
Author Topic: Captain N returns  (Read 2689 times)

« on: May 14, 2002, 03:20:14 PM »
It has been several long years since the mother-brain has fallen. Peace has finally returned to all of videoland. Queen lana sits in her royal throne room. Her servants and hired hands, are working diligently on their assigned tasks.
Kyle Keen, Now in colledge, cheerfully plays his gamecube. His dog, Duke sits behind him and watches him blast Pikachu off the screen. "All right!" He says happily.
In a remote corner of videoland, Evil Smurf, General lemming, and captain Stikman, confer their latest schemes to take over videoland.
And so the ledgend ends, and the adventure begins.
Do not continue.

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2002, 03:43:02 PM »
Kyle Sipped a soda as he sat in a book store. The store sold a magazine he had been looking for for some time, but he was also waiting for someone. He opened the book. It was a strategy guide for one of the newest games.
Duke sat outside, tied to a bike rack, whining loudly. He looked up at the "No dogs" sign and wimpered. He stopped though, as a black limosuine pulled up in front of the bookstore. He growled as a man dressed in black, stepped out. He walked slowly, but stopped  at the door and looked at duke. A sly smile came across his face and he walked in.
Kyle looked impatiently at his wris****ch. She obviously wasn't going to show up. Just like every girl he'd ever asked out. "Oh well." He sighed. Just then, he heard Duke barking loudly and feircely from outside. The man walked  up to kyle. "What's your name, son?" He asked suspiciously.
"Me?" He gulped. "Keen. Kyle Keen."
"Come with me." Said the man in black.
Kyle was not in any state to argue. The man could be hiding a weapon. When they got outside, Kyle began to untie Duke.
"Leave him here." Said the man.
"But He always co-"
"I said leave him here." He said again, coolly and calmly.
Kyle backed away from the bike rack. "Sorry boy." He said. "I'll be back for you." The man opened the door and pointed inside. "Get in."
Kyle did as he was told. "Hey mister! Where are you taking me?"
"You'll see." he said as they drove off.

Lana stood in front of the videoscreens. The people were living their daily lives. Mario was stomping goombas. Link was fighting moblins. Samus was destroying metroids, and Simon belmont splashed holy water on the faces of vampires. The balance had been restored, thanks to captain N. Just then, pit flew in through the doorway. "Your majesty," He cried out of breath. "There is an unknown force invading videoland! We have to evacuate!"
Queen lana instantly pulled a large switch  on the wall, sounding an alarm throughout the kingdom. Attacks were not uncommon, but there had never been an invasion, she turned one of the videoscreens to the area around the palace. There was a short fat thing with large eyes and no visable arms, squawking in high-pitched tones at soldiers of small blue people. It was the most unusual thing. Lana looked as robots and tanks leved the fair city. She had but one choice.
"Get me the N Team." She said.

Duke chewed feircely on the leash that held him to the bike rack, but it was made to last and obviously wasn't going to break. Then duke got an idea. He trotted to one of the parked bicycles and pulled the chain off with his mouth, Leaving a jagged edge exposed. He scraped the leash against the edge untill it finally broke. He darted off in the direction of the car.

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

Edited by - screech the hedgehog on 5/17/2002 2:46:59 PM
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2002, 08:35:28 AM »
Whar's up with it reading wrist watch as a swear word? I can't find one in it.

Kyle looked at the man. he had no expression whatsoever on his face. He stared blankly at the road. Then, kyle noticed that he had begun to sweat proffusely. "Mister, are you hot?" Kyle reached over to what appeared to be the Air conditioner.
"DON'T TOUCH THAT!" The man said, his cool, calm exterrior gone. The man sweat even more. They had driven for over an hour and appeared to be in the middle of nowhere. The man stopped the car. "This is the place." He said, once again becoming cool and detached. He pressed the apparent air-conditioner button. To kyle's surprise, instead of nice cool air flowing from the vents. A humongous red portal appeared. "Ahhh!" screamed kyle. He opened the car door and ran away as fast as he could. The man quickly stepped out of his side of the car and blew a small whistle hanging around his neck. Within seconds,Kyle was surrounded by men dressed in a similar manner to the one who had taken him. One of them pointed to the car. Kyle was exhausted and terrified and could only do what he was told. He got in the car again but made sure it was the back seat. The car drove through the portal. Kyle liftred his head up when he thought he heard small yapping sounds like duke would make. He looked behind him and there, chasing them was a small dog that looked unbelievably like duke. no. It WAS duke!

Mario, Luigi, Samus, Simon Belmont, Pit, Kirby, Megaman, Protoman, Fox, and the new DK, stood side by side in front of queen lana. Lana counted them and realized someone was missing. "Where's Captain N?" She asked, concerned. Pit spoke," We were unable to locate him! Your majesty."
"I will find him myself, then. You must do your best to protect the kingdom." She said.

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2002, 07:24:28 PM »
Kyle looked out the window. The scenery was very plain. The road, a few trees, and an endless feild of grass was all he could see. He steadied himself and opened the door. He took a deep breath and jumped. He fell hard on the ground but was OK. duke ran up to him and licked his face. "I'm okay boy! I'm fine! Where are we?" He stood up. "We'd better try to find our way back home." He said.
"Woof!" Duke seemed to agree.

Lana Felt uncomfortable in the strange "Book-shop" one of Kyle's freinds had directed her to. The manner of dress was unusual to her. But most unusual were the books sold at the shop. There was "science fiction", and "Strategy guides", as well as some strange books called "Magazines". It was a wonderful world. She turned to leave. Kyle was nowhere to be found. Just then, her "cell phone" rang. She picked it up after a few seconds of trying to work it.
"Your majesty. We have found captain N"
"Excellent!" She said.
"The problem is, he's in the Donut plains. Ever since the lemmings took over that region, it's become a battle feild!"
"Get mario on it. He'll know what to do."

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2002, 07:54:20 PM »
Captain stikman stood as the other two villains rebuked him for letting kyle escape.
"How could you you, you brainless, spineless, skeleton of a drawing."
"General lemming illustrates it perfectly."
"My disguise wasn't working, something in the earth world caused it to decay."
"Next time, don't make it from crayons!"
"..." Said general lemming.

Kyle ran from several small koopas wearing capes, following him. He ducked into a hole for safety. In the hole, lay a large underground tunnel. The ground rumbled and all of sudden, the walls caved in.kyle and duke jumped out of the way of some falling rocks, and landed hard. There were bugs everywhere and the larger ones were covered by hard shells. The ground below began to rise. He would be crushed against the roof of the cavern. An gloved hand reached down and grabbed kyle and duke, pulling them into a large pipe. In the pipe the rescuers identity was revealed.
"Mario!" Said kyle happily.
"You looked like a goner for a second." Mario said with relief. "Queen lana has need for you again."
"So I'm back in Videoland?" asked kyle.
"No, your in donut plains. I was sent to bring you to videoland."
Mario showed him through the tunnels and corridors of the underground world and showed him a secret exit. Once out, they headed west to a switch palace, where they were picked up by a chopper.

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2002, 05:56:20 PM »
That ended kind of abruptly, sorry, I had to go somewhere.
Kyle faced the door, and knocked sharply three times. The door creaked open and Kyle entered. He saw Lana looking out a window.
"Your majesty," he said. Before he could finish, she turned around.
"Captain N!" She ran over and hugged him. Then she seemed to realize what she was doing and let go quickly. "Duke!" She said, kneeling down to rub him behind the ears. "Woof!"
Queen lana explained to kyle about the steadily growing attacks on videoland. "...Which brings me back to why I need you here. You defeated the mother brain, and saved us the first time we were in danger, hopefully you can do it again." The queen stopped at a steal door. "Here is the equipment you will be getting accustomed to." She tapped in a few numbers on a keypad and the door slid open. In a glass case lay a helmet, a large, shoulder mounted gun, and a gcn controller.
"The purpose of this equipment not dissimilar to what you used last time, with some slight modifications of course." she said walking to a big computer. She pulled up a picture of the helmet with it's features clearly labeled. "This is a radar helmet used to locate certain people and obtain the exact coordinates of certain areas to the nearest inch. It is also used by pilots to control multiple ships at once. This model has a radio built in so you can talk to me wherever you are." She clicked on the mouse and pulled up a similar picture of the gun. "This is the 'Super Scope 2002' with all the latest features. It has advanced laser targetting and a range of up to five kilometers. It also includes a charge shot mode allowing you to store energy and release it in the form of an extra powerful blast. Be careful though, It kicks like a mule."
She finally opened the glass case and pulled out the gamecube controller."This is a Power belt and contains all the functions you will need for close range combat. Each button performs a different function."
Once kyle had the accessories and knew how they worked, he looked in the mirror. "Who was that man who tried to kidnapp me?" he said flexing and posing.
"It was probably a disguised invader." said lana. "You'll be seeing them a lot." Just then, one of the many videoscreens in the palace of power flickered. Three people on the screen. one of them was tall and wirey and looked an aweful lot like the stick figures one might draw on note books. Another one was short and fat. He was a blue color and had green hair and a large flesh colored snout. The last one was medium height and blue all over. He wore a black trenchcoat and had on a white hat.
"Hello, lanna." the middle one said slyly. "We have who you are looking for. We smurfed him right out of the Donut plains. Fighting us is no use. We shall soon smurf total controll over the whole kingdom."
Lana appeared confused. "He's right here, with me, stupid!" She said.
"Doh! I told you bluffing wasn't a good idea!" He said. "We'll still destroy you yet!" He said. and they flashed off the screen.
"Is that what I'm supposed to be fighting?" laughed kyle. "I'll take them without any special equipment."
"It isn't funny. They really are a very powerful force."
"Well they shouldn't have messed with videoland. Now they're playing with power!"

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2002, 04:34:53 PM »
How stupid am I? I just realized that captains name is KEVIN, not kyle. Shows how long it's been.

Kevin tilted his head causing the chopper he was in, to turn to the side. He then steered it closer to the ground. He pushed a button on his helmet "Captain N, to queen Lana. Come in Lana. over."
"Lana here. over."
"I am flying over dry dry desert.I have spotted a small caravan of stikmen. What do I do? Over."
"Stop them and find out their business. do not hurt civilians. over and out."
Kevin sat down the chopper and stepped onto the gritty desert sand. Pit hovered behind him, Bow and arrow in hand. "What are you doing here? This area is off limits by videoland law!" Said captain N firmly.
"We have come to sell our wares at the dry dry outpost."
"Lemme see that wagon." Captain N demanded. Pit flew over and pulled a tarp off of the wagon they were pulling.
"Dusty hammer, dried shroom, spaghetti... What's this?" He asked, holding up a small disk.
"That has all our trade routes on it. It has several maps of this area. It shows that dry dry desert is a short cut."
Whilethey were talking, captain N did not notice a trio of bandits, climbing out of the jars in the wagon. Before he knew what was happening, captain N was on the ground, with his face in the dirt. a bandit had a knife to his back. "Pit, shoot an arrow at him!" Pit shot an arrow right into the bandit, which was thrown off of kevins back. He took the opportunity to pause time with his power belt. Soon, he had completely tied up the three bandits. "And now for you." he said. He dashed for the wagon. One of the stikmen pressed a button and the back lifted up. With another press of a button the wagon had sprouted boosters and was flying across the desert. "I'll get 'em!" Pit said flying as fast as he could after them. Captain N knew that he wouldn't be able to catch them. He quickly hit a button his power belt and ran with amazing inhuman speed. soon, he had caught up with the wagon and just as he was about to capture them, one of them threw a jar at him. He dodged but the gap between them had widened. he sped up even faster until he could reach the head stikman.He leaped powerfully into the wagon and hit the button labled STOP. He tied the stikmen up.
"You are now in the custody of Captain N, the game master! Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law so my best advice to you is, shut up!"
Just then, pit caught up. "Take these guys to videoland. Queen lana will handle them."

And so it it is that the hero of videoland returns. And the N team is reunited. Someday, maybe videoland will be free of oppression. but until that day comes, we will always be able to count on...
Captain N, THe Game Master!
The End?

Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.
Yeah, your like an inch away from my face and it is REALLY creepin'' me out.

« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2002, 11:07:54 AM »
I'm replying to this to send it to the top. I'm trying to get them all together.

If it cannot break out of it's shell, the chick will die without being born. We are the chicken. The world is our egg. Smash the world shell! For the revolution of the world!-the student council, "Utena Revolutionary Girl"
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."
