Ha, nice. I tried to request something that was as complicated and made as little sense as possible...although I think I overdid it. I like it anyway, though.
What now...oh! On Monday, my chemistry teacher was away, so he left us a sub, and she looked at the wrong sub notes and ended up giving us the movie Freedom Writers to watch. A guy I know in that class asked me what movie it was and if I knew anything about it. I decided to have a little fun and said "It's called Freedom Riders. And...Freedom is the name of a horse. With superpowers. He can breath fire and runs so fast he creates tornadoes. And he's ridden by a hero to stop an evil businessman who wants to harness the sun's energy and create a nuclear reactor that will destroy the Earth." He's like "Wow, sweet." When it started playing, he said "What? This doesn't look like that at all!" I turned around, dumbfounded, and asked "Wait, did you actually believe me?" Apparently he had. Everyone around us thought it was hilarious.
So that's my next request. Draw a movie poster-esque picture of a hero (preferably with a generic cape) riding Freedom the horse in a dramatic pose, facing the evil businessman who's floating in front of the giant nuclear reactor in the background. And put lightning or something in the sky.