
Author Topic: All along I really was up to something.  (Read 1705 times)

« on: December 24, 2004, 05:57:45 AM »
Back in 19 digety two when Mario was just a figment of Shigeru Miyamoto's wild imagination I was alive and niether were my parents. This story isn't about them or the way things really are in fact its about how they aren't. You see for years now I've been plotting some sort of way to totally revolutionize the way mario games are played and I finally figured it out instead of playing the game you'll experiance it first hand the new wave and era is the virtual why play as our italian freind mario when you can explore the mushroom kingdom at your own desire.At least that's what I hope mario games will be like that is my truelly romantic dream. Thanks for listening to me vent back to the world of silencio once again.
I''m Shakezilla the Microphone Rulah!

I HAvE FuRy!!- Fawful
