
Author Topic: Nintendo Rpg  (Read 22799 times)

« Reply #90 on: October 05, 2002, 03:50:25 PM »
crap....i wanted too defeat gates...
Oh well...*Flames the area and soon a fire surrounds snake.
Snake - 200

Snake :1000/1200


« Reply #91 on: October 05, 2002, 10:06:50 PM »
Dark:Where is Snake?
Bob:In the shadows.
Dark:Shadows, eh?(Dark stands up and raises hand. All shadows dissipate expect for a figure in the distance)There he is!
Snake:Oh **** more shadows to hide behind!
Mario:Wait....there's still a shadow over there!
?????:Yipe!(runs off inside a tower)
Dark:Impossible! There are no other bodyless shadows!

(Sony president overhears conversation inside tower)
Snake:Black, you ok?
Black:They saw me. Now the secret is out that Bowser used the prototype shadow ripper that made living the original shadow!
Snake:Too bad it burned out after only three more were made! Lousy prototype!
Black:But now I have to escape undetected back to the other two, Night and Shade!
Snake:Fine then, I'll keep them busy.

Snake:You want some of this?(pulls out an M-16)*TTTTTTTTTTTTT*(hits Dark and Bob for 250 damage)
Sony president:Hey! I heard up there that there are three more living shadows!(tells them the rest of the story) One is up right in that tower!
Dark:Interesting. Better make a diversion first! REPLICATE!(makes two moving Dark decoys)
Snake:[darnit]! Which one is it?(watches the decoys while Dark climbs tower)
Kamek:(opens tower window)Hey! We're losing! Time to even the odds!(hits nearby block with magic and turns it into koopa, then closes window)

(see page 3 for the story on the shadow machine)

Sony president: Not fighting
Bag of cash:300/300

Robo-Gates blew up, remember?
"I'm a stupid fatty and I like to play with my Easy Bake oven." - frostbite

« Reply #92 on: October 06, 2002, 04:54:57 PM »
more flames is what we need,so when it covers him it looks like a man of fire...but thats how we know where he is!(Well,if you pay attention too shadows then theres another way)
I see snakes shadow!!!VIDEO GAME POWER!!!!
Dang...its kamehameha...*Hair turns yellow and he transforms into a super saiyin and does Kamehameha*
Bob:Better than i thought...
(200 damage too snake)

Snake :800/1200

« Reply #93 on: October 07, 2002, 05:54:37 PM »
*Flames snake too 600/1200

« Reply #94 on: October 08, 2002, 07:16:05 PM »
I shall now continue with the battle with Gates.
FoxMcBlur is hypnotized (18).  The hypnosis injures FoxMcBlur (-10).
LieutenantEagle [Light Dragon] casts Claw.  The attack is super effective!!!  Money Stack is seriously wounded by the attack (-625).  Money Stack is defeated.

Rikku casts Steal Move.  Rikku casts Tornado.  FoxMcBlur is immune to the attack.  LieutenantEagle is injured (-50).
Magikoopa casts Dark Cloud.  The place of battle grows dark.
Bill Gates casts Cash Throw.  LieutenantEagle is immune to the hypnosis.

LTEagle: 800/1000
FoxMcBlur: 300/510
Rikku: 550/1200
MagiKoopa: 500/1000
Bill Gates: 400/500

The sky is dark.
FoxMcBlur casts Dash Attack.  Rikku is moderately wounded by the attack (50+50+50+50).
LieutenantEagle [Light Dragon] casts Return Transform.  LieutenantEagle transforms into original self.

Rikku casts Jack Weapon.  LieutenantEagle's Whip has been stolen.
MagiKoopa casts Dark Beam.  The clouds power up the attack!  The attack weakly wounds FoxMcBlur (-40).
Bill Gates casts Cash Blast.  LieutenantEagle is immune to the attack.  FoxMcBlur is barely wounded (-10).

LTEagle: 610/810
FoxMcBlur: 250/510
Rikku: 350/1200
Magikoopa: 500/1000
Bill Gates: 400/500

The sky is dark.
FoxMcBlur casts Conceal Form.  LieutenantEagle's Speed increased greatly (+55).
LieutenantEagle is lacking the MegaWhip.  LieutenantEagle casts Lightest Arrow.  Rikku is critically wounded by the attack (-350).  Rikku is defeated!  The MegaWhip returns to LieutenantEagle.

Magikoopa casts Convert.  The attack failed to convert LieutenantEagle.
Bill Gates casts WalletSmack.  LieutenantEagle is lightly wounded by the attack (-35).  FoxMcBlur is critically wounded by the attack (-125).

LTEagle: 575/810
FoxMcBlur: 125/510 *danger*
Rikku: 0/1200 *dead*
MagiKoopa: 500/1000
Bill Gates: 400/500

The dark clouds recede.
LieutenantEagle casts FireWhip.  MagiKoopa is somewhat injured by the attack (-105).
FoxMcBlur sharpens its claws.  Attack power mildly increases (+18).

MagiKoopa casts Koopa Force.  A random happening will occur.
Bill Gates casts WalletSmack.  LieutenantEagle evades the attack.  FoxMcBlur is somewhat injured by the attack (-70).

LTEagle: 575/810
FoxMcBlur: 55/510 *critical*
Rikku: 0/1200 *dead*
MagiKoopa: 395/1000
Bill Gates: 400/500

LieutenantEagle casts SuddenFlash.  MagiKoopa becomes Confused (3).  Bill Gates becomes Confused (5).
FoxMcBlur casts Dash Attack.  Bill Gates is lightly injured by the attack (15+miss+miss+15).

A lightning bolt hits LieutenantEagle (-200)!
Bill Gates is Confused (5).  Bill Gates casts CashBlast.  MagiKoopa is wounded by the attack (-80).

LTEagle: 375/810 *danger*
FoxMcBlur: 55/510 *critical*
MagiKoopa: 315/1000; Confused (2)
Bill Gates: 370/500; Confused (4)

LieutenantEagle casts Lightest Arrow.  Bill Gates is somewhat injured by the attack (-170).
FoxMcBlur casts WindBox.  MagiKoopa has Speed decreased (-100).  MagiKoopa has Agility decreased (-15).

Bill Gates is Confused (4).  Bill Gates casts Cash Throw.  Bill Gates is greatly hypnotized by the attack (40)!  The hypnosis injures Bill Gates (-30).
MagiKoopa is Confused (2).  MagiKoopa casts Convert.  MagiKoopa has been converted into a Koopa Troopa!

LTEagle: 375/810 *danger*
FoxMcBlur: 55/510 *critical*
MagiKoopa: 315/1000; Confused (1)
Bill Gates: 170/500; Confused (3), Hypnotized (39)

LieutenantEagle casts FireWhip.  Bill Gates is critically injured by the attack (-165).
FoxMcBlur casts Tornado.  FoxMcBlur is too low on Magic to cast a spell.

Bill Gates is Confused (3).  Bill Gates is Hypnotized (39).  The hypnosis injures Bill Gates (-5).  Bill Gates has been defeated!

MagiKoopa is Confused (1).  MagiKoopa is a Koopa Troopa.  MagiKoopa [Koopa Troopa] casts Ice Shell.  The attack is super effective!  LieutenantEagle is quite injured by the attack (-105).

LTEagle: 270/810 *peril*
FoxMcBlur: 55/510 *critical*
MagiKoopa: 315/1000

LieutenantEagle casts Lightest Arrow.  The attack critically injures MagiKoopa (-215).
FoxMcBlur attacks.  MagiKoopa is wounded by the attack (-10).

MagiKoopa is a Koopa Troopa.  MagiKoopa casts Ice Shell.  FoxMcBlur is barely wounded by the attack (-20).

LTEagle: 270/810 *peril*
FoxMcBlur: 35/510 *critical*
MagiKoopa: 90/1000

LieutenantEagle: Alright, and now, the final blow!!!

LieutenantEagle casts Final Combo!  A Light Arrow hits MagiKoopa (-70).  A Fireball hits MagiKoopa (-100).  A Light Arrow and Fireball combine to form the final attack (-350).  MagiKoopa has been defeated!


ENEMY PARTY DEFEATED!!!!!!!  Now, there's only Snake.

Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

Edited by - LieutenantEagle on 10/8/2002 6:20:03 PM
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

« Reply #95 on: October 09, 2002, 05:00:54 PM »
Bob:Look out mario!!*Mario gets hit by a huge blast doing 600 damage as snake shakes all the fire off and that knocks common sense in his head,so hes not confused anymore.,
*Bob uses video game power and he gets selfdestruct,defeating mario,dark but he survives with 5 hp,grabs a kerokero cola and revives the party*
Bob:whoops...*Also destroys a nearby star giving him exp points,gains a level and learns the attack,draw.(Dang!Replaces video game power for bob)
Bob:Draw!!!*His deck pops up,(This can only be used once per match and has an unlimited effect)Bob draws magic sword,it appears in his hand,he swings it around in fast circles behind his back and shoots the ground and a beam shoots out of the floor,giving snake 100 damage*

Sony president: Not fighting

« Reply #96 on: October 10, 2002, 06:28:06 PM »
Dark [telepathic message]: Lieutenant!  We need your help!
LieutenantEagle: Like, I'm already here!!  Can I borrow a KeroKero Cola?
Mario: Here you are!  *tosses a KKC*
**FoxMcBlur is healed!  Health: 510/510
**LieutenantEagle is healed!  Health: 810/810

*FoxMcBlur claws the ground and makes a strange-sounding roar*
LieutenantEagle: Snake is invisible to him!  He won't leave me though, he's too faithful.  Hey, he can still boost our Speed!

Snake: Who the heck are you?
LTEagle: I am LieutenantEagle, Master of Light.  You are about to die.  I salute you!
Snake: Really now?

The team is stunned as they see Snake attack LTEagle with a Flamethrower.  But LTEagle only laughs.

LTEagle: You cannot hurt me thus!  I am of the elements Light and Fire, and thus am immune to both of those.
Snake: Oh s***

FoxMcBlur casts Conceal Form.  Dark's Speed increased greatly (+62).

LieutenantEagle casts Lightest Arrow.  The attack decently wounds Snake (-100).  The attack Blinds snake (accuracy -78)

LieutenantEagle: WHAT!?  Lightest Arrow can't be THAT weak!  Not against a Dark-based character!

Snake: That's right!  That's because I am NOT of the Dark element!  I am a Traitor to Light!

LieutenantEagle: You shall regret you said that!

Snake: Oh really?

Snake attacks with the Machine Gun.  Mario is hit 2x (-215).  Dark is hit 1x (-140).  LieutenantEagle is hit 3x (-325).  All other party members evade the attack.

LTEagle: 485/810
FoxMcBlur: 510/510
Snake: 700/1200; Blinded (?)

Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

« Reply #97 on: October 20, 2002, 10:29:34 AM »
Bob:Omini death strike!!!
Bob:WHY WON'T YOU DIE!!!*Attacks with a grass monster in his deck called pirahna weed(Good against light),But only does 50 damage because of a dark barrier(Dark is good against grass)*
Bob:Wait a minute...hes not a traitor of light....he's everything!With some special magic he can change his based-power from dark too anything else!
Snake:'Bout time you found out!!

Sony president: Not fighting
LTEagle: 485/810
FoxMcBlur: 510/510

« Reply #98 on: October 20, 2002, 10:35:09 AM »
sorry bout' the wrong hp...


« Reply #99 on: October 23, 2002, 06:32:02 PM »

Edited by - Bob the spiny Parakoopa on 10/23/2002 5:32:31 PM

« Reply #100 on: October 31, 2002, 10:07:44 PM »
Mario: It's time for a change of pace!!!

*Mario uses Ultra Flame, miss!

*Egg rolls to MadMario

MadMario (not Mario): ...Flammie?

*Flammie uses Shell, MadMario and Flammie's defence stat increase for remainder of battle.

MadMario, LV 1 Dragoon

*MadMario uses Heal, Bob fully recovers, Heal is mastered!

*Mario finds his way somehow to the Strut F warehouse in the Big Shell near Manhattan.

Mario: Hmm, 50 more Thermal Goggles.

*Mario returns to party and gives Thermal Goggles to everyone.

*Sony President fires USP at Snake, Snake is defeated (that's a strong gun!), evil laughter is heard

????: You think defeating Snake will help you!?

Bill Gates: eh oh Raiden weh! (Raiden is here!)

Sony President: Oh, great! And Raiden is a better fighter than Snake too!

*Music is heard and an army charges our team

MadMario: Flammie, go check it out!

*Flammie finds that Lu Bu is leading the army

Sony President: Well, that explains the music. This piece is called "Endless Fight".

MadMario: I see why.

Raiden: 1300/1300
Soldier: 1/1
Officer: 1000/1000
Lu Bu: 9999/9999

*Lu Bu shoots arrow at MadMario, it pokes out Xiahou Dun's eye instead, Xiahou Dun turns around and cuts Lu Bu to pieces, army is scattered.

Sony President: Wow! That was quick!

Soldiers: All dead!
Officers: All left!
Lu Bu: DEAD!

*Nidhogg Drake uses ShadowBlast, MadMario is killed!

MadMario: DEAD!

*Flammie runs

LieutenantEagle: Oh, ****, not MintMan and Entropy too!

EDIT: Changed Strut E to Strut F; Strut E is the Parcel Room and helipad.

Mario, Mario, Mario! What happened to Mr. Andretti?

Edited by - MadMario on 11/1/2002 4:48:15 PM
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless the sword is in the hands of Lu Bu.

« Reply #101 on: November 05, 2002, 11:42:54 PM »
LieutenantEagle: DIE MintMan!

LieutenantEagle casts Lightest Arrow.  MintMan is massacred by the attack (-300).  MintMan is Blinded for the duration of the battle.

FoxMcBlur casts Triple Assault.  The attack is not effective (-50).

LieutenantEagle: Durnit!  I forgot that Dragon beats Bestial!

MintMan: GYAAAAH!!!  Can't...see....

MintMan summons Exodia.  The summoning failed.

Entropy casts Tear.  FoxMcBlur evades the attack.

Entropy: *roar*?

LieutenantEagle: Well, hmm...?  What the -?  My...umm...I believe that I can now learn outside spells!

*LieutenantEagle has learned all of Crono's spells from Chrono Trigger!*

LieutenantEagle casts Luminaire.  MintMan is massacred by the attack (-445).  MintMan is defeated.  Entropy is critically wounded by the attack (-220).  Entropy's dark barrier has been shattered.

Mario: What's a-going on?

*Mario has learned all of Lucca's moves from Chrono Trigger!*

Mario casts Flare.  Entropy is decently wounded by the spell (-180).

Bob: Hmm...hey...what's up with this odd feeling....?

*Bob has learned all of Frog's spells from Chrono Trigger!*

Bob casts Slurp.  LieutenantEagle is fully healed.

MadMario: I believe that we have each gained a special Video Game Power from Chrono Trigger.  How mysterious!

LieutenantEagle: That makes my list a total of like 12 spells!

-Lightest Arrow: 100 pwr Light attack
-Fire Whip: 70 pwr Fire/Burn attack
-Fear Stab: 60 pwr Fear attack
-Sudden Flash: 110 pwr Confusion attack
-Cyclone: 50 pwr physical hit on nearby enemies
-Slash: 80 pwr physical hit on 1 enemy
-Lightning: 75 pwr Electric hit on 1 enemy
-SpinCut: regular attack 2x
-Lightning 2: 85 pwr Electric on all enemies
-Life: revive fallen ally and restore 50 HP
-Luminaire: 100 pwr Electric on all enemies

Mario: Hey!  I've a-learned Flame Toss, Fire, Napalm, Fire 2, and Flare!  Yahoo!

Bob: I've received these new spells!

-Slurp Cut

.......hey!  But that's not all of them!

Frog: Yes, that is correct.  Since I am coming along, thee shalt not need all of them.

LieutenantEagle: FROG!

Frog: Yes, Lieutenant.  Without the aid of the Masamune, thee shall never defeat the forces of evil.  I am here to complete the quest of thy party.

****Frog has joined the party!****

Bob: But...doesn't that give us...the Dual Techs?

Frog: Not only that.  We have a unique Triple Tech.  If that man of the Fire element over there joins, we can make a Quadri Tech.

Mario: I'm a-in!

Frog: Very well then.

LieutenantEagle, Frog, and Bob learn the Asterisk Strike Triple Tech!

LieutenantEagle, Frog, Bob, and Mario learn the TriElement Assault Quadri Tech!

Frog: So, art thou going to try thy tech out?

LieutenantEagle, Frog, Bob, and Mario cast TriElemental Assault.  The attack has 3 parts.

1) Entropy is trapped in an ice cube (-225) by Frog and Bob's magic unison.
2) Mario burns the ice and greatly injures Entropy (-250).
3) LieutenantEagle ends with a flash and a bolt of lightning at Entropy (-330).

Entropy is defeated!

MadMario: Wow!  Impressive!  Now that those guys are out of the way....we can continue with Snake.

Frog: Before we continue on to there, I have a surprise for you people!

*Frog reveals a Megalixir*

Frog uses the Megalixir.  The party's HP and MP are restored.

Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #102 on: November 06, 2002, 01:03:59 AM »
Then a Sniper Joe comes and tries to shoot everybody, while a Met and a Picket Man prepare the way for Guts Man.
That was a joke.

« Reply #103 on: November 07, 2002, 02:46:15 PM »
[Um, MadMario died, Flammie ran, Snake died, and Raiden replaced Snake.]

*Mario punches Raiden

Raiden: That's child's play!

*Raiden swings High Frequency Blade at Mario, miss!

Mario, Mario, Mario! What happened to Mr. Andretti?
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless the sword is in the hands of Lu Bu.

« Reply #104 on: November 07, 2002, 08:48:39 PM »
LieutenantEagle casts Life.  MadMario is revived.

Frog casts Heal.  MadMario's Health is restored to full.

MadMario: Hey, I wanna learn magic too!
Frog: Maybe Sir Spekkio can help us out?
LieutenantEagle: I'll try contacting him.
[telepathic message]
LieutenantEagle: Spekkio, it is I, LieutenantEagle.

Spekkio: Very well.  What do you require?

LieutenantEagle: One member of our party wants to learn magic.  Can I give it to him?

Spekkio: You'll need to know the magic spell.  Say...did you figure out his element?

LieutenantEagle: Ehhh....let's give him fire.

Spekkio: Alright then.  The words are: itsum, bitsum, hocus, po, magico.

LieutenantEagle: Thanks!
[end telepathic message]

MadMario: So?

LieutenantEagle: Alright now, stand tall.  You will only receive basic magic, but as you gain experience, you will do better.

MadMario: I'm ready!

LieutenantEagle: Itsum, bitsum...hocus, po...MAGICO!

*MadMario has learned to use Fire magic!  MadMario can now cast Fire!

Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.
Gandalf: The Eagles have come!  The Eagles have come!
LieutenantEagle: I know.  They''re in front of you.
