
Author Topic: ¡ß円lè öÆ’ â€ hè gåmîñg sè×ès¡  (Read 14802 times)

« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2000, 02:34:35 PM »
I'm sure there are female gamers out there. I think there are a lot of female Mario game players too. We just don't happen to see them too often(well, at least I don't). If any of you female gamers want to drop me a line, my e-mail address is:

Owner of the Super Mario Super Center

P.S. I'm 12. Be sure to drop me a line, everyone!

« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2000, 02:52:10 PM »
i saw a girls game and cartoon called tenchi muyo.i saw a website and its like sailor moon only no sluts.sorry im straying off the topic.

« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2000, 02:55:18 PM »
and its going to be on toonami on july 3rd.get ready for more GIRL POWER!

« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2000, 04:08:26 PM »
I don't think the problem is video gamnes portraying females in a helpless light.  It's society--both Japanese and American--that disempowers women through these stereotypes.  These games are only a reflection of the attitudes of the people who create them... But it would great place to start, though!

In fact, it may already be changing!  look at RPG characters already.  In almost any game, females are integral to the plot, and help in fights just like guys.  Final Fantasy Tactics is probably the best example of this: soliders' gender was completely unimportant to their fighting ability.

Anyway, Peach, too has proven her worth to the feminine cause, and people shouldn't get down on her. Look, she rules a kingdom by herself, she manages to cope with the constant threats of the Koopas, and did you notice she's a career woman?  She hasn't married Mario!  All this and she manages to keep her hair all nice all the time... EVen when she's drving a go-kart... So that's my two cents.  Actually, it was probably more like three and a half, but...
Thank you for saving us but our princess is in another castle!

« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2000, 04:27:43 PM »
Mog007, Tenchi Muyo isn't a girl show. Why
is the main character(Tenchi, or course) a
male? Of course, Tenchi DOES hang around
women a lot, so I guess that's something.

Of course, these game makers are smoking
crack if they think a game starring a women
wearing hardly any clothing will sell! I'd
rather sit on a porcupine then listen to all
that blabber about how "just the sight of a
woman wearing nothing will sell a game"! I've
got a message for those game makers: When it
comes to gaming you'd better know your role
or shut your mouth, cause I'm trained in the
art of Kaio-Ken!


« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2000, 04:39:00 PM »
I'm not a girl, but I do agree with you guys oops! I mean girls. (Stupid sexist idoms... ;)) To clear up some confusion about Paper Mario (I believe Kat mentioned it) you WILL be able to control other party members. (Check's PM movie.) And although Mario's right hand dudes are always normal Mario enimies who you befriend (well, there not guys or girls...), has disclosed that at various points in the game you get to control Peach as she tries to escape from Bowser's floating castle. She's not taking THIS kidnapping lying down...

Yoshi's aren't sex sepecific either! Bree Breow!

« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2000, 04:43:58 PM »

Sorry, Yoshi348, I just take offense when
somebody thinks I'M a female.


« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2000, 05:10:23 AM »
might as well post a reply since i'm a male gamer and i've been in the industry for a while. first, sony has NOT made any game where the "slut" was the staring role(they have 3rd party developers like eidos to do that), secondly, why despise all these games with hot chicks in them? that honestly sounds just as idiotic as me complaining that the guys in TekkenTag(for ps2,since it looks the best out of the series) are just sick because they glamorize males as being buff and all pimp n stuff. will i do that? no. why? because it's stupid to complain about something that is as old as this country itself.( sells) so, how bout we just get back to the topic

*slaps himself*.

see, i LOVE me some girl gamers, they have to be some of the coolest people around. although most of them that i've encountered don't tend to play the game genre i do(fighting games), nor play them's always fun to actually have a girl/young lady that you can chat with about games.

*hint to all the fine ladies in here*

either way, girl gamers rock. period. the more we have, the better off we are(hell, i just want one for myself so i can have someone to kick it with besides the morons at the arcade), and the cuter they are; the faster they get my email address. ^_^



-save the drama for your momma-
-serving the universe pimp fighting game combo movies since 2001-

« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2000, 01:30:28 PM »
alright the other 6 GIRLS live with that hunk.:)but i already say that hes ugly.its gonna be funny with the bathtimes.its a girls show because supposedly there are more girls in the show but they say it tenchi masaki in japan.i also like the catfights.i have a movie of the show.

« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2000, 01:30:56 PM »
alright the other 6 GIRLS live with that hunk.:)but i already say that hes ugly.its gonna be funny with the bathtimes.its a girls show because supposedly there are more girls in the show but they say it tenchi masaki in japan.i also like the catfights.i have a movie of the show.


« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2000, 11:05:27 PM »
-__-;  hrr... again, I *really* need to check what I post more often... ^^; anyway... I just want to say, after reading a few of the new posts...[not really "new" but] The Biggest Boo, and MrWhitefolks bring up what I believe are the few main points why "the wonderful world of gaming" is confined to mainly males: Sterotypes, and for the fact that sex sells. [u-n-f-o-t-u-n-a-t-a-l-l-y...] However, this is just me, but The games I like the most are rpgs, fighting games [betcha' didn't see that coming] and action/puzzle games~think Legend of zelda, or even Bajo-kazooie. And unfortunally, I seem to be only one that I know of so that likes these kind of genera of games...I'll get to the point by saying that ;-; I'm starting to realize female gamers like me are rare... :(

•^v´~`·._•(·~Kat~·)•_.·´~`v^• [I really don't know what the point of my senseless babbleing on that was, but, hey~It's 1:06 in the morning and I have nothing better to do ;P]
