I really messed up on how I should've used my time this weekend. I had to finish a graphic design project for today, and, even though I got it done, time constraints kept me from getting the most effective imagery. I go home on the weekends to do my laundry and spend time with my dad and cats. During times that I could've been working on things, I got distracted. I was only able to finish my things for Graphic design Sunday night. After my 8 AM class this morning, I checked what I had due for a history class that I have later in the day. Had to do an article analysis, but I didn't know which article I was to do. I also have to write a paper for that class that is due wednesday. I start on the paper after going through an emotional breakdown, considering skipping today's class. Then I looked through my email in hopes that the team captain sent information on what article we were to analyze. Fortunately it was there, and I was able to work on the analysis, though I had to skip lunch. I might skip Jazz Band tomorrow so I have more time to work on the paper. I took care of the distraction