the koopa thought up a plan. "guys! I have an idea!" mario and luigi listened to him, and agreed that it was a lot better than anything they could come up with,so they agreed to try it.
The two brothers split up and each one took a different side of the robot.
"I'll attack high, you go low!" cried luigi.
Mario crouched and stuck his foot out, spinning around. When the axem robot tried to stop him, luigi's high punch got them in the head. They repeated the process. soon, the axems within the robot began to fight.
"I say we block high!"
"no way! mario is low."
"But the weakness is our head!
"I'll say your weakness is your head!"
"why you!" They continued to fight until several red lights began to flash.

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #57 on: June 05, 2003, 02:01:00 PM »
"now look what you've done!"
"What?! So this is all MY fualt?!"
"Here it comes!"
The giant robot stopped movie. it leaned slightly forward.
"Huh?" said mario
"Omygosh!" cried luigi
"Incoming!" yelled the koopa
they scrambled in various directions as the robot fell face down, with an earshattering crash, on the floor.
The three looked on to see five battered figures emerging from the machine.
"Well maybe we landed on the-" said red. "ah! Ahhh! ahhhhhhh!"
he cried, running out of the castle, followed by the others, screaming similarly.
"oookkkaaaayyyy...that was wierd." said the koopa. the three approached a door. it was a large door, but not like the red "boss doors" that bowser liked to place in his castles.
"allright! let's see what's on the other side!"
"Be careful! you don't know what's in there. I don't think we could make it through another fight like the last one."
They opened the door to find...
a totally empty room.
"Did we do something wrong?"
"Look around. maybe something is supposed to pop out, or something."

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #58 on: June 09, 2003, 12:22:06 PM »
the white room was almost creepy. they pounded on the walls, scratched up the floor, but there were no secret passages or traps or anything. very strange.
suddenly, they heard a noise, the walls began to move. They raced to the door only to find that it was locked. The walls were moving in closer. Mario's eyes wandered around, looking for an escape.
"We'll be crushed!" cried the koopa.
"Keep calm." said luigi. "there's gotta be a a way outta here. Wait. There's no way outta here!!! We're gonna die!"
Mario looked up at the ceiling. he saw the faint outline of something... a door...maybe.
Mario got the best running start he could and flew up to the ceiling.
"What are you doing!?" cried luigi and the koopa in unison.
mario punched at the white door and, luckily, it opened. but he couldn't get in. He landed.
"I'll carry the koopa, we'll both fly through that!" he said, pointing to the door.
The walls, however, were getting so close that there wasn't enough room for a running start.
"wait. lets get on each other's shoulders, and climb out." suggested luigi.
The koopa was lightest so he stood at the top. Then, luigi below him, and then mario, on the bottom. The koopa could reach the top and pulled himself out, dragging luigi out with him. Luigi was heavy to the koopa and almost made him fall back in. mario remained in the white room. Luigi reached  his hand in.
"Jump for it!" he cried.
Mario jumped and just barely missed.
"Lower me down!" commanded luigi, to the koopa.
The koopa did as he was told.
"Hurry! The walls are getting closer!"
Mario jumped and grabbed luigi's hand, as the walls caught his foot.
"pull!" he screamed in pain.
Luigi and the koopa pulled with all their might, and mario free at the expense of one shoe.

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2003, 08:52:19 PM »
"where are we?"
"I dunno. But it's better than being down there."
They caught their breath and looked around. the room was small, it didn't seem to serve any purpose. just there. a single door.
"this is really starting to annoy me." thought mario.
they opened the door. on the other side was a room with paintings on the walls.
"More art! these bad guys are artistic!" said the koopa.
"No." said a female voice. "bob painted these. but they aren't for decoration. these serve an entirely different purpose."

The world would be a much cleaner place if people would eat their own trash.
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
