
Author Topic: My first story! yay!  (Read 2414 times)

« on: November 14, 2003, 09:38:55 PM »
...... I was bored so I kinda wrote the start of this story ,this is my first story I ever wrote on this board.......

 Mario and his buds were playing Tennis. It was Mario and Peach vs. Luigi and Daisy, Toad was the ref, and Yoshi was..... well watching. Mario served the ball, Luigi wacked the ball back, but peach missed it and Mario did the same. Daisy yelled “ YAY! GO LUIGI!”

 â€œ You could of got that!” Peach squeaked.

 â€œ I thought you did!” Mario snapped.

“ Hey, guys, lets do something else,” Yoshi snorted, “ I hate watching you two fight!”

 â€œ Hey how about we go to the movies! Let’s watch Elf!” Daisy smiled.

“ Come on Daisy, Brother Bear all the way!” Luigi said cheerfully.

“ five letters Luigi, Elf!............ No wait... 1, 2..” Daisy puzzled.

“ STOP! We are going to see Scarey Movie 3!” Yoshi and Toad insisted.
 So Everyone finally stopped fighting, and made their way to catch movie. They all sat down in the middle of the last row. Peach cuddled up to Mario, Freezing because the AC was on to high. Yoshi and Toad, crunching and gulping down popcorn, just sat their waiting for the movie to start. Meanwhile Luigi and Daisy had something else on his mines.

 Daisy thought to herself , “ This is it, come on Luigi make your move!”

Luigi, fiddling with his fingers thought, “ Ohhh, should I do the old yawn and stretch and get her in my arms, or..... what if she doesn’t.......ah, what the heck... here it goes...”

 Luigi had a big yawn, reached up and slowly brought his right arm down to Daisy’s shoulders, but before he could get his arm down, Daisy saw a penny on the floor.“ A penny! I found a lucky penny, that means I’ll have good luck!” Daisy spoke under her breathe, bending down to get the penny, making Luigi unable to make his move.

 â€œ I hate you penny! I was so close! I could of made the move perfect!” Luigi muttered angrily.

“ What’s that Luigi?” Daisy pondered.

“ Um.... I I love you Daisy, we are so close, I can’t think of anyone more perfect!” Luigi said while blushing.

 â€œ You’re so sweet Luigi, I love you too!” Daisy squeaked while they hugged each other.

  They were all watching the movie, this was the part when that guy takes off the blanket off the lump, and it was Michael Jackson. Luigi and Daisy giggled, along with Toad and Yoshi, but Mario and Peach didn’t even smile. “ This movie is...... so....... immature.” Peach said bittersweet.

 â€œ That’s the last time we let Toad and Yoshi decide what movie we’re watching!” Mario uncheerful.

“They sit around playing with tooth picks all day! So that figures.” Peach tittered.

 â€œ Just because we’re different, we don’t like being made fun of!” Yoshi bawled.

 â€œ YA!” Toad murmured.

 Suddenly, the whole place started to rumble, the lights on the wall started flickering, and the pictures on the walls started to tumble down. Everyone jumped up in fear. Then Bowser collapsed through the roof. “ Enjoying you’re movie kiddies? MUHAHA!”

To be continued.......

~.:Laugh, and the world laughs with you, cry, and the world laughs harder!:.~
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.


  • Normal
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2003, 11:03:09 PM »
Woah... your story is awesome!
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Score
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2003, 09:33:17 AM »
"That's the last time we let Yoshi and Toad decide which movie to watch."
<P>Ha hah ha!  That was hilarious.

Proud to be an American!
I always figured "Time to tip the scales" was Wario's everyday motto.

« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2003, 11:13:04 PM »
Luigi Wanted to look fearless in front of Daisy, so he leaped up onto his seat and screeched, “ Get out of here-a toaster breath! Get-a your own friends! Friends that are NOT-A imaginary!”

 Bowser’s eye narrowed, and his claws were now fists. You could tell Luigi was in trouble! Daisy along with Peach shivered, while Mario was concerned about what Bowser wanted. Toad laughed carelessly at Luigi’s comment to Bowser, and Yoshi slapped  over the head and mumbled, “ Shut-up! Toad, you wanna get Bowser more angered than he is right now!”

 Toad continued laughing, “ But.. But it was so... so funny.. Toaster breath! HAHAHAHAHA!”

 Bowser drew attention to Toads laughter and howled, “ Is something funny! Please do share it with us! Before I cook you and shove you in some soup!”

 Toad squawked, “ Ah, well I was laughing because Luigi dissed you up good, because you’re such a mor-“ Yoshi covered Toads mouth.

“ Toad..... here..... has issues..... heehee.....” Yoshi murmured on........

 Bowser gave everyone a evil smile, he rose his hand and snaped his fingers, and then before their eyes, hundreds of Koopa’s smashed through the walls of the theater! Mario grabbed his brother and pulled him down, “ I know I said to you, it’s better to solve problems with words, but next time, use nicer words.” Mario whispered.

 All the koopa’s charged at Mario and his buds, hopping over seat by seat. Peach started to cry, Daisy hugged Luigi and cried even harder, Toad and Yoshi hid  behind a seat, still eating popcorn I might add, Mario showing no fear, charged right back at them, and Luigi quickly released himself from Daisy’s grasp, wacked every koopa that came near to himself, Daisy, and, Peach. Mario kickin’ koopa buttons left and right, Luigi beatin’ koopa’s butts up and down, it was a vivid fight! Finally Mario realized that they were not strong enough to fight all those koopa’s so Mario ran to the exit, and everybody rapidly followed! Bowser, along with the hundreds of koopa’s dashed after them! Mario panted, “ Come on, we have-a to go-a faster, or else they’re gonna catch us!”

 Luigi replied, “ My bro is right-a , their hot on our trail!” The koopa’s were getting closer and closer, but Mario and the group got out side and locked Bowser and his army in the tumbling movie theater. The theater hastily caved in, while Mario group jumped in the  sewers, Luigi squawked, “ Whoa, that-a was close!”

 â€œ Yea, you can say that again!” Mario puffed.

 â€œ Ok, whoa, that-a was close!” Luigi repeated.

“ Don’t push it-a bro.......” Mario muttered. Suddenly footsteps were heard! It came closer and closer! Mario and Luigi stepped forward! Then the creatures showed themselves!

Michaelangelo yelled: “Wow, dudes, it’s the Mario bros! Totally cool!" It was the teenage mutant ninja turtles!

 Raphael joked, “ Hey Mikey’s right, for the first time!”

  Mario stood puzzled, “ Hey, don’t you guys live in the city of New York?!”  Leonardo smiled.

 â€œ We got lost, trying to get away from those stupid foot ninja’s!! Thank God we found you! Anyways what city are we under know?” Leonardo said confused.

 â€œ The Mushroom Kingdom..... I’m Princess Peach, obviously the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom!” Peach announced proudly.

 Michealangelo giggled, “ Oh, it’s you the prissy Princess! Hey, where’s that Luigi dude? He’s my Favorite!” Peach frowned.

 Luigi stepped out from the shadows, “ I’m-a Luigi!”

 Michaelangelo screamed, “ Dude! It’s really you!! Say I’m-a Luigi, numbuh one! Like you do on Mario kart!”

 Luigi smiled and said, “ I’m-a Luigi numbuh one! Was that good?”

 Donatello and Michaelangelo laughed, “ Who could do it better? Anyways we better going back to the sewers of New York, do you know how to get back?”
Mario happily said, “ Go up that pipe over there, then turn left, after turn to the second pipe on the left and you’re there!”

 All the teenage mutant ninja turtles chanted, “Thanks, see ya!”


 Mario, Luigi, Yoshi, Daisy, Toad, and Peach all got up the Mushroom Kingdom, tired of course. They all decided to chil at the Castle. They all sat on one chesterfield, Luigi didn’t like the silence in the room, so he said, “ Hey, next-a time we go to the movies, lets watch Brother Bear! Hey lets go right now! I’ll-a pay!”

 Mario snapped, “ Luigi, the theater collapsed! And do you really think we are going to go out while the koopa’s are after us! Here, we have protection!” Luigi covered his face, he hated when his brother was right.

 â€œ Then do you wanna play gold fish?” Luigi asked.

 Everyone replied, “ Sure!”

Luigi took out cards from his pocket, and shuffled them, then he started to do fancy tricks with them. Finally he passed out eight cards to every person.

After about ten minutes later Yoshi had the most pairs and he won! Yoshi chanted proudly, “I won, I won, It’s my birth-day! Gonna Party like it’s my birth-day!”

 â€œ Do you mined if I play the next round? MUHAHAHA!” Everyone swung around to see who it was...... and it was........ Bowser again!

 To be Continued.........

~.:Laugh, and the world laughs with you, cry, and the world laughs harder!:.~

Edited by - luigi~lover on 11/15/2003 9:20:46 PM
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.

« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2003, 01:17:58 PM »
Thanks Markio! Oh and I'm glad you think my writing is funny Jman! I didn't see your messages there for a while, I'm kinda blind...... I'm working on the action scene right now!

 Thanks again, it's good to hear people like my story, it is my first, so I'm dazzled!

~.:Laugh, and the world laughs with you, cry, and the world laughs harder!:.~
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.

« Reply #5 on: November 18, 2003, 05:56:15 PM »
I'm slowly adding to the story......

 Everyone screamed! Yoshi flew down the table, Toad ran for help, Daisy and Peach were to stunned to move, and Mario and Luigi started to attack Bowser. Mario jumped up high, and kicked Bowser right between the eyes, Bowser covered his eyes in pain, Luigi then got Bowser in a head lock! " Give him the chair!" Yoshi cried! Yoshi through Luigi a chair.

" This isn’t WWE Yoshi! But oh well!" Luigi laughed while he slammed the chair on Bowser’s head! Bowser struggled to break free from Luigi’s head lock, but Luigi held on tight! Mario was kicking his shins, and twisting is arms!

"OUCHIE! I GIVE UP! JUST STOP!" Bowser screamed loudly. Luigi looked out side........ and it was snowing!

" It’s snowing! YEA! I love snow!" Luigi exclaimed....... letting go of his grip on Bowser. Everyone looked out side....... even Bowser.... and it was no lie! Everyone dashed outside...... even Bowser! They all hopped in the snow making snow angels, snow forts, everything you could think of!

" This makes me forget how evil I really am!" Bowser chanted!

Daisy tackled Luigi just enough to make him fall and herself fall in the snow, Luigi giggled and they started throwing snow at each other.

Mario hid behind the fort he made, made a snowball and through it at Bowser, Bowser though a snowball right back, and it hit Mario on the face, and he kinda looked like Santa Claus! They both laughed and fell in the snow........

" What on earth are you doing Bowser! You’re playing with Mario and his crew? That’s not right, get up and fight them!" Called out Waluigi!

" Ya you sissy! Afraid Mario is gonna hurt you, so you join his side?" Wario Yelled

" Get out of here, you losers! I’m just having some fun! You wouldn’t know, for the looks of you I can tell you don’t even know what fun means!" Bowser snapped!

Mario and Peach, ignoring the fact that Waluigi and Wario were there, still had fun. Peach Through a snowball at Mario’s back, Mario spun around to see who it was, and he saw Peach tittering like a little girl. Mario smiled and ran towards her, Peach still tittering ran towards him to, and they met up and hugged! " You are so cute when you are happy! Heck, your cute all the time!" Peach squeaked

" I’m happy most of the time, because I have the most beautiful girlfriend! Better than a Queen! And when we’re apart, I’m not complete!" Mario remarked. Romance was in the air!

As for Yoshi and Toad, love was in the air too, they made the coolest snowman you would ever see! Yoshi and Toad couldn’t stop staring at it! They couldn’t believe what they have made! “ Let’s name it, Toaish! Half of your name and half of mine!” Yoshi said pridefully!

“ Well duh! It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out!” Toad muttered while rolling his eyes....... Yoshi ignored his rude comment and started to stare at Toaish.

Meanwhile.......... you could tell bowser was peeved at Wario and Waluigi, They stood there making faces and laughing at Bowser, making him unable to control his temper. “ That’s it!  BURN!” Bowser ran after them, while fire steamed out of his mouth..............

 Too be Continued.......

~*A chapter from the book of luigi~lover: I was standing in the park, wondering why frisbees get bigger, then it hit me!*~

Edited by - luigi~lover on 11/18/2003 4:00:38 PM
Kip: Napoleon, don''t be jealous that I''ve been chatting online with babes all day. Besides, we both know that I''m training to be a cage fighter.

« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2003, 08:14:53 PM »
Hi, I really like your story luigi~lover. Your story is great..... and your 11 years old too. I could never write like that, and I still can't, and I'm 13! Maybe every time I have a story to write for school, you can do it! I'd get A+ for sure!

Lizzie girl always fun and silly!
Lizzie girl always fun and silly!
