Southern California is on fire. Its been in the high 90s and low 100s for the last week, and my teachers don't answer their phones or emails labeled "URGENT - *insert my name* NEEDS PAPERS BACK FOR COLLEGE REGISTRATION"
How long have you been living in CA? This place always catches fire near the end of summer/beginning of fall, I'm practically used to smoke and ash falling from the sky in October.
Also, as a half-time alternate layout user, I support this movement of labeling these freaks. Seeing everything in a white light and having corresponding images to our names as well as a post count only brings tension among the group.
Personally, I blame it all on MaxVance. If he hadn't come along and made the Forum Games and Stories split into two, as well as making posts in those boards null, we wouldn't be in this mess. I say off with his head.
Él apenas quiere hacer una escena es todo. Hablando cuyo, soy que va ahora a fijar solamente en español fracturado multicolor y a agregar una firma mano-mecanografiada a mis postes.
I want to hit you for slaughtering my first language.