I don't think the problem is video gamnes portraying females in a helpless light. It's society--both Japanese and American--that disempowers women through these stereotypes. These games are only a reflection of the attitudes of the people who create them... But it would great place to start, though!
In fact, it may already be changing! look at RPG characters already. In almost any game, females are integral to the plot, and help in fights just like guys. Final Fantasy Tactics is probably the best example of this: soliders' gender was completely unimportant to their fighting ability.
Anyway, Peach, too has proven her worth to the feminine cause, and people shouldn't get down on her. Look, she rules a kingdom by herself, she manages to cope with the constant threats of the Koopas, and did you notice she's a career woman? She hasn't married Mario! All this and she manages to keep her hair all nice all the time... EVen when she's drving a go-kart... So that's my two cents. Actually, it was probably more like three and a half, but...