Now to explain that party story I was talking about before. See, back when I was in grade school, it was tradition that every year I had a summer/end of the schoolyear party. You know, pool, games, barbecue, volleyball, etc... All that stuff. 10 years in a row, actually, it went.
Well back in 8th grade or whatever year it was that Vidgmchtr started talking to me, he became incredibly excited at the fact we lived about 30 minutes away from one another, and kept insisting that we meet up. Being young and dumb I agreed, but didn't really want to have him over my house since I felt embarassed to tell my parents "This is (can't remember his name). I met him on the internet." Anyway, he got wind of the fact I was having one of those parties, and told me he wanted to come. Despite my protests, I eventually just gave up and said he could come.
So the day of the party, he arrived late and didn't know anyone there obviously. He came inside, plopped down in front of the television and watched my friends play Four Swords Adventures, but didn't play when asked if he wanted to. When we all got tired of being inside we went back in the pool and stuff. He stayed inside the whole while and watched television by himself. When we came back inside he wasn't there, and went home I assumed. Later on my parents asked me who he was and why he was by himself and I responded "I'm not sure."
Yep. Good times.