
Author Topic: Mario Haters...Why do they have to be so mean?  (Read 42097 times)


  • Banned
« Reply #60 on: May 27, 2006, 03:06:18 PM »
You see, it's that "us against them" mentality that leads to the Mario Hater stereotype. While a few of my statements earlier weren't 100% reasonable (i.e., the comparison between MH stereotypes and hurtful ethnic ones), it's still a view we need to drop. I'm trying not to sound like some '60s hippie, but I still think it's kind of relevant.

« Reply #61 on: May 29, 2006, 08:58:54 AM »
I hate mario haters because they think that Mario is too "Kiddy", I had an encounter with one of them at a convention I went to a couple of years ago, Boy did they disrespect me as a gamer and as a Mario buff.
Loyal nintendo fan since 1991! WTMK Is the best radio station EVER! Super Mario will never die!!!!!!


  • Banned
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2006, 08:00:39 AM »
Okay, I think this is getting out of hand. For one thing, what you just said, everyone else here has said. And second, you're literally saying that you actually hate people you have labeled as "Mario Haters", simply because they feel they've outgrown Mario? So basically, they're not entitled to their opinions, but you are?
And another thing: I did some research, and not once, ever, has a dispute over Mario opinions led to violence.

« Reply #63 on: June 05, 2006, 11:48:33 AM »
And another thing: I did some research, and not once, ever, has a dispute over Mario opinions led to violence.

Well that's good. Mario may be sued if something happens like that. And that wouldn't be a good thing.

« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2006, 04:02:39 PM »
They just act evil because they are ignorant, like Mario, and obviously have nothing better to do than flame us.
"I don't know why they're called boyshorts! Boys don't wear shorts that short!" - Mitchie

« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2006, 04:16:43 PM »
I never ever met a Mario hater before.  Even the sports fans in my class at school thought he was cool.  Even die-hard Xbox fans think that Mario is cool.  I mean come on, Mario is the most original character ever--an Italian plumber that fights a clan of evil turtles and can shoot fireballs?  I have NEVER seen that done before Mario came along.  Mario is the god of platforming as we know it.


  • Poop Man
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2006, 04:37:51 PM »
did you guys read the sacred cow barbeque in June's game informer? They hate on some really good games like GTAIII,Starcraft,LOZ:OoT,Resident evil 2,Halo,SMB!!!!,Metal Gear Solid, and Final fantasy VII! You know they got some hate mail!! :O

« Reply #67 on: June 07, 2006, 07:28:27 PM »
Yeah, I didn't like that. I don't think they were really serious, but I still didn't like it.
GEIANDGIRLCO DIRECT - The Sensitive Alternative

« Reply #68 on: June 10, 2006, 03:58:39 PM »
I have ALOT of Mario Haters in my school.
NOTE: I'm about to use some sad facts.
They say that the Nintendo DS is made out of plastic and colored by little old ladies and [offensive stereotype]. They also say that Nintendo is homo-sexual because the slogan "Touching is Good" for the Nintendo DS, they think it means other things. GROW UP! They also think Mario likes to touch Luigi and Mario is afraid of Bowser. I said to them, "You never like Mario because you maybe never played it before. And if you ever played the game, you [people] would know that Mario isn't afraid of Bowser." They also said that Nintendo has no creativity. Um...Yeah...That's COMPLETELY true, heh. By the other day, I brought my DS on the bus and one of the Mario Haters actually wanted to play it! GASP! So I lent it to him, and he loved it! Soon everybody (well, there are still alot of Mario Haters around my school still) loved the game! See? One reason that Mario Haters hate him beacuse they listen to other idiots and believe he's gay, but if you play his games, he/she loves it. Now alot of people (maybe 89% of my school) REALLY hates Wario. But that's a different story, heh.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 02:51:04 PM by Sapphira »
My sister is a...(insert threat here)


  • Banned
« Reply #69 on: June 10, 2006, 04:08:03 PM »
Accursed Wario haters!

But really, while those guys (or girls) at your school hate Mario, they at least hot their facts straight: the DS is...MADE OF PLASTIC! Madness!

By the way, was it you that dropped the N-Bomb in that quote?

« Reply #70 on: June 10, 2006, 04:20:13 PM »
Um...gotta run!
*Zips Away*
My sister is a...(insert threat here)

« Reply #71 on: June 10, 2006, 04:32:50 PM »
Look at this [lame] movie I found:

Things that are wrong with this movie:
1) True, the DS runs out of battery fast, but it has two screens!
2) The guy said that the DS is just another Game Boy. Um...The Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance didn't have two screens, with one consisting a touch screen with a handy stylus
3) The guy said that the PSP can be played by a wall. So can the DS when it's charging.
4) The guy says some things about the Gigabytes and the Japanese Nintendo says Gigablorbs or something like that. That is maybe because that's the Japanese language, moron!
5) The guy said that the games don't have any graphics. Just wait until the Wii comes out, buddy!

I'll list anymore if I come across some.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2006, 02:51:40 PM by Sapphira »
My sister is a...(insert threat here)


  • Poop Man
« Reply #72 on: June 10, 2006, 04:42:46 PM »
:( he is a moron.
He is so wrong in so many ways. For petes sake!
1)The DS is not a Game boy
2) It costs $129, not $300!
3)The games rock, grrrrr.
4)Eye toy is for PS2 moron!
5)The psp speakers suck, you can't play for a warehouse!
6) Lastly, you can't run macintosh software on the psp.
This moron is on drugs!
« Last Edit: June 10, 2006, 04:55:24 PM by solidmushroom »


  • Vance Vance Revolution
« Reply #73 on: June 10, 2006, 06:22:52 PM »
I can disprove many of his points.

"It's got two screens. Who cares? They have two screens on... everything."
Not on your beloved PSP, that's for sure. Or pretty much any other electronic product.

"The Nintendo DS... it's just a Game Boy."
Nope, they're two different product lines.

"Game Boy has been around since 1987. Check the facts, folks. 1987. It's a 19-year-old system!"
The Game Boy line is 19 years old, as is the original Game Boy.

"Why would you pay 300 dollars for a DS..."
Its $130. Not $300.

"...that's a 19-year-old system?"
See above.

"They didn't really upgrade the technology since the Game Boy."
Did the Game boy have two screens? A touch screen? Even a color screen? No.

"It's pretty much the same amount of memory..."
The Game Boy had 8 kilobytes of RAM. The DS has 4 megabytes.

"Might be a little higher, I dunno."
8 kilobytes vs. 4 megabytes? That's a lot higher.

"The Game Boy had a color screen, and they changed it."
Yeah, they added many more colors.

"The Sony PSP has all kinds of new features on it..."
So does the DS.

"You can play UMD movies on your PSP. Can't do that on a Nintendo DS."
Of course not, they're two different systems.

"The PSP stands for 'PlayStation Portable'. DS... Who knows what that stands for?"
Dual Screen or Developer's System.

"The games for it are not that good."
Care to name a few examples?

"The DS has less colors than the PSP."
You don't need more colors to make a better game.

"The Sony PSP uses a UMD. That's a Universal Media Disc. It holds over one gigabyte."
You don't need more space to make a better game.

"Nintendo is a Japanese company..."
So is Sony.

"...and some of their reoprts on the systems, they try to trick you by saying giga... giga...flop or something?"
Looks like you read a pretty badly translated report.

"...You can hook up a camera, an EyeToy, I believe?"
You got PS2 and PSP mixed up there.

"[Nintendo says the DS is] portable, but here's the trick; you have to hook it up to a wall to charge it."
Not like it has to be plugged in constantly.

"You can't just charge it while you're walking down the street. What's up with that?"
You have to have the charger plugged in for it to charge.

"[On] the PSP, you can replace the bateries."
Same with the DS.

"You can play the PSP while it's hooked up to the wall."
Same with the DS.

"The PSP also has built-in speakers."
The DS does too.

"They can play music for a whole wharehouse, if you know what you're doing."
Yeah, perhaps if you connected it to a large speaker system?

"You can't buy music for the DS because... it's just not good enough."
No, it's because the DS wasn't designed that way.

"Everything on the DS has been done before."
Certianly not the dual screens and the built-in microphone.

"The touch screen? I've seen that for several years."
On a major game system? No.

"They say it's great because you have two screens. It's not, though. If you want to play classic games, you can't do it."
Yes, you can. Take any of the games that are remakes of other, older games.

"It has a light, it's just gonna waste the battery..."
The PSP has a backlight too.

"...and it's gonna ruin the entire experience, and it's not gonna be fun."
What would be worse is if you couldn't see your game.

"The PSP is built around the idea of fun."
Isn't that what all game systems are meant for?

"Sony makes laptops, they're also pretty fun."
We wern't talking about Sony's other products.

"The PSP's gonna be able to work as a controller on the PS3. The Nintendo DS is not gonna work on it."
Of course not, they're made by two different companies.

"The PSP's got wireless access to connect to the Internet..."
So does the DS.

"If you have a DS, your friend has a PSP, you can't use your DS with a PSP."
They're two different systems. Of course they can't work with each other.

"My friend had [a DS], and it fell out of his pocket on a trampoline. He wasn't jumping, folks."
How does it fall out if you're not jumping? And for that matter, why would you even have a DS on a trampoline?

"It fell out of his pocket and it destroyed it."
A 2 1/2-3 foot fall onto a bouncy surface is enough to destroy a DS? Maybe if he were jumping and it fell onto the ground. Maybe.

"I never saw him playing it."
Possibly because you were too busy complaing about the DS to him?

"You can put Linux on your PSP."
Same with the DS.

"The DS isn't that good, and the PSP is."
You made your point already, and it's not a very good point.

Sheesh. Some people are rather weird.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2006, 06:51:25 PM by MaxVance »
Remember that your first Goomba boldly you walk? When Mario touched that mushroom being brought up more largely remember that you are surprised? Miscalculate your jump that pit remember that it falls?

« Reply #74 on: June 10, 2006, 07:09:19 PM »
So... Just because my ansestors (my mom and dad) were born during the 50's and 60's, that makes me a 50 year old kid?
By this guys logic, the PSP is 60 yrs old as Sony was founded in 1946
« Last Edit: June 10, 2006, 07:14:34 PM by MechanicalMonarch »
"Lead, follow, or get out of the way."
"I obstruct"
