
Author Topic: Top 10 Reasons GCN beats the pants off PS2 & Xbox!  (Read 26827 times)

« Reply #45 on: May 25, 2004, 09:54:45 PM »
Super Mario, I also agree with you on some things. I don't believe Black Mage is really saying that overall PS2 comes out on top, I think he's just trying to say that people shouldn't be all over GC and push PS2 aside, and vice versa. Super Mario, ALL games get old. Yes GTA gets old after awhile, but Double Dash!! does too. I do get sick of just racing on those same 16 tracks over and over again, and vs. mode has also gotten old. I 100 percented the game in about a 1-2 weeks. Something I think that goes for ALL games, GC or not, is that they are too easy and short. I've pretty much beaten everything on al of my game: Mario Party 4 & 5, Soul Caliber 2, SSBM, MK:DD, Sonic Mega Collection and Animal Crossing has gotten tiring. Everybody always buys a game thinking that it will last him/her, but then a month later (usually if even that) they beat the game or get sick of it and then spend another 50 bucks on another game that will just get old in a month or less. That goes for all games. I think the gaming companies are focusing too much on graphics and not enough on gameplay. One of my friends has pretty much given up on videogames due to easiness. Even rentals get beaten or very close. I borrowed Metroid Prime and beat it quickly and almost hard mode, but I had to return it. See my point?

Has anyone her ever wondered why we kill each other over arguments about games? Well, I geuss it is Mario, so it''s OK!


  • Inquiring
« Reply #46 on: May 26, 2004, 01:45:35 PM »
That's just discontentment. Be content with the games you have, since you can't always just go out and buy new ones whenever you want. Play a game 'til you get sick of it, then "recycle" your games--go back and play old ones. It's actually quite fulfilling.

Wise men talk because they have something to say;
fools, because they have to say something.
"The surest way to happiness is to lose yourself in a cause greater than yourself."

« Reply #47 on: May 26, 2004, 02:31:28 PM »
I sell my old games when a new system comes out.

"Deezer is a moron, he listens to people like you guys, well, actually, he''''s barely working on his site anymore, always busy with other crap. Sapphira and Chupperson feel like they own the forum, or at least they act it"~jon
Deezer was here.


  • Quadruped
« Reply #48 on: May 26, 2004, 03:53:51 PM »
I weep for you.

Go Moon!
Go Moon!

« Reply #49 on: May 26, 2004, 04:48:03 PM »
This really is one of those arguments that can't be answered. The most hardcore "fans" of a system are usually biased, because they haven't played the others; those of us with two or three of the competing systems tend to sit more neutrally. Just something I note.

PS2 isn't all sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Er, violence. GCN isn't all happy cutesy characters and steel drum Reggae-esque beats.

I agree with Sapphira on replay. Also, when you buy a game, you don't have to play it constantly and beat it as fast as possible; that's why you BOUGHT it. You can use it as a doorstop every other Wednesday if you want. Of course, the X-Box works better, in my opinion.

Play it some. Play your other games. Read a book. Find a cure for cancer. I don't care. If all you do is sit and play, play, play, then of course it's going to be super easily beaten in a short time; but then again, Nintendo probably knows that; by beating it fast and jumping in on the next 'fix,' you're giving them REASON to make the games easy.

Don't sell your old games, for the love of God. That's like selling your elder children into slavery after the new baby is born. I'm dead serious.

"Word I was in the house alone,
Somehow must have gotten abroad:
Word I was in my life alone.
Word I had no one left but God."
Kickin' it since 2000.

Chupperson Weird

  • Not interested.
« Reply #50 on: May 26, 2004, 09:54:58 PM »
I echo Fifth. *echo echo echo echo*
That was a joke.


  • Party Star
« Reply #51 on: May 26, 2004, 10:32:08 PM »
I don't like XBox. I like PS2 and I have one, but I definately like Nintindo better. I have an SNES, an N64 and a GBA. I hope to get a Game Cube sometime in the future.
It's Mario's world, I just live in it. :)


  • Party Star
« Reply #52 on: May 26, 2004, 10:37:29 PM »
I used to have an NES and a Sega Genesis, but they both broke. :(
It's Mario's world, I just live in it. :)

« Reply #53 on: May 26, 2004, 10:56:07 PM »
Graphics chart
1= Xbox
2= Playstation 2
3 Game cube
Playstation 2 has the WORST!
G-cube has a GREAT processor
Xbox has a good processor, from what I've heard

           Trade Mark Games
Game cube has the most. No system beats trademark like gamecube

PS2 has a fair amount of trade marks

Xbox.... Terribly small amount of trademarks

Some games on PS2 are plenty worse than gamecubes. Take RPG maker 2. It had the worst graphics. Name anything of Gamecube, or Xbox, with worse graphics than that. Also gamecube's Soul Calibur 2 is better than PS2's.

Edited by - luigifan on 5/26/2004 9:58:09 PM

« Reply #54 on: May 27, 2004, 04:11:36 PM »
Oh man! Just when I thought it was safe to remove my Stupidity Shield!

GameCube cremulates PS2 graphics.
PS2 has the most Trade Marks because it has the biggest library.
RPG Maker 2 has graphics like that because the designers didn't assume you knew 3D art design.

“I’m a stupid fatty and I love to play with my Easy Bake oven.”

Forest Guy

  • Anything else?
« Reply #55 on: May 27, 2004, 07:25:02 PM »
And who cares about graphics?! Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures has GBA graphics, but does that make it any less of a good game?

Luigifan, get your facts straight next time.

Nintendofreak sells all his games when a new system comes out? How dare he call himself a Nintendo "Freak!"

What part of the chicken is the McNugget, exactly?
= = = = = = =
Agender, curry fan, Top 10 lister, indie dev, gym hitter, musician, et al.

« Reply #56 on: May 27, 2004, 11:04:50 PM »
 a kid @ school told me that Gamecube had more trademarks. Srry.

« Reply #57 on: May 28, 2004, 11:26:55 AM »
Sapph, I do go back and play the games I own. For example, I'll go back and play Animal Crossing and see new things that have happened in my town. I'm just saying, the games are all too easy. A whole bunch of people I know don't sit around playing games all day, and they all say the games are too short and easy.

Looking at SSBM, it seems as if GameCube and Nintendo have the most trademark. I can't say much about Xbox, as I've only played it once for about 6.4 minutes. It does seem like that the only trademark Xbox does have Halo.

Has anyone her ever wondered why we kill each other over arguments about games? Well, I geuss it is Mario, so it''s OK!

Edited by - gamemaster79 on 5/28/2004 10:31:05 AM

« Reply #58 on: May 28, 2004, 11:44:12 AM »
 I think it has a few more trademarks.
 let me refrase that I now know "PS2 has more tm than gamecube.But gamecube has more tm than Xbox. Gamecube is more fun though."[how do you make tm really small?]
Yes though, it does seem gamecube has more tm.

« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2004, 07:00:12 PM »
This is a list of the reasons why Game Cube rules all video game systems.

The memory card is a very useful device to keep your saved game data on such a small yet so cool device. Sony and Microsoft never came up with the memory card idea. If your Game Cube memory card runs out of data space, you can get a new memory to replace your old one. Memory cards range from 59 to 1019 which is good for every gamer.

The new bongos may be too early to metion right now but you may have seen them in stores where games are sold. Thes bongos respond by taping your hand on the right or left bongos. You can even clap to make the bongos respond. Nintendo is making the bongos use their features by making two Donkey Kong games for the Game Cube by using the bongos. These bongos are very fun to use and may impress your non-gaming friends.

Those were all the things that were never said in this topic so I added these two reasons to show more reasons why the Game Cube is the best of all video game systems.
Werid Fortune Cookies- Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.
