
Author Topic: Music Discussion  (Read 8949 times)

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« on: December 08, 2003, 09:12:13 PM »
Hi all, I haven't been on in a while, so I decided i would contribute something. I had an idea due largly to another forum , maybe we should discuss music over here. I would like the opinions and personal favorites of all those here at Fforums. So I will begin the thread with the Beatles. I really like the Beatles because they really started alot of the music listened to today. They were mainstream and yes a little odd, but that lent them an edge over the other bands. Well i aso like new age stuff, however i do not like rap, country or opra. But for my two cents a will enter the Beatles, they are an overall great band. For those of you who are wondering, there is no real purpose to this thread as of yet, later im sure some debates will break out over the bands, and this is highly encouraged. Have fun and even if u just put a line, let us no your favorite so they're included.

" Albert Einstein once said- Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity..... and I''m not sure about the universe.....

« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2003, 09:27:36 PM »
Opera, Polka, country, pop (britney like, rocks my, y'know, world),jug bands, and anything sung in an educational video made in the early 90's.
And rap. gotta love rap.

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« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2003, 09:30:25 PM »
I remember being little and my older brothers would listen to rock, and I thought that when I got older I wouldn't like it, but I do.  And strangely, I like smooth jazz.  And Pat Metheney.  Does anyone else like the stuff I mentioned?

If chickens had lips, could they whistle?
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2003, 10:40:56 PM »
My favorite genre of music BY FAR is Jazz. All kinds of Jazz except singing. I don't like songs with lyrics to them... singing is annoying. THen I also like Big Band/Swing, Bluegrass, 50's Rock 'n' Roll (The only exception to the not liking singing), Ska, and Symphonic Music. Of course, I also LOVE Game Music.

I am Meowrik! The 5th Samurai Pizza Cat! beware the fearsome fury of my fiery Jalapeno Katana!
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Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.


  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2003, 11:13:14 PM »
I basically like all kinds of music, but my favorites are smooth jazz and symphonic.  I agree, words are unnecessary, instrumental music is best.  My favorite composer is John Williams, creator of the music for movies such as Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Superman, Jaws, and just about every movie ever directed by Steven Speilberg.

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« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2003, 11:40:18 PM »
Words aren't ALWAYS the best, but I know some people who LIKE singing *cough*me*cough*

If chickens had lips, could they whistle?
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2003, 06:07:28 AM »
I listen to mostly classic rock, a little bit of orchestrated stuff, and very little video game music.

Edited by - TheEggMan on Time slowed/and/Reality bent. But on:and:on the Eggman went. AM

« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2003, 03:02:01 PM »
I remember at the end of "Bill Nye the Science Guy", there was always a rap song that explained stuff that Bill Nye showed earlier in the show. I didn't like those.

Edited by - The Big Boo on 12/9/2003 1:02:48 PM

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2003, 05:30:29 PM »
Today's popular music is crap.

That's all I have to contribute to this discussion. A bit TOO terse? Perhaps.

Stupid Quotes: (9th edition)
AP U.S. History teacher: "Your groups may have no more than 3 people in them."
*About one second later*
Tom G. (Student in this class): "Can we have 4 people in a group?"

« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2003, 05:51:58 PM »
Not neccessarily. It's true that much of taday's music is made by mediocre musicians who thought that they could make it big in the music business (and proved themselves right). But every now and again, one group shines through the clouds of mediocrity and gives us a good listen. And then we never hear it again. :<

"Walk softly and carry a Super Scope."
"At Dukar, we place our emphasis on serving you, supporting
you, and helping you be as successful as possible."

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2003, 07:41:09 PM »
Good music is dead today. All new music depends on looks. Basically: You look good, but can't sing well, that's not problem! We have voice enchancing machines! Ugh.... I can't express my hatred for Pop and Rap enough. Punk and Emo is also annoying. Punk is just screaming and the same screeching loud guitar rift over and over, while Emo is just the same with every song except each song has different lyrics. Psh. I think it's ironic how back in the "Ballyhoo 20's" Jazz and Big Band was considered to be raunchy, and sleazy, where as now, it's oldies. Same goes with 50's Rock and Roll. Back then, all the parents thought it was horrible, teens couldn't get enough of it, but now look. They're oldies now! Gee... I wonder what the next big genre of music will be...

I am Meowrik! The 5th Samurai Pizza Cat! beware the fearsome fury of my fiery Jalapeno Katana!
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2003, 07:41:10 PM »
Almost any Rock 1960's-1980's. Old school rap, techno, Jazz/blues, Japanese rock, Heavy metal, old punk, Grunge, some newer bands, Ska is alright too. Alternative. You know...rock stuff..

Bands: The Pillows, The Clash, Nirvana, Beatles, Black Sabbath, Primus, The Ramones, Radiohead, etc.



  • June 14-16, every year
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2003, 12:18:24 AM »
If you want to know the future of music, Meowrik, check out

It's a pretty poorly drawn copy of a funny Calvin and Hobbes strip by Bill Watterson...I couldn't find the actual strip, but the dialog is more or less the same...

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Edited by - Hirocon on 12/9/2003 10:20:16 PM


« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2003, 06:10:32 AM »

Edited by - TheEggMan on Time slowed/and/Reality bent. But on:and:on the Eggman went. AM

« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2003, 02:09:19 PM »
(veterans ought to know that this kind of topic will drag me out of hibernation)

I agree with most of you that words DESTROY any work of musical worth.  My favorite kind of music is Symphonic Rock.  It's not really rock in the "rock and roll" sense, but rather extremely fast-paced and multi-metered.  (just listen to Abram's Pursuit by David Holsinger and you'll know what I mean).  My next favorite is video game music.  Most of my favs in this group are the minor keyed dungeons, boss battles, and sad themes.
