
Author Topic: Which game is better...  (Read 11828 times)

« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2000, 05:46:55 PM »
It seems there is some question over SMB3 and SMW. Well, truthfully, I like them both(Ok, so I like SMB3 better. So what?). SMB3 is great. It's packed with worlds, levels, settings, powerups, mini-games, bosses, graphics, replay value, and fun. SMW has all of those except for powerups, mini-games, and replay value. All of the powerups I can remember are the old trio, and I would hardly consider calling Yoshi a powerup. It did have some but not as many mini-games, SMB3 was full of them even if it did reuse 2 or so. And seeing them on the map was cool. After beating 96 goals, do you really want to do it again? The reason SMW tipped up to the middle of the balance was because of the good graphics, music, spirit, new things, and SAVE FUNCTIONALITY. SMB3 was great... but you couldn't save. As for SMB3 in SMAS - I would hardly consider saving your world saving at all! You can go right back to the world you were on(up to world 8) in the "old" SMB3 by actually beating I think 3 levels or less! But don't get me wrong... I'm not dissing SMW... I love both! Just giving my opinion... of course SMW isn't even one of the choices is it.................


« Reply #16 on: June 21, 2000, 06:19:30 PM »
I like the fact that you can't save in the classic "Mario" games.  That way, it's not too easy.  "Lost Levels" can't humanly be beaten without saves, though, so that's one exception.  "Mario 3" is absolutely perfect in difficulty, not too easy, not too hard.  "Mario World" and "Yoshi's Island" are too easy and "Lost Levels" and "Mario 2" are too hard.  "Mario 64" and "Mario R.P.G." are a different type of game, and saves are required there, just not (I think) in "Mario 1," "Mario 3," "Mario World," or "Yoshi's Island."
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #17 on: June 21, 2000, 10:57:43 PM »
Not only is it the best Mario game of all time  (SMW is a close second) if you read EGM #100, SMB3 is the second best game of all time on their 100 best games of all time list.(If you wanted to know, the #1 game was Tetris)
By the power of the Orange....

« Reply #18 on: June 22, 2000, 06:14:56 AM »
Relly?  Cool.  Which version of tetris was #1?  All of them in general or Tengens or Nintendos or which?

« Reply #19 on: June 22, 2000, 08:56:11 AM »
well, honestly; it just makes no sense to compare A)a 2d platformer, B)an rpg and C)a full 3d platformer/adventure game. the genre differences are to vast to actually compare games. i mean, cmon now; that's like comparing Tekken to Legend of Zelda. It just ain't gonna happen. the only thing those 3 games have in common is Mario. That's it. period



-save the drama for your momma-
-serving the universe pimp fighting game combo movies since 2001-

« Reply #20 on: June 22, 2000, 05:44:42 PM »
Now that I think about it, all of them are the best for their systems, but if you look at EGM's Best Games of all Time list, all three games are within the top 15.( SMW was #11, SM64 was #4, and SMB3 was #2.) Oh, and EGM said any version of Tetris was good.

By the power of the Orange....
By the power of the Orange....

« Reply #21 on: June 22, 2000, 07:53:04 PM »
Correction!  SMRPG was #26.  I know SMW wasn't one of the choices.  My mind was wandering at the time.^_^

By the power of the Orange....
By the power of the Orange....

« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2001, 05:28:41 PM »
The results are in (except maybe Florida : ).  Out of 23 votes cast here, under other topics, etc., we have-

"Super Mario Bros. 3"-11 votes
"Super Mario Bros. 2: The Lost Levels"-3 votes
"Super Mario Bros. 4: Super Mario World"-2 votes
"Super Mario 64"-2 votes
"Super Mario Bros. 5: Yoshi's Island"-2 votes
"Super Mario Bros. 2: the Dream Machine"-1 vote
"Super Mario R.P.G.: Legend of the Seven Stars"-1 vote
"The Super Mario Bros. Challenge"-1 vote

Lee "Mega 2" Sherman

Sneaky Lying Cheating Giant Ninja Koopa

Edited by - Mega 2 on 1/10/2001 4:03:02 PM
Mega 2
Cybernetic Abiogenesis Project

« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2001, 11:35:51 PM »
Yes!  I am Count von Count, and I like to count things!  I will now count the toes on my foot! One, two, three, four!  Four toes! Hahaha! <thunder booms in the distance>
Someone set up us the bomb!

Mario Maniac

  • Loose buttons
« Reply #24 on: January 11, 2001, 06:31:35 AM »
Okay Hinopio... What does a Sesame Street character have to do with the best Mario game ever?
People who like video games should also like Nintendo. People who don't like Nintendo obviously don't like video games.
