That's so stupid. That's like shutting down all of the internet because some people use it for piracy.
Y'know what else is stupid? Knowing that being an adolescent, I probably couldn't possibly know what love really is...and still getting bummed out about what I think is love anyways. It sure does suck when you think the one who has feelings for likes you...and then you find out that you were screwed before you even started. I'm pretty sure I know who it is she likes, too, so every time I see them talk I get to die a little inside. I wish I could get over this knowing that there are people with worse problems...I feel like I'm trapped in a catch 22. Every time I talk to her, I get false hope that I know is for nothing in the end anyways, yet I can't help myself from thinking that she just might finally like me. So talking to her hurts me. But when I tried not talking to her for a few days, I got really sad and lonely and missed her, and she ended up striking up conversation with me anyways, so I just kinda threw that plan out the window for a while. (By the way, she lives in a country in northern Europe. I know that internet relationships are supposed to never work out, but two good friends of mine are in a really really great relationship, and they have yet to meet each other in real life. Maybe it's the maturity of adulthood that makes long distance relationships supposedly impossible. I used to see them be all lovey-dovey and think "Aw, that's so cute! I'm really happy for [friend's name]." But lately I see them talking and I just feel like crying.
Screw being a whiny teenager that can't shut up while other people are having real problems.