
Author Topic: Mario and TMK Unite!!  (Read 16327 times)

« Reply #45 on: June 10, 2005, 03:02:38 AM »
Nice story it's realy coming along.
(To... much.... reading.... eyes.... burning.)

« Reply #46 on: June 10, 2005, 04:41:56 AM »
I've been caught up in other stuff. Now, I have a 4-day weekend. Expect more, but not now- over here in Australia, it's 8:40PM, and I'm feeling veery tired.

Chapter 8: 100%
Chapter 9: 100%
Chapter 10: 100%
Chapter 11: 100%
Chapter 12: 100%
Chapter 13: 100%
Chapter 14: 100%
Chapter 15: 42%

Evil Luigi: Mario... I am your brother!
Mario: ... Duh! I know that! Well, if you''re not Luigi anymore, I guess I''ll have to take you down!
(EVIL-Luigi, off NC Comix)
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #47 on: June 11, 2005, 10:27:09 PM »
Third day of the four-day weekend, three chapters posted. Enjoy.

Chapter 8: Hope

The man was walking down the street, listening to his Walkman. "Yeah," he yelled, obviously enjoying the music, "Led Zeppelin rocks!" That, incidentally, was also his nickname on the Forums! Suddenly, a weirdly-dressed male moved in front of him. "Stop right there." he said in a stern voice. "Are you a member of the TMK Fungi Forums?" Ledzeppelinrocks looked confused. Why was this man asking this? "Yes," Ledzeppelinrocks replied, "And who are you?" The man laughed. "Very well. In case you didn't know, I am Normalson Puc from the Koopa Land Forums." Ledzeppelinrocks gasped. Rezeed's henchmen usually went to that forum! Normalson pulled out a Beam Sword. "Look what I picked up from Hyrule," he bellowed, laughing. Suddenly, a shape crashed down from the sky- Luigi! He kicked the Beam Sword out of Normalson's hand, and was about to injure Normalson with it when Giga came back, and knocked both Luigi and Ledzeppelinrocks into a music store! Luigi decided to jump straight at Giga again, while Normalson walked into the music store. Suddenly, Ledzeppelinrocks jumped out of a corner, with the biggest guitar you've ever seen! Normalson was hit in the head, and was down for the count almost immediately. Almost immediately, 5 more of Rezeed's henchmen- SegaMaestro98, Waluigi #02, TRD, GIGAHERTZ and Mariodad! "Time to take you guys on," yelled Ledzeppelinrocks, with more bravado than he felt.

"Man! This is useless! If only Old Man Mushroom was still alive..." Deezer was trying to jump over a hurdle Mario had set for him. "No offence, Deezer," said Mario, "But if you even want a chance against Bowser, you should train first." Deezer, once again, jumped straight into the hurdle. "Argh!" Deezer yelled, annoyed, "Is there any other way to do this?" Mario, thinking hard, gradually nodded. "But be warned," Mario said in a stern voice, "You won't be as powerful as you would be if you trained, and the gem is very fragile." Deezer had many questions running through his head. 'Gem?' Mario backflipped over a rock, and grabbed something. He came back down, with a weird-looking red bauble. "Always keep this in your possession. Soon, you'll come to a time where you won't even need it." Deezer took the Gem, and he felt a kind of power coursing through his veins. A huge red explosion loomed out, and almost engulfed Mario in its intense power. A smile spread across Deezer's face. "I'm ready to beat Bowser, Rezeed and anyone else who comes in my way!" Deezer sprinted off, Gem in hand. Mario followed him. Soon, the greatest battle in the history of both videogaming and the world was about to begin.

A Bullet Bill came rushing at Toad, but he jumped over it, and used Stun Spore on the operator of the Bullet Bill. Shy-guys came rushing at the Mushroom Retainers, Koopas at Yoshis, and many other enemies went head-to-head. It was a battle for Peach's Castle. Even Wario and Waluigi were fighting for the Mushroom Kingdom, knowing how bad Bowser was. However, Bowser was flying over the battle, launching projectiles at the Mushrooms and Beanbeans. However, there was one figure flying, even over Bowser. He used a Cape Spin against the Clown Copter, which put a dent in it. "Grr... I payed heaps of Coins to get that restored!" There was mocking laughter, troubling the Koopa King. It was none other than Deezer!

"I'd expect you'd be here, Mario." Luigi, complete with cap and Raccoon tail, stood in front of Mario. Mario had a Legendary Golden Cape, tied around his neck and streaming down his back. "What, the place where we first came here? First came into the Mushroom Kingdom?" Luigi smiled. "Now, you must die." Luigi jumped and used a spinning uppercut, followed by a Super Jump Punch. Mario attempted another Jump Punch, but Luigi dodged it and used a Green Missile to send Mario into the wall. Mario, not giving up, fired several fireballs, but they missed. Luigi used Cyclone, and Mario was sent high into the sky. Mario was out cold, and falling fast. Luigi, preparing for the final blow, charged up his Thunder attack. He fired it, and it found it's mark, hitting Mario on an angle so that he would spin into a nearby pool of boiling water. Suddenly, Mario opened one of his eyes. He double-jumped back towards his brother, and used Jump Punch. He then used Hip Drop, but grabbed Luigi by his side and smashed him into the ground. A Cape Spin followed, and Luigi was sent into the air once again. "Time to finish this, Luigi!" yelled Mario. He jumped, and pulled out a Metal Cap. Putting it on, he became the all-powerful Metal Cape Mario! Luigi, however, pulled out his Porta-Geist, a less-powerful, more mobile version of the Poltergeist 3000! Now, Luigi was fully powered up, as he became Tanooki Vacuum Luigi! "Let's-a go!" yelled Mario, as he used Metal Morph, which morphed him into a giant Hammer and hit Luigi to the ground. Luigi, however, put his Porta-Geist on 'Blow' and used that and his Tanooki Spin power to blow Mario away! Mario, however, had one more trick up his sleeve. He pulled out a Power Flower, and used it- however, it didn't have the effect he had expected. Suddenly, his Cape grew, and his shirt and overalls went a metallic gold and red! Luigi did the same thing, except his shirt was green instead of red! Both of the Brothers smiled. "So this is the Ultimate Power that weird old Mushroom Guy said," said Luigi. Mario didn't respond. Instead, he used Golden Punch, and sent Luigi on a one-way trip over a cliff. Mario sighed with relief- it was over. However, at the same time, he felt sadness for his bro- hopefully he could find a 1-UP Mushroom. "Well, Mario," said a voice. It was Luigi. "I just pulled one of those amazing escapes like you did back in Bowser's Castle. But, I was glad you lived back then. I didn't want Bowser to have all of the fun- you're mine now, Mario." Mario felt fear. If Luigi could get out of that, who knows what his Brother could be capable of?

How did Mario get out of the explosion? Once again, how can Luigi be in two places at once? Who will win between the Mushroom Kingdom and the Koopa Kingdom? Which of the Brothers is more powerful? Why isn't Chupperson in this chapter? Will I finally answer these questions in the next chapter? Who knows? I sure don't! Anyway, check back here next time for Chapter 9 of: Mario and TMK Unite!!

Chapter 9: Planning

Luigison opened his eyes. He was back on Earth. No evil time-stopping people? Luigison looked around. It must've been a dream. He got up, only to see Luigi battling a gigantic Koopa- Giga. 'Something doesn't compute here,' thought Luigison, 'Number 1- I thought this was a dream. Well, that theory sure went out the window. Number 2- Luigi's on the side of the Koopa! What's happening here?' He got out of bed, got dressed back into comfortable clothes, and walked straight out of the door. What he saw shocked him. The city was a complete and utter wasteland! It was completely empty, save Giga, Luigi, and a few Forum members. "Hey! Luigison! Help me out here!" yelled Ledzeppelinrocks. Also, MarlieMoo14, Mariosassistant and Luigiandpeachey were fighting alongside him. "CHARGE!" yelled Sadib, rushing forward at the Forum Members once again. Giga jumped at Nintendoexpert89, but Nintendoexpert89 managed to roll out of the way, just in time. Giga then tried a Bodyslam, and tried to crush everyone! However, he missed, but Sadib jumped on Giga's back, and was elevated to the top of a skyscraper. "Now to unveil my greatest invention- MARIOGUY! You may remember him from the TMK Fungi Forums. It was a set-up. I was never banned- but he was. However, I can create more of him." It was a gigantic robotic Mario! "Marioguy- ATTACK!" yelled Sadib. Marioguy jumped straight off the skyscraper, and proceeded to help Giga. "Mwa ha ha!" yelled Sadib. He pulled out a Ray Gun Rocket Launcher, and fired several shots upon the unwary TMKers. "Finally," Sadib whispered, smiling. "After years of effort, my work is done. The TMK Fungi Forums are mine!!" Suddenly, Marioguy and Sadib disappeared.
Luigison looked confused. "What's happened now?"

Many bodies lay on the battlefield. Sapphira looked horrified at the total destruction Bowser's armies had caused. "Toad!!" yelled Peach. Toad lay, unconscious, among the ruins of the village near the summit of Mushroom Peak. "Th-they went to... they retreated." Peach looked over at one of the first-aid Toads. "Take Toad to Toadstool Hospital." Peach grabbed a Super Leaf, and became Tanooki Peach. She flew off into the distance. "Now where do we go? I mean, we battled for the Mushroom Kingdom, but--" Watoad was interrupted by a huge explosion. It was Rezeed, back from Earth! "Miss me? You should." Sapphira scowled. "As if he'd miss you. I mean, we're on opposite sides of the war!" Rezeed stopped time, and hit Sapphira in the stomach. He followed by grabbing Watoad by the scruff of his neck, and dragged him up to the summit. Then, he let time take its natural course. "Your turn," he yelled down to Sapphira, smirking. Chupperson rushed up the cliff, at tried to hit Rezeed, but missed. Rezeed gave him a little shove, and Chupperson fell a few metres. When he hit the ground, he was unconscious. "What do you want with me?" yelled Watoad, backing away from the psycho in front of him. Rezeed smiled. "Don't talk that way- to your brother!" Watoad couldn't believe it. All of this chaos, all of these people dead- because of his own flesh and blood!

"You don't know how to get out of this one, Mario." Luigi laughed. "It's amazing how the other brother is the better brother!" Mario, tired, tried to stand up, but couldn't. He was back to his normal state. Luigi was preparing for an Ultimate Jump Kick Punch, which was an upgraded version of Luigi's trademark attack, Super Jump Punch. "Now, Mario, I'd hate to do this, but unfortunately- for you, I mean- Kamek is not here to turn you evil as well. How... sad." Luigi used his Ultimate Jump Kick Punch, and Mario was sent far into the skies above. Luigi used his Raccoon power to fly upwards, to finish off Mario. Suddenly, another shape joined Luigi in the skies- Deezer! "What? Who are you?" yelled Luigi, in disbelief. Deezer, armed with a Cape, tried to dive at Luigi, but Luigi had tighter control and quickly dodged Deezer's attack. He countered with a Tail Spin, and Deezer was sent flying even higher than before. Suddenly, Kamek came rushing through the sky, on his broom. He landed just near a wounded Mario. "Hello, Mario. Shall I turn you evil, just like your brother?" Mario, weak, could only watch as Kamek raised his wand. "Cintralei..." Kamek chanted. Luigi smirked. "Don't worry, it doesn't hurt- much!!" Deezer, horrified, rushed down at Luigi. He was knocked into Kamek, who accidentally aimed his wand upwards. Uttering the final word of the spell, Kamek could only watch as a silver beam was sent straight at Deezer. It found its mark, and Deezer was enveloped by masses of energy. When the dust cleared, Deezer looked exactly the same- apart from his eyes, which sported a bright crimson glow. Kamek smirked. "I'll go off to win the war. Luigi-- Deezer-- ATTACK!" And at that, Kamek flew off. Mario gulped.

The exterminator walked through the forest, wary of the various types of bugs surrounding him. He pulled out his Super Spray, just in case. Suddenly, a gigantic bug swiped at him with its monstorous pincers, and he was almost hit. Aiming his spray at the ground, he was propelled several metres in the air, and had a perfect vantage point. He touched down on a tree, safe from most of the bugs. "Hmm... impressive. But I'm afraid that you cannot continue." The man turned around. It was Donkey Kong- the original! "Don't you remember me, Stan?" Stanley scowled. "Just because I was once Stanley the Bugman- hero of Brooklyn after that 'Jumpman' guy left-, doesn't mean I'll fight you now. I'm a true hero- fighting off disease-spreading bugs in exotic rainforests in South America." DK smiled. "You'll fight me, all right," the monkey bellowed. "Count on it." DK grabbed Stanley by the throat, and threw him onto the ground, around 10 metres below. 'How did that ape become so intelligent?' Stanley thought, before he blacked out.

Now that Deezer and Luigi are both evil, is it really over for Mario? How did he come back to life? What will come of against his brother Rezeed? And just why is Stanley the Bugman involved in all this mess, anyway? Is Marioguy actually powerful, or is he just a guy who's name happens to be very similar to Mario's? Anyway, find out in the next shocking (not in the sense of horrible, but "WOW!" type shocking) chapter of Mario and TMK Unite!!

Chapter 10: Battle

The portal was still open between the real world and the Mushroom Kingdom, but it was ignored. Neither side could spare a few people to go through. Ledzeppelinrocks punched Normalson in the face, but Gecko Girl lunged at him, and knocked him to the ground. Luigi used a fierce Cape Slam and sent GIGAHERTZ into the ground. TRD jumped at Luigi, but the quick brother was able to dodge it. TEM tackled Ruby to the ground, while Jon decided to try and attack Marioguy, who nobody had noticed. "COME ON, MARIOGUY!!" yelled Sadib, furious. "ATTACK SOMEONE!!" Jon smirked. Sadib had forgot to flick the power switch. So Sadib did. Marioguy, out of his power-less slumber, attacked Luigi. Luigi fell slightly backwards, and into the portal. "No! Luigi!!" yelled Luigi #98. Even Ruby and the others had turned around to see what had happened. "Now, Marioguy," bellowed Sadib, his voice raising, "DESTROY THEM ALL!" Marioguy's right arm transformed into a cannon, in a Megaman-esque fashion. He blew a huge hole in the streets of Japan, and the Fungi Forum members were sent flying. Suffix landed on his arm, and it broke. Screech, however, got up. He tried to rush at Marioguy, but a laser beam found its mark, and flung him into the distance. Insane Steve tried the same thing, but succeeded. He climbed up Marioguy's gigantic form, and punched Sadib. They fought on top of Marioguy, his controls going wild. He fired several shots at the various TMK members, and even some TKL Forum members. Ruby shoved both Sadib and Insane Steve off the huge robot, and when they landed, they were both unconscious. Jon scrambled towards Marioguy, who was still out of control, with the hothead Ruby at the wheel. Suddenly, Marioguy fell. It turned out Red Paratroopa had pulled out some wires. Marioguy fell backwards, on top of a music store, and almost on Jon. "It's over." said Nintendoexpert89, holding a Ray Gun to Ruby's head.

Luigi fell on his back, right in the foyer of Peach's Castle. He searched the Castle for occupants, but it was empty. He opened the door. Suddenly, he was almost engulfed in a barrage of Bullet Bills. He took off using the Cape, and jumped on some Koopas. He used their shells to knock Kamek off his broom. "What are you doing here, Luigi?" yelled Kamek. He had to yell, over the sound of Bullet Bills firing. "And why are you attacking me? You're evil, remember?" Luigi frowned. "What..?" Kamek's eyes grew wide. Luigi didn't have a cap. Therefore- the Luigi he turned evil was a fake. "I don't believe it!" Kamek bellowed. Suddenly, Kamek fired spells at random, hitting everything that moved- except for Luigi, his target. "I've got to get away!" yelled Luigi, flying high into the sky. Kamek followed him on his broom, which had landed only moments before. Luigi tried to use Cape Spin on Kamek, but was sent flying into the ground. Peach, pulling up a Vegetable, aimed one at Kamek. Yoshi swallowed a Blue Koopa, so he grew Yoshi Wings from his saddle. Wario aimed a gigantic rock at Kamek, while Waluigi borrowed Wario's Spring power. All four of them attacked, and Kamek was sent spiralling out of the sky. However, Bowser swooped down on Peach, obviously to take her hostage, but she attacked the Clown Copter, and it exploded. It also set off several Bob-ombs, and the explosion rocked Peach's Castle. However, with Kamek, most of the Bob-ombs and some of the Koopas down, Bowser could only choose one option.

"All Koopa forces- RETREAT!"

Mario was knocked to the ground, once again. Deezer flew down, and used Cape Spin. Luigi aimed a Thunder Blast at Mario, who jumped out of the way. He pulled out a Super Mushroom, and jumped straight at Luigi, who flew out of the way. Deezer jumped on Mario's head, but nothing happened. Mario jumped, and Deezer lost his Cape power-up. Mario's Mushroom ran out, and Luigi rushed straight at him. Mario was knocked backwards, into a wall. He didn't pick up many items at the Koopa store- after the Bowser's Castle explosion. His only item left- a Yoshi Egg. It hatched- but it wasn't a baby Yoshi. It was a full-grown, golden Yoshi- the King Yoshi! "King Yoshi?" asked Mario. He nodded. "Yoshi!" he yelled, aiming a flashing egg. It hit Luigi, and he reverted to Raccoon Vacuum Luigi. "Darn." Luigi simply said. He flew down to the King Yoshi, and punched him in the nose. Luigi followed up with the Porta-geist, and sucked King Yoshi up. Suddenly, Luigi's overalls once again turned gold, except he now had a crown on, instead of a Cap. "The Porta-geist absorbed King Yoshi, and transferred his abilites to me." Deezer watched from the sidelines, as this incredible fight took place. Luigi stuck out his tongue, but with amazing results- it was like a Yoshi's tongue! He kept Mario in his mouth for a while, but spat him out. Mario, lying down, was wet and shivering. Luigi punched the ground, and revealed a huge water deposit, which shot up under the intense heat and pressure of the volcano. A geyser. Several bubbles followed the water. One was a morphing bubble! Luigi touched it, and became a helicopter. He shot towards Mario, at full speed...

Stanley woke up, in what looked like a martial arts Dojo. 'NYC?' he thought, looking out the window. But there was only forest, and more forest. 'Definitely not,' he thought. Suddenly, a short man walked up to him. He was wearing a white cloak. He also wore a weird spotted turban on his head. "I am Old Man Mushroom. Stanley, I shall teach you the way of the jump." Stan suddenly remembered what he looked like. He looked like Toad, from the Super Mario series. "Where am I?" asked Stan. Old Man Mushroom smiled. "You are a newcomer to the Mushroom Kingdom, yes?" Stanley nodded. "So... I'm in the Mushroom Kingdom? And what happened to Donkey Kong?" Old Man Mushroom held out a finger. "There is no time or questions. Mario's life is in great peril. We must do our best to fight off the new evil. Follow me, into the training room." Stanley followed the mysterious Mushroom Man, on his journey to beat Bowser.

Can Stanley the Bugman beat Bowser? Can this new Yo-Luigi succeed in destroying Mario? Why did Marioguy just fall asleep? Why have I put Jon in the story when he's already left the Fungi Forums? And who is this fake Luigi? Oh, and how come Kamek decided to attack everything? Anyway, find out in Chapter 11 of Mario and TMK Unite!!

P.S: I only have 2 and 1/2 chapters to write. And, as soon as I'm finished, I'll submit this to TMK's fanfic section and get started on M&TMKU2!
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #48 on: June 21, 2005, 03:50:47 AM »
Awsome story (and it's also the only good story with me in it). Maby some one could use the super scope(me please) and now L will kill my self for such an offtopic (and selfish) post.


  • Steamed
« Reply #49 on: June 21, 2005, 10:08:20 AM »
It's great how the rival forum members all have parody names of existing FF ones.

« Reply #50 on: June 22, 2005, 01:15:35 AM »
MEGA UPDATE!! I've just finished writing the final chapter!! (Oh, and I'm not gojng to kill anyone off) I've also started on Mario and TMK Unite 2: Revenge of Rezeed. I was going to tell you some of the secrets, but then it would spoil the ending of #1. But, I will tell you some that will not affect the first story in any major way:

-There are new characters: Prefix, Tiny Toad (Who is bigger than Wario), Spam Monkey (Sadib's new Robot slave), Jon Hater (A mysterious assasin- who is he?) and many more.

Now, it's time for Chapters 11 and 12. Have fun!! Chapter 11: Victory

Luigi flew towards Koopa Mountain. That was usually where Bowser hid out, and plotted to get him and his brother. However, he didn't notice any Koopas there- only a man, who was standing next to another person, who was sitting down- Mario. Luigi landed down near Mario and the man. "Hey Mario, who's that guy?" Mario turned around. His eyes grew wide. Mario quickly jumped out of the way, and put himself in a fighting pose, when he realised that the Luigi who was just behind him had a Cape power-up, had no cap. The other one had the Vacuum powerup, the Raccoon powerup and a cap. Mario realised- one of these were the real Luigi, and he thought it was the more powerful one. Mario stood up, and brushed himself off. "Luigi. Try and use as many powerups as you can- then you'll be like that," Mario explained, pointing at the Raccoon Luigi, who was just standing on top of a rock. Luigi smiled. "Got any to spare?" Mario shook his head. Luigi, however, pulled out a Yoshi Egg, this one blue. It hatched, and Luigi looked around for something to feed it. Suddenly, a gigantic force of Koopas rushed at them all, and the Yoshi ate one. It grew bigger, and it also grew Wings from its saddle. Luigi jumped on, and flew at the Raccoon Luigi. Luigi used a Cape Spin, but it had no effect. The Blue Yoshi spat out the shell, and it hit the Raccoon Luigi, and his Porta-geist was knocked out of this hand. Mario's eyes glowed with recognition. "Luigi," yelled Mario. "That's Blushi Jr!" Blushi Jr nodded. "Blushi!" he yelled. Blushi was a Blue Yoshi the Brothers had met during their adventures in Dinosaur Land. Suddenly, the King Yoshi landed next to Mario, exhausted. "King Yoshi!" yelled Mario. Then, Deezer leaped at Mario, who dodged him. "Time for the master to surpass the student, Mario Bro." Deezer pulled out a Fire Flower, and became Fire Deezer. "Um... a little help here, Weege?" asked Mario hopefully. Luigi, after smacking the other Luigi into the ground, tossed a Fire Flower down at Mario, who became Fire Mario. Deezer leaped at Mario, but Mario dodged it, wall-kicked, and ended up behind Deezer. He turned around, but Mario had aimed a fireball, and it didn't hit Deezer himself, but the Gem. "Gotcha!" yelled Mario, posing with his fingers making the famous 'Peace' sign. However, when Deezer walked towards Mario, nothing had happened- Deezer had absorbed all of the power necessary to keep himself in the Fire state!! "Nice try, but I'm equal to you now." Deezer used his Cyber Jump Punch, and broke part of the cliff off. Suddenly, the wall began to crack. The two Luigis, Mario, Deezer, Blushi Jr. and King Yoshi all turned around. Something big was on the horizon.

Rezeed jumped straight to the top of the peak. "I'm great, right?" he yelled, as Watoad, Chupperson and Sapphira struggled to get up. "You... wish... bro." Watoad muttered. He got up, and started to climb up the peak, but Rezeed knocked him back, on to a rock a few feet below. "Even if you are my brother, I still won't let you win. You do know that, don't you?" Suddenly, there was a huge volcanic eruption, across the Koopa Kingdom border, in the mountain range. Flaming rocks were sent several kilometres around the volcano, and the mountain they were on was only about 10 kilometres away. "Koopa Mountain has erupted, and you will be caught in the crossfire. Mwa ha ha!" yelled Rezeed, scaling even further up the mountain. Chupperson tried to follow him, but then he saw Watoad and Sapphira, lying unconscious only a few feet below. However, Sapphira began to crawl up the mountain. "Quickly go up the mountain," bellowed Chupperson, over the sound of rocks crashing and bashing everywhere. "I'll help Watoad." Suddenly, Rezeed froze time, knocked Chupperson onto the peak, so that he could get Watoad. However, his time-stop powers ran out, and he had no choice but to scramble up the mountain. Watoad couldn't move, and both Sapphira and Chupperson were to weak to help him. Suddenly, a bulky shape bounded out of the shadows- Wario. He picked up Watoad, and jumped out of the lava's way- but got burnt, and lost 3 pieces of power. Wario scrambled up the cliff, and tried to attack Rezeed- but Rezeed froze time, and shoved Wario off. He landed in the lava once again. However, a new shape appeared in front of Rezeed's eyes.


He picked up Wario, and smiled. "He'll make the perfect addition to my army,"  Bowser bellowed, laughing at Chupperson. "And he's soooo dreamy!" yelled a female voice. Watoad sighed. Bowser had brought his kids.

"Jump! Jump! Jump for your life!" yelled Old Man Mushroom. Stanley sighed. "Why do I have to go through this training?" he yelled. Old Man Mushroom laughed. "If you even want a chance to match up to Bowser, you have to!" Stanley was angry. "Then, what do you call Donkey Kong? You're saying he's just a weakling?" Old Man Mushroom sighed. "Exterminating bugs isn't exactly good practice. No, you need real power." Stanley got extremely angry, and he pulled a flower out of his pocket. He got this flower when Donkey Kong released all of the bugs on his girlfriend, Pauline, and she disappeared. Suddenly, Stanley's clothes flashed different colours. His overalls turned white, and his shirt brown. "You've already mastered the Fire Flower, Stan. You're on the right track- the track to beating that nasty King Koopa!" Tears streamed from Stanley's eyes, and he gripped the petals of the Fire Flower in his hands. 'Thanks, Pauline,' thought Stanley. 'I owe you one.'

"We won!" yelled Lizard Dude, jumping up and down. They had won the battle- but not the war. "Still," said Red Paratroopa, sitting on a bench seat, "Deezer and the others are still in the Mushroom Kingdom. If they lose, Koopas could come here- to Earth. And, if that happens, who knows what could happen?" Ruby growled, however, she couldn't get up, as she had a gun to her head. Suddenly, Sadib came around. "Marioguy!" he yelled, rushing over to his fallen robot. Giga was off in another city, blowing up some buildings. "It's over. Deezer has... won?" Sadib suddenly smiled. He walked over to Jon, and helped him up. "NO WAY!!" yelled MEGABYTE, staring at Jon. Suddenly, Jon pulled out a small gadget, and attached it to the back of Marioguy's robotic ear. It grew in size tenfold. "Now," bellowed Sadib, jumping into the ****pit, "My greatest creation- umm... it doesn't have a name, doesn't it?" Screech slapped himself in the head. "Oh, brother." he yelled. However, Jon was more interested in the robot than its name. "***!" Jon yelled, looking up at the ****pit. Suddenly, Sadib had a brainwave. "Jon, come into the ****pit. I've got a name- ***-MARIOGUY!!"

Is this really how ***-Marioguy got his name? Will the mystery of the two Luigis be solved? Will Bowser be defeated? And will Rezeed find an opponent? What happened to Pauline? And will Stanley save the day? Find out in the next Mushroom-ey (Is that even a word? LOL!!) chapter of- Mario and TMK Unite!!

Chapter 12: Revealing

***-Marioguy fired his Funny Shot at Suffix, who rolled out of the way. Ruby used a Spin-Kick on Gamemaster79, who was sent stepping backwards, and was hit by SegaMaestro98. Mariosassistant pulled out a kazoo, and blew it. Suddenly, ***-Marioguy was knocked backwards, and fell into a skyscraper. "Aaagh! Jon- you must've made your part of the robot completely vulnerable to sound!" yelled Sadib, furious. Suddenly, Jon jumped out of the ****pit. He pressed a button, and Marioguy reverted to normal. Then, another robot was formed- ***2. "***!!" yelled Jon, as ***2 fired his fist at Marioguy's head, also hurting Sadib. "Uuuh..." yelled Sadib, injured. Jon jumped into ***2's ****pit, and took control. Marioguy fired a beam, and it hit ***2 in the mainframe. ***2 staggered backwards, electricity flowing from its systems. Suddenly, Giga sprinted into the city, shaking buildings. "It's a three-way battle!" yelled Suffix over the humming that was being emitted by both ***2 and Marioguy, and also the loud breathing of Giga. Giga used his deadly fire breath to melt Marioguy's arm, and Marioguy swung it around, flinging molten metal at the onlookers. Luckily, no-one was hurt- except for Ruby's dress. "I payed $120 for this dress!' she yelled, swinging at the hard metal robot. Unfortunately for Marioguy, she hit a sensitive part of the robot's hard metal casing, making it stagger backwards. "Why'd you build it like that?" screamed Ruby, and Sadib's face grew red- not from embarassment, but from the fact that the temperature was rising quickly inside the robot's cabin. Sadib opened the door, and jumped out- and promptly landed several feet below. Smoke was billowing from Marioguy's motor. He staggered to the left, and crashed into ***2. Jon began to get out of his robot- but it was too late- the heat coming from Marioguy was too much, and both robots exploded. It made a huge Mushroom cloud in the sky, and smoke billowed from the remains of the mecha-warriors. Jon was nowhere to be found. Sirens sounded, and a police van pulled up- the Japanese police. "You are under arrest," yelled the sergeant, pulling out the handcuffs. (Obviously, what the policeman is saying was translated, thanks to Watoad.) "You haven't heard the last of me!" yelled Sadib, who was pushed into the van. "Dream on, Sadib," screamed Ruby, furious. "You'll be hearing from my lawyer!" The police van doors shut, and Rezeed's henchmen were gone for good. "Well," said Suffix, sitting down next to MarlieMoo14, "It's all over. I mean, Rezeed would be gone with the rest of them, wouldn't he?" And that was when the Elite Koopa Force burst through the portal.

"Who are these people?" yelled Bowser, pointing at Sapphira, Chupperson and Watoad. Wendy laughed. "It doesn't matter, 'cause they won't be hurt!" Bowser, in amazement, looked at his only daughter. "Wendy- what in the Koopa Kingdom are you talking about?" Wendy looked up at her father, complete with large eyes. "Well... I've always wanted to meet another human female. I mean, Peach is pretty, but she's really mean! She told me to get lost the last time you kidnapped her!" Wendy beckoned at Sapphira, who backed even further away. "And I for one," said Lemmy, "I would like to observe their technology. Have you seen those phones in Beanbean Castle? You can actually talk to other people, and you don't even need to see them!" Bowser tsk-ed. "Haven't you ever heard of Compu-Pipes?" Meanwhile, in this time, a singular Bullet Bill had flown at Bowser's Clown Copter. It hit, and the Clown Copter began to hover downwards. "What the--" Suddenly, Stanley jumped up, complete with Tanooki power. "Hello!" Stanley yelled, rushing at Bowser and his 7 kids. Stanley used the power of the Tanooki to turn into a statue, and he ripped a hole directly through the Clown Copter. It dropped from the sky like a stone, until Roy used a gadget he had swiped from E. Gadd's lab (a prototype FLUDD, but much smaller) to propel them all to safety. Lemmy pulled out 8 discs, and they all expanded to become hoverboards. "Retreat!" yelled Bowser. All eight of the Koopa Kids looked at their father. "You heard me- go back to the Castle!" Accepting defeat, all eight children and Bowser flew back to Bowser's Castle. "But, wait- I thought Bowser's Castle exploded? Or, at least that's what Peach told me..." Chupperson exclaimed. "You fools!" yelled a voice. Watoad looked up, and his brother was still on the top of the cliff. "That was only a fake castle! His real one is hidden, where you can't go." Watoad raised a hand weakly, trying to grab his brother's cloak. "And now," he bellowed, going down the other side of the cliff, "I will get all of the crystals, and become the most powerful warrior in the Mushroom Kingdom!" And with that, he dived from the top of the cliff, into the mist below. Stanley decided not to follow him.

Lava flowed towards every single one of the fighters, and they jumped for higher ground. However, the evil Luigi missed, and landed in the lava. He was sent jumping up again, and lost all of his power-ups. When he landed, he was tired, and could barely move. "You won't get away with this!" he yelled, triple-jumping onto a higher ledge. Mario tried the same, but he couldn't jump as high as the evil Luigi. However, he used a Wall Kick, and reached it with ease. Luigi also used a Triple Jump, and landed next to Mario. Only Deezer, King Yoshi and Blushi Jr. were left below. Deezer started off by firing a fireball at Blushi, who jumped above it and used a Ground Pound. However, it broke off yet another part of the cliff, and Blushi lost 3 bars of energy, but landed right next to King Yoshi. Deezer then tried another Cyber Jump Punch, but missed. King Yoshi swallowed Deezer, and spat him out against the wall, which cracked. Deezer fell off it, cartoon-style. However, Deezer grabbed Blushi by the tail, and swung him- right off the mountain!  However, Blushi remembered the golden rule for all Yoshis- Pound the Ground as you Land. But, the distance was too much, and the young Yoshi blacked out.

The first thing Peach noticed was snow. Heaps and heaps of the white stuff. Toadette lay next to her, unconscious. They must've blacked out, and been transported to some strange land. "There's a simpler explanation," said a voice from behind her. Peach got up, and turned around. It was Kamek! "I've come to take you to Bowser's Castle." Peach pulled out a Vegetable, and was aiming it carefully, but Kamek threw it away with his dark Koopa magic. "I won't be defeated by some lame damsel!" he yelled, firing a beam at Peach. She jumped over it easily, and Superjumped towards Kamek. Peach did a spinning kick, and Kamek was dispatched easily. He was knocked into a block of ice, which shattered, revealing a Secret Slide. Peach picked up Toadette, and jumped straight in.

Yoshis are curious creatures. The famous Green Yoshi was no exception. 'Why did Peach go down there?' Yoshi thought. Contrary to popular belief, Yoshis are actually more intelligent than most humans. While their vocabulary and slightly unorthodox ways of combat contradicted this, in reality, their IQ is through the roof. "Yoshi!" yelled Yoshi, with determination and stamina. He proceeded to jump down after Peach.

Luigi jumped at his exact opposite, who jumped away, and used Thunderhand to give the good Luigi a rather big shock. Mario, however, was over in the corner, charging his energy. Because of the high heat coming from the volcano, Mario's fireballs were coming quicker and better. However, this time Mario was going for the big one. While Luigi and the other Luigi were fighting, Mario would charge up a Fireball, and hit the evil Luigi when the time was right. And that was now. There was a huge explosion as the Fireball followed its path. Even Deezer and King Yoshi stopped their fight to lay their eyes on the mirtacle of Mario games that was being played off above them. The good Luigi jumped out of the way of the fiery projectile, but the evil one was too late. It was hit, and knocked over by its intense power. When the smoke cleared, Mario noticed two things. 1: The evil Luigi's overalls were torn and damaged. 2: He was still conscious! However, the good Luigi had something to say about that. He merely walked up to the evil version of himself, and plucked his Cap of his head. He placed it on his own, while the evil Luigi underwent a transformation. When it was complete, Luigi's eyes were wide.

Who is the evil Luigi? Will Stanley the Bugman have a bigger role in the story? Was I just making up the bit about the intelligent Yoshis? Actually, no I wasn't- check SSB, it's there. What is Rezeed's master plan? And did anybody pay attention to the fact that I'm writing 16 chapters, plus intro and epilogue? Well, you're reading it now. Wait- I'm meant to put questions here, aren't I? See? I can still put questions- or can I? I know I can, I just have to keep it limited to questions- or do I? Anyway, find out in the next chapter of Mario and TMK Unite!!, when I write it- or will I?
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #51 on: June 26, 2005, 01:21:46 PM »
I can't wait for the end and am I in it

OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #52 on: June 27, 2005, 01:13:24 AM »
Sorry! I'm just getting caught up in my new fangame... you'll appear in M&TMKU2.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #53 on: June 27, 2005, 11:05:06 AM »
ok I made a new abbreviation it's lil not lol, lil as in laugh in lotus

OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #54 on: June 27, 2005, 05:12:38 PM »
This might be the end of the journey...

Chapter 13: Recon

A green gem sat in the middle of the room, coating it in its eerie emerald glow. There was no-one left guarding it. The man stepped into the room, wary of traps. He did what you should never do in a situation like this- he relaxed. It was unfortunate for him at that moment, as he stepped onto a fake tile, that he realised something was wrong. Machine guns rose from the floor. The goddess statue suddenly looked a lot more menacing with a deadly weapon in its hands. Figure shaking, the man set about in a combat pose. The machine guns did what they did best-

They fired.

Kamek woke from his terrifying vision. What in the Wario was that all about? He looked around. He was in a dim room, with a large menacing figure sitting in the corner. Kamek reached into his cloak, intending to pull out his wand- but it wasn't there. The figure stood up- it was a black DK! "Hello. I assume you are the one that they call Kamek." Kamek was flabbergasted by the simian's incredible knowledge. "How did you speak?" stuttered Kamek. The black DK smiled. "Elementary, my dear Watson. Or, that's at least what they say in Earth literature." Kamek managed to force out only a few more words, as he was weakened. "Who are you?" The DK laughed, a chilling guffaw. "I am Donkey Kong the 1st." And with that, he charged up a punch, and burst the cell door open. A Black Yoshi was patrolling outside, and he proceeded to try and swallow DK Sr- but he was too big to fit in the Yoshi's mouth. DK Sr merely took a Super Mushroom that was lying on the floor, and he jumped, bursting a hole in the roof. And with that, he charged off to help Bowser combat Mario. "Wow." That was all that Kamek could say. Picking up his wand, he recovered his energy, and mounted his broom. With that, he flew off.

"Aren't you dead?" Luigi looked shocked as he saw the person lying before him. Once a powerful enemy, who threatened the lives of both of the Mario Brothers, now just a young person, lying before them.

The evil Luigi was Luigison! "Luigison?" exclaimed Mario, shocked. Luigi looked at hios bro. "Somehow, this whole affair has been orchestrated by Rezeed and Luigison. There's no other explanation." Mario gulped. "But... I can only hope Deezer didn't know about this. His power is amazing... he's practically a Mario Bro." Suddenly, King Yoshi made a sound, and Deezer threw him almost into the volcano- until King Yoshi flutter-jumped high up, and ground-pounded Deezer so hard, that both of them actually went through the rock. They both fell far below, but King Yoshi managed to stay conscious. The Mario Bros were pelted with falling debris, and Luigi jumped into Mario, knocking them both clean off the cliff. "Weege! What are you doing?" Mario bellowed. Luigi smiled calmly, despite the fact that they were more than a mile above ground. "Saving your life. You can thank me later." BANG! The volcano exploded with intense force, sending shockwaves going for a long way. The Brothers were hit by these waves, with Luigi taking the majority of the force. It caught him full in the stomach, winding him and effectively knocking him out. "Luigi!" Mario would've yelled, if the wind didn't force the words right back into his mouth. Suddenly, a gigantic Bowser statue erupted from the volcano. 'No fake exploding castles this time," thought Mario. 'This is the real deal.'

Rezeed used his Time-Stop powers, and the machine gun bullets stopped. He grabbed the green crystal, and ran out towards the portal to Bowser's Castle. "Now that I possess all 5 crystals, I will finally beat Mario, my brother, and Deezer! No-one can stop me now!"

Yoshi was rushing down the icy slide. It showed no signs of ending. The princess was just up ahead, trying to look for a ledge to jump up to. Yoshi suddenly heard a scream from up ahead, and several ice slivers fell from the ceiling, uninviting as rusty nails. Yoshi veered off to the left, and the slide ended. In it's place- a gigantic ice-covered lake, with a gigantic black monkey on it. Peach was running from the ape's huge hands, which were currently smashing the ice. Toadette's limp form lay across to the side, shrouded by mist. Peach managed to throw a Vegetable at the monkey's stomach, but that did nothing. Yoshi swallowed a stray Flurrie, turning it into an Egg. He fired it at the hilt of the chimp's mouth, and he was sent falling backwards, and into the river. "Yoshi!" yelled Peach, rushing over. Suddenly, a huge fist sent Peach flying. "How dare you defy me!" yelled the monkey. "I am Donkey Kong Senior! Nobody attacks me!" He smashed the ice surrounding Yoshi. The water was icy cold- too cold to swim in. Peach was rested on a far-up ledge. "Maybe I should just destroy that platform, and enjoy watching you drown in sub-zero water, you annoying little dino!" Yoshi flutter-jumped, and swallowed a fish that was somehow swimming in the water below, and spat it out at DK Sr, who punched it back. Yoshi swallowed it again, turned it into an Egg, and was about to fire it when DK Sr punched the platform Yoshi was on, sending him onto the edge of the slide. "Who is winning now, you emerald imbecile?" Yoshi gulped, and got himself up onto the platform. He quickly fired his egg, and hit DK Sr. square between the eyes. "I hate you!" yelled DK Sr. He punched the roof of the slide, causing it to cave in. Yoshi fell into the freezing water below, cold leaking through every pore in his skin. "You lose!" bellowed Dk Sr, jumping upwards., away from the chaos. There were no more fish in the water- but Peach had just woken up, and so had Toadette. "Wha--" exclaimed DK Sr, staggering backwards. He fell through the ice, and into the water. Yoshi swam upwards, and ground-pounded him, but it had no effect. DK Sr. jumped once again, and opened his eyes to find Toadette preparing a Pink Poison attack, and it hit him. "Aaah!" bellowed DK Sr, as the effects of the Ultra Mushroom wore off in an explosive light display. "Quickly!" screamed Peach, who had picked up a Super Leaf and become Raccoon Peach.

Luigi Simpson got up from the ground. "Where am I?" he thought. Suddenly, he remembered. Kamek had fired a blast, and it had opened up a portal to the real world, which Luigi jumped in. Luigison was hit by the blast... but that still didn't explain why he was here. Suddenly, he heard footsteps. It was Luigison! "Hello, Luigi Simpson. I've been expecting you." Luigi Simpson threw off his jacket. "I saw what happened. You're evil!" Luigison let out a chilling cackle. "I've always been evil. You've been tricked." Luigi Simpson was confused. "What? But... you didn't even know Bowser personally until we were warped here!" Luigison laughed again. But, it wasn't Luigison's laugh... it didn't even sound human. "Bowser and I were once... very close." It sounded like... "Cackletta!" bellowed Luigi Simpson! Luigison morphed, and changed, until Cackletta was in his place. "Eeeyah ha ha!" screamed Cackletta. "You fool! You can never defeat me and my allies!" Fawful fired several beams at Luigi Simpson's back, knocking him down. "Fink-rat! Queen Cackletta can never be downed, now that she has taken over Beanbean!" Luigi Simpson stood up. "The Mario Bros are gonna come, and when that happens, you're dead!" Cackletta laughed yet again. "Finish him off, Fawful!" Fawful looked up at his master. "Royal Highness, I suggest you to finish off this insignificant fink-rat!" Cackletta smiled, and used her Black Hole attack. "Aaah!" yelled Luigi Simpson, falling through a temporary Warp Pipe to Bowser's Castle...

Is Luigison really tied in with Bowser? Will Deezer turn back to the good side again? And will Cackletta and Fawful crash the party? Find out in the 14th Chapter of Mario and (TMNT) TMK Unite!!

Chapter 14: Justice

"Let's-a land, Luigi!" Mario's bro woke up. "Look, it's Deezer! Mario- do a hip drop next to Deezer!" The brothers landed next to Deezer, and Mario leant down over him. "Come on, Deezer! Wake up!" bellowed Mario. "Preferably on our side," added Luigi. Deezer's eyes opened, and he saw the Mario Bros in front of him. He had a pounding headache- until he remembered he had just fought the people over him. Suddenly, Deezer sensed something inside his mind. Just then, he fell unconscious again, ready to take a shot at the thing in his head. He seemed to appear in his mind- a familiar place, as he had been here before, when Rezeed imprisoned him. "Hello, Deezer. I believe we have met before." Deezer gasped. It was him, but larger! "Who are you?" The giant clone smiled. "My name is Giga Deezer. Meet my friends." Out of the shadows came Giga Mario, Giga Luigi and Giga Yoshi! "Attack!" ordered Giga Deezer. Giga Mario used a Fiureball, which roasted the floor below Deezer. He picked up a stray Wing Cap, and flew upwards. He then used the power of his mind to eliminate all of his enemies! "You're more powerful than I imagined. You have honed your skills. However, you can never defeat me!!" It was Giga Deezer- until he morphed into a 7-foot golden beast! "Meet Cintralei Maximus, the possession monster!" The arena morphed too, until it resembled the volcano that had just erupted. Mario and Luigi were unconscious, but the golden beast, which resembled a minotaur, was still there! "Finally, Deezer, your inner self has been awakened!" Kamek was flying overhead, and he released a rainbow rain, which increased Cintralei's power three-fold! "Deezer!" yelled Luigison, who jumped over the ridge. "Have I got a story for you!! It turns out I was an evil Luigi..." Suddenly, Luigison stopped, and looked at the beast. "Whoah!" yelled Luigison. "Is that a minotaur? That is so..." Kamek rolled his eyes. "Just silence him." Cintralei punched Luigison in the chest, which sent him sprawled over a rock. Deezer rushed over. "Your fight is with me," Deezer exclaimed, jumping into the fight. Cintralei whipped a hairy tail at Deezer, and he was hit in the stomach. "Kill him!!" bellowed Kamek. Cintralei fired the same golden beam at Deezer, which almost hit Deezer- had he not rolled under it. "Wha--" bellowed Cintralei, furious. He followed up with an uppercut, which sent Deezer sky-high. "Time to... dive!!" yelled Deezer, rushing downwards and hitting Kamek, who dropped his wand. "Get out of my mind!!!" bellowed Deezer, throwing punch after punch into the old Koopa's face. "A-ha!" Kamek exclaimed. The magician's wand came rushing at Deezer, like a sword. Deezer jumped on it, and held it, it's point pressing down on Kamek's nose. "Attack!" yelled Kamek. However, Cintralei did not respond. Now that Kamek did not possess his wand, he was powerless, and had no control over his golden beast. "Game over, Kamek. Guess what? I win." Dropping the wand, Deezer promptly used a Cyber Jump Punch on it, utterly destroying it. Luckily, his attack prevented him from damage. Kamek wasn't so lucky. The explosion quickly engulfed him, magic healing and hurting him at the same time. This continued well after he was propelled into the volcano, followed by his weakened beast. Mario, Luigi and Luigison awoke, to watch the Magikoopa's plan finally end. "It's over. We won." breathed Mario, getting up. "Not quite. I believe we have the pleasure of fighting." It was Bowser! "Mario, let me take care of this. I can win." The Koopa King smirked. "You may have defeated my top Magikoopa, but I will not fall so easily." He once again took a Power Flower, becoming Fiery Bowser. "Mario!" yelled Luigison. "I can try and get to his Castle!" Mario nodded, and turned around, only to see Bowser attack again. "Flaming Punch!" bellowed Bowser, flame engulfing the ground below Deezer. "Aaah!" yelled Deezer, falling and falling. A crack opened in the mountain, dividing it in two. "I can finally get the revenge I deserve." Bowser laughed. Suddenly, Prince Peasley swooped down on Bowser, narrowly missing his head. "Koopa, Koopa, RA-RA-RA!" yelled Bowser. A bolt of lightning split the sky, and Cackletta appeared behind Luigi. "Eeyah ha ha!" cackled the devious Cackletta, summoning a Black Hole, which consumed Peasley. "I will be back!" the prince yelled as he fell. Bowser guffawed. "Don't count on it." Mario felt his hands curl into fists. How many more had to die? Yoshi, Toadette, Peasley- and probably many more would follow. Mario fired a Fireball at Cackletta, but missed, and Cackletta deflected it at Luigi, who was propelled into a rock face. It started to crack, and Cackletta used a special attack to smash it. Lava rushed at the fighters, and Cackletta was hit. Luigi pulled out a Tanooki suit, and hovered above the chaos. Deezer flew away using a Wing Cap, while Mario used a Cape. Bowser, however, was consumed by the lava. "We've done it, Mario!" exclaimed Deezer. "We've beaten Bowser and Cackletta!" Mario nodded. "Watch out!" he yelled. A huge fireball flew at Deezer, which burnt the Wing Cap and he plummeted downwards towards a village below. "Deezer!!" yelled Mario, swooping after him. "Stay, Mario. I've got a bone to pick with you!" Bowser bellowed. And, as if those words used up his energy, his Power Flower ran out. He no longer had the invincibility to fire and lava. "I will get revenge!" Bowser croaked, sinking slowly. A huge explosion occured, and lava was sent flying. "Mario! We've got to get away!" Luigi warned him, above the tremendous roar of the erupting volcano. Mario shook his head. "No, Luigi. We've got to get into Bowser's Castle, and see what's happening in here. Somebody else is calling the shots."

Rezeed smirked. Everything was going to plan. From Bowser's demise, to Luigi's supposed turn to the Koopa's side- it was all orchestrated. "Hey, bro- I wonder why you're in here?" It was Watoad, Chupperson and Sapphira! "We're back, and ready for action!" bellowed Chupperson. Sapphira nodded. "You're gonna pay!" Rezeed turned around, stepping out of Bowser's huge throne. "I should've expected this. Koopalings- ATTACK!" Bowser Jr. leaped at Sapphira, who jumped away. Iggy threw a multi-coloured ball at Chupperson, but it was knocked away by Stanley! "Stanley the Bugman?" yelled Chupperson. The reluctant hero smiled. "I'm here to put the hurt on Bowser!" Rezeed laughed. "Too late, my exterminator friend. I guess I'll have to do for now..." Rezeed took a Super Mushroom, and grew to 3 times his normal size. "Meet Super Rezeed!" he yelled, throwing a giant fist at Watoad, who was sent flying. "Watoad!" screamed Sapphira. Lemmy ran at Chupperson, catching him full in the stomach. Chupperson landed, right next to Watoad. "It's only you and Stan left!" bellowed Rezeed, clearly enjoying his victory over his enemies. Sapphira went into a combat pose, only to be tripped by Morton. "Sapph! I'm coming!" yelled Stanley, who was in the middle of fighting Roy. Roy, however, who was in the middle of a fight, was not impressed. "Fight me, Bugman!" A roaring portal opened, and Lizard Dude, Suffix and Marionut#1 stepped through! "Hey! We wanna fight too!" yelled Suffix, jumping on Ludwig. "Don't expect us to lie down!" bellowed Lizard Dude, punching an annoying Bowser Jr. Rezeed ground his teeth, knowing this was becoming far too complex. "ENOUGH!!!" the brother of Watoad yelled, pounding his fist against the ground. However, with the power of Earth, this had much more extreme results than he had expected. The force of the punch echoed around the room, totalling it and knocking out all inside.

Deezer awoke, to find that quite a commotion was going up ahead. "Deezer! Sapphira, Chupperson, Watoad and some, uh, other guys are unconscious!" yelled Luigi. Deezer blinked. If this was true, then Rezeed must be back.

Will Deezer, Mario and Luigi defeat Rezeed? Is Luigi Simpson still alive? And what will come of Toadette, Peach and Yoshi? And most importantly, will the other members of the Forums recover? Find out on the possible final chapter of Mario and TMK Unite!!

Chapter 15: Ultimate

Luigi Simpson fell into the foyer of Bowser's Castle. Looking around, he thought he was alone. "Hello?" he called out. Suddenly, an invisible arm helped him up. "Luigi!" Luigi Simpson called. And as if on cue, Luigi re-appeared. "Quiet, LS. Mario and Rezeed are up there, and Mario doesn't really like distractions." Luigi Simpson looked up. Sure enough, Mario threw a punch at Rezeed, who floated away using Cape. "Thunderrr!" bellowed Rezeed, firing a Thunderbolt at Mario. "Ooowwwwwwww!" yelled Mario, falling off the ledge and hitting the ground hard next to Luigi Simpson and Luigi. "Mario!!" Luigi scrambled to Mario's side. He was alive, but couldn't battle. Luigi looked over at Luigi Simpson. "Let's try a Bros. Attack!" bellowed Luigi. "Huh?" Luigi Simpson said quizzically, wondering how a normal human teenager could be part of a Bros. Attack. "It's easy! I'll just use an attack on you, and you'll fly at Rezeed!" Luigi Simpson looked doubtful. "Don't worry, I'll use Jump. I'll hit you from underneath, and you should go flying up, and hit Rezeed with this hammer." Luigi held out a gold Hammer. Luigi Simpson took it. Luigi stepped back. A generic Super Mario Bros. sound effect rang through the air, and Luigi Simpson was propelled upwards. "Hammer!" bellowed Luigi Simpson, landing on the platform. Rezeed sneered. "Who are you, you stupid teen?" Luigi Simpson. "I'm a new guy," he said, taking a swing. "Bad move, newbie!" yelled Rezeed, using his Thunder attack on the hammer, electrifying it. Luigi Simpson staggered backwards, falling off the platform. "NO!" bellowed Luigi. Suddenly, Rezeed was knocked off the platform by a Fireball. "Hey, Luigi! I'm back, and ready to fight!" Luigi looked over. It was Deezer! "Hip Drop!" bellowed Rezeed, jumping off the platform and body-slamming Luigi. "You... can't win, Deezer!" he muttered. "Listen to Luigi, Deezer. Why not save yourself?" Deezer thought hard. If he hadn't been that bit faster than Rezeed... this would not've happened. "Jamie. Think about what you're doing. Those days of playing Donkey Kong at the arcade... There will be no more Mario games if you do this!" Rezeed smiled. "Bowser games will rule!" Rezeed fired a Fireball at Deezer, and Deezer did likewise. A huge explosion rocked the castle, and Deezer was sent flying backwards. Rezeed smirked. "While we're on the subject of old times, Dan, do you remember the times we had playing tag?" Deezer cleared his throat. "I remember." Suddenly, Rezeed hit him with an earth-shattering punch, and Deezer lost all of his health. He fell, and Rezeed laughed. "You're it, no tigbacks."

Luigi opened one eye, only to see Deezer lying on the ground. "No... it can't be over..." Luigi muttered. Rezeed kicked Luigi Simpson's limp form off Luigi. "Battle me- now." Rezeed used a Thunderbolt, and Luigi was flung into a wall, with little health left. "Hyaah!" screamed a voice, kicking Rezeed in the side of the head. It was Peach!! "Yoshi, Toadette- BRING HIM DOWN!!!" Rezeed used Stun Spore, but Yoshi swallowed the attack. "What??" Rezeed yelled in disbelief, as Toadette and Yoshi used the same attack, poisoning him twice. Rezeed rushed at Luigi, but Peach rushed into him. "Nobody touches my friends!" she bellowed, tossing her tiara at Rezeed, causing serious damage. "Luigi! I can heal you!" she screamed, rushing over to Luigi. Luckily, he was still alive. "Don't... heal me... heal... Deezer..." Peach looked over at Deezer. "I'll heal him next," Peach whispered, a flurry of pink surrounding Luigi. Peach stood up. "How do you feel? It's been a long time since I've healed someone." Luigi jumped up, his face filled with re-awakened resolve. "I'm ready to beat Rezeed!" he yelled, rushing into the fray. Peach smiled. "Now, to heal Deezer." She ran over, and sat down next to Deezer. "Deezer?" she inquired, shaking him by the shoulders. "No... he doesn't have any health, and I don't have enough energy. It looks like Deezer will remain out of this one." Rezeed laughed, having knocked Toadette out cold. "Now, I can win this!" Luigi used a Green Missile attack, and rammed himself into Rezeed's stomach, winding him. "Too bad, Rezeed. This was starting to get fun..." Rezeed lay on the floor, unconscious. "Yes, it was," he muttered, as he exploded in a flash of blinding lights. Luigi made the peace sign. "I'm-a Luigi, number one-a!!" The energy released revived all of the fallen warriors, including Deezer and Mario. "Wha-what-a happened?" Mario stuttered, sitting up. "Mario!!" Peach rushed over, helping him up. "It's over. We won." Mario stood up, looking over at a battle-worn Luigi. "Hey-a, Luigi! Well done!" Luigi smiled. "Thank you so much-a for playing my game." Suddenly, a foot smashed into Luigi's back. "Ouch-a." he muttered, lying down. "Luigi!" Mario yelled, rushing over to a rapidly reforming foe, only to be shocked by his Thunder attack. It was none other than... Wario?? "Wario??" whispered Luigi, crawling over to Mario. "Is he on their side?" Mario shook his head. "No, Wario was on our side." Wario smirked. "And on the topic of childhood friends, Mario..." Rezeed appeared next to Wario. "We set you up. And you all fell for it!" Rezeed bellowed. "Now, my drone- destroy Deezer!" Wario looked over in confusion. "We're working together, right? We destroy Deezer together?" Rezeed frowned. "I only took control of you because I thought I could control you. Evidently I was wrong." Rezeed punched Wario, while also combining his Thunder, Fireball, Super Punch and Tornado attacks. The effect was as he desired- Wario was sent flying backwards. "Now, Deezer, why don't we talk? I will rule the world. You cannot stop me. The Mario Bros. cannot stop me. Nobody can." A voice from behind him rang through the room. "An exaggeration, eh, bro?" Watoad rushed over, punching Rezeed in the back of the head, but it didn't seem to faze the mighty fighter. "NOBODY CAN!!" Rezeed bellowed at the top of his voice, using a Rezeed Hurricane attack and knocking Watoad away. "You'll never get away with this!!" screamed Sapphira, coming in with a spinning kick. "The cavalry has arrived," muttered Rezeed, rolling his eyes. "And aeons too late." Rezeed punched Sapphira, knocking her off her feet. "Hyaah!" yelled Suffix, jumping off a nearby platform and bodyslamming Rezeed. "He watches too mcuh wrestling," commented Deezer, as Rezeed struggled to get up. Suffix ran towards Rezeed, and punched him in the back. Rezeed suddenly held out a foot, and Suffix tripped, and fell. "Super Flaming Fist!!" yelled Deezer, rushing into the battle and hitting Rezeed hard. "Next time, Dan." Rezeed muttered, aiming a Super Thunder Kick. "NEXT TIME!!" He rushed forward, electricity rushing around his body. He hit, and Deezer was sent flying backwards. "I'm going to go easy now, Dan." he muttered, walking over. Suddenly, Mario hit him in the back with a Koopa Shell, knocking him unconscious. "Thanks, Mario." Deezer smiled. "My life can finally get back to normal. Or, as normal as it can get, banning ratbags like Sadib." Mario grinned. "If they aren't careful, they'll be payed a visit by the Super Mario Bros!"

And so, our hero's journey ends. But, nobody can tell what state the world will be in once Deezer and the rest get home... but that's another story. If they do get home...

Never Really, But This Time Maybe- THE END.

If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #55 on: June 27, 2005, 06:07:06 PM »
nice.just that one word.nice

OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!


  • Steamed
« Reply #56 on: June 27, 2005, 09:11:47 PM »
Excellent work.

« Reply #57 on: June 28, 2005, 04:26:06 AM »
AHA! Who said it was finished??? I will post the next chapter tomorrow (Australian), which is set around a week after the events of Chapter 15.
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.

« Reply #58 on: June 28, 2005, 10:06:02 AM »
you said The End so now I have no shoice but Ka...Me...Ha...Me...HA!

OH SNAP, It's White Arrow!

« Reply #59 on: June 28, 2005, 06:02:34 PM »
MASENKO-HA!!! LOL, kidding. Anyway, Chapter 16 and the conclusion. 'Njoy.

Chapter 16: Finale

A pointed spire punctured the once tranquil town that is Toad Town. After Rezeed's escape from Mushroom Kingdom Maximum Security Prison, nothing was normal- then again, was it ever? Deezer stood atop a hovering platform, above the spire. "Rezeed!" bellowed Deezer above the roar of the tropical summer rain. "I want to fight! Winner take all!" Sapphira's teeth audibly chattered in the high altitude. "I so wish I was home in front of the fireplace right now..." Mario tried to comfort Sapphira. "Don't worry. I'm sure Deezer will have this battle under wraps very soon." Sapphira almost screamed. "Oh, yeah? You can just go home, flying with your fancy capes and Super Leaves, right?" Mario shook his head. "No. My cape would freeze up at that temperature, and I would drop like a rock." Sapphira looked disappointed, as if Mario could fly her down into Peach's Castle, or the Jellyfish Sister's Relaxation Room...

Watoad didn't know who to cheer for. His sense of right and wrong was being seriously conflicted- should he go with Deezer, his friend, or his evil brother? He didn't know the answer. "I'm glad you came, Deezer. I've been... training." Rezeed floated over, hoisted up by a long black cape. Sapphira scowled. "I thought the cape would freeze up?" Mario looked at her, finger over his lips. "I didn't want to take that chance. Did you?" Sapphira decided it would be best if she kept her mouth shut. Luigi Simpson cheered. "Go Deezer!" he bellowed, eating popcorn. "Hey- where'd you get that?" Yoshisaurus Rex inquired, eyeing off the popcorn with interest. Luigi Simpson pointed below, to one of the buildings in Toad Town. "Tayce T.'s shop. Beautiful food there. Try it before you go!!" Yoshisaurus Rex rubbed his hands together. "Lookin' forward to it! Now- gimme some of that popcorn!" he yelled, grabbing an entire handful. "Hey!" yelled Luigi Simpson, who could only watch as Yoshisaurus Rex ate the whole handful in one go. Yoshisaurus Rex smiled, having enjoyed the popcorn. "Can I have some more?" he asked, leaning over towards the bag of popcorn. "You've got an appetite like a Yoshi, YR!" Luigi Simpson said, holding the popcorn away from Yoshisaurus Rex, only to have it eaten by Yoshi. Yoshi whistled in delight at the taste. Yoshisaurus Rex looked dumbfounded by the fact that there was no more popcorn. "Now you know how it feels!" Luigi Simpson smirked, laughing at the look on Yoshisaurus Rex's face.

"Thunder Bolt!" Rezeed bellowed, lighting raining down on Deezer. "Aaagh!" Deezer yelled, jumping out of the way. 'I can't even hit him!!' thought Deezer, dodging more of Rezeed's attacks. "Ultima!!" Rezeed bellowed, the famous Final Fantasy attack finding it's mark. "Uuuh." Deezer trailed off, and he couldn't get up. "Deezer- I'll help you!" bellowed Daisy, rushing out and hitting Rezeed. "NO- DAISY!!" Luigi yelled, running out onto the field and pushing Daisy out of the way. "Want to fight me?" Luigi said with more bravado than he felt. Rezeed laughed. "Not really." Luigi scowled. "TRoo bad, Jamie. You don't have a choice." Luigi hit Reezed with a Thunderbolt, then beckoned for Mario to come into the ring. "Quickly, Mario! The new Bros. Attack!" Mario nodded, and used a Spin Jump in front of Rezeed. "Spin!" Luigi jumped very high, then came down on Mario. "High!" Suddenly, a green and red tornado surrounded them. "TwinSpin Bros!!" the brothers bellowed, the tornado hitting Rezeed hard and knocking him off. "Yes!!" yelled Deezer, running over as fast as he could. "PK Thunder!" a voice yelled, and a person hit Mario, knocking him out. "Reezed!" Deezer bellowed, getting into combat pose. Luigi sighed. "Did he just use PK Thunder from Earthbound?" Rezeed landed, clearly enjoying himself. "Hmph! Luigi, get Ness to sue me then! When's the last time Ness appeared in a game, huh?" Insane Steve stood up. "Super Smash Bros. Melee. Don't you remember?" Rezeed looked confused. "Really? Well, I didn't notice, 'cos I only use one character- Bowser!!" Luigison rolled his eyes. "Oh- I never would've suspected that!" Rezeed shot a look at Luigison, then once again focused on the battle. "Your friends are really annoying, Deezer. I wish they would just- BLOW AWAY!!" Suddenly, Rezeed used a savage Tornado attack, and Yoshisaurus Rex was blown away. "No!!" yelled Luigi Simpson. Insane Steve smiled. He shoved Luigi Simpson aside, and jumped on Yoshi. "Let's-a go!!" Insane Steve mimicked, jumping after Yoshisaurus Rex. "I'd say- RIP Lizard Dude!" Rezeed punched the ground, and a beam of energy was sent flying at Lizard Dude and Chupperson, knocking them both off. "It's time, Luigison!" bellowed Luigi, throwing his cap off. It landed in Luigison's hand. "Let's get Chup!" Luigison put the cap on, and he felt the power of Luigi course through his veins. "I'm ready," he said boldly, grabbing a Super Leaf and jumping off after them. Deezer growled. "Leave my friends out of this. It's me you want to fight." Rezeed smirked. "You should see the look on your face. It's something like this!" Rezeed pulled out a Key. "A Key?" White_arrow looked confused. "Why? Is there something we need to unlock?" Kirby (Cheat wizard) stood up. "It's from Super Mario Bros. 2. Usually, if you pick up a key..." The colour drained from his face. "Oh, man. Phantos." The Blue Toad s******ed. "I've always hated that name. Sounds like some lame cereal." Luigi #98 pushed him back down. "Well, Blue Toad, the lame cereal is coming."

It was a magnficent sight- Rezeed and Deezer battling, with the loud humming of Phantos echoing in the background. "You know, Jamie, you were always the sour one. You were always the one that claimed own goals didn't count. You were always the one that made up rules with no consideration for the other players. You always will be the sore loser." Deezer spoke confidently, with the Phantos closing in. Rezeed smirked. "If that was true- which it isn't- I'll soon be a sore loser with no winners over him. Now, Phantos- DESTROY THEM!" Sapphira ducked, and several of the people around her vanished, and was replaced by around 10 Phantos. The Mario Bros tried to combat them, but were fighting a losing battle. Mario tossed Watoad his cap, and Watoad transformed like Luigison had. PaperLuigi jumped away from a Phanto, and was finding his way around, until he bumped into someone. "Deezer!" PaperLuigi yelled. A deep chuckle echoed from in front of him. "Not quite," Rezeed muttered, punching PaperLuigi. "Nice try. But you haven't seen the last of me!" PaperLuigi swung at Rezeed, but missed. Suddenly, a fireball sent Rezeed flying backwards. "Aah! Who was that?" The Phantos semmed to part as a man stepped through. "Deezer?" Rezeed stuttered, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth. "I believe the term is-" Reezed felt a fist punch him across the face. A familiar fist. "Not quite??" Rezeed almost smiled, but decided not to. Unless you were really confident- which he wasn't at the moment- it wasn't really good for an evil reputation to smile. Scowling, smirking, maybe even grinning- but not smiling. "I didn't think I'd end up fighting my own bro." Watoad held a foot on Rezeed's chest. "It's over. I win." Rezeed grabbed the foot. "You wish!" Rezeed tried to trip his bro up, but a new type of confidence had possessed his sibling, unlike anything he had ever faced. Not even the bully he had faced as a child, who, without his bro, surely would've lost. 'Why am I doing this?' thought Rezeed. 'He's my brother- the guy I shared my childhood with. Do I really have to fight him?' Watoad looked into his brother's eyes, and saw the indecision. "Jamie?" inquired Watoad. 'NO!' Rezeed's granite-hearted half urged. 'You've got him right where you want him! Don't let it go!!' Unfortunately, his evil heart won. "See ya, Errol. Nice knowing you!" Watoad's eyes were wide. "No..." Rezeed smiled, and pulled Watoad's foot- just enough for Watoad to topple over the edge of the floating arena- without a cape. Rezeed cackled- until Watoad grabbed his foot, and both brothers were sent flying down.

The Phantos had cleared, and Watoad, Chupperson, Rezeed and many more of the members were nowhere to be seen. "Did we win?" Luigi Simpson pulled himself up from the edge of the arena. Deezer shrugged. "I can't be certain." Sapphira tapped him on the shoulder. "Uh, Deezer? I think we did. I've searched everywhere- Reezed's nowhere." Deezer still wasn't convinced. "This could be a trap. Rezeed could be below the arena, wetting himself." Luigi flew up onto the arena, hoisted up by Raccoon power. "No Rezeed, no Watoad. I can't believe it. He won't just use that attack and just disppear." Suddenly, Luigi Simpson tripped over. "Ow." Deezer got into a combat pose. "Somebody's sneaking around with a Vanish Cap." Luigi Simpson shook his head. "No, I just tripped over these mini-trenches." Mario flew up onto the arena, using his Feather Cape. He landed, then collapsed onto his knees, sweating and bruised. "R-Rezeed... something... going on... below....." Mario fell to the floor in a dead faint. "Mario!" bellowed Luigi, kneeling down beside his brother. "Such brotherly love. Once upon a time, I would've admired that." Rezeed hovered upwards, holding an unconscious Watoad. "Once upon a time." Rezeed dropped his brother, and Sapphira grabbed a 1-UP Mushroom out of her pocket. "What is it with forum members just grabbing legendary Mario items out of their pockets?" Deezer inquired, despite the danger at hand. Luigi Simpson looked at him. "Well, this story doesn't have to be real, you know." Suddenly, Reezed sent out a huge energy blast, that effectively made a wall of granite that made sure nobody could help Deezer. Also, a huge hole was ripped in the sky. "What have you done, Rezeed?" bellowed Deezer over the sound of matter being sucked into the hole, who didn't notice he was being slowly elevated from the ground. "Isolating the area." Suddenly, Rezeed and Deezer were catapulted into the rip, and blackness surrounded them both.

"I can see into their new dimension. It's... weird." Sapphira tried to make sense of the fact that the hole in the sky was broadcasting live from Rezeed's and Deezer's battle arena. "Deezer! Can you hear me?" Luigi Simpson called. "Yes!" Deezer yelled back. Sapphira looked over at Luigi. "Luigi- can you try and get everyone up here?" Luigi nodded, and jumped down. "Deezer needs all of the support he needs."

"Supreme Darkness Attack!" yelled Rezeed in a hoarse voice. Deezer was sent flying backwards among a myriad of black clouds. Suddenly, Deezer used several power-ups, and became Ultimate Deezer! "Hyaah!" Deezer bellowed, as he leapt at Rezeed with a leg outstretched, to kick him. "Too late!" Rezeed used a Thunder attack, which reduced Deezer to Wing Cap Hammer Bros. Deezer. "So? I've still got a Wing Cap and a Hammer Bros. suit!" Rezeed smirked. "No you don't!!" Rezeed charged at Deezer, hitting him in the stomach, reducing him to Wing Cap Deezer. He took to the skies, and flew upwards. "You think that flying hat can beat me? I think not!" Rezeed tried tro attack Deezer, but missed. Deezer hit him in the chest, knocking him backwards. "Your attacks are worthless. You are too weak." Deezer noticed something- the same Gems Deezer had worn previously. That was why Jamie was so powerful... "Come on, Deezer! Don't give up!" It was MegaByte! "Go for it, Deezer!" Lizard Dude bellowed. "Don't worry, Deezer- Sapphira and Watoad are coming!" That was Red Paratroopa. Suddenly, Sapphira and Watoad appeared, and tried to attack Rezeed, but were knocked away. "Nice try, but were still going to beat you!" yelled Sapphira with bravado. Rezeed sneered. "Yeah, right!" Rezeed fired a fireball at Deezer, but missed. "Too weak, eh?" Deezer hip-dropped on Rezeed, and it looked like a hit- until Rezeed rolled out of the way. "I told you you were too weak!" Rezeed used a Thunder attack, reducing Deezer to his normal state. "Super Deezer!" Deezer yelled, grabbing a Super Mushroom, causing him to grow to many times his normal size. "So? The bigger they are, the harder they fall..." Sapphira could barely watch. "No!!" she screamed. Rezeed kept up his attacks, launching punch after punch into Deezer's stomach, causing him to shrink to regular Deezer. "Time to fry, Jamie!" bellowed Deezer, firing a Fireball at Rezeed. "My name isn't Jamie- it's Rezeed. Or sir to me!!" Rezeed launched a Tornado attack, causing the flames of Deezer's attack to swirl around, causing a huge fiery tornado above the warriors. "One of us will fall, one will rise up. I plan not to lose..." Rezeed stepped forward one step. Watoad gasped. "If Rezeed shoves Deezer out of the way, the Tornado will consume Deezer, frying him!" Back on the floating arena, an uproar went up. "No... I've gotta help him!" Insane Steve tried to jump up into the portal, but it was too high up. "Insane Steve... when Deezer wins, we can go and congratulate him." MegaByte said. Suffix shot him a quizzical look. "Huh? I think you mean 'if he wins'." MegaByte had a confident look in his eyes. "No- I'm sure he'll win. I'm absolutely sure."

Deezer began to sweat. The battle was heating up and so was the air. Rezeed was coming ever closer, and Deezer had no choice but to do the same. He took one step, and he already felt the strain on his body- too many battles in the last few hours, and now he was underneath a whirlwind of fire. Not exactly what he had in mind when he started TMK... "Given up yet, Danny?" Rezeed sounded confident, but he couldn't hide the fact that he, too, was out of energy. "We-we're both drained. Sapphira- Watoad- please help." Watoad tried to get up, towards the heat, but he was forced back. "I can't! I-it's too hot!!" Sapphira stood up. "Come on!!!!" she bellowed, throwing a Yoshi's Cookie she had bought previously. It landed between the two warriors. "It's that cookie that will cause your downfall! Bwa ha ha!!" Rezeed laughed. He suddenly stopped walking, and let Deezer come ever closer.

Deezer stepped towards his foe, sensing victory- until his foot found the molten Yoshi's Cookie, causing him to trip. "No!!!" yelled the forum members in unison, watching Deezer fall. However, Deezer smiled, in spite of it all. He would surely die- but he had one more trick up his sleeves. He had hoped he never had to use this certain trick, but- some things you cannot help. "I win, Dan," whispered Rezeed, certain he had won. Deezer smirked. "You'll never win, loser!" Deezer grasped the gems, that were hanging on chains around Rezeed's neck. He felt the power of the Firebrand coursing through his arm, and affecting the gems. He had only a fraction of a second to pull this off- but that was all he needed. The Gems exploded in a rainbow of colours, the force enough to propel the flaming projectiles all over the new dimension. An explosion rocked the arenas, throwing both Rezeed and Deezer into the dark, swirling abyss below, surely their deaths. "Aaah!" yelled Rezeed, unable to believe he had lost with only seconds left until his revenge was complete. "Next time," he thought, his body twisting and turning, and finally warping towards a new land- new rules, and an uncertain fate. Deezer was going to suffer the same fate, until he felt guiding hands lift him up- the Mario Bros. "Mario? Luigi?" Deezer muttered. Mario looked down and smiled at him. "By the time you wake up, you'll be all right, resting in your house." Deezer smiled weakly. "No. Just take me to a hospital- I'll go back when I'm ready." Luigi stared at him. "I'd give anything to go back to Brooklyn... but if you're sure..." Deezer grinned. "I'm sure," he stuttered, fainting.

"It's over. We won... and we lost." Sapphira started to cry. Chupperson comforted her. "Deezer would've preferred it this way, having defeated Rezeed." Luigison wiped a tear from his eye. "Yeah... I just can't believe it."

Watoad knelt down on the ground, tears falling down his face, and onto the ground. He'd lost a friend... and a brother. Two deaths.. in one day. It was just too much. "Why?" Watoad yelled, looking up towards the sky, which started tears of it's own- tears from heaven. Tears for his brother, and why he turned evil. Tears for his friend, Deezer, who's last word to him was "It's too hot." Hardly the farewell he deserved. Watoad got up. One day, he would remember them both. It was too bad it had to end this way- his long-lost brother, fighting one of his closest friends. He dropped a rose before a tree, where he had carved Deezer and Jamie's names. Watoad put his jacket on, and walked away from the sadness behind him.


It was a pity I had to leave my friends behind. But, in a way, it was the end of an old life- and the beginning of a new one.
I attended my funeral. It was an odd feeling- one I had never expected to experience in my lifetime. All of my friends were there: Sapphira, Suffix, MegaByte, Chupperson- not to mention all of my childhood friends- except for Jamie.
But, what possessed him to do this? It might've been me- but when we played, it seemed like we had such a good time- like he'd never stop if he had the ability to go on forever.
But, is he still alive? Part of me hopes so- like there's a part in his body that's still Jamie, the kid who made my childhood not all bad, but rather good. I also knew his older brother- this guy who was called Errol. And, in a twist of fate, we became friends on the Forums.
And what of the Forums? Watoad has taken charge, and I must say, he's doing a very good job. For a while, newbies kind of ruled the Forums- until Sapphira came back. You wouldn't believe how many Purple Mushrooms popped up that day throughout TMK.
Now, I'm prattling on, just like I'm afraid I would. Ah, well. I'm surprised I could get internet access here in the Mushroom Kingdom. Plus, a new member on the forums called Daeser should prove very entertaining.
Uh, oh. Mario's just walked in- he doesn't really like me on the computer that much. For some reason, he likes visiting 'Super Deezer Bros' sites. It's amazing how quickly my story has spread throughout the whole Mushroom World. Movie rights, contracts, fan mail- it's all making my head spin.
So, my story ends. And, like I said before- the end of an old life, but the beginning of a new one- one where I have friends in the Mario Bros.

Excerpt from Deezer's Journal

THE END (For real, this time. I'm deadly serious. Actually, I'm not that deadly serious- I certainly won't be when Mario and TMK Unite 2 hits the Forums...)

No. of Pages: 36
No. of Words: 19,334
No. of Characters: 112,014
If my son could decimate Lego cities with his genitals, I'd be [darn] proud.
