
Author Topic: Low Cut Genes  (Read 2467 times)

« on: July 04, 2006, 11:59:10 AM »
The other two fan fictions were a bit stuck in place, so I took a break from those, and wrote a new story. The next update for this story will be about tomorrow, but as for now, you can feast on this sneak preview, which will or will not make it to the original story. After the first update, this message will self-destruct.

    The device was shiny and cool in my hands, and my pointer finger was itchy to touch the button on top of the device. I smiled. Maybe I'm crazy. This device surely can't change my appearance. So, I thought hard. What would be the complete oppisite of what I am right now? Then. It hit me. I pressed the button. BLEEP. A shiny yellow light errupted from the top of the device. I felt my head tingle, than my chest, than my waist, body part to body part until my whole body felt like it was floating in water. All of a sudden, the light disapeared. I looked around. i didn't feel any different. I didn't think any different. I was still me. I peered around my body. I DID NOT wear a short skirt before I pressed the button. Nor did I have painted nails, nor did i have anything else I had. I looked at the mirror. I. Was. A. Girl. I shuddered. The crazy old guy maybe wasn't so crazy after all! I looked around. I was exactly what i have thought of in my head. Everything. I breathed hard. This isn't right. No. Its not. I laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!
Most Wishy-Washy
