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Messages - Black Mage

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Site Discussion / Re: The Chef a mod?
« on: August 07, 2010, 04:36:40 PM »
 Chef became a mod just recently.

I don't want a member who bumps threads for no reason but I'm stuck with Glorb.

But I will agree, in this case I don't personally think locking the thread was necessary. I'm not going to undermine Chef and unlock it, but you have to realize it's a judgment call on the part of the mod/admin.

If you actually want to know why something was done, ask them instead of criticizing.

General Chat / Re: Video Editing Help
« on: August 06, 2010, 09:47:24 PM »
I'd suggest some programs, but those would require torrenting, and I'm not too sure if I'm allowed to endorse that around here nor whether your views on torrenting are the same as mine, and even if they are, whether you wanna download a client for being able to download some of that stuff.

You mean stealing? No, we don't endorse stealing here.

Video Game Chat / Re: Pokemon Topic
« on: August 04, 2010, 06:38:59 PM »
Yes, well now we have this thing: [bat-thing image]

Still better than Zubat.

Video Game Chat / Re: Dragon Quest IX General
« on: July 30, 2010, 09:31:50 PM »
Yup, I've got it and am a little ways into it.

Been fun so far.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:40:46 PM »
If they're going to advertise it as being the full game when they give it away, then they shouldn't exclude it from enabling Garry's Mod.  And no, I'd rather not pay 200% of the actual price of GM just because getting it for free doesn't work.  I've said this many, many times: I don't have the money to shell out on games at will.  I have to prioritize which games I want and then prioritize which games I really want because games are expensive.  I don't have the money to spend on a copy of a game I already have to get a feature that maybe should have been included already.

Also, I was really cheesed off when I wrote that initial complaint.  The shock had not worn off, if you will.  I'm looking at it with a more level head now, and while I realize that I have no real right to be able to run GM with my copy of Portal, it was still a dumb idea to exclude free games from enabling one to purchase it.

That's cool and all, but it's not like your situation is unique. Before I had a job, I had to ration my spending too. But what irks me, is that your posts ultimately boil down to you complaining about a game you got for free. And even more so that you continue to do it.

You did not spend any of your money and you got to experience Portal in its entirety. You got something for free that many people before you paid for. The 'price' you paid, for not buying it, is a missing extra feature. It's an enticement for those who actually, you know, support the company.

I just don't understand how you can sit here and complain. I really can't. The sense of entitlement and complete lack of appreciation, especially for someone who "doesn't have the money to shell out on games at will", that you're displaying towards a product given to you completely baffles me.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: July 24, 2010, 09:12:38 PM »
I'm not complaining about getting a "full" game for free, I'm complaining about that "full" game not counting as a Source game for Garry's Mod solely because I got it for free, when it would have if I had bought it.  I would have to purchase a game I already own, rendering my getting it for free completely invalid.

So you didn't play Portal at all? You're only going to use it solely for Gary's Mod? Are you for real? Here's what I'm reading:


Portal's a solid game, you got it for free and are acting like a spoiled little kid. You want "all" of the content, go buy it.

General Chat / Re: The ANGST thread: Complain here!
« on: July 24, 2010, 05:32:18 PM »
Well, can't get Garry's Mod because apparently my complimentary copy of Portal doesn't count as a source game because it was free.  So if I want that game, I'll have to buy Portal again, meaning I won't be getting it for less than thirty bucks.

Greedy jerks.

You mean you'd have to buy it. Not buy it again.

God, what is wrong with kids these days. You got a full game for free and you're complaining. Give me a break.

I'm not saying all battles should be removed. I'm just saying that when you've been playing for over a hundred hours and you're walking around with your team of ubers, it would be nice if you were no longer required to take time out to kill a Zigzagoon every ten seconds.

What are your feelings on repels?

General Chat / Re: Luigison's Dual #1: The Chinese Room
« on: July 22, 2010, 11:30:34 PM »
I think he's getting at the why. Do you respect your machines because by doing so you're ensuring that they will continue to operate for your benefit in the future, or are you doing it because you care about their position and stature in "life"?

Assuming you respect other people's property, you don't do it because of the property itself, but because it has value to another human being-- a human being you at some level have respect for.

I think the point is you treat "machines" and humans differently (and you'd be insane not to), and if you were fine with being treated as a machine, you'd be saying you're fine with being treated as a lesser. Personally, I think that's a weird place to take the discussion and ultimately is irrelevant.

"Meat Machine," at least to me, has a negative connotation. As I believe being "human" is something intrinsically valuable, removing that from the equation will of course devalue it.

General Chat / Re: Internet personification
« on: July 20, 2010, 05:23:53 PM »
You really think TV Tropes belongs in that image?

Edit: And three pages? Come on guys.

So, "I'm too lazy to ration my four moves."

Same idea.

General Chat / Re: Luigison's Dual #1: The Chinese Room
« on: July 19, 2010, 10:00:20 PM »
I want to say, "Yeah, sure, humans are just complex machines that operate at a level computer programs have yet to emulate", but then I think about myself and have a hard time completely agreeing with that.

I don't have any solid backing for my thoughts, but when I can sit here, connect dots, make logical assertions, and then decide to do something completely different-- all while realizing it is not logical, I have to think there's some difference between humans and machine AI. I make my own decisions whether they're rational or not and I can't help but think it's anything more than freewill.

When I was still in school, I wrote a Neural Network in Scheme. I'm familiar with the concepts and Machine learning is an area of interest of mine, but to struggle with the question of "Are we really the same?" isn't something I do often. I figure, I make my own decisions, and if someone or something wants to take credit for them-- so be it. I'm still going to go right ahead and keep making them regardless.

I don't know, I'm not sold on it.

You haven't given me a compelling reason as to why it should be there. "I'm too lazy to pick one of my four moves" isn't convincing me.

You could still do the MegaTen style Auto Battle by actually selecting the attack you want, ala Persona 1/2. Although, I'm not sure if that's really necessary to be grabbing features from other games and shoehorning them into this. MegaTen battles are pretty different than Pokemon's, and I'd have to consider whether or not I see much of a benefit in including it.

Video Game Chat / Re: Pokemon Topic
« on: July 16, 2010, 08:54:54 PM »

Cute, Japan.


Video Game Chat / Re: Pokemon Topic
« on: July 16, 2010, 08:07:50 PM »
I don't really have a response to that.

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