
Author Topic: saving dinosaur land  (Read 31770 times)


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« Reply #90 on: November 11, 2003, 07:44:17 PM »
Are we allowed to post any of the story?  (is there a right answwer?)

*LD gets hit with a trout.*
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #91 on: November 14, 2003, 04:08:59 PM »
Actually, right now, I encourage it. I have an ending thought up, but I'm kinda stuck here.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #92 on: November 18, 2003, 08:56:47 PM »
The koopa was alive, only because of his protective shell. He squeezed himself out of it, and ran around so that he could see the king bob-om's eyes.
"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up! You little troll! When I get up, you will suffer"
The koopa quickly shoved, and the huge bob-om slid on the koopa's shell, off the summit.
"Haha!" He laughed. "That should take care of old-"
He turned around and faced the king Bob-om.
"Wow. For a fat guy with short legs, you sure are fast."
"I cede your victory, little one. You're cleverness overrides your punyness. You may use the star."
"All right!" said the koopa.Then he became aware that he was standing on the summit of a mountain in his underwear.
"You didn't happen to grab my shell, on your way back up, did you?"

Mario, Peach, and Luigi stayed with the boos. They were very hospitable (once they got over their shyness).
"You guys, really could use some food, but we don't have any here. You see, we don't eat. It would probably be radioactive anyway. But we can give you a place to sleep. And we can fix that painting of yours. And tomorrow, you can go fight."

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #93 on: November 28, 2003, 05:42:01 PM »
The koopa (now clothed) Stared at the dark shadowy star shape. He didn't have a clue as to how he would move it.
"Wind! Can wind blow it?"
The king Bob-om was growing impatient.
"I say, do hurry up and get it off my mountain before I change my mind."
"Well, you're not helping!" said one Bob-om buddy.
"What was that?!"
"Uhh...nothing...your majesty."
They were stumped. To move something made of pure power seemed impossible.
"What if we found something ELSE made of power?" The koopa asked.
"Like what, genius?" the obviously irritated Bob-om buddies answered.
The koopa thought a moment, and had an idea.
"...Like another Star Shadow!"
"Can someone use the power of a star shadow to  'call' another one to it?"
"'d you come up with that?"
"I dunno. I just figured that, since the star shadows can do so much, and theey are part of a set... yeah, it's probably just a dumb ide-"
"Nononono! Wait! It just might work!"
The koopa put his hands ever-so-gently on the star shadow, and closed his eyes.
Sure enough, the star shadow from the flying island, began to float toward the summit. But strangely, so did all the other stars in the battlefield. Soon, all the star shadows in the area had congregated on the mountain.
The koopa opened his eyes, "What's goin' on!"
The stars were moving to the center of the summit, where the koopa was standing, and dissapeared alltogether, in a bright flash. And standing in their place was a golden Power Star.
"Could it be...?"
"It has to be. There's no other explanation!"
"It IS the 121'st power star!"

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #94 on: November 30, 2003, 03:37:50 PM »
The Koopa and all three bob-oms stared in wonder.
"well?" said a bob-om buddy. "What are you waiting for?"
"Oh, right." the koopa touched the star and soared off into the wild blue once more.

Mario, Luigi, and Peach watched the boos as they skillfuly repaired the painting with duck tape.
"I told you so." said Mario.
The leader of the boos smiled. "All finished."
The painting was slightly uneven, but you had to squint to see it.
"Do you know if the Koopa can get out of there?" asked peach.
Suddenly, the painting flew from the boo's hands(nubs?) and put itself on the wall.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #95 on: November 30, 2003, 05:19:03 PM »
With an ear peircing "AHHHH!", something flew from the painting.
"Whew! I was sure I wasn't gonna survive that!"
It was the Koopa!
"Is this your friend?" asked the boo leader.
"Yeah, I'm- It's a Boo!!" cried the Koopa, ducking inside his shell, which had recently become almost a second home to him.
Mario tried to help.
"He's friendly. They all are. C'mon! You can't stay in there forever..."

Eventually mario got the Koopa to come out. The four of them reunited, they swapped stories. The koopa told them of his adventure in the painting, and of his promise to find the Power stars. He even showed them the star he found within the painting.
Mario, Luigi, and Peach told him about meeting the boos, and of their horrible imprisonment.
When the time came (or as close to it as they could guess), the four comrades went to sleep. The next day, they would be led to the evil king's castle.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #96 on: December 09, 2003, 07:00:38 PM »

"You failed me." said a voice.
"My apologies. I did not expect them to have friends."
"Of course not. You should stick to art."
"Art doesn't pay the bills."
"Obviously. Yours is worthless."
The red haired man standing before the dinosaur king felt suddenly angry, but held his toungue, for fear of it being clawed out.
"They will not escape me again."

The Mario brothers, The koopa, and Peach had woken up, and were already preparing to go.
"I should've known better than to sleep in my shell!" said the koopa in frustration. "It's all fulla wrinkles!"

The castle was enourmous. Even bigger than Bowser's when he had lifted Peach's into the sky.
"He'll be at the top." Said Luigi, "Bad guys are always at the top."
They opened the doors, and would've noted how beautifully decorated it was but they had things to do and wanted to get on with their vacation.
Up a winding staircase and into a room filled with books, they went. For such a large castle, the path to the top was relatively linear. Further, they headed. Until they reached a room with something very strange in it.
"Eggs!" cried mario. "Giant yellow eggs!"
The room's floor had indentions in it like those of a styrofoam egg carton, and sitting in them were about fifty huge, yellow-spotted eggs.
"Hey mario!" said Luigi. "Don't these kinda look like the ones Bowser trapped the yoshis in, last time we were on vacation here?"
"Now that you mention it, they do. You think..."
"Maybe, but if that's the case, we can't hatch them here."
"We'll get them on our way back."
The proceeded down the hall and almost opened the door.
"Stop!" Cried a familiar, but very unwanted, voice.
It was Bob!
"Back for more, eh? Well, we can still take you on!"
"Wait. On the other side of that door is a trap, and once you made it through, I was to be waiting to kill you."
"Then why are you out here?"
"Because I want to help you. Money or no, I want the dinosaur king destroyed, and I can't do it alone."
"Why should we trust you? Besides, we can beat him without your help."
"You may have had a night's rest, but you still don't have your strength back from fighting the others. Take these."
He held four fireflowers in his hand.
"One for you, you, you, and...Where's the star roadite? Well, you'll have to use this then."
He handed one to peach.
"There's a secret door over there, but don't make any noise coming in. That door will take you to the throne room. He won't be expecting you so you can catch him off guard."

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


  • Normal
« Reply #97 on: December 09, 2003, 07:25:54 PM »
Excellente!  Que, no habla espanol?

If chickens had lips, could they whistle?
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #98 on: December 12, 2003, 06:23:31 PM »
I can speak some Spanish because a foreign language class is required at my high school and, as luck would have it, that's the only language my school offers.

Bob began to walk away.
"Hold up!" cried Mario. "Where do you think you're going?"
"I'm going home."
"Nuh uh! Don't think so! You're coming with us!"
"No! I-I can't! He'll kill me!"
"Well, WE'RE gonna kill you if you don't come on!"
"Please! Let me go!"
"Look! If he tries to hurt you, we'll protect you."
Bob stopped. He thought for a good while.
"Ok." he said.
They opened the door. Standing right in front of them, surprisingly close, was a tall semihumanoid creature, He (it?) had scaly green skin, and a long tail that swished back and forth. His mouth was full of sharp teeth, and he had no nose whatsoever.
He wore black pants and no shirt. His yellow eyes were partly covered by sunglasses, the only hair visible was a black mowhawk.
This guy was butt ugly.
He turned his head away from the mario brothers and looked Bob in the eyes.
"Hello traitor."
Bob stood, terrified, for at least a minute. He suddenly jumped backwards and ran out the door, which shut behind him.
"Hey!" cried Mario. "Get back here you-"
"Don't worry." said the reptilian creature. "Bob was one of the fighters I hired to wear you down. I was sure he'd be killed when you reached him, before you were trapped in my painting."
The koopa kept his mouth shut.
"But, of course, If you're dealing with the likes of the Mario brothers, it always pays to keep a failsafe.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #99 on: December 12, 2003, 10:27:00 PM »
The Mario brothers looked around the room. No traps. No monsters. No weapons or bars of fire suspended over pits of lava.
"What are you talking about?"
"It's the end of the line for you, Marios."
"Where've we heard that before?" whispered luigi to peach.
The monsterous monarch's eyes widened. "Come on!"
He jumped (remarkably quickly for someone his size) at Mario, who moved (a litle slower) out of the way and was about to strike him on the back of the head when his fist was caught in mid-flight.
Mario lit his hand on fire, but the Dinosaur King only burnt his palm.
He twisted the plummer's hand.
"owwOwwwOWWWW!" He cried. "Stop it, my uncle used to do that to me!"
The dinosaur king wrapped his tail around Mario's leg.
"Wha- Mario! look out!" Cried the koopa.
Mario looked as his leg, just as it was pulled out from under him.
Mario was on the floor, with the Terrible tyrant looming over him, with one clawed finger at his neck.
A moment passed.
"You can try and help him now." Said the Dinosaur king, impatiently.
Peach and Luigi attacked. Luigi to the left, Peach to the right. the Monster moved around both of them with amazing speed. Even though Luigi was faser than marrio, it wasn't much help. Soon, Luigi and peach were knocked into a wall.
The really amazing thing, though, was that the whole time, the monster had not picked mario up of the floor. He had avoided every fireball, punch, kick, or golf club swipe, by sliding mario around the floor and dodging with the rest of his body.
Luigi peeled himself off of the wall. He charged an enourmous ball of green fire in his hands.
"Looks like someone's been watching a little too much television." said the King.
Luigi threw the fireball with all his strength.
For a brief instant, the king looked startled. But a smile quickly spread across his face.
The king swatted the green ball away with his prehensile tall. It flew into the wooden rafters on the cieling, where it burned, temporarily unnoticed.
Mario noticed a black mark on his tail.
"Is that REALLY the best you can do? I really fail to see how you even managed to beat Syrup!"
The fight stopped. Now that was an insult.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #100 on: December 13, 2003, 06:24:57 PM »
Luigi charged once more at the green reptile. He ducked under punches and leapt over kicks. He slid left and right, avoiding the tail swipes of his foe. To give the taller brother his due, he was doing VERY well.
But not well enough. The dinosaur king had been attacking Luigi in a sort of ryhthm. Luigi grew accustomed to blocking and dodging in this ryhthm, but suddenly, the Dinosaur king broke his beat and attacked him with two consecutive punches. And headbutted him in the stomache. Luigi had the wind knocked out of him.
"Haha! Nothing! Wait. I let the other one out of my site-"
Mario had nailed him, right of the side of his face, with his shoe.
"Jump kick!"
The fire burning above grew more intenses, as did the battle below.
The koopa even took off his shell and kicked it at the Dinosaur king but of course, the attack did no good.
The five combatants, locked in the epic battle, were too busy fighting to notice that the rafters were beginning to fall...
"Take that!" cried Luigi, firing a green fireball at the king.
"Raaauuugghhhhh!!!" roared the fierce creature slashing luigi across the shoulder.
Green, red, pink, and orange sparks flew from the bodies of our heroes. Their energy was being sapped by the constant use of the fireflowers.
Suddenly, without warning, the rafters fell to the floor! The room was catching fire!
The dinosaur king, evidently having thought ahead, wrapped his tail around a switch, and pulled.
The floor opened up beneath him and he dissapeared into the darkness.
"He's getting away!" cried Mario.
The four companions jumped in after him, expecting to hit a floor, but instead just...fell.
Soon, three of the four had fallen far enough down to see the Dinosaur king.
"You!" he cried, half in anger, half in alarm. "You can't possibly seriously think that you could beat me, freefalling down to the lowest level of the castle, where, even if you succeed, you'll be killed anyway!"
"We couldn't tell we would be freefalling, Genius! We couldn't see a floor!"
The two fought, hand to hand, still falling, for almost ten minutes. Mario wall kicked, wall jumped, threw fireballs, ricocheting around the long shaft.
"Oh Mario. You might want to look down."
Mario looked down.
They were falling straight into a huge pit of lava.
"Are you insane!? We'll all be killed!"
"Ha! You will, due to you primitive human physiology..."
He swished his multi-purpose tail around.
"I however, have evolution on MY side!
The dinosaur king plummeted dangerously close to the pit, but lashed out his tale at the last moment, catching a bar, and swinging like a monkey, to safety.
"Let's see YOU do that!"
Mario thought. He thought harder and faster than he ever had before. He looked up and saw Luigi and the Koopa. He looked down and saw almost certain death. He had an idea!
"I'm going to wall-jump, and I want you to catch me! Then I want YOU to wall jump and grab the Koopa!"
"What good will that do!?" cried Luigi frantically!
Luigi did what he was told, though he knew it wouldn't help.
Mario kicked off the wall, and grabbed luigi by the hand. Luigi did the same, grabbing hold of the Koopa.
They were almost no higher at all.
They could see peach, who had fallen slower than the others, due to her small size and wind resisting clothes!
"Grab her hand!" cried Mario.
The koopa stretched out his arm and took the princess by the hand!
"Open the parasol!"
Peach quickly did as told. Suddenly, their descent slowed.
"Whew!" all four of them sighed with relief.
The "chain" of heroes drifted slowly down and steered to safety.
The dinosaur king was furious.
"You may have evolution on your side, but we have human ingenuity on ours!" Luigi taunted.

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."


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« Reply #101 on: December 13, 2003, 06:48:16 PM »
I let out a big whoop when IO read this part of the story![

If chickens had lips, could they whistle?

"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #102 on: December 18, 2003, 06:18:54 PM »
Mario, Luigi, The Koopa, and Peach stared menacingly at the monster, who,not to be outdone, stared menacingly back.
The two parties continued menacingly staring, until finally, the monster blinked and the fight commenced.

The four good guys pelted him mercilessly with fireballs of various colors, and Dinosaur king began to back down, slowly at first, but then gave up hope of subtlety and fled as fast as he could, into the inner recesses of the lowest level of his castle. Mario and Luigi could only assume that this was the dungeon (They hadn't seen one yet, and every castle has to have a dungeon).
The mario brothers pressed the advantage and chased after him.
They followed him to the end of of a long hallway with barred doors all down either side. He turned and saw Luigi in front of Mario and Peach, with The Koopa bringing up the rear.
Luigi ran into the open room only to have a heavy iron cage fall on him.
"Don't come in! It's a trap!" Luigi called. But it was too late. Peach and Mario ran into the room. Another iron cage fell on Peach.
Mario looked up. No more cages.
He prepared to make his move.
Suddenly an enourous red fireball flew into him!

He regained consciousness, only to find himself once again, in the clutches of the Dinosaur king. He was pressed against a wall, with his ankles held together by the Dinosaur King's tail.
"That thing must be really popular at parties." Mario managed to joke.
Mario realized, as his mind became clearer, that he no longer had his fireflower, and that his clothes had returned to thier normal red and blue colors.
"How did you hit me with that fireball?" He asked.
"Just a little something I was holding back in case you actually made it here. Forgive me for not accomadating you but I only have two cages. I'd put you in one with your miserable friends but I've already made the mistake of underestimating you. Between you, I'm sure you could escape. Don't woory though. I have just the place for you..."
Suddenly, Luigi and Peach began blasting their cages.
"Give it up you two." said the dinosaur king smugly. "I may be a reptile of science but I'm not above a little magical inpenetrability spell every now and then."
Mario looked him in the eye.
"Where's the Koopa?" He asked.
"Ah, well, y'see. As I said before, their weren't enough cages for all of you, but I have something else in mind."
"Help meeeeee!" cried a squeaky, annoyingly high voice.
The Koopa was suspended over a boiling pit of lava.
"it's actually instant-lava." said the Dinosaur king. "Cheaper and faster than the real thing."
"What are you going to do?" asked Mario.

"Oh." he said.
Mario was chained to a wall just high up enough so that his feet couldn't reach the floor.
"If you haven't noticed," said the Dinosaur king. "These chains are very weak. With a fireflower, you could easily break them."
He pressed a fireflower into Mario's hand.
"But if you do, your pathetic, useless friend will instantly fall into the pit of instant-lava, where he will boil like a lobster."
Mario stared at the laughing king.
"You, are one sick puppy." he said.
The king looked rather pleased with himself.
"I studied the stories, watched the tapes, observed everyone of your fights, and planned as far ahead as possible, and it paid off. Now, Mario brothers, NOBODY can save you!"
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

« Reply #103 on: December 19, 2003, 03:56:14 PM »
Your story gets better and better.

Suicide:The answer to all life''s problems!
Suicide:The answer to all life''s problems!


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« Reply #104 on: December 21, 2003, 09:28:45 PM »
Let me guess the ending!  They all die!

No plate like chrome for the hollindaise.
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."
