« on: October 12, 2006, 04:20:46 PM »
Everyone! Okay I am here to tell you all about this thing I dicovered! NO LIE! THIS IS NOT A LIE! First the numbers on the Stutue must be a code! So maybe L may mean other than Liugi! So what I did was stand in front of the statue after all of the ghosts are gone! I tapped L the number it said. But nothing happened. So I knew that this was over. Soon I just wanted to see if beaing Bowser the final time again would affect it. So after I beat him, when the end credits were showing I went to the back again. And when I ran down the hall to et outside I saw that the boo, (racing out the door) had a coing in the center of him. I was amazed! IU lured him up to the ststue and when he was invisible because I stared at him, he flew on the statue, I turned away and he was stuck on the statue! Soon I beat him and the game froze! I restarted it and it took me to the start like when you start the game normally! So i went back and I boo was jamed up still! But I looked under the L stuff and it said something like Eternal star or something. So later I beat bowser the final time again! And when the eternal star apered! (The big one) I did the backwards stair glitch to get the star and I dont know how but I got close to the edge then he got thew cap and flew. I knew that when you hit the game system weird things happen. So I hit it and I dropped down. And you nkow how some peole are lying backwards through the ground, well i fell and fell! Soon i hit the ground......................................................................................................................... ...............................