
Author Topic: Luigi's match part 3  (Read 1732 times)


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« on: July 29, 2005, 08:37:15 AM »
Mario and luigi where chained to the wall. Luigi looked at mario then the creature. they wore the same thing "do you two secretly spend alot of time together behind my back?" said Luigi then shuddered to the thought of mario and that reptile walking down the beach together licking ice-cream. "if you boneheads are done, my name is Bob a-" Bob started, but mario and luigi where laughing "Bob? what kind of reptile name is that?" Mario laughed "yeah" laughed luigi "Shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Bob "or I will devour your brains sooner!" "man" said Mario "this is worse than the time my cousin George was on a burger king comercial" (it shows george waking up next to the king) "oh god" said George as he had a heart attack. then George layed there on the floor "uhhh... yeah" said the king.
then mario and luigi busted out of the dollar store chains and got into a two on one brawl then luigi kicked Bob in the face as hard as he could. Bob was so mad his fist turned into a spike fist and was about to kill luigi but Mario jumped in front of luigi and said "noooooooooooooooooo!!!!" in a very low voice and bob caught mario with a right hook to the face and just remember Bobs fist was made of spikes. "Mario!"  yelled Luigi and ran to mario, Mario died. Luigi looked down at his messed up face and a tear rolled down his eye "I'll avenge you Mario. I will!!!!!!!" Luigi looked at Bob as he started to laugh "you stupid gay crap machine!! I'll kill you!!!" then Luigi ran up to Bob and punched him dead in the face. Bob grabbed Luigi by the neck and slammed him on the ground. Luigi upper cutted Bob and while Bob was in the air Luigi jumped up and did a round house kick which sent Bob flieing to the ground. Bob got up and grabbed Luigi's leg and pulled back and then Luigi fell to the ground Luigi couldn't move. "you should've known not to fight me Luigi" said Bob. "ha ha ha" then Bob turned around and luigi kicked Bob in the back and Bob's spike fist was stuck to the ground. Luigi stood in front of Bob and kicked his free spike fist off "ahhh!!!" said Bob "it's one thing to chain me to the wall" said Luigi "and it's another thing to kill my brother" then Luigi  then he kicked bob out of the ground and bob flew back and the back of bob's head landed on the loose spike fist. bob was dead "it's over" said Luigi


It's has been a year after Mario's death and all of mushroom kingdom still mourns over their loss  of their great hero but the mushroom kingdom does not get disturbed ever again and Mario can rest in peace

              THE END  
