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Messages - Celeste

Pages: [1]
Hi, just stumbled onto this site. I'm glad someone posted about this, because I've been ranting and raving about it for a while now.

I'm a girl, and my brother and I are right into video gaming. We both like the same kind of games (though I also like cartoon-ish games which he doesn't much care for), but I play most any genre. And I'm quite good.

But time and again I find myself repulsed by the biased gaming world that seems to cater to men. I would love for once to see a heroin who a) isn't utterly, unrealistically, disproportionate. b) is wearing actual clothing (This one gets me. A group of people go out to save the world. The male team members are dressed to the nines, lots of protective gear, weapons, ammo, etc. While the one *token* 'chick' is slinking around in a bikini with more cleavage then the grand canyon. Why is it you never see the guy moving around in a loin cloth with a washboard? (unless you want to count Disney's Tarzan)), c) isn't portrayed as much weaker, or less experienced then male counterparts.

Of all the video game heroins, I'd have to say the only one worthy of respect is Samus Aran.

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