
Author Topic: Star Fox 64's Star Wolf  (Read 1885 times)

« on: January 05, 2002, 11:06:47 AM »
I think Star Fox 64 is a pretty good game, but I don't like most of the quotes by the Star Wolf team whenever you severely damage them and force them to abort. I'm going to comment on each of them.
Wolf 1: "I . . . can't . . . lose!" (I don't like this because it sounds like he's struggling to gain control of his Wolfen, but it's not very hard to pull out. Or maybe he's upset about being defeated this time)
Leon (the chameleon) 1: "This can't be happening!" (Nothing's going to happen to him as he aborts, so what's the point of saying this)
Pigma (the traitor of Star Fox) 1: "My beautiful reward! Arrrrrrrrrrgggggh!!" (This one is average because he's clearly upset that you ruined his "beautiful reward")
Andrew (Andross' Nephew) 1: "Uncle Andross . . ." (I hate this one! It's so stupid, because why would you cry out for your uncle when you're not going to die (unless the ship exploded en route to the repair area. It's probably a long way off because they go into hyperspace as shown by that flash on their icons)
Wolf 2: "No way! I don't believe it!" (This is not bad because Wolf probably can't believe that he has to abort again before he would die)
Leon 2: "He's too strong!" (This also is not bad because Leon can't take anymore of this fighting because Fox is too strong, so he wants to fly away)
Pigma 2: "This can't be happening!" (see Leon 1)
Andrew 2: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!" (This is the worst because why would he scream if he's not going to die, unless you blast him before he aborts)
So, what I think they should do, if Star Wolf appears in Star Fox Adventures in Dinosaur Planet, they should have better quotes. What do you think, everybody?
 Hee hee! I got it! Eeeeeeeeeyippeeeeeeeeeerb!!!

« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2002, 10:22:46 PM »
Why do you care? If the stupid crap they say bugs you, then mute the TV.

