
Author Topic: What Was Once Our Home (IC thread)  (Read 3657 times)

« on: May 07, 2013, 10:45:27 PM »

In the year 2105, after decades of economic decay, the United States has broken up. Some states receded into the neighboring nations, while others banded together into several smaller nations, namely: Pacifica, Gulfia, Highland, District of Columbia, Kennedy, and the Rep. of Hawaii.  Aside from this, life continues on as it would have. Media technology continues to grow over the centuries. One of the last great achievements of the United States, the hydrogen fuel cell car, had become the norm by 2134. The perfection of cold fusion technology in 2242 allows the world-wide removal of fossil fuel burning power plants, the last one being shut down in 2283. International terraforming colonies on Mars established in the 2230's set the stage for deep space exploration. The general quality of life was improving for most nations.

In 2189, the “New Religion Movement” started recognizing the fandoms of the late 20th and early 21st century (Trekkies, Poké-fans, Bronies, Whovians, etc.) as religions, under the general mantra of “It doesn't matter if it's real, so long as it teaches good values.” The previously established religions (Christianity, Hinduism, Muslim, etc., since referred to collectively as “old religions”) are still practiced alongside these new religions.

In 2198, scientists had successfully created AI systems with equal intelligence to humans. AI development had pretty much stopped there, no one wanting to risk creating a robot smarter than a human. In 2224, scientists had discovered a way to physically transplant human minds into robotic bodies without altering the patient's personality, thus creating cyborgs.

In 2401, genetic engineering research lead to the creation of completely custom body built to the exact specifications of a patient that they can have their mind implanted into without altering the personality of the patient in any way, similar to how cyborgs were created. These bodies can have very few genetic similarities to the patient's original form and are fully capable of biologically reproducing with each other. The people who underwent this procedure became known as “Synths.” Because of the previously mentioned new religion movement, people from the new religions (especially Poké-fans and Bronies) took this as an opportunity to better worship their religion, and took the forms of recognizable figures from their respective scriptures. By the end of the 2500's, roughly half of all synths were based on a religion of some sort.

At first these new groups where met with hostility, similar to the racial issues of previous centuries. Like those racial groups before them, the robots, cyborgs, and synths had staged their own civil rights movements, and were soon admitted into the general population of most civilized nations. By the end of the 2500's, humans represented 55% to 75% of the population amongst civilized nations. The rest where robots, cyborgs and synths.

In 2549, Russia, China, North Korea, and other communist nations banded together to become the “Neo-Communist Union,” a direct counterpoint to the United Nations (The UN had remained in continuous operation despite all the change around them.). Both sides, not wanting to go into another cold war scenario, remained neutral to each other. This continued for some time. Tensions slowly rise until, in 2603, an attack on South Korea was made by North Korea. This was followed by Cuba attacking Kennedy, Russia attacking Finland, and so on and so-forth until nearly every country on Earth was involved. Then, in 2621, an NCU science team develops the world's first anti-matter bomb. They launch the bomb and discover that they had radically underestimated it's power. The blast radius of the bomb ends up being the size of Alaska, and the bomb has enough energy to detonate neighboring nuclear stockpiles. These stockpiles detonate the stockpiles near to them, causing a nuclear domino effect spreading outward and enveloping the world in a wave of destruction that annihilates the majority of life (natural or otherwise) on Earth.

You are one of the few survivors, tasked with surviving in the barren wastelands of Earth.

To apply, fill out this form and post it in the OOC thread.

Race (Human, cyborg, robot, synth):
Gender (if applicable):
Starting equipment:

  • No Godmoding.
  • No Spamming.
  • Don't be op.
  • Be literate.
  • Post often.
  • Have fun.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 10:51:42 PM by K-Far95 »

« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 07:58:11 PM »
Large chunks of destroyed buildings where strewn about a nuked out city the only things you could hear where the howling winds and the splattering of water shooting out of a destroyed fountain into the street. The skeletons of the former buildings stood bent in a uniform direction with a few bits of masonry barely clinging to them. A wrecked fighter jet smolders, a wake of ruined street left behind it when it landed. A block over, a man sits in a makeshift tent made of his parachute and some bits of rock. He holds a radio in his hands, fiddling with the frequency knobs and speaking into it. "This is Sargent Jason Segal, Pacifica Air Force, if anyone can hear me, please respond." He was answered only with static. He sighs and looks out of his tent. "No one around for miles, is there?" he asks himself. He takes the rag off of his leg and inspects the gash that had been made when he landed. He tries standing, wincing with pain. "Yeah, I think I can walk..." He ties the rag around his leg and walks out of his tent in search of supplies.
