
Author Topic: video game girls, hohohohoho!  (Read 2103 times)

« on: July 02, 2002, 01:46:43 AM »
The ability to stimulate the ***ual sense of an audience is a true mark of artistic mastery... Oh who the hell am I fooling? I have friends who got off to the Little Mermaid and her clam-shells. Yes, an animated character, and one with bright red hair and a tail, at that! I even have friends who, by their own admission, found themselves remarkably turned on when the space warrior in Metroid removed her armor to reveal long, flowing hair and a bikini. You want a social deviant? I've got some numbers for you.
These are simple hand drawn images, comprised of only a handful of colors. In the case of Metroid, it's even worse -- we're talking about a five color sprite with one or two frames of animation. How, oh how, could anyone possibly be turned on by that?

Things have changed since Ariel left her sanctuary under the sea and Samus Aran first fought Mother Brain. We now find ourselves deeply entrenched in the computer graphics era of videogames, where the powerful game machine in your living room generates nearly everything on the game screen through the use of polygons and other gizmos and gadgets. Things started out crude years ago -- the original Lara Croft looks like a set of Lego blocks in comparison to what we're seeing now -- but perhaps by a form of magic, we now have Dead or Alive 2, a game which gives a solid affirmative to the question of whether playing a video game can be a more stimulating experience than surveying porn sites for that one magic picture.

Dead or Alive 2 is a **** fine fighting game, and a good number of people out there are buying it exclusively for that. But there's another audience... a group of gents who play the game just to get a peek at virtual gaming babes Kasumi, Ayane, Tina, Helen, and Lei Fang. These five form an elite group, the so called "Babes of Dead or Alive 2."

They each have their own stories, but one thing's for sure: these aren't your typical gaming babes. Thanks to the power of Dreamcast, the hard work of Tecmo's Team Ninja, and the perversion of certain graphics artists, the DOA2 girls resemble the real thing more closely than ever, complete with smooth curves, flowing clothes and hair, and actual facial features - -they even have massive boob bounce, which can be made more obvious by toggling various options in the game's menu (if you're into that sort of thing).

So are these girls worth the talk? Or are they just 2000's Samus Aran and Princess Zelda with a bit more detail?

one god, one market, one truth, one consumer........

Black Mage

  • HP 1018 MP 685
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2002, 09:57:10 AM »
 Now, Dead or Alive 2 is a mighty fine game, but to be honest, it has nothing on DoA2 Xtreme Volleyball. Erm... I mean, both games look wonderful. I knew that post looked familiar. Lets take this link for example
...... Er.. someone gave it to me, honest. ;D

 Anyway, I don't feel it's wrong to be attracted to Animated girls, or girls from video games, with-in reason. Hell, pretty much every anime girl can push the right buttons if you know what I mean. To put it simply, I am a man, therefore women?

Edited by - Black Mage on 7/2/2002 8:58:17 AM

« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2002, 10:51:52 AM »
its nice to know there are straight people left with all of the gay guys in my hood.

one god, one market, one truth, one consumer........

« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2002, 12:07:33 PM »
The SSBM version of Peach is kinda hot.

« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2002, 07:44:09 PM »
Beach Spikers, Dark Summit, Starfox Adventures, Shantae . . .

(sorry about that post, I just like to act stupid)

Edited by - Deezer on 7/4/1776 at 13:70 RM QST
