
Author Topic: BORED-MKIII GX  (Read 49213 times)

Chupperson Weird

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« Reply #75 on: December 31, 2002, 07:45:28 PM »
CW: That's what you get with too much influence from Calvin and Hobbes!
Roshen: They have the flu?
CW: You really are dumb, aren't you?
T O G: Happy New *hic* Year!
U "F" O: You idiot. It's not even CLOSE to midnight yet.
T O G: Depends on where *hic* you live, now doesn't *hic* it, buddy! *passes out*
U "F" O: I'm surrounded by idiots.
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #76 on: December 31, 2002, 08:04:33 PM »
Roshan: Hey, the New Year is coming! Can I get drunk?
Steve: Where I live, it doesn't happen for 4 hours!
Roshan: Oh, c'mon. This is boring.
Steve: Well Ok. But you have to buy the booze yourself.
Roshan: YEEEEEES! *Runs to the store*

----A few minutes later----

Roshan: Hahaha! *Opens a beer*
Roy: (He's odd enough sober. This I just HAVE to see...)

----A few more minutes pass----

Roshan: What issh diishhh? Isss ... I donnow wha ittisssh and I don carrr ri-it now...ssshhhh...
Steve: Hahaha. You sound like a drunk.
C. W.: He IS drunk, duh.
Steve: I know, this is just SO funny.
Roy: (Until he tries to kill me...)
Steve: Riiiiight. Like that will ever happen.
Roshan: You shhhhod shadap. Yoush making noshhence.
Steve: You're telling me?

I don`t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #77 on: January 01, 2003, 11:26:52 PM »
CW: Hmm... he sounds a lot like Steve used to when he drank too many Black Russians...
Steve: ...
Roshan: Hober reeber sabasoben, Hobaseeba snick, Seeberraber hobosoben What did you expect?  No time! No time for you! I got no time baby, got lots of better things to do!
CW: So anyway --
Roshan: Runnin' from the risin' heat to find a place to hide, the grass it always greener growin' on the other side! No time! I got no time for you! I got no time baby, got lots of better things to do!
CW: Odd, his speech isn't slurred when he's singing.
Roshan: Tryin' to tell the world somehow of how I feel. Tell me what you said again,
I can't believe it's real!
Roy: (This is getting old.)
Roshan: Andy, you're a dandy, you don't seem to make no sense. Nevermind the furthermore, the plea is self-defense! No time! No time for you! I got no time baby, got lots of better things to do!
CW: Actually, that's a pretty good song, if you dig the Monkees.
Roshen: Where are they buried?
CW: What?
Roshen: I'm hungry!
CW: Oh, for cryin' out loud!
Roshen: What's this? Water ... coming from your eyes?
Roy: (Not another SMRPG quote.)
CW: Okay, I'll stop. ...But are there going to be any questions this time?

CW: What happened?
00boo: Heh heh heh
That was a joke.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #78 on: January 03, 2003, 11:05:40 PM »
Roshan: I'll take 3.
*C. W. Passes out 3 cards*
C. W.: Hmmmm... I'll take 1.
*C. W. Gives himself 1 card. He gets the straight he was trying for.*
Roshan: Hmmmmmm... *Evil grin* Ok, What do you got?
C. W.: A straight.
Roshan: Aw, crap! I'm sick of this. *Chucks his cards behind him*
Roy: (I wish I knew how to play poker... This is getting really boring.)

Steve: OK! I'll add a plot element sometime... soon... I promise... *snicker* Seriously. *Uncontrollable laughing*

Roshen: I have a feeling that he isn't gonna do it. (burp)
Steve: Sometime soon! HAHAHA! Oh, man... HA! I can't help it... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...


T O G: Are they dead? They haven't done anything for I don't know how long but they haven't.
U "F" O: I don't think so...
Steve: Na, they're playing poker because I really don't feel like having them do anything.
U "F" O: Why do you keep bothering us like that?
Steve: Shut up. *leaves*

Will I EVER update the plot? (Laughs)
Will Roshan be able to find that 8 of Hearts he threw behind him?

Find out sometime on... BORED-MKIII GX!

Everyone has their own opinions, no matter how WRONG they are.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #79 on: January 04, 2003, 12:01:43 AM »
CW: I think I saw your card over there. *points 3 miles south-northwest*
Steve: That's not even a direction!
CW: You're not the editor of this story.
Steve: Well YOU wrote me into this episode!
Roshan: Enough of this petty bickering! Onward! Onward, to find my card!
*15 minutes later*
CW: *singing* ...That's why I'm stumbling down this highway in my boots of steel
I should be rollin' down the skyway on my Cosmic Wheels...
Cosmic Wheels...
Cosmic Wheels...
Roy: (You're not from around here, are you?)
CW: You possess great powers of insight, my friend.
Roy: (Woah....)
CW: Oh yeah, I forgot you were omniscient...
Roy: (So I don't have insight? Just omniscience?)
CW: Looks like it.


That was a joke.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #80 on: January 04, 2003, 11:43:46 PM »
Roy: *GASP* (I feel like I'm drowning!)
CW: Well, with 28 topics on top of ours, I'm not surprised.
That was a joke.

« Reply #81 on: January 05, 2003, 04:27:40 AM »
Oh.  My.  GAWD.  This thing is STILL going?  Even after I started it like a year ago?  *sniff* You guys kept it going....
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #82 on: January 05, 2003, 04:40:46 AM »
MamaMia Mario:  I remember when this was just...petty boredom in the form of a topic.

MangaMan:  Dude, this place is full of idiots.    You fit right in.  Where are the avatars?  Sig images?  Where is the 1337?  THIS PLACE IS NOT 1337!!

MamaMia Mario:  There is no 1337 here.  Begone foul Japanese comic. *Banishes alternate Ego "MangaMan" to the far side of the moon*  Now, I further so I may continue the story.

MangaMan:  u c4/\/0t d1$p0$3 0f m3 T/-/4T 34s1/_y, /\//0rtaaaaaaaal.

MamaMia Mario:  *Throws cookies at MangaMan*

MangaMan:  scr3w u, ***hole.  t(>o<t)

MamaMia Mario:  Manga!  This is a PG forum!  *slaps MangaMan*

MangaMan:  Quick y0 biz-natch slappin', foo'!

MamaMia Mario:  ENOUGH!  I have no time for your petty rambling.

MangaMan: i b3 saixy, y0

MamaMia Mario: *facepalms* I need to read through all this....9 god...

Edited by - MamaMia Mario on 1/5/2003 2:45:28 AM
200 characters and nothing to say.

« Reply #83 on: January 05, 2003, 04:54:59 AM »
Oh!  It's still here!  I didn't think you guys would keep such an idiotic topic! =3
Super ClownMan Skate on: 0-/<):
and for everyone else that''''s gone: I''''m very dissapointed that you had to leave :(

« Reply #84 on: January 05, 2003, 04:55:45 AM »
Min-T, you airhead blonde, get back in the trunk!  
200 characters and nothing to say.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #85 on: January 05, 2003, 02:25:25 PM »
Steve: Another one came back? Are you sure you're back for good this time? I mean, last time you made one post and left for months.


And for the first time EVER in all 3 BORED ... things ... I am lost as to what is going on. I can't add to the "plot"... Sorry. I think I'll let C. W. clear this up.

Roshan: I thought you were smarter than that?

Steve: ... Shut up. Actually, I am too lazy to do anything today. So there.

And oh yes, This is QUITE different from BORED I. Different authors, different styles, I presume. A lot less repetition.

Everyone has their own opinions, no matter how WRONG they are.

« Reply #86 on: January 05, 2003, 05:26:04 PM »
Yah know what, I actually had done 2 episodes of the Roshan cartoon.  I've learned a lot since I was last here, I was thinking about making some more and then throwing them all together into a .avi movie.  What do you think?

Kirby you dudes two thumbs up!  (b^o^)b
200 characters and nothing to say.

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #87 on: January 05, 2003, 06:36:19 PM »
Heh, I remember those. I think they stopped because I went on vacation, and forgot about it. That, and I didn't know where to find an A-A Gun.

If you want to continue them, sure. I would like to see an entire movie made, that is, if you have the time to do so.

(PS: That Kirby text pic is great.)

Everyone has their own opinions, no matter how WRONG they are.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #88 on: January 05, 2003, 08:09:35 PM »
Roy: (Who WAS that?)
CW: Which?
Roy: (Uhh... that guy on the moon.)
CW: I think... that was MamaMia Mario. Or, at least his alter ego.
Roshan: Then who's that? *points to MMM*
CW: That's him too. It's too confusing to explain. Even I can't explain it. Can you BELIEVE it?!
U "F" O: Who in the name of Jimmy is that?
Gregor: You don't remember him, old bean? I remember him, and I wasn't even here when he was!
CW: That's because I'm writing your dialogue, goofball.
Gregor: And YOU can keep your bloody nose out of my business!
CW: Fine! Fine, that's fine. *leaves through tesseract*
T O G: That guy's a legend! (In his own mind.) Anyway, I mean he made the story! That's the only reason I'm here! WOW!
U "F" O: Enough sappy crud already. Let's try and DESTROY HIM! EHEHEHEEEHEHEEE!!!!
Gregor: Well, he's really flipped his cracker this time.
T O G: That's not even a real British expression!
CW: Well, it's the best I could do.
Gregor: OUT!
Roshen: MamaMia Mario, eh? Glad to eat you!
Roy: (You idiot.)
Roshen: I mean MEET you. Of course! Heheheh.
MMM: Okay, whatever.
Roshan: So, ya wanna come with us to look for my 8 of hearts?
MMM: Uhh...
CW: What a shame. We didn't even TOUCH the subject of my true origin.



P. S. Hey MMM, you revitalized this story. I was running out of ideas.
That was a joke.

« Reply #89 on: January 06, 2003, 03:22:33 PM »
MMM's bACK! no WAY!!
mmm, did you know the new TMNT show premiers saturday feb.8 at 9:30?
check out all the stuff at
totally awesome!

in japan---
cable: why did everyone leave me?
luigi: they left me too
cable: LUIGI?! but they told me you weren't real
luigi: that happens a lot

roshan: I know my card must be somewhere around here...
roy:(i found it!)
cw: alright! let's play some more poker!
roshan: Wait! I left the rest of the deck out in that endless obyss we originally came from!
cw: we'll never find the deck in that
mmm: hey, dudes. i'm back. i'll find your cards

cable: how far do you think they got?
luigi: i dunno, but here's roshan's deck of cards
cable: hmmmm.... i wonder if he needs these *takes cards and walks away in other direction*

will the two groups meet again?
will mmm find the cards?
will mmm visit the site that cable gave him?
is luigi real?
what IS cw's origin?
it's something lame, isn't it?
he just got microwaved when he was a zygote, didn't he?
yup, that's my guess

who wants to buy a skunkle?
Y8FooD...well, you did
