So, I haven't really looked to much into it, but are all the different gun skins available by way of unlockable means? I know that they are the main thing you get from doing stuff in the earlier games, but are all the ones available that way? Because I've seen people with a number of skins, and I know you can buy them, and I'll admit to not understanding one bit why someone would buy that. What's 240GP, like $3 right? For something that took one of the art guys probably a couple hours to do. Maps? Okay, sure, I might pay for something that actually has gameplay additions. Not much, because I'm cheap and poor, but hypothetically, sure. Of course, if it is all available though the gameplay, this just looks insane.
Also, I forgot how much I hate shotguns. I can't hit jack. Enemies are surgeons. I am taking forever to get better.
And Beast is so much fun.