There are a lot of details I can't remember, but I'll try to piece it together.
I was apparently being sent to a summer camp. I was bringing some books and such to read there, including one rather large one about outer space, and putting them in a beige-green backpack. My mom saw the outer space one, however, and complained that it was too big to bring, so I ended up taking it out.
At the camp, it was evening. Me and everyone else were sitting in this huge outdoor-auditorium-thing, and there were purple and blue lights all over the place. There was a huge screen on the stage, but I don't remember if anything was on it. It was apparently a rock concert or something. I was sitting next to my friend, P (he's appeared before), and we were having a pretty good time. M was also sitting in front of me. P got up to go to the bathroom or something, and I turned and said something to him, only to find he'd just walked out of earshot. M thought I was talking to her, and turned around to say something of a humorous nature to me, but I forgot what it was.
After a while, this guy I somehow knew was evil came on stage. The lights turned off, and everyone started leaving. I told one of the guys running the camp that I would be willing to challenge that evil guy. He was like "Really? Are you sure you're powerful enough?" I somehow sensed that the fighting would be done in RPG fashion.
That part of the dream was never concluded. Later, I and everyone else returned to that auditorium, which for some reason now had castle-like stone walls, to celebrate the 2010 New Year (yeah, I thought this was a summer camp?). A whole bunch of my friends were here, as well as people I didn't know. We stayed up through the night, and as the sun rose on the new year, I went up to a frosted window in the stone wall and stared outside. I cried of sadness because I still hadn't accomplished what I wanted to do, but also of joy because I'd received what I needed to do it, and the sun was rising on a new year of endless opportunity for me and my friends, a year that I knew would be the year.
Um...whoa. I don't think I've ever had such sentimental content in a dream before. :o