
Author Topic: "Super Mario 128": Speculation...  (Read 12431 times)

« Reply #60 on: November 25, 2004, 12:19:02 PM »
-The final title of the game.
Probably some Mario Adventures part...blah
-What type of story would occur?
Probably something missing, wich is stolen by a bad guy (Waluigi this time?)..Or one of the princesses is kidnapped again, because Bowser can't get his f**ing paws away from them.
-What sort of problem would be going on?
Read last answer..
-Who's the enemy, is it Bowser, or someone else - old or new enemies? New enemies, for sure!
-Does the princess get kidnapped as always?
It might happen again, as I said..
-Will Luigi go adventuring with Mario again?
Why not? They're brothers! :) Put Luigi in the highlights again!
-Will we see some old characters in this game, or weird brand new characters will appear? **** the old characters! Put Waluigi in the game!
-Will the levels be gigantic?
I hope so! Ours of fun..:)
-What type of graphics?
I think a bit the same as their last game..
-Would the characters change physical or fashional appearance?
They always look the same, you know how it might goes..
-Will there be new personalities on our beloved characters?
Would be fun! I don't know all of them yet, what do they hide huh? :P
-How difficult can this game be?
Easy to beat,  like every game.
-Will there be extra features?
Up to them!
-Will there be more puzzles?
I'll ask them..;)
-Will the storyline be acceptable by all audiences? Better yet, will the storyline offer more surprises and solve certain Mario mysteries we always wanted to know?
Yeahh Mario, what did you do behind our back huh? :P
-AND most importantly, as Mr. Miyamoto promised us, will this be the best Super Mario game ever? With all new-freshness and Mario himself going to be more mature?
I hope they're be more mature in their next game. So hopefully my mother wouldn't call me childish no more.
Close the World, Open the Next
-Serial Experiments, LAIN-


  • Old Person™
« Reply #61 on: November 25, 2004, 12:28:15 PM »
Shigeru Miyamoto on Mario 128: "I believe that with this game you'll be able to feel the 'newness' that was missing from Mario Sunshine.  As for Mario Sunshine, it would be very easy to take the Sunshine engine and create a sequel to that but really right now what we're focussing on is what really is fun, and how can we take that and find a way to make it accessible to a much broader audience."
“Evolution has shaped us with perceptions that allow us to survive. But part of that involves hiding from us the stuff we don’t need to know."

« Reply #62 on: November 25, 2004, 12:52:55 PM »
Yoshi had better have a huge role in it.  He had a role in Sunshine, but he could't go in water and the Yoshis in the game were never green unless they were about to die.  And Luigi had better be in it too so we won't have a repeat of "OMG! Tha LUIGI Ees In MariO 64 game By cODE!!!!!!!!"
