
Author Topic: Your "Pet Peeves"  (Read 54211 times)

« Reply #30 on: January 01, 2004, 02:24:43 AM »
Anorexia is partly a phycological disorder. Sometimes people want to have control over their lives. Take for example in The JoyLuck Club a women named Batty aka Ying-Ying went insane after the loss of her baby, her daughter Lena was terrible upset and felt lost without her mother as a result of something her mother said which is too long to talk about she became anorexic. I think its sad sometimes they cant help themselves. You really shouldnt judge.

Visit it''''''''s cool and stuff.
and Remember kids,don''''t call me gringo or f**kin beaner.
Quote of the week:First of all, I don''t even know what this is. If it''s supposed to be a dog, then it''s the sh*ttiest dog I''ve ever seen. F
As a game that requires six friends, an HDTV, and skill, I can see why the majority of TMK is going to hate on it hard.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #31 on: January 01, 2004, 04:17:03 PM »

"-People who don't like Texas"

Amen to that.

"-Hillary Clinton
-Bill Clinton"

Yep. I don't like them either.

"-The French"

Yes, he doesn't hate them. They're kind of bleh... but still all right. The British are the crazy ones.

"-Burnt Food"


"-People who speak improper English"

Wait a minute. You tellin' me that I can't speak with my Southern (highly improved) accent? "Y'all" is one of them, heh.

"-Internet Lingo"

Well, I might use "lol" or "brb" sometimes, but I see no harm in using the little word like that sometimes.

"-Grand Theft Auto"

Yes, if you like blood, killing the innocent, women, and doing pointless mission with no overall point in the game but to get a stupid mansion, then something is seriously wrong with you. Yeah, YOU. Play Luigi's Mansion then.

"-People who think Arnold Schwarzennegar (Spelling????) is going to be a bad Governor"

Yeah, just because the guy's an actor, DOESN'T mean he's stupid. If he wasn't smart, he probably wouldn't be running for Governor.

"-People who use the same point in an argument but simply reword it as to make themselves look smart"

Yes, I suppose.

"If any of that offends you, too bad. It's called Freedom of Speech."


"I despise ignorant people."

So do I...

"Meowrik you are a weak-minded idiot. So is anyone else here that is brain-washed to think that hating France and its people is being patriotic."

Now, now, Meowrik is stating his opinion, TEM. He doesn't hate the French; he simply dislikes their acions.

"If everyone has too much irritation, how can we enjoy life?"

You tell me...

"You're being prejudice."

No, again, opinion stater is what Meowrik was doing.

"AAAHHHH! STOP WINKING AT ME!!! *curls into a shivering ball in a corner*"

*Trainman winks at TBB*

"See what politics does to people, everyone?"


"Erm, the French helped us about 200 or so years ago. I THINK (May be wrong) it was the War of 1812. Not sure about that, but I DO know the French aided the U.S. in SOME war against Britian."

Yes, Insane Steve, I believe you are correct.

"...Bush decides to start the draft again."

I don't think you'll be going anywhere. If he decide to reinstate it (highly unlikely) you must sign the draft list by law.

 "And then there's the American flags made in China. Ugh..."

I see no problem. Look at some of the things you own at your house; MOST everything we own has the little sticker "Made In China" or "Made In Tawiaan." (spelling?)

"~The commercialization of holidays/our feelings. Take 9/11. Soon, there's the people selling poor-quality I (heart) NY T-shirts that fade and tear after 4 washings for $20!"

Yes, I wore one the other day; it is all torn and peeling off. Yes, biggest rip off if I've ever seen one.

"...just to make you look patriotic for buying their crap!"

* Trainman buys no crap.

 "Now, it is about some fat guy in a red suit running around with gifts..."

Hey, my dad had to play Santa at my sister's work; she works as a babysitter at a church.

"...bratty 10-years olds insulting their parents because they are stuck up monsters who aren't content with the $1,800 their parents spent on them."

Yes, bratty kids fuel my urge to hit them because they think they're "all that" and grown up.

"I was, over the summer, typing an essay of EVERY rant I have about anything. It got to be 30 or so pages (10 pt font only!), and was less than 1/3 done, but then my computer got messed up and I lost it all. And I don't feel like re-typing all that."

I fell like doing that sometimes...

"Yes, I do have a lot to say."

Good, eat your heart out.
"Keep on keepin' on." ~Ryan Nyquist; pro BMX rider.

"Hmmm... I like the way you think, Insane_Steve."

Me too.

"I think I'll make up an angry list or something."

^See above response^

"-People who use "Gay" as a generic term, stating as in anything can be "Gay" including words, inanimate objects, and anything else."


"-Pop music and fans of it. Puh-lease... they think that some dweeb using a voice synthesizer is cool? Get real."

Michael Jackson; "King of Pop," perfect example. Look, he has triangular nostrils; have you noticed?

"-Smokers. I care not how hard it is to quit. You shouldn't have started in the first place. If you truly had a strong will, you wouldn't have started."

Wait, Meowrik, I;m sorry to say, but my mom smokes. We're trying to get her to stop... but I think the procrastinatio thing has hit; I'm not sure...

"You hate anorexic and bulimic people? That makes me want to cry. Hating someone for having a disorder? That's not right..."

It's a "disorder" that THEY chose to have. What you're saying is that you support people who stick their finger down their throats to make them throw up because they think that that makes them skinnier.

"Anoerxia and Bulimia is often a psychopseumatic disorder, and in most cases can be prevented if the person didn't follow all the thin super women of this moronic age we live in."

Yes we do live in a moronic age. A lady died because she was a mere 93 pounds at the age of 21. You should weigh 93 pounds when you're about in 4-6 grade or so. The cause; the people you seem to support, Markio.

"Oh now, don''t talk crazy. They''re not gonna to eat the man." ~Prof. E. Gadd
Formerly quite reasonable.

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2004, 04:35:48 PM »
All hail Trainman, the quote apprentice!!

*Bows down to Trainman*


-Bratty Little Kids. UGHHHH! I can't stand little brats who think they're grown up and the coolest thing since the Fonze. (Spelling?) THey don't think of their actions and show no appreciation for anything. Parents need to learn how to raise their children correctly, as many people who grew up in the 90's and stuff who now have children are leaving their dispicable imprnits on their kids, and this will only get worse as time rolls on.

-Vegetarians. I think they are hypocrites and they annoy me muchly. I know its their choice, and they can go ahead. I'm not gonna protest them and argue with them. I simply think they are hypocrticical since they feel bad about the animals, but what about plants? They're living things. How much would it hurt to have part of you chopped off? And yeast too. Whenever you eat bread, think of the poor yeast that got burnt to death in the oven! THey need to face it. Eating is murder. Don't call me prejudice either because two of my best friends are vegetarians.

-Fur Coats. Don't call me a hippie or anything, but real Fur coats are pretty pointless. If they can make fake fur that is indistinguishable from real fur, why bother? Don't call me a hypocrite for disliking real fur and vegetarians, because they're two completely different subjects.

-Perfume. I'm allergic to perfume, but even before I had these allergies, I didn't like it. It's so disgusting, really. It's basically scented alcohol with a bunch of other insane chemicals in it. Many people who use perfume or cologne use it simply because they don't shower as often as they should, and want to cover up their odor with it. Perfume-users are pretty ignorant too, because if you shower normally, maintain good hygiene , and use antipersperant regularily, you'll smell fine.

-Celery. DOn't ask me. I don't like it. It smells good, but I don't like its taste.

THis is my signature.
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2004, 04:55:16 PM »
"...with a bunch of other insane chemicals in it."

I haven't seen Insane Steve in any chemicals lately.

"-Celery. DOn't ask me. I don't like it. It smells good, but I don't like its taste."

Try it with peanut butter, Meowrik!!! It should tatse better that way!

"Oh now, don''t talk crazy. They''re not gonna to eat the man." ~Prof. E. Gadd
Formerly quite reasonable.

« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2004, 07:36:05 PM »
Some more irratating things:

- People who (like Paris Hilton) think that just for being rich, they are instantly better than others.

- When people talk during movies.

- When people use profanities a lot. I don't know why they feel they need to say so many disrespectful words in one sentence. It's probably just a bad habit, and I hope they eventually come to their senses.


  • Normal
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2004, 07:37:38 PM »
Dude, I'm not supporting people with a disorder.  My point was that hating someone for a burden they brought onto themselves is uncalled for.  Do your friends hate you when you make a bad decision that is only bad for you?  Hopefully not.  It's their life.  You shouldn't hate them for something they did to themselves.  Although they still need help to stop.  The End.

I''m the "trick" in "eccentric".
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Insane Steve

  • Professional Cynic
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2004, 08:37:41 PM »
Anorexics? Well, I really don't mind them, so long as they don't try and use this disorder (Or is it more of a "Disorder"?) to justify anything, except maybe why they are always sick and feel like they are dying. The one thing I'd like to see, however, is an anorexic going to a third world country and explaining to the starving residents there how she (Yes, she, something like 85% of anorexics are female -- and this likely stems from the super model image and the image of men as drooling shallow idiots. I hate society.) weighs 90 pounds and doesn't eat because it'll make her fat. That was be interesting, to say the least.

About vegetarians. I have considered that point, how plants are living things and no matter what you eat, it was made by killing SOMETHING. I don't really consider it hypocritical, though, moreso a double standard.

Hypocritical is the person who went out and killed some doctor because the murderer believed abortion was unjustified murder. I hate (Or at the least, severely loathe) that person. I should make a shameful award for hypocrites. I think I'll call it the "Jesse Jackson award for Excellence in the Field of Hypocrisy". Fitting.

About the flags. Not a big deal, just kind of ironic that Americans consider their flag so patriotic, when most of them aren't even made in America. At least it's better than the shoes made in an Indonesian sweatshop.

I don't mind violent video games. You play what you want. I prefer Mario and things like that; you can have your GTA. Just don't threaten my life over video game preferences, ok? (I'm serious here, someone said to me "People who like f[-]t games like Mario should be shot. Got that, [-]?" Pathetic.)

I tend to use profanites more than I should. Not because I think it makes me "cool", but because there isn't a non-profane word that accurately describes the strength of the emotions I feel at the time.

Stupid Quotes: (10th Edition)
"Super Mario Sunshine is an overhyped, boring kids` game with a fruity name that got higher ratings than it deserved."
"Aaron S." - with a dishonorable mention to Electronic Gaming Monthly magazine (Issue #165, pg. 24) for printing the opinions of people who don`t deserve to have opinions.


  • Normal
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2004, 09:00:15 PM »
Speaking of hypocrites, isn't it ironic how Moses killed a guy for beating someone?

I''m the "trick" in "eccentric".
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2004, 09:24:00 PM »
"- When people talk during movies."

Boy, does that bug me,too. Also, when people always ask questions during the movie like "What happens?" or something similar.

"Oh now, don''t talk crazy. They''re not gonna to eat the man." ~Prof. E. Gadd
Formerly quite reasonable.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2004, 09:53:01 PM »
Oh, also, an example of a hypocrite is when you talk behind someone's back or something similar, but when you talk to them in person or see them somewhere, you act all nice to them.

"I do one sit-up a day. I get up in the morning; that''s half. I lay down at night; that''s the other half. I figured out a long time ago that my body was just for carrying my head from place to place." ~Mark Lowry
Formerly quite reasonable.


  • Bob-Omg
« Reply #40 on: January 02, 2004, 12:54:31 AM »

Edited by - Trainman on 1/2/2004 12:07:11 AM
Formerly quite reasonable.


  • Normal
« Reply #41 on: January 02, 2004, 01:16:25 AM »
If I could go to the chatroom, I bet I could get along with him.  Or at least, he wouldn't bother me.  heehee.  But he does sound bad.

I''m the "trick" in "eccentric".
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2004, 02:36:41 AM »
Haha, Insane Chemicals. Steve, you're a chemical now? Hmm... Insane Steve is a type of perfume now. It makes you go insane when you use it. "New! Insane Chemicals! Add to anything to make it seem fancier!"

OH yeah! Movie talkers stink. I despise them.

-Animal-haters. I am an animal-lover so, do the math. I have yet to meet a person who has a valid reason for disliking all animals in general.

-Processed Chicken. If you don't know what this is, we need to talk so I can tlel you about this rancid stuff.

Oh, and by the by, this isn't a "hate List." It's a Pet Peeves list. I don't hate Anorexic people I just think they're annoying.

Oh and Traino, the "People who don't speak English correctly" is not aimed at people with accents. It's aimed at people like thugs who speak "Blinglish" or illegal aliens who don't take the time to learn English.

THis is my signature.
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.


  • Normal
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2004, 02:53:56 AM »
I just saw you in the chatroom

I''m the "trick" in "eccentric".
"Hello Kitty is cool, but I like Keroppi the best."

« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2004, 03:07:16 AM »
Oy, gevalt. There's so much stuff I could rant on and on about. But I'll keep it short and sweet. (Probably not..)

Mario Haters- Don't get me started! There are so mant people out there who I know dislike Mario very much. Their reason? Search me. I'm an avid artist,(by this, I mean I produce way too many Mario pictures per day.) and people just don't see why I bother with it.
"Mario's gay, y'know that?" You know who says proverbial garbage like this? You guessed it: The popular kids. Luckily, I've learned to tune people out. Completely. Unless they really want to get my attention, they leave me alone. But, some of my friends have trouble communicating with me when I do this. Whatever.

GTA- I could care less about this game. 'Nuff said.

Movie Talkers- What's worse than them just talking out loud is when the idiots leave their cell phones on. You're watchin' a friggin' movie! If you leave it on, you'll miss the plot! This happened to me during a screening of "The Matrix: Reloaded" Some loud mouth trash urchin had left his phone on, and instead of leaving the room, he decides he wants to talk to them there. Ughh.. "Yeah Bob, I'm at the movies. No, the MOVIES. You're, You're breaking up Bob.. BOB! YOU'RE BREAKING UP!" The movie was hard enough to follow. He didn't help. At all.

OOooh... I'd better sit down... Light headed..!

...And my dear sweet mother, she just looked at me like a cow looks at an oncoming train. She leaned right down next to me, and she said,"IT''S GOOD FOR YOU!!!"
More shtick than you can shake a stick at.
