« on: June 09, 2000, 02:25:39 AM »
alright, here it is...the list of lists. first of all, why are you taking out time honored nintendo mascots and replacing them with pokemon? that's blasphemy. second...the fact that putting rare characters(ie...diddy kong? [wtd]...he's lame as hell and would be a waste of time by **** good programmers), even though they were in nintendo published games, is ludicrous. so...how bout we keep it to nintendo originals?
-THE LIST-(there will be a * if they appeared in SmashBros1)
Bowser(can't have good guys without bad guy)
*Kirby(cmon, he's insanely cool)
Toad(short, p'oed and ready to throw down)
Zelda/Princess Toadstool(either way, we need a cool female character)
*Pikachu(he's in the first one, so he can stay)
*Link(obvious choice)
*(sorta)Original NES style donkey kong..not the retarded lookin rare version
-Secret Characters-
Goomba(can use mini goombas for special attacks)
Kid Icarus(you know whats up)
Gannon/Gannondorf(bad guy to counteract link)
Anyone from MikeTyson's Punch Out(hippo king perhaps?)
-New Powerups-
Mushroom(makes character 2 times size, harder to be knocked off stage,etc)
Ocarina(playing this results in random attacks)
GolfClub(mario golf style)
Mistic Pokeball(unlike the normal one which releases uber popular pokemon, why not have one just release a random enemy from an old nintendo game? example=spiny/octarots/metroid/etc)
Kuribo's Shoe(nuff said)
well..that's all from me i guess. to bad nothing i mentioned will be in their game. it'll probably be more pokemon and less actual nintendo hall o fame guys, which will be really sad. oh well; a homie can dream
can't he?
-save the drama for your momma-